Sun-Climate Symposium Early Results from the First Year of Operations of the OCO-2 Mission David Crisp for the OCO-2 Science Team Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology November 13, 2015 Copyright 2015 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged. 1 The Natural Carbon Cycle 330 Gt CO2 Ocean 340 Gt CO2 440 Gt CO2 450 Gt CO2 Land 2 Human Activities and the Carbon Cycle 3 Measuring Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide 4 What Processes Regulate CO2? Atmospheric growth rate 5 Why is it so hard to find 10 billion tons of carbon dioxide? Ott et al. GEOS-5 GMAO, GSFC 6 Using the Space Based Vantage Point 7 Measuring CO2 from Space • Record spectra of CO2 and O2 absorption in reflected sunlight Retrieve variations in the column averaged CO2 dry air mole fraction, XCO2 over the Validate measurements to ensure XCO2 accuracy of 1 ppm (0.25%) sunlit hemisphere Initial Surf/Atm State New State (inc. XCO2) Generate Synthetic Spectrum GOSAT and OCO-2 Instrument Model Difference Spectra Tower Inverse Model XCO2 Aircraft Flask FTS 8 The OCO Instrument – Optimized for Sensitivity 0.765µm O2 A-Band CO2 1.61µm Band CO2 2.06 µm Band Each 1/3 sec frame includes 8 footprints with 1,016 wavelengths in 3 channels, yielding almost 1 million soundings each day 9 A Perfect Launch Credit: NASA Credit: Bill Ingalls, NASA Credit: Jeff Sullivan Lift-off at 2:56 am PDT, 02 July 2014 Credit: Jeff Sullivan Separation! Joining the A-Train 3 August 2014 10 The OCO-2 XCO2 Retrieval Algorithm Altitude State Vector First Guess CO2 T Gas Cross Sections Cloud & Aerosol Optical Properties Solar Spectra Viewing geometry δτaer Full-res Spectrum Mixing Ratio Temp. Aerosol Forward Radiative Transfer Model Jacobians Spectra + Jacobians Calibration Simulated Spectrum Spectral + Polarization Inverse Model Apriori + Covariance • Compare obs. & simulated spectra • Update State Vector Retrieved State Vector Final State & Diagnostics converged Altitude Observed Spectra XCO2 not converged Instrument Model δτaer CO 2 T Mixing Ratio Temp.Aerosol 11 A Quick Look at the First 11 Months of Operations 12 Detection example : Spatial Coincidence - Alberta Tar Sands, Canada B7000 NEW ! B4300 13 Validation: Targeting Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) Stations 14 Comparison of TCCON and OCO-2 XCO2 Comparisons with Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) stations are being used to identify and correct biases in target observations. Debra Wunch – July 17, 2015 After applying a preliminary bias correction, differences are approaching 1 ppm. 15 The OCO-2 Solar Spectrum • An accurate solar spectrum is essential to retrieve XCO2 from OCO-2 observations – Missing or poorly-modeled solar lines introduce spectral residuals that prevent convergence – Errors in the absolute radiometry introduce biases in the surface albedo and cloud/aerosol retrievals • The OCO-2 retrieval algorithm uses a “full-disk” solar spectrum consisting of: – A high-resolution solar line spectrum derived from a solar line list compiled from KPNO & balloon spectra (G. Toon) – A slowly-varying solar continuum derived from SOLSPEC+ATLAS 3 measurements 765 nm O2 A-Band 1610 nm CO2 Band 2060 nm CO2 Band 16 Impacts of Solar Spectrum Uncertainties on XCO2 retrievals • Uncertainties in the solar spectrum introduce small (< 1%), persistent residuals in the fits to observed spectra – These residuals limit the algorithm’s ability to converge to yield high quality XCO2 fits • We also see residuals when fitting solar calibration observations • To reduce this source of error, we have modified the solar spectrum, using the residuals derived in full-orbit “Solar Doppler” calibration measurements – The Solar Doppler measurements provide a very well sampled solar spectrum at the resolution of the OCO-2 instrument 17 Identifying Contributions to Persistent Spectral Residuals Here, the solar Doppler residuals have been scaled, inverted, and then superimposed on the atmospheric spectral residuals. 18 Summary • OCO-2 was successfully launched on 2 July 2014, and began routine operations on 6 September 2014 – Now returning about 1 million measurements each day over the sunlit hemisphere – Over 10% of these measurements are sufficiently cloud free to yield full-column estimates of XCO2 • Over one year of data has been delivered to the Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GESDISC) for distribution to the science community – All data back to September 6 2014 have been reprocessed • This product is now being used by the world’s carbon cycle science community to identify and quantify the CO2 sources and sinks on regional scales over the globe 19