Stability, Multiplicity, and Sunspots (deriving solutions to linearized system & Blanchard-Kahn conditions) Wouter J. Den Haan London School of Economics c by Wouter J. Den Haan September 2, 2015 Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Content 1 A lot on sunspots 2 A simple way to get policy rules in a linearized framework and an even simpler way based on time iteration (an idea of Pontus Rendahl) Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Introduction What do we mean with non-unique solutions? multiple solution versus multiple steady states What are sunspots? Are models with sunspots scienti…c? Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Terminology De…nitions are very clear (use in practice can be sloppy) Model: H (p+1 , p ) = 0 Solution: p+1 = f (p ) Time iteration and linear solutions Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Unique solution & multiple steady states 2 p+1 1.5 1 0.5 45o 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 p 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions 2 Multiple solutions & unique (non-zero) steady state 1.8 1.6 1.4 p+1 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 45o 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 p 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions “Traditional” Pic Multiple steady states & sometimes multiple solutions ut+1 negative expectations positive expectations 45o ut 34 From Den Haan (2007) Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Large sunspots (around 2000 at the peak) Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Past Sun Spot Cycles Sun spots even had a "Great Moderation" Time iteration and linear solutions Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Current cycle (at peak again) Time iteration and linear solutions Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Cute NASA video Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Sunspots in economics De…nition: a solution is a sunspot solution if it depends on a stochastic variable from outside system Model: 0 = EH (pt+1 , pt , dt+1 , dt ) dt : exogenous random variable Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Sunspots in economics (Cass & Shell 1983) Non-sunspot solution: pt = f (pt 1 , pt 2 , , dt , dt 1, ) Sunspot: pt = f (pt 1 , pt 2 , , dt , dt 1 , , st ) st : random variable with E [st+1 ] = 0 Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Origin of sunspots in economics William Stanley Jevons (1835-82) explored empirical relationship between sunspot activity (that is, the real thing!!!) and the price of corn. Fortunately, Jevons had some other contributions as well, such as "Jevons Paradox". His work is considered to be the start of mathematical economics. Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Jevons Paradox Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Sunspots and science Why are sunspots attractive sunspots: st matters, just because agents believe this self-ful…lling expectations don’t seem that unreasonable sunspots provide many sources of shocks number of sizable fundamental shocks small Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Sunspots and science Why are sunspots not so attractive Purpose of science is to come up with predictions If there is one sunspot solution, there are zillion others as well Support for the conditions that make them happen not overwhelming you need su¢ ciently large increasing returns to scale or externality Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Overview 1 Getting started simple examples 2 General derivation of Blanchard-Kahn solution When unique solution? When multiple solution? When no (stable) solution? 3 4 When do sunspots occur? Numerical algorithms and sunspots Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Getting started Model: yt = ρyt 1 Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Getting started Model: yt = ρyt 1 in…nite number of solutions, independent of the value of ρ Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Getting started Model: yt+1 = ρyt y0 is given Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Getting started Model: yt+1 = ρyt y0 is given unique solution, independent of the value of ρ Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Getting started Blanchard-Kahn conditions apply to models that add as a requirement that the series do not explode yt+1 = ρyt Model: yt cannot explode ρ > 1: unique solution, namely yt = 0 for all t ρ < 1: many solutions ρ = 1: many solutions be careful with ρ = 1, uncertainty matters Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions State-space representation Ayt+1 + Byt = εt+1 E [εt+1 jIt ] = 0 yt : is an n 1 vector m n elements are not determined some elements of εt+1 are not exogenous shocks but prediction errors Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Neoclassical growth model and state space representation E " exp(zt )ktα 1 + (1 δ)kt 1 β (exp(zt+1 )ktα + (1 δ)kt α exp (zt+1 ) ktα 1 +1 γ kt = kt+1 ) γ δ or equivalently without E[ ] exp(zt )ktα 1 + (1 δ)kt 1 β (exp(zt+1 )ktα + (1 δ)kt α exp (zt+1 ) ktα +eE,t+1 1 +1 γ kt = kt+1 ) γ δ It # Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Neoclassical growth model and state space representation Linearized model: kt+1 = a1 kt + a2 kt 1 + a3 zt+1 + a4 zt + eE,t+1 zt+1 = ρzt + ez,t+1 k0 is given kt is end-of-period t capital =) kt is chosen in t Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Neoclassical growth model and state space representation 3 3 2 32 3 2 32 eE,t+1 kt -a1 -a2 -a4 kt+1 1 0 -a3 4 0 1 0 5 4 kt 5 + 4 -1 0 0 5 4 kt 1 5 = 4 0 5 ez,t+1 0 0 -ρ zt zt+1 0 0 1 2 Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Dynamics of the state-space system Ayt+1 + Byt = εt+1 yt + 1 = A 1 Byt + A = Dyt + A Thus t 1 ε t+1 ε t+1 yt+1 = Dt y1 + ∑ Dt l A l=1 1 1 ε l+1 Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Jordan matrix decomposition D = PΛP Let 1 Λ is a diagonal matrix with the eigen values of D without loss of generality assume that jλ1 j jλ2 j P where p̃i is a (1 n) vector 1 2 3 p̃1 6 7 = 4 ... 5 p̃n j λn j Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Dynamics of the state-space system t yt+1 = Dt y1 + ∑ Dt l A 1 ε l+1 l=1 = PΛt P 1 t y1 + ∑ PΛt l P l=1 1 A 1 ε l+1 Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Dynamics of the state-space system 1 multiplying dynamic state-space system with P P 1 yt+1 = Λt P 1 t y1 + ∑ Λt l P 1 A gives 1 ε l+1 l=1 or t p̃i yt+1 = λti p̃i y1 + ∑ λti l p̃i A 1 ε l+1 l=1 recall that yt is n 1 and p̃i is 1 n. Thus, p̃i yt is a scalar Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Model 1 2 3 4 p̃i yt+1 = λti p̃i y1 + ∑tl=1 λti l p̃i A 1 εl+1 E[εt+1 jIt ] = 0 m elements of y1 are not determined yt cannot explode Time iteration and linear solutions Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Reasons for multiplicity 1 2 There are free elements in y1 The only constraint on eE,t+1 is that it is a prediction error. This leaves lots of freedom Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Eigen values and multiplicity Suppose that jλ1 j > 1 To avoid explosive behavior it must be the case that 1 2 p̃1 y1 = 0 and p̃1 A 1 εl = 0 8l Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions How to think about #1? p̃1 y1 = 0 Simply an additional equation to pin down some of the free elements Much better: This is the policy rule in the …rst period Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions How to think about #1? p̃1 y1 = 0 Neoclassical growth model: y1 = [k1 , k0 , z1 ]T jλ1 j > 1, jλ2 j < 1, λ3 = ρ < 1 p̃1 y1 pins down k1 as a function of k0 and z1 this is the policy function in the …rst period Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions How to think about #2? p̃1 A 1 εl = 0 8l This pins down eE,t as a function of εz,t That is, the prediction error must be a function of the structural shock, εz,t , and cannot be a function of other shocks, i.e., there are no sunspots Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions How to think about #2? p̃1 A 1 εl = 0 8l Neoclassical growth model: p̃1 A 1 εt says that the prediction error eE,t of period t is a …xed function of the innovation in period t of the exogenous process, ez,t Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions How to think about #1 combined with #2? p̃1 yt = 0 8t Without sunspots i.e. with p̃1 A 1ε t = 0 8t kt is pinned down by kt 1 and zt in every period. Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Blanchard-Kahn conditions Uniqueness: For every free element in y1 , you need one λi > 1 Multiplicity: Not enough eigenvalues larger than one No stable solution: Too many eigenvalues larger than one Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions How come this is so simple? In practice, it is easy to get Ayt+1 + Byt = εt+1 How about the next step? yt + 1 = A 1 Byt + A 1 ε t+1 Bad news: A is often not invertible Good news: Same set of results can be derived Schur decomposition (See Klein 2000 and Soderlind 1999) Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions How to check in Dynare Use the following command after the model & initial conditions part check; Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Example - x predetermined - 1st order xt 1 zt = Et [φxt + zt+1 ] = 0.9zt 1 + εt jφj > 1 : Unique stable …xed point jφj < 1 : No stable solutions; too many eigenvalues > 1 Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Example - x predetermined - 2nd order φ 2 xt 1 zt = Et [φ1 xt + xt+1 + zt+1 ] = 0.9zt 1 + εt φ1 = 2.25, φ2 = 0.5 : Unique stable …xed point (1 + φ1 L φ2 L2 )xt = (1 2L)(1 14 L)xt φ1 = 3.5, φ2 = 3 : No stable solution; too many eigenvalues > 1 (1 + φ1 L φ2 L2 )xt = (1 2L)(1 1.5L)xt φ1 = 1, φ2 = 0.25 : Multiple stable solutions; too few eigenvalues > 1 (1 + φ1 L φ2 L2 )xt = (1 0.5L)(1 0.5L)xt Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Example - x not predetermined - 1st order xt = Et [φxt+1 + zt+1 ] zt = 0.9zt 1 + εt jφj < 1 : Unique stable …xed point jφj > 1 : Multiple stable solutions; too few eigenvalues > 1 Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Solutions to linear systems 1 2 3 The analysis outlined above (requires A to be invertible) Generalized version of analysis above (see Klein 2000) Apply time iteration to linearized system (I learned this from Pontus Rendahl) Time iteration and linear solutions Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Solutions to linear systems Model: Γ2 kt+1 + Γ1 kt + Γ0 kt or Γ2 0 0 1 kt+1 kt + Γ1 Γ0 1 0 1 =0 kt+1 kt =0 Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Standard approaches 1 The method outlined above =) a unique solution of the form kt = akt 1 if BK conditions are satis…ed 2 Impose that the solution is of the form kt = akt 1 and solve for a from Γ2 a2 kt 1 + Γ1 akt 1 + Γ0 kt 1 = 0 8kt 1 Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Time iteration Impose that the solution is of the form kt = akt 1 Use time iteration scheme, starting with a[1] Recall that time iteration means using the guess for tomorrows behavior and then solve for todays behavior (This simple procedure was pointed out to me by Pontus Rendahl) Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Time iteration Follow the following iteration scheme, starting with a[1] Use a[i] to describe next period’s behavior. That is, Γ2 a[i] kt + Γ1 kt + Γ0 kt 1 =0 (note the di¤erence with last approach on previous slide) Obtain a[i+1] from ( Γ 2 a [ i ] + Γ 1 ) kt + Γ 0 kt kt = a[i+1] = Γ 2 a[i] + Γ 1 1 1 Γ 2 a[i] + Γ 1 =0 Γ0 kt 1 1 Γ0 Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Advantages of time iteration It is simple even if the "A matrix" is not invertible. (the inversion required by time iteration seems less problematic in practice) Since time iteration is linked to value function iteration, it has nice convergence properties Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions Example kt+1 2kt + 0.75kt 1 =0 The two solutions are kt = 0.5kt 1 & kt = 1.5kt 1 Time iteration on kt = a[i] kt 1 converges to stable solution for all initial values of a[i] except 1.5. Multiplicity Getting started General Derivation Examples Time iteration and linear solutions References and Acknowledgements Larry Christiano taught me (a long time ago) this simple way of deriving the BK conditions and I think that I did not even change the notation. Blanchard, Olivier and Charles M. Kahn, 1980,The Solution of Linear Di¤erence Models under Rational Expectations, Econometrica, 1305-1313. Den Haan, Wouter J., 2007, Shocks and the Unavoidable Road to Higher Taxes and Higher Unemployment, Review of Economic Dynamics, 348-366. simple model in which the size of the shocks has long-term consequences Farmer, Roger, 1993, The Macroeconomics of Self-Ful…lling Prophecies, The MIT Press. textbook by the pioneer Klein, Paul, 2000, Using the Generalized Schur form to Solve a Multivariate Linear Rational Expectations Model, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 1405-1423. in case you want to do the analysis without the simplifying assumption that A is invertible Soderlind, Paul, 1999, Solution and estimation of RE macromodels with optimal policy, European Economic Review, 813-823 also doesn’t assume that A is invertible; possibly a more accessible paper