FACULTY OF SPORT SCIENCE YOGYAKARTA STATr UNIVERSITY In cooperration with ISORI and (Ministry of Youth and Sport, Republic of Indonesia Number : 878/UN3^.16/KP/2011 This is to certify that has attended International Seminar III on Sport and Physical Education with the given theme : "STRIVING FOR WORl D SPORT ACHIVEMENTS THROUGH SPORT AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION" conducted by Faculty of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State Univ£.•si^/ on May 24, 2011 as Oean bt F^c<!!ty of Sport science V Drs. Sumarj^anto, M.Kes NlPrlSeloSOl 199001 1 001 ' ^-^^y^^ May 24, 2011 Dr. Siswmrbyo NIP. 19720310 I'^^SOS 1 002