How to make composites out of multiple observations ? Thierry Dudok de Wit1, Greg Kopp2 1LPC2E, CNRS/University of Orléans, 2LASP, Boulder " " No composites without data stitching… " How to handle data gaps ? " " The TSI composite " " " " " " Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) records overlap but disagree in their absolute level. Merging them into one single composite is a crucial but also very challenging task. This has also become a topic of considerable debate [Krivova et al., Fröhlich & Lockwood, Willson & Scafetta, etc.]. Data gaps are a problem when computing the wavelet transform. However, they can be easily filled in by expectation-maximization [Dudok de Wit, A&A 533 (2011)]. We flag them, so that they do not affect the final outcome. " Rationale: all TSI records emanate from observations of the same Sun with instrument measurement noise added. Next, to build the composite: 1) Do a weighted average of the wavelet coefficients by using a Bayes scheme to determine the optimal weights (based on the uncertainties given for each record). 2) Inverting the wavelet transform gives the Bayes composite and its confidence interval. " 1374 " " " 1370 ACRIM 1 ACRIM 2 ACRIM 3 ERBS/ERBE NIMBUS/ERB PMO 6 DIARAD TIM 1368 1366 1364 1362 1362 Some of the TSI observations made since 1980. 1360 " " *Bayes ± 1 *ACRIM *SARR *PMOD ACRIM3 TSI [arb units for offset] " 1372 TSI [W m−2] " 1362.5 1358 1980 1985 1990 1995 year 2000 2005 VIRGO TSI [W/m2] " ERBS Bayes composite (green) and 3 common composites 1361.5 1361 TIM 1360.5 2010 " Jan02 What is the best strategy ? take a weighted average Apr02 Jul02 Oct02 Jan03 year Apr03 Jul03 Example of observed TSI records (color) and their interpolation (grey), based on the expectation-maximization technique. for each day, select the least noisy instrument 1360 1975 Oct03 1980 1985 1990 1995 year 2000 2005 2010 " " for each day, select your favorite instrument How does each TSI record compare with our composite ? take a simple average " none of the above " • work in wavelet domain rather than in the time domain: compute the wavelet transform to convert each record into a series of wavelet coefficients • for each day, merge the wavelet coefficients by using a Bayesian approach = use all the available information - don’t discard any data • do an inverse wavelet transform to get back in the time domain. End result is the Bayes composite and its confidence interval (posterior probability distribution) " Multiscale analysis is needed " " " Using a discrete wavelet transform, we convert each record into a series of time-dependent wavelet coefficients (time-scale decomposition). 0 −0.2 −0.4 ACRIM3 VIRGO TIM *SARR −0.6 −0.8 −1 −1.2 −1.4 2008 1.5 year 2009 1 0.5 wavelet decomposition ACRIM3 VIRGO TIM *SARR 0 −0.5 " " " " • The Bayesian approach has been successfully used before for paleoclima@c reconstruc@ons [Tingley et al., J. Climate 23 (2010)]. Here we advocate the same approach for merging TSI records because it is rigorous and naturally incorporates all available informa3on. " • By merging of the observa@ons in wavelet space, we overcome problems caused by discon@nui@es in @me & are able to pick out at each scale those records which are most relevant. " • The Bayes composite we obtain (s@ll preliminary) indeed shows be4er noise proper3es than other composites. " • This approach is now being considered by an ISSI team (lead by Greg Kopp) that will deliver a new TSI composite. It will also be used for merging SSI records in the SOLID project (see talks by Margit Haberreiter & Micha Schöll). " " S3ll in progress " • A fully Bayesian scheme requires a lot of computa@on & mathema@cs. We’re s@ll working on that… and this will take @me " • This method requires realis3c confidence intervals for the observa3ons (@me-­‐dependent or not), which hardly exist. We’re now developing our own (empirical) scheme for es@ma@ng such confidence intervals. ACRIM1 ACRIM2 " 2 ACRIM3 1 ERBS Th residuals = difference between observations and the Bayes composite. 0 PMO6 DIARAD red = observed grey = interpolated TIM *ACRIM " *SARR " *PMOD " 1980 1985 1990 1995 year 2000 2005 2010 " Before 1990 the VIRGO and ACRIM composites don’t describe the most probable value of the TSI but rather the upper and lower edges of the distribution. The agreement is better for the last solar cycle, except for the SARR composite. " " The Bayes composite has lower high-frequency noise than each individual record " " 1 Spectrum of TSI records − normalised to same total power 10 " " " " " " " 0 10 10 −2 10 −3 10 −4 " Power spectral densities of all records (estimated by windowed Fourier transform). −1 " " −1 −1.5 0 Conclusions HF residuals [W/m2] arbitrary offset The approach we advocate " " " " " " residual error vs Bayesian composite power spectral density [a.u.] " 2015 10 ACRIM1 ERBS HF ACRIM2 HF ACRIM1 ACRIM2 ACRIM3 ERBS PMO6 DIARAD TIM Bayes −2 10 ACRIM3 PMO6 DIARAD TIM Bayes −1 10 frequency [1/day] 0 10 The Bayes composite exhibits a lower noise floor at high frequency (daily-weekly variations). 100 200 coefficient number 300 400