Winter 2015—Volume 24 Number 1 New Mural Pictured with the mural are artist Clint Hansen (left) and Nancy and Rich Degner (right). Nancy and Rich helped fund this timeless piece of art. The new artwork portrays important people, animals and events in the Department of Animal Science and hangs in the atrium at the Jeff and Deb Hansen Agriculture Student Learning Center. The mural shown above is one of two, and is built using stained glass. Animal Science Greetings from the Department of Animal Science Jason Ross Dear Alumni and Friends, It is with a great sense of pride that I write my first “greetings from the department” note to you. I consider it a privilege and honor to serve this department, where I completed my B.S. degree in 1971. It has been a busy and gratifying first 10 months. Highlights include yet another increase in enrollment to 1112 undergraduate students and an addition of five new faculty to the department, development of a new department web site led by Keri Morris, our new Program Coordinator; the Animal Science Teaching Farms 50th anniversary celebration, Jason Ross named Director of the Iowa Pork Industry Center, and the International Conference on Feed Efficiency in Swine, held in Omaha in October. On October 1, Dr. Jason Ross was named the Iowa Pork Industry Center Director. Dr. Ross was born to Wayne and Marla Ross, pork producers in Poweshiek County. He was raised in central Iowa, prior to his family relocating to the Iowa City area. He received a Bachelor of Science from Iowa State University (2000) and a Master of Science (2003) and PhD (2006) from Oklahoma State University. Ross joined the workforce at Iowa State in 2008 as an assistant professor in the Animal Science Department. Staying active in research, teaching graduate courses, advising and mentoring students and working with outreach has been something that he has enjoyed over the years. Dr. Ross has been an author or co-author on numerous peer-reviewed publications and has been the investigator or co-investigator on 20 funded grants. He is currently an Associate Professor of Animal Science and the Lloyd Anderson Endowed Professor in Physiology. Dr. Rodrigo Tarte’ started his appointment as assistance professor in meat science in April, bringing with him over 16 years of experience in the meat processing industry. Greg Krahn started his Lecturer position the first day of classes this fall after completing his M.S. with Tom Baas. Dr. Jesse Juarez, B.S., M.S. and D.V.M alum, joined the department in a new Lecturer position, to teach the Anatomy and Physiology Lab course. Dr. Hugo Ramirez started October 12 as our new Dairy Nutrition/Management faculty member, and Dr. Stephan Schmitz-Esser started November 23 to fill a new Presidential High-impact faculty position in Metagenomics. Dr. Elizabeth Bobeck will fill our Poultry Nutrition position January 1, 2016, after completing her Ph.D. and postdoc at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In addition to being the Iowa Pork Industry Center Director, Dr. Ross will continue to spend approximately 60% of his time performing research. From basic to applied science, his research is focused on swine reproduction. Core research areas include 1) investigating seasonal infertility and effects of heat stress on pig reproduction, 2) mechanisms of oocyte and early embryo development and 3) assisted reproductive technologies including genetic modification. The department received a gift of valuable used equipment and financial support for upgrading swine facilities to be used for research focused on determining how health challenges can be better managed when new virus or other pathogen infections occur. Additional support was provided by the Dean to update ventilation and temperature control of the Discovery Wing at the Swine Nutrition Farm. The Iowa Pork Producers Association signed an agreement to provide $100,000 per year for five years in support of recruiting top students to work on M.S or PhD degrees investigating important research topics in swine production. New microscopes were purchased for use in Dr. Curt Youngs’ reproductive physiology and other courses. New undergraduate student scholarships were funded and purchase of desperately needed additional furniture for the Kildee Atrium hallway and other areas was made possible from private donations. IPIC Director, Assistant Professor Although Dr. Ross said he will miss time spent teaching and advising undergraduate students he is excited about the opportunity to interact with producers and members of the industry. Dr. Ross said “I see opportunities to strengthen the interface between ISU faculty, swine extension field specialists and members of the pork industry and add synergies in research, outreach and education of producers. I also see a lot of opportunities to work with partners such as the Iowa Pork Producers Association and other groups that are invested in positively influencing animal agriculture in Iowa. Those are things that I look forward to doing”. Dr. Ross resides in Story County with his wife Rose Mary and five children; Abbey 14, Jake 12, Gracie 10, Lane 8 and Zack 7. Dr. Jason Ross Faculty and students continue active involvement in international programs, including instruction, workshop participation, study tours and work with the Center for Sustainability of Rural Livelihood in Uganda. Drs. Jason Ross, Curt Youngs and I accompanied Dr. Max Rothschild to learn about and participate in the CSRL visit in August. Undergraduate students participating presented posters describing their experiences and achievements there. Progress is being made on developing design plans and seeking funding for new Swine and Poultry Farm facilities and a new feed mill. Efforts continue to seek funding for renovation of the Farm Bureau Pavilion and the ruminant nutrition labs in Kildee. Renovation of the Meat Lab is also needed. Thank you alumni for your continued support of the department and its teaching, research and extension programs. It is our primary mission to prepare students for effective support of our livestock, meat and agricultural industry. Sincerely, Dr. Don Beermann, Professor and Chair 2 Winter 2015 Assistant Professor Central American born, bilingual Dr. Rodrigo Tarté grew up in Panama City, Panama. He is a life-long Cyclone, having received B.S. and M.S degrees in Food Science & Technology and a PhD in Food Science & Technology and Meat Science from Iowa State University. After college he worked in the meat processing industry for 19 years, the majority of time spent in various research & development roles at Oscar Mayer Foods (Kraft Foods) in Madison, WI. His last position was at the John Morrell Food Group (Smithfield Foods) in Lisle, IL. At John Morrell, as Director of Research & Development, Dr. Tarté led a team that was responsible for new product development, all the way from product concept to product design/development and through to commercialization. His team also was involved in troubleshooting production issues, and he provided scientific and technical perspectives to help guide business decisions. Dr. Tarté is currently an Assistant Professor with an appointment of 60% research and 40% teaching. His research area focuses on processed and value-added meat products, primarily on the development and application of ingredient and process technologies to enable product innovation and increase product value. He seeks to provide better scientific understanding of major technical challenges faced by meat processors, so that viable solutions can be developed and implemented. The process of transforming raw agricultural commodities into high-quality consumer food products is something that Dr. Tarté enjoys. More specifically he says, “I relish the opportunity to establish a strong research program in the field and to train and mentor students as they prepare for their careers.” “I relish the opportunity to establish a strong research program in the field…” Dr. Tarté has three primary goals in mind. He says, “The first is to make my lab the go-to place for research partners in processed and value-added meats. The second is to effectively equip my graduate students with the skill set that will help them be successful and become influential industry leaders. The third is to be a very effective teacher and mentor of undergraduate students.” —Dr. Rodrigo Tarte Dr. Tarté resides in Ames with his wife, Mercedes, and their youngest son David (sophomore at Ames High). Their oldest son, Daniel, also resides in Ames and is a junior in Food Science at ISU. Dr. Tarté is an avid road bicyclist and enjoys biking in the Iowa countryside. Hugo Ramirez Assistant Professor Dr. Hugo Ramirez is originally from the state of Guanajuato in Mexico. He grew up surrounded by agricultural education because his father and older sister are faculty members at the Autonomous University of Chapingo, the largest agricultural university in Mexico. He attended the University of Chapingo where he completed an agricultural high school program and earned a Bachelor’s degree in Animal Science. Upon graduation, Dr. Ramirez managed a state-of-the-art dairy farm in central Mexico that was equipped with a methane digester that fueled electric generators to supply energy to the farm. He also had the opportunity to get involved in large herd dairy management in the Torreon area in northern Mexico. Subsequently, he completed his graduate education at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln conducting applied research in dairy nutrition including evaluation of corn silage hybrids and ethanol co-products for dairy cows. Dr. Ramirez joined the Texas A&M system in January of 2014 as Assistant Professor and Director of the Southwest Regional Dairy Center at Tarleton State University and Research Scientist with Texas A&M AgriLife Research. A forward thinking research-based extension program that is producer-focused in the areas of herd management, forage quality and preservation, and nutrient utilization is what Dr. Ramirez would like to develop while at ISU. Dr. Ramirez said, “I am eager to work with the ISU Dairy Challenge team; I think that having the opportunity to prepare future dairy professionals is a privilege and I look forward to it. I am excited to have the opportunity to work with the Extension Dairy Team, faculty and students of the Animal Science Department and other disciplines at ISU.” Dr. Ramirez has a wife, Barbara, who is pursuing her Master’s degree in Food Safety. 3 Dr. Hugo Ramirez Faculty News Rodrigo Tarté Faculty News Animal Science Stephan Schmitz-Esser Associate Professor From across the ocean comes a new member of faculty! Dr. Stephan Schmitz-Esser grew up in the Southwesternmost part of Germany, in the Black Forest. He studied biology with a major in microbiology at the Technische Universitaet Muenchen in Germany from 1996 until 2001. He started a PhD thesis at the Technische Universitaet Muenchen in 2001 and in 2003 moved to Vienna and the University of Vienna, where he finished his PhD thesis. From 2004 to 2010 he worked as a Postdoctoral Associate at the Division of Microbial Ecology, University of Vienna with a main focus on nucleotide transport proteins in intracellular bacteria, genome sequencing and analyses of Amoebophilus asiaticus and Cardinium hertigii. He started a new position as postdoctoral associate in 2010 and then in 2014 became a group leader at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna at the Institute for Milk Hygiene, Milk Technology and Food Science. His main research areas were: 1) Microbiome characterizations of farm animals; 2) Ecology of food-borne pathogens: persistence of Listeria monocytogenes in food production environments; 3) Symbiosis research: host cell interaction mechanisms of Amoebophilus asiaticus and of Cardinium hertigii. Dr. Stephan Schmitz-Esser is now an Associate Professor focusing on metagenomics. He likes to work with animals and one of his aims is to better understand the impact of microbes on animals and vice versa, to ultimately improve animal health and well-being. Dr. Schmitz-Esser said, “I’m happy to be at ISU and the Department of Animal Science because I will have the opportunity to use my past research to obtain more holistic insights into the relationship of animals with their microbes. I’m seeking a new challenge and this will be a great change for me.” “I’m happy to be at ISU…I’m seeking a new challenge…” —Dr. Stephan Schmitz-Esser Dr. Schmitz-Esser resides in Ames with his wife, Marion