Quality in clinical nursing

Quality in clinical nursing
Dr. Amean A.Yasir,2013
Assist prof /College of Nursing /University of Babylon
Quality is a product of the interaction of individual, technical,
organizational, regulatory and economic factors.
“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high
intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful
execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”
(many variations attributed to others) William
Poor quality care :
not only results in unnecessary deaths and injuries, but also
adds significantly to the costs of patients and the organizations
that finance care.
Barriers to Healthcare Quality
1. Lack of clear focus; no goal
Diagram of the Professional Nursing Practice Model
This diagram of the Professional Nursing Practice Model is
designed to provide a visual representation of the fundamental
components of nursing practice
Here are some of the quality deficits:
 During the last decade alone, more than 70 publications in leading peerreviewed
journals have documented serious shortcomings in quality."
 More than 40 percent of patients with chronic conditions have more
than one medical problem. Yet health care operates in "silos." Physicians,
hospitals and other health care organizations often deliver care without
the benefits of complete information about a patient's condition,
medical history, services being provided in other settings or medications
prescribed by other doctors.
 It takes an average of about 17 years on average for new knowledge
about medical care to go from scientific studies to actual practice of
 Only a small fraction of physicians use current technologies -- e.g., e-mail
-- to communicate with patients.
 "During the last decade alone, more than 70 publications in leading peerreviewed
journals have documented serious shortcomings in quality."
 More than 40 percent of patients with chronic conditions have more than one
medical problem. Yet health care operates in "silos." Physicians, hospitals and
other health care organizations often deliver care without the benefits of
complete information about a patient's condition, medical history, services
being provided in other settings or medications prescribed by other doctors.
 It takes an average of about 17 years on average for new knowledge about
medical care to go from scientific studies to actual practice of medicine.
 Only a small fraction of physicians use current technologies -- e.g., e-mail -- to
communicate with patients.
The answer to these quality deficits:
Quality improvement must become a way of life in health care, replacing today's
incessant fighting among insurers and providers
Investments in quality improvement
Make health care convenient
Make the patient a partner in his or her own care.
Nurse Staffing, Quality of Care, and Outcomes: