Mathematical Methods of Image Processing (MA 490), Winter Quarter, 1999-2000 Quiz 1 – Thursday, December 16, 1999 Box NAME 4 pts 1. (a) Write eiµ in terms of cos(µ) and sin(µ): (b) Show that the complex conjugate of eiµ is e¡iµ : 4 pts 2. Complete the following with the functions eiµ and e¡iµ : (a) cos(µ) = (b) sin(µ) = 5 pts 3. Prove: if 1 8 pts 4. Let ! = e 2¼i n k n 2 ¡ 1; then e 2¼i(n¡k)r n =e ¡2¼ikr n for r = 0; 1; : : : n ¡ 1: : (a) Let n = 4: Find ! 0 ; !; ! 2 ; and ! 3 : Show that 1 + ! + ! 2 + ! 3 = 0: (b) Show 1 + ! + ! 2 + ¢ ¢ ¢ + ! n¡1 = 0 for an arbitrary n: 4 pts 5. Let u = Ã 6 pts 6. For 1 k 2i 1 ! n 2 Ã and v = 3i 1 + 2i ¡ 1; show that 2¼kr Ak cos n where Yk = Ã Ak ¡iBk 2 ! Ã ! . Find u ¢ v and v ¢ u: 2¼kr + Bk sin n and Yn¡k = ! Ak +iBk : 2 Ã ! Ã 2¼ikr 2¼i(n ¡ k)r = Yk exp + Yn¡k exp n n ! 6 pts 7. Suppose that you are getting ready to sample a signal on the time interval [0; 3] and you believe that the data contains a harmonic with frequency 100 (for example, cos(2¼100t)): Which of the following sample sizes could you use (here n refers to the number of samples taken in the interval [0; 3]) in order to detect this particular harmonic? n = 100; n = 300; n = 500; n = 800; n = 1000: Explain your answer. 9 pts 8. Fill in the following table using the functions y1 ; y2 ; and y3 : Assume that we are taking 256 samples on the interval [0; 2]: (Remember that cos(2¼2t) is really cos(2¼4( 21 )t); so cos(2¼2t) corresponds to the k = 4 harmonic). y1 = 3 + 2 cos(2¼2t) ¡ 6 sin(2¼5t) y2 = 3 + 2 cos(2¼2t) ¡ 6 sin(2¼5t) + 4 cos(2¼126t) + 4 sin(2¼126t) y2 = 3 + 2 cos(2¼2t) ¡ 6 sin(2¼5t) + 4 cos(2¼133t) + 4 sin(2¼133t) y1 A0 A4 A10 B4 B10 Y0 Y4 Y10 y2 y3