and two sons, Elias, 11 and Valentin, 8. Jessica Juarez Lecturer Dr. Jessica Juarez grew up on a small hobby farm close to Glenwood, Iowa. She was very active in 4-H and FFA throughout school. As a freshman in high school she attended an Animal Science Round-Up session held at Iowa State University and she instantly knew she wanted to join the Animal Science program and attend college at ISU. Dr. Juarez said, “I enjoyed the interaction with the faculty members of the Animal Science Department and the knowledge and dedication they had for animals was inspiring.” A life as a Cyclone was her destiny as she attended ISU and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal and Dairy Science, a Master’s in Animal Science and graduated from the ISU Veterinary College in 2014 with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree focusing on production animals. After completing school Dr. Juarez moved to Waupun, Wisconsin to work at a large dairy veterinary practice. She really liked the ability to work with production animals, especially dairy. She gained some great experience and insight while working as a dairy veterinarian and is looking forward to sharing that knowledge with her students. Dr. Juarez is now a faculty member in the Department of Animal Science and will be advising, recruiting and teaching anatomy and physiology to students. Dr. Juarez said, “I am excited to be at Iowa State and work with students teaching and advising. The passion and dedication that the students have for animals and agriculture is amazing. I am honored to work with some of the best faculty in the nation and look forward to professional growth through the Animal Science Department.” Dr. Juarez resides in Ames and has family close by as her brother is an Agronomy major at ISU. Trey Faaborg Dr. Jessica Juarez 4 Winter 2015 Greg Krahn Assistant to Associate Adjunct Instructor Greg Krahn is a Wisconsin native. While growing up he was actively involved in 4-H and showing livestock at the county, state and national level. He received a BS in Animal Science at Western Illinois University in the spring of 2012. While at WIU Greg was heavily involved in Ag Council, Hoof-N-Horn Club and Livestock Judging. He interned at The Maschhoffs in Carlyle, Illinois, and served as VP and Central Region Director of the National Junior Swine Association Board of Directors. Dr. Stephanie Hansen In the fall of 2012 Greg started his graduate work at Iowa State University under the direction of Dr. Tom Baas. While attaining a master’s degree he managed the ISU Swine Teaching Farm for 3 years. He completed his master’s in the summer of 2015. Currently, Greg is an Adjunct Instructor in the Department of Animal Science where he teaches and advises students throughout the year. He is also pursuing his PhD in Animal Science. received a B.S. from The passion and energy the students exude is, without question, Greg’s favorite part of being at ISU. Greg adds, “There are so many unique opportunities for students to grow and be involved with animals and agriculture. The addition of the Jeff and Deb Hansen Agriculture Student Learning Center is a huge positive not only for the Department of Animal Science but also for ISU and Ames as it is a much needed meeting space and venue to hold club, farm, judging team and community functions. I’m working with some of the best faculty in the world at one of the most prestigious colleges in the country for Animal Ag. I’m proud to work at Iowa State University and am excited to become a better communicator and educator!” State University. Her was promoted from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor with tenure. She Iowa State University, a Master’s and PhD from North Carolina appointment is 70% research and 30% teaching. In research, the three main areas of focus are trace mineral nutrition, alternatives to corn (including characterizing novel feedstuffs) and feed efficiency in beef feedlot cattle. She oversees a ruminant nutrition lab of five graduate students and one post-doc. It’s no secret that Dr. Hansen enjoys working with students as she received the CALS Early Achievement in Teaching Award and the University Honors Program Award of Excellence in Mentoring and Teaching. Dr. Hansen said “I enjoy helping undergraduate students get the opportunity to experience science and research and have a new appreciation for it.” Advanced Nutrition, Graduate Ruminant Nutrition and Graduate Vitamins and Minerals are three classes Dr. Hansen teaches. Over the past five years, she’s “I’m working with some of the best faculty in the world at one of the most prestigious colleges in the country for Animal Ag.” had fun developing a domestic beef to travel, observe and gain practical —Greg Krahn travel course in which students get the opportunity to learn about topics in the classroom and take two weeks understanding of beef systems outside the Midwest. 5 Animal Science Staff Additions Keri Morris Tom Williams Samone York Jessica Heyer Erika Lundy Timothy Hicks Valerie King Bethann Johnson Cameron Hall Erin Laughlin Tim Christensen Richard Roths Katie Kleinhenz Thayne Vinchattle Agricultural Specialist II/Dairy Farm Oversees the parlor and lactation barn at the Dairy Farm and is responsible for the milk produced from dairy cows each day as well as their care. Animal Caretaker II/Dairy Farm Caretaker of the animals in the dairy lactation barn and parlor and is an assistant to ISU veterinarians as needed. Mike Zweibahmer Jamie Williams Program Coordinator for the Department of Animal Science Designs and maintains the animal science website, plans and executes department events and provides administrative support to the department. Program Assistant Provides administrative support to the Animal Physiology section of Animal Science. Extension Program Specialist II/ Iowa Beef Center Assists the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach’s beef team in program planning, research assessment and producer education. Communications Specialist I/ Dairy Records Management Systems Writes and provides graphic design services of print and video training pieces as well as promotional pieces for the software and services of DRMS. Agricultural Specialist III/ Assistant Poultry Farm Manager Assists manager in the supervision of on-farm research, day to day operations and coordinating resources to further the teaching mission of farm. Agricultural Specialist I/Swine Breeding Swine caretaker at the Lauren Christian Swine Breeding Farm and assists with helping to maintain the ISU Horse farm. Agricultural Specialist II/Dairy Farm Feeds the lactating and growing cows at the Dairy Farm each day as well as quality control of rations and ingredients of feed provided to the cows. Agricultural Specialist I/Beef Nutrition Works with the grow-safe unit, daily care of the animals, and wherever he is needed on the beef nutrition farm. Animal Caretaker II/Dairy Farm Caretaker of the animals in the dairy lactation barn and parlor and is an assistant to ISU veterinarians as needed. Agriculture Specialist I Assists with animal care and research projects at the ISU Swine Nutrition farm, as well as maintaining the satellite locations. His carpentry skills are an invaluable asset. Assistant Scientist II Laboratory management, data collection and analysis, assists in manuscript and grant writing and trains and supervises undergraduates and support personnel. Agriculture Specialist I Coordinates and assists with nutritional physiology research projects on pigs and cattle. Lab Equip Specialist/Meat Lab Maintains and repairs equipment and assists with meat lab operations. Associate Scientist Coordinates and oversees the ISU Beef Breeding project, DNA and data collection, maintains a database system and conducts analyses and interpretation of data. 6 Winter 2015 50th Anniversary of the Teaching Farms The year 2015 marked 50 years of teaching farm excellence for the Department of Animal Science at Iowa State University. On September 26 over 270 faculty, staff, and alumni took a walk back in time to remember their years of work or study at the Animal Science Teaching Farms. Hayrack rides around the teaching farms with mini tours were provided. Visitors could also walk into each farm and visit with farm workers and see the animals up close. A brief program with Dean Wendy Wintersteen, Department Chair Dr. Beermann, Retired Chair Maynard Hogberg, Hansen Center Manager Marshall Ruble and Teaching Farms Manager Ben Drescher also took place. Animal Science Teaching Farms Manager, Ben Drescher, said “An outdoor barbeque with meat grown on our teaching farms, harvested in our meat lab, and grilled by our certified grill team—you can’t get much better than that!” Drescher added “We wanted to recognize 50 years of ingenuity through our farms. Not only do the farms provide a place where students get hands-on experience with animals, but they are also necessary for our research and growth as a department.” The farms include equine, poultry, dairy, sheep, beef, and swine. Department Chair, Dr. Don Beermann said “The Department of Animal Science Teaching Farms are indispensable resources. They provide direct student contact and interactions with food animals, which is essential for integrating science, practice and innovation in their education and learning outcomes. We do our best so they can be successful in their careers and become leaders in meeting the challenges facing agriculture.” The teaching farms have actually been around longer than 50 years but it was in 1965 when the farms moved from central campus to an area south of Ames. This provided land to pasture livestock and the ability to grow crops to support the animals. Drescher said “We show great gratitude to those who help support the farms and hope for positive changes in the future!” 7 Department Update Animal Science American Society of Animal Science Award Recipients Dr. Max Rothschild received the Morrison Award. This is the most prestigious award presented by the society. The Morrison award’s purpose is to recognize research excellence of direct importance to livestock production. To be eligible for the award a nominee shall have made a meritorious scientific contribution or discovery in research in the field of animal science. Dr. Rothschild is a Distinguished Professor in Agriculture and Life Sciences and an Ensminger Endowed Chair of International Agriculture. His novel pig research on genetic control of immune response and identifying genes for litter size, fat deposition, meat quality and growth, received national and international recognition. Most of Dr. Rothschild’s recent research has included goats, sheep, chickens, shrimp and companion animals, as well as work in developing countries. Other News Animal Learning Day April 11, 2015 was a big day for the Block and Bridle Club as they hosted the first-ever Animal Learning Day at the Jeff and Deb Hansen Agriculture Student Learning Center. Past President, Matt Romoser said “The day was meant to give visitors a better understanding of agricultural practices and make it fun for kids to understand how we do things and the importance of working with commodity groups.” Current Graduate Student Romoser also added that the event was geared towards people of all ages as there was a ‘Taste of Iowa’ portion where attendees could try samples of local dairy, meat and food products. The event brought in over 1000 visitors, more than the Club had anticipated. Current Block and Bridle President and Animal Science Major, Matt Schulte, said “We had a great turnout and look forward to any opportunity to educate the public on animals and agriculture. We wanted an event that could replace Veishea, was free to the public and that everyone in the family could enjoy.” He added that Animal Learning Day took over 5 months to plan and around 45 people to work the event to make it a success. There were live petting stations with calves, piglets, goats and baby chicks. A scavenger hunt game and mini demonstrations took place at some of the booths. A free hamburger was given to those that attended. Some of the commodity groups that were present included the Iowa Meat Goat Association, Iowa Pork Producers, Iowa Beef Industry Council, Iowa Egg Council, Iowa Corn Growers Association, Iowa Sheep Association, Iowa State Dairy Extension, Christensen Farms and Vetter Implement. The Block and Bridle Club is a Department of Animal Science club and one of the largest clubs on campus with over 600 members. Four other faculty also received ASAS awards. Dr. Jim Reecy received the Rockefeller Prentice Memorial Award in Animal Breeding and the Animal Growth and Development Award. Dr. Nicholas Gabler received the Midwest Outstanding Young Researcher Award and Dr. Steven Lonergan received the Distinguished Teacher award. Dr. Cheryl Morris received the Corbin Companion Animal Award. IPPA GRA Support Agreement The Department of Animal Science is extremely grateful to the Iowa Pork Producers Association! The IPPA has given the Department of Animal Science much needed graduate fellowship financial support for the continuation of research and graduate study. The support agreement provides $100,000 per year for 5 years. This gives monetary support to 3 new graduate students each year over the course of a 5 year period. “Receiving this support is vital to our department and aids in the recruiting efforts of the best graduate students for our swine research programs” said Dr. Beermann, Chair of the Animal Science Department. 8 Winter 2015 Student Updates Poultry Judging Career Development Event/State FFA For the first time in Iowa history, Iowa State University partnered with the Iowa FFA Organization and the ISU Block and Bridle Poultry Interest Group to provide a venue for a Poultry Career Development Event on April 21, 2015. The National FFA Organization requires that members complete career development events or CDE’s to test their skills learned through agricultural education instruction. Some events allow students to compete as individuals and others allow them to compete in teams. This particular event involved evaluating live meat-type broiler chickens and egg laying hens as well as grading individual shell eggs and ready-to-cook carcasses. Over 187 FFA students from all over the state of Iowa participated, more than double what planners expected. Iowa FFA Executive Secretary, Scott Johnson, said the numbers indicate a real interest in the poultry industry. “We are fortunate to have the opportunity to partner with Iowa State University Block and Bridle Poultry Interest Group for this event. The involvement in this event makes it clear to us that it is meeting the needs of students with an interest in the poultry industry.” Assistant Farm Manager of ISU Poultry Research and Teaching Unit and Block and Bridle Poultry Interest Group Past Vice President, Cameron Hall, said it’s important to have poultry events throughout the state of Iowa. “Our goal is to educate students and help them gain a real interest in the poultry industry and hopefully one of those students will want to attend school at ISU and work in that field someday.” Cameron added that according to the American Egg Board, Iowa is the number one egg producing state in the nation and emphasized the importance of poultry education. Iowa State University’s Department of Animal Science has a poultry teaching farm for student use and research. New Microscopes for Animal Science Department The Animal Science Department purchased nine new microscopes in April 2015 to enhance teaching capabilities in animal physiology. Funding was made available by Dr. Curtis Youngs’ USDA Teaching Award, the Harmon Teaching Fund in Animal Science, the Department of Animal Science and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The main course that utilizes these microscopes is ANS 332: Laboratory Methods in Animal Reproduction. However, these microscopes can be utilized by other classes. Dr. Youngs, Professor in the Department of Animal Science, says the microscopes were a much needed replacement of antiquated equipment used for undergraduate Animal Science courses. In addition to individual compound microscopes used by pairs of students, an instructor microscope was purchased to enable projection of microscopic images onto a large screen. Students no longer have to parade one-by-one to peer into the microscope to view a specimen. “This state-of-the-art instructor microscope has many technological capabilities. I can display two images side-by-side for the entire class to see at once. Students with an iPAD can download an app and wirelessly capture whatever image I am projecting on the screen. Microscopic images can be saved on a USB drive. These are incredibly useful tools in a teaching environment.” The previous microscopes had only two magnification levels, and lacked the ability to make focusing adjustments to the eyepiece. The new microscopes have a much larger magnification range. The biggest improvement though is the phase contrast capabilities which enable students to see greater detail in a wide variety of different cell types—including sperm cells which are difficult to see using standard brightfield microscopy. 9 Animal Science Animal Science 2015 Iowa State Livestock Judging Team- back row from left to right: Dan Ammann of Highland, IL; Grant Beeler of Indianola, IA; Leo Kruse of Rudd, IA; Jake Yelinek of Livingston, WI; and Jeremy Maass of Ida Groove, IA. Front Row from left to right: Giddian Kappeler of Muscatine, IA; Morgan Pittz of Mineral Point, WI; Elizabeth Heaton of Toulon, IL; Kellen Suntken of Belmond, IA and Bailey Core of Pleasantville, IA. Student Activities Livestock Judging The 2015 Iowa State Livestock Judging Team has competed favorably at the national level this year. The team kicked off its season bringing home 5th place honors at the National Western in Denver, CO. After returning from the National Western the team competed in three Midwestern contests, and continued its successful campaign finishing 3rd at the Sioux Empire Farm Show, 1st at the Iowa Beef Expo and 2nd at the Nebraska Cattleman’s Classic. The team capped off its spring at the San Antonio Stock Shows, where they finished 5th and 2nd at the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Contest or NACTA Judging Conference. The judging team initiated its fall campaign with a successful 3rd place showing at the National Barrow Show. The team was led by Dan Ammann who was award High Individual Overall All Honors. Dan etched his name in NBS history by becoming the 4th High Individual in a row from Iowa State University, a feat that has never been accomplished at the National Barrow Show. The Judging team is currently working hard as it prepares for its last two contests, the American Royal and North American Livestock Exposition, the latter which serves as the national livestock judging championship. The Numbers Don’t Lie Since it’s opening in January 2014, the Jeff and Deb Hansen Agriculture Student Learning Center has seen over 51,000 people enter through its doors. The facility is a receptacle of hands-on learning for ISU students. Classes utilize the facility and students are provided an environment that allows them to learn and absorb material, then apply it in a way that is meaningful to their career goals. Of the 51,000 visitors, more than 3,700 have been students taking one of the 39 classes that have been taught at the facility since the spring semester of 2014. Other events held at the center include livestock expositions, public education events, private business meetings, rodeos and concerts. The Hansen Center was host to the Iowa Simmental Field Day. Student employees comprise most of the staff at the Jeff and Deb Hansen Student Learning Center. Center Manager, Marshall Ruble, says “We’ve had over 200 events and meetings since we opened. Our student employees get the opportunity to assist with planning and executing events as well as learning what it takes to run a successful business. The opportunities are endless for students as they get experience with everything from setting up tables and chairs and mowing the grounds to operating a skid loader to bring in fresh arena bedding.” According to Ruble, students also have exposure to contacts in the agricultural field as the Hansen Center is a great venue for commodity and private business meetings and livestock events. 10 Winter 2015 Animal Science Student Activities Dairy Judging Congratulations to the Iowa State University Dairy Judging Team who took 4th place overall at the Southwest Intercollegiate Dairy Cattle Judging Contest held at the Southwestern Exposition & Livestock Show in Fort Worth, Texas in January of this year! September brought three contests, three weekends in a row! The ISU Dairy Judging team rounded out an 8th place finish overall out of 15 teams at the All-American Dairy Show held in Harrisburg, PA. The following weekend was the Viroqua, WI Accelerated Genetics Intercollegiate Dairy Cattle Judging contest. The team placed 4th overall in Guernseys, 3rd overall in Jerseys, 3rd overall in Holsteins, and 2nd overall in Milking Shorthorns. The team placed 4th Overall out of 12 teams. To finish out the season, the team competed in the 2015 Lely National Intercollegiate Dairy Cattle Judging Contest being held in conjunction with World Dairy Expo in Madison, WI. In Ayrshires, the team finished in 4th place. The team took home 1st place honors in the Brown Swiss division. The team finished 8th overall in both Holsteins and Jerseys. In the Milking Shorthorn division the team placed 10th. The team took home 2nd place honors in the Red and White Holstein division. The team tied for a 2nd place finish overall in Reasons. Lastly, 3 team members received All-American honors by finishing in the top 10 overall! Gina Fisher was 10th Overall, Lars Sivesind was 9th Overall and Joseph Adams was 5th High Individual Overall. With these great scores, the team brought home a 3rd place finish. This makes the 2015 Senior Dairy Judging team one of the most decorated dairy judging teams at Iowa State University in the past 41 years! From Left to Right: Christen Burgett, Joey Adams, Gina Fisher, Shelby Patten, and Lars Sivesind. Meat Judging The ISU team was three-peat champions at the Southeastern Intercollegiate meat judging contest. Two teams finished in first and fourth place out of 15 teams at this annual April contest held in Columbus, OH and Lexington, KY. Team results included: specifications—1st & 3rd; lamb judging—1st & 3rd; overall beef—1st and 4th; pork judging—1st and 5th; placings—1st and 5th; reasons—1st and 4th; beef grading—2nd & 4th; and beef judging—2nd & 5th. The 2015 Hormel National Barrow Show Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest was held in mid-September at Hormel Foods in Austin, MN. This fresh and processed pork judging contest included both graduate students and undergraduate students. Frame was 3rd high individual in questions, Hanson was 6th in fresh meat, and Sippy was 7th in total placings. The team was 3rd in fresh pork and questions and finished in 6th place. The 2015 American Royal Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest presented by Elanco Animal Health was held in mid-October and hosted by Nebraska Beef, Omaha, NE. The team was 3rd in beef grading; 7th in specifications; 8th in lamb judging, pork judging, and reasons; 9th in overall beef; and 10th in beef judging. In the contest the ISU team finished in 7th place. Valentine was 2nd in lamb judging and Hanson was 3rd in beef grading. From left to right: Natalie Hanson, LaPorte City; Regan Sippy, Cedar Rapids; Alex Conover, Holstein; Coach Dr. Sherry Olsen; Carl Frame, Osseo, WI; Assistant Coach Breanna Branderhorst, Prairie City; Greg Springer, Brighton, WI; Megan Valentine, Dubuque; Breanna Saso, Mauston, WI. Not pictured Assistant Coach Matt Schulte, Dorchester. 11 Animal Science Animal Science Scholarship Recipients 2015 Allen E. Christian Swine Industry Scholarship, $1500 Amber Howell Allyn Hagen Dairy Science Scholarship, $750 Gregory Springer Animal Science Department Scholarship, $1000 Shelby Fields Amanda Patterson Hayley Folkerts Morgan Pittz Julianna Henderson Brody Proesch Danielle James Maddison Tyrrel Sierra Kaufman Jacob Yelinek Ella Meyer Animal Science Department Scholarship, $750 Zachary Sauer Animal Science Recruiting Scholarship, $1000 Lindsay Larson Mason Lettinga Arthur & Muriel Anderson Scholarship, $1000 Katlyn Kahler Jacob Siebert* Arthur Molln Scholarship, $1000 Sarah Altenhofen Logan Lafrenz Dorthea Ballard Emily Schwake Jenelle Brodzik Celene Slifka Kelsi Gensley Rachel Stika Kristen Henson Alexandra Wilson Haley Hillyard Nichole Wilson Arthur R. Porter Scholarship, $1000 Chelsea Daines Hannah Shilts Megan Talley Bernard W. Ebbing Memorial Scholarship in Animal Science, $500 Brian Patterson Bob Pim Memorial Scholarship in Animal Science, $3250 Megan Collison C. F. Foreman Scholarship in Dairy Science, $3000 Erica O’Loughlin Lars Sivesind Carl & Norma Zurborg Scholarship in Dairy Science, $750 Kimberly Strait Charles & Edna Parmele Scholarship in Animal Science, $500 Taylar Dalbec Charles H. & Inez M. Callahan Memorial Graduate Award, $2000 Melissa Herrmann* Charles R. & Ethel P. Mountain Scholarship Award in Animal Science, $500 Molly Shoewalter Claude W. Ahrens/Miraco Scholarship, $1000 Krista Naaktgeboren Curtis Askelson Scholarship in Animal Science, $1000 Jacob Baker Brooke Dooley Dairy Science Scholarship, $1000 Cassidy Buddenberg Courtney Herman Heather Tauke David & Jacqueline Topel Scholarship in Animal Science, $1000 Carl Frame David & Jacqueline Topel Scholarship in Meat Science, $1000 Kelsey Carlson* Dennis L. Crone Scholarship in Animal Science, $1000 Morgan Matthews Department of Animal Science Graduate Award for Outstanding Teaching, $1000 Chelsea Iennarella* Department of Animal Science Graduate Student Excellence Award, $1000 Jenelle Dunkelberger* Des Moines Feed & Grain Club Scholarship for Animal Science, $1400 Kolton Greiner Donald W. Helble Scholarship in Animal Science, $1500 Sarah Kinrade Caleb Beer Doug & Carol Kenealy International Travel Scholarship, $750 Danielle Lilleskov Christopher Mandt Dr. & Mrs. M. E. Ensminger Scholarship, $1000 Kari Mattison Samantha Jamison Sarah May Angelica Bjorkquist* Patrice Sorensen Muhammed Walugembe* Cassandra Thielen Duaine & Sally Holck Livestock Judging Award, $500 Kyle Ruth Duane & Shirley Acker International Fellowship, $2000 Kelsey Carlson* Jessica Colpoys* Dudley R. Scott Endowed Scholarship in Animal Science, $750 Molly O’Brien 12 Winter 2015 Eldred J. & Donna Harman Scholarship in Animal Science, $1500 Jamie Mueller McKaila von Rentzell Matthew Schulte Levi Wedig Chelsea Steffen Erik M. Krekel Memorial Scholarship, $1500 Megan Talley Erpelding ISU Dairy Science Inspiration Award, $1000 Samantha Ehrlich Esther & Richard Willham Graduate Scholarship in Animal Science, $1000 Kelsey Carlson* George Gund Animal Husbandry Scholarship, $1000 Sarah Al-Mazroa Harold L. & Esther G. Wilcke Scholarship, $1500 Deborah Heth 13 Richard & Nancy Degner Scholarship, $2000 Lori Dvorak Richard & Nancy Degner Scholarship, $1000 Courtney Yeager Robert E. & Dorothy B. Rust Undergrad Scholarship in Meat Science, $750 Brian Patterson Robert E. & Dorothy B. Rust Graduate Scholarship in Meat Science, $1000 Emily Usinger* Rufus C. Obrecht Scholarship, $1250 Benjamin Smith Russell Bentley Dairy Science Award, $1250 Simon Johnson Catheryn Lang Sydney Reinsel Solon A. & Dorothy F. Ewing Animal Science Scholarship, $1000 Aubree Beenken Holli Hochberger Thomas & Esther Ringkob Memorial Scholarship in Animal Science, $500 Amanda Megyese Thomas Sutherland Graduate Award for Excellence, $1000 Amanda Robinson* Thorvald J. Andersen Scholarship, $2500 Joey Adams Kara Maxwell Nicole Engelken Whitney Shonka James Goldsmith Tom & Cindy Baas Swine Industry Scholarship, $1250 Lucas Swalla Tom & Corrine Lonergan Scholarship, $1500 Savanna Bergeron Micayla Christopher Tom & Janie Wickersham Scholarship, $1000 Megan Abeyta Vaughn & Meg Speer Graduate Education Award, $1000 Wesley Schweer* William Riley Gillette Graduate Scholarship in Animal Science, $2750 Amanda Robinson* *Graduate Students Scholarship Total—$176,525 Harold L. & Esther G. Wilcke Scholarship, $1000 Jesus Acosta* Sara toakes* Helen M. Maddock Scholarship for Women in Animal Science, $1000 Kari Mattison Iowa Dairy Leader Scholarship in Honor of Dale & Arlene Gerlach, $2500 Shelby Patten Iowa Dairy Leader Scholarship in Honor of Noran Shaver & Marsha Shaver-Floyd, $2500 Beth Lett Iowa Dairy Leader Scholarship in Honor of Richard Sears & Family, $2500 Karla Hageman Iowa Poultry Association Scholarship in Honor of Tom J. Zanios, $1000 Brooke Eaton Zeb Skow Iowa Poultry Association Scholarship in Honor of Tom J. Zanios, $1000 Kaylee Rowland* Iowa Turkey Federation Scholarship, $1500 Klinton Garrett James J. Kiser Scholarship in Animal Science, $1000 Erika Edwards Shayne Wiese Jeff Hansen/Iowa Select Farms Pork Industry Scholarship, $1250 Mary Heiller John Airy Endowed Graduate Scholarship, $2500 Tyler Grussing* Kermit & Janis Coggshall Scholarship in Animal Science, $1700 Neil Vezeau Kermit & Janis Coggshall Scholarship in Dairy Science, $1000 Cassandra Fitzgerald Kimberly Strait Lauren L. Christian Undergraduate Scholarship, $2000 Zackery Canterbury Kristi Smith Lauren L. Christian Graduate Fellowship, $3000 Denise Beam* Joseph Stock* Lyle E. McBride III Memorial Scholarship, $1000 Leah Elsbernd Robert Gallagher Mary B. & William H. Gilbert Brown Swiss Memorial Scholarship, $1000 Peter Haverkamp Maynard Lang Leadership Scholarship, $2500 Gina Fisher Naylor Educational Aid Scholarship in Dairy Science, $500 Hannah Shilts Ned S. & Esther Raun Graduate Scholarship, $2000 Muhammed Walugembe* Northwest Feed Manufacturers Association Scholarship, $2375 Meredith Behr Palmer & Sheryl Holden Scholarship in Animal Science, $750 Katie Heiderscheit Bethany Isaacson Paul Stewart Memorial Scholarship, $1000 Heather Tauke R. W. ”Dick” Witt Scholarship, $1000 Jared Gradeless Megan Valentine Ralph Baker Scholarship, $800 Shelby Patten Rex Beresford Scholarship in Animal Science, $750 Rylee Derrer Kayla Lucas Animal Science Animal Science Faculty Awards 2015 American Egg Board Research Award Dong Ahn Poultry Science Association Wilbur Layton Faculty Recogntion Award Steve Lonergan ISU Division of Student Affairs P&S Excellence Joan Aiton Corbin Companion Animal Award Cheryl Morris American Society of Animal Science College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Mid-Career Achievement in Research Lance Baumgard Iowa State University Early Achievement in Teaching Cheryl Morris College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Pomerantz Award Don Beitz Iowa State University Merit Award for Achievement and Service S. Niebuhr College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Regents Award for Staff Excellence State Board of Regents New Frontiers in Animal Nutrition Award John Patience Federation of Animal Science Societies and American Feed Industry Association Garland Dahlke Dean Lee R. Kohlmer Award for Excellence in Applied Research James Dickson College of Agriculture and Life Sciences 2015 Rockefeller Prentice Memorial Award in Animal Breeding Jim Reecy American Society of Animal Science 2015 ASAS-ADSA Midwest Outstanding Young Researcher Award Nicholas Gabler American Society of Animal Science and American Dairy Science Association 2015 Animal Growth and Development Award Jim Reecy American Society of Animal Science Floyd Andre Award Harold Hodson College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Research Mission James Reecy Gamma Sigma Delta Distinguished Service to Agriculture Maynard Hogberg Gamma Sigma Delta AAAS Fellow James Reecy Ralph Keeling Leadership Award Maynard Hogberg Iowa State Dairy Association Early Achievement in Research Jason Ross Iowa State University Hall of Fame Award Maynard Hogberg Department of Animal Science Morrison Award Max Rothschild Order of the Knoll Faculty and Staff Award Maynard Hogberg ISU Foundation Top 20 Influential Farm Animal Veterinary Professors Jim Russell Vet Tech Master Farm Exceptional Service Award Maynard Hogberg Wallaces Farmer CALS Special Research Award Joe Sebranek College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Spencer Award Teaching Mission Ron Horst Kansas City Section of American Chemical Society Leo Timms American Association for the Advancement of Science American Society of Animal Science Gamma Sigma Delta Susan Lamont International Mission Gamma Sigma Delta Christopher Tuggle Iowa State University Diversity Enhancement Elisabeth Lonergan College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Student Recruitment/Retention Curtis Youngs College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Distinguished Teacher Award Steve Lonergan American Society of Animal Science Top 20 Influential Farm Animal Veterinary Professors Curtis Youngs Vet Tech Regent’s Award for Faculty Excellence 14 Winter 2015 In Memoriam 1924 Freeman Martin MS Montgomery, AL 1/1/80 1925 Roy Longstreet BS Jonesburg, MO 1/9/91 1936 Mark Ford Richard Sidwell BS BS Glendale, AZ Reno, NV 6/7/14 8/19/11 1937 James Duncan Cecil Larson Bayard Scott Clifton Ward BS CT BS MS Concord, CA Boone, IA New Cambria, MO Bogart, GA 4/11/13 7/25/15 7/2/06 4/14/11 1938 Herman Deneui Arnold Eilts Dean Montgomery Howard Mullica Russell Smith BS BS EX EX BS Cedar Rapids IA Ft. Myers, FL Horseshoe Bend, AR Sun City, AZ Woodstock, IL 3/13/99 3/27/15 3/17/04 8/18/12 3/21/09 1939 Clement Abbott PhD Robert Brettman Leroy Hutton Keith Merrill BS BS BS Ft. Mill, SC Dallas, TX Glendora, CA 1954 Dorothy King Roger Olson PhD BS 1/28/99 Woodstock, IL 12/6/14 1955 James Brinks Leo Rasmussen James Sturtz PhD BS BS Laporte, CO Leawood, KS Indianapolis, IN 1956 Robert Cole Burtwin Day BS BS Marion, IA Grinnell, IA 9/2/15 8/8/15 1957 V. Donald Uehling Bruce Doerrfeld BS BS Clarion, IA Kemp, TX 12/27/13 2/24/15 1958 Donald Gay MS North Port, FL 6/11/15 1960 Richard King PhD Keaau, HI 4/29/10 1961 Donald Ray PhD Tucson, AZ 8/14/15 3/9/15 9/13/13 9/11/15 6/11/15 6/22/15 5/14/15 Norman Stamp BS Pietermaritzburg,1/1/01 South Africa Omaha, NE 2/2/94 1942 Harold Barrett BS Dallas Center, IA 2/18/15 1963 John Davidson BS Las Animas, CO 2/16/15 1945 Robert DeGroote EX Algona, IA 9/28/13 1946 John Adams BS Waucoma, IA 9/26/15 1965 Charles Detch Bruce Engnell BS BS Brattleboro, VT Macomb, IL 4/14/15 11/2/15 1947 Donald Hurt Norman Jacobson George Opperman Robert Smith CT PhD BS BS Long Beach, CA Eugene, OR Beloit, WI Berea, KY 3/8/09 5/14/15 6/20/15 2/11/15 1966 Hubert Hensley Jon Waltz BS BS Harrison, AR Red Oak, IA 2/27/15 6/27/15 1968 Eldon Hans MS Iowa City, IA 12/11/14 1949 William Meyers Arlie Pierson George Pinney Hugh Septer Richard Smith CT BS BS BS BS Mountain Home, AR LeMars, IA Marana, AZ Mason City, IA Beaulah, CO 1950 Dwight Feldman Roger Guy Wayne Zeigler Durward Lyon 1951 Louis Lord John Patterson 15 1953 1972 Daniel Linn BS Hackensack, MN 8/3/15 7/22/15 8/20/15 10/23/14 1980 Phillip Core BS Pleasantville, IA 2/4/15 1981 Paul Philips BS Loveland, CO 9/18/14 1983 John Stoll BS Fitchburg, WI 2/20/15 2/3/15 2004 Jacob Myers BS Maxwell, IA 8/14/15 BS DVM BS BS Columbus, OH 12/19/79 Feldman,TX2/25/205 Iowa Falls, IA 4/3/15 Oklahoma City, OK 4/7/15 2008 Christopher Mease BS Rock Island, IL 7/15/15 BS BS Iowa City, IA Oskaloosa, IA (The names on this list originate from notifications the university receives in the year of 2015. Columns include class year, name, degree, last home of record and date of death.) 7/16/15 7/1/15 Animal Science Department Iowa State University 1221 Kildee Hall Ames, Iowa 50011-3150 CONTINUE THE TRADITION OF ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE! • • Provide scholarships to retain students Fund technology through new equipment • • Support student leadership groups Provide travel for judging teams Animal Science Department Fund (We appreciate your support!) Date o I would like to contribute to the department in the amount of: o $50 o $100 o $250 o $500 o $1,000 o Other $ Gift designation o I would like to contribute to the Iowa State Department of Animal Science Teaching Farms o I am interested in information on establishing a scholarship, naming a laboratory, creating a named faculty position, or other endowment opportunities o I would like information on planned giving o I have included the Department of Animal Science in my estate plan If you wish this gift divided equally between you and your spouse, include spouse information below. Name Spouse Degree(s) Year(s) granted Address City State E-mail Home phone My gift o does o does not qualify for a company matching gift. Payment Type Check enclosed (payable to ISU Department of Animal Science) and return form and payment to: Zip Department of Animal Science Iowa State University Attn: Donna Nelson 1221 Kildee Hall Ames, Iowa 50011-3150 The Animal Science newsletter is published annually. Your comments and alumni updates are welcomed. Please contact: Department of Animal Science 1221 Kildee Hall, Ames, IA 50011 Phone: 515-294-4524 · Fax: 515-294-6994 Email: More news and updates can be found on the department’s Web site at Iowa State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, marital status, disability, or status as a U.S. veteran.  Inquiries can be directed to the Director of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, 3680 Beardshear Hall, 515 294-7612.