EC9012 - Economic Analysis: Macro Irfan Qureshi University of Warwick October 17, 2015 Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC9012 - Economic Analysis: Macro October 17, 2015 1 / 17 Today 1 Housekeeping - 1 2 Housekeeping - II 3 Housekeeping - III 4 Problem Set- 1 Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC9012 - Economic Analysis: Macro October 17, 2015 2 / 17 About me Irfan Qureshi, Ph.D. Candidate in Economics, area: Monetary economics, empirical macroeconomics Email: Office: I Location: S2.94, Department of Economics I Hours F Friday 3 p.m - 4 p.m F Book online, Website: Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC9012 - Economic Analysis: Macro October 17, 2015 3 / 17 Course modalities 4 Lecture on growth, 4 on DSGE modeling 4 seminars with me, 4 with Lucio D’Aguanno I revision seminar (TBA) Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC9012 - Economic Analysis: Macro October 17, 2015 4 / 17 Organization of the seminars Interactive I Go through problem sets before each class Organized I Finish each problem set Feedback I An opportunity for you to receive feedback on your own thoughts about the course. Revise I Any concepts you might have missed out in class Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC9012 - Economic Analysis: Macro October 17, 2015 5 / 17 Question - (a) Production: Yt = F (Kt , Lt ) = AKtα L1−α t Labour: Lt+1 = (1 + n)Lt and α ∈ (0, 1) F (λKt , λLt ) = A(λKt )α (λLt )1−α ⇒ λA(Kt )α (Lt )1−α ⇒ λF (Kt , Lt ) Homogoneous of degree 1 ⇒ CRS Remember: if Homogoneous of degree greater than 1 ⇒ IRS Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC9012 - Economic Analysis: Macro October 17, 2015 6 / 17 Question - (b) Production: Yt = F (Kt , Lt ) = AKtα L1−α t Labour: Lt+1 = (1 + n)Lt and α ∈ (0, 1) Divide the production function by Lt ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ Ktα L1−α t Lt AKtα L−α t Kt α A( Lt ) yt = Aktα Yt Lt =A Why do we do this? Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC9012 - Economic Analysis: Macro October 17, 2015 7 / 17 Question - (b) Production: Yt = F (Kt , Lt ) = AKtα L1−α t Labour: Lt+1 = (1 + n)Lt and α ∈ (0, 1) Divide the production function by Lt ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ Ktα L1−α t Lt AKtα L−α t Kt α A( Lt ) yt = Aktα Yt Lt =A Why do we do this? To represent the production function (and therefore, the model) in terms of output and capital per labour (or per effective worker, depending on the definition of Lt Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC9012 - Economic Analysis: Macro October 17, 2015 7 / 17 Question - (c) Production: Yt = F (Kt , Lt ) = AKtα L1−α t Labour: Lt+1 = (1 + n)Lt and α ∈ (0, 1) Take partial derivative w.r.t each factor of production I wt = I rt = ∂F (Kt ,Lt ) ∂Lt ∂F (Kt ,Lt ) ∂Kt Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) = (1 − α)AKtα L−α = (1 − α)Aktα t = αAKtα−1 L1−α = (α)Aktα−1 t EC9012 - Economic Analysis: Macro October 17, 2015 8 / 17 Question - (d) Production: Yt = F (Kt , Lt ) = AKtα L1−α t Labour: Lt+1 = (1 + n)Lt and α ∈ (0, 1), s ∈ (0, 1), δ ∈ (0, 1] Production can be written as: yt = f (kt ) = Aktα Kt+1 = It + (1 − δ)Kt , where It is investment Kt+1 = sYt + (1 − δ)Kt This system describes the evolution of capital over time. Capital is a result of last periods saved capital and left-over capital (i.e. capital leftover after depreciation) Divide this expression by Lt+1 : ⇒ Kt+1 Lt+1 = sYt +(1−δ)Kt Lt (1+n) Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) Kt+1 Lt+1 ⇒ kt+1 = = Kt+1 Lt+1 sYt +(1−δ)Kt Lt+1 = sAktα +(1−δ)kt 1+n EC9012 - Economic Analysis: Macro October 17, 2015 9 / 17 Question - (e) Find an expression for the growth rate of per worker capital Production: Yt = F (Kt , Lt ) = AKtα L1−α t Labour: Lt+1 = (1 + n)Lt and α ∈ (0, 1), s ∈ (0, 1), δ ∈ (0, 1] γk t = kt+1 −kt , kt ⇒ γkt = ⇒ replace kt+1 from the previous expression sAktα +(1−δ)kt 1+n kt sAktα−1 −(δ+n) 1+n −kt , simplify this to obtain: (reference: class notes) Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC9012 - Economic Analysis: Macro October 17, 2015 10 / 17 Question - (f) Kaldor’s facts: six statements about economic growth (1957) I Statement 2: The rate of growth of the capital stock per worker is roughly constant over long periods of time I In order to retain an unchanging level of capital per worker k over time, we have to invest enough to create new capital to offset the loss in capital per worker due to depreciation and population growth over time. I Remember that in our model capital stock per worker is denoted by kt To maintain a steady state where capital per worker is constant over time, we must have that the change in capital stock must be zero(γkt = 0). Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC9012 - Economic Analysis: Macro October 17, 2015 11 / 17 Question - (f) - continued γk t = sAktα−1 −(δ+n) 1+n Denote steady state as k̄, and set γkt = 0 1 sA 1−α ) sAk̄ α−1 = δ + n ⇒ k̄ = ( δ+n 1 α s ȳ = f (k̄) = Ak̄ α ⇒ A 1−α ( δ+n ) 1−α For consumption, remember that c̄ + i¯ = ȳ But i¯ = s ȳ 1 α s c̄ = (1 − s)ȳ ⇒ (1 − s)A 1−α ( δ+n ) 1−α Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC9012 - Economic Analysis: Macro October 17, 2015 12 / 17 Question - (g) Find an expression for the golden rate (find k such that consumption in the steady state is maximised) ct = f (kt ) − sf (kt ), sf (k) = (n + δ)k Now take first order conditions, which maximise c at the steady state f 0 (kt ) = n + δ from ct . Lets call the desired rate of capital k GR f 0 (k GR ) = n + δ For y = Ak α , find the first derivative and replace in equation: 1 αA 1−α αAk α−1 = n + δ ⇒ k GR = ( δ+n ) Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC9012 - Economic Analysis: Macro October 17, 2015 13 / 17 Question - (h) s GR = α f 0 (k GR ) = n + δ ⇒ For k = k GR , f 0 (k)k f (k) f 0 (k)k f (k) = (n+δ)k f (k) = share of capital (α), derived in part (b) Remember, in the steady state: (n+δ)k f (k) = f 0 (k)k f (k) = s. s GR = share of capital What is the inuition here? Can I set s = 0? Can I set s =1? Note: You can take the derivative of consumption at steady state w.r.t saving to show that s GR = α holds Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC9012 - Economic Analysis: Macro October 17, 2015 14 / 17 Question - (i) 1 α s ȳ = f (k̄) = Ak̄ α = A 1−α ( δ+n ) 1−α Definition: Elasticity is the measurement of how responsive an economic variable is to a change in another. Take logs: ∂lny ∂lns α α α )lnA+ 1−α lns− 1−α ln(δ+n)) ∂((1+ 1−α ∂lns Then calculate: ey ,s = ey ,s = Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC9012 - Economic Analysis: Macro October 17, 2015 15 / 17 Question - (i) 1 α s ȳ = f (k̄) = Ak̄ α = A 1−α ( δ+n ) 1−α Definition: Elasticity is the measurement of how responsive an economic variable is to a change in another. Take logs: ∂lny ∂lns α α α )lnA+ 1−α lns− 1−α ln(δ+n)) ∂((1+ 1−α ∂lns α 1−α Then calculate: ey ,s = ey ,s = ey ,s = Application: For α = 13 , and assuming a difference in savings rate of 3 times across countries, the explainable gap of GDP per capita is about 150% accroding to the Solow Model, with Cobb-Douglas production. However, in a model with a poverty trap, a small rise in savings may release an economy from the poverty trap and imply very large differences in income. Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC9012 - Economic Analysis: Macro October 17, 2015 15 / 17 Question - (j) Plug in δ = 1 into equation describing dynamics of capital: kt+1 = syt 1+n α Remember that: ⇒ yt+1 = Akt+1 α . This yields the following expression: Now replace kt+1 syt α yt+1 = A( 1+n ) is the dynamic expression Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC9012 - Economic Analysis: Macro October 17, 2015 16 / 17 Question - (k) yt+1 yt = from previous part Taking logs ln i yt+1 yti = ln(1 + gi ) = lnA + αlns i − (1 − α)lnyti − αln(1 + ni ) and we know from kindergarten that ln(1 + x) ≈ x, so: ln(1 + gti ) = gti Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC9012 - Economic Analysis: Macro October 17, 2015 17 / 17 Question - (k) yt+1 yt = from previous part Taking logs ln i yt+1 yti = ln(1 + gi ) = lnA + αlns i − (1 − α)lnyti − αln(1 + ni ) and we know from kindergarten that ln(1 + x) ≈ x, so: ln(1 + gti ) = gti Sources of growth? Beta convergence? I Coefficient on log output per person (=-1) describes convergence (Baumol 1986, Romer page 33) I Perfect convergence → higher initial income on average lowers subsequent growth one-for-one. Irfan Qureshi (University of Warwick) EC9012 - Economic Analysis: Macro October 17, 2015 17 / 17