PENGEMBANGAN PRAKTIK PENGALAMAN LAPANGAN BILINGUAL Dipresentasikan pada Lokakarya Penyususnan Instrumen Penilaian Kemampuan Mengajar dalam Bahasa Inggris pada mata kuliah PPL, PPL UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA Pelembang 25 Nopember 2010 Oleh: Marsigit UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA 2010 POKOK O O PIKIRAN N 1. Mencerminkan Visi Inovatif dan Perubahan (Good Practice of Teaching) 2. Sesuai dengan Kriteria Internasional dan Nasional 3. Sesuai dengan Hakekat Pendidikan, Hakekat Sain Sekolah dan Hakekat Siswa Belajar Sain 4. Selaras dengan Socio-constructivist, Cognitive Development p 5. Berbasis Pengembangan Riset Pembelajaran Sain i e CAR, i.e CAR Lesson Study, Study Case Studies POKOK PIKIRAN Univ/Jur/Prodi /Unit PPL Pedoman Hermenitika PPL Bilingual Program Sekolah Partner ? Masalah PPL BILINGUAL PPL-BILINGUAL Persepsi, Kompetensi Persepsi Kompetensi, Pendukung Guru dan Sekolah CONCEPTUAL PROBLEMS 1. Philosophical p Ground of Science Education? 2. Good Practice and Research of Science Teaching? Problem Teaching Traditional Innovative Teacher 3/6/2011Students Constructive TeachingMarsigit, Indonesia Problem of Teaching FORMAL SCIENCE SCHOOL SCIENCE Teacher Students 3/6/2011 Constructive LearningMarsigit, Indonesia Hermeneutics of Teaching g Practice N New A Approach h off L Learning i z 1. Learning is a search for PATTERN and RELATIONSHIP z 2. 2 Learning is PROBLEM SOLVING activity z 3. Learning means of INVESTIGATION z 4. 4 L Learning i means off COMMUNICATION 3/6/2011 Marsigit, Indonesia FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS Identify Critical C c Examine Validate Reflect Revitalize Develop Recommend Model/Initiation Philosophy Phil h d Id l and Ideology off Teaching T hi Industrial Trainer Technologica l Pragmatist Old Humanist Progressive Educator Public Educator Radical right Conservat ive Conserv ative/ liberal Liberal Democracy Science Body of Knowle dge Science of truth Structure of truth Process of Thinking Social ActiviActivi ties Moral Value Good vs Bad Pragma tism Hierarkh ies Paternali stics i Humanity Justice, Freedom P liti Politics Industrial Trainer Technologica g l Pragmatist Old Humanist Progressive g Educator Public Educator Theory of Society Hierarchy, Market Orientation Hierarchy Hierarchy Well-fare Un-justice need a reform Genesis of Students Stude ts Empty Vessel Vesse Empty Vessel Character Building u d g Student Orientation O e o To develop/grow deve op/g ow seed plant Theory of Students’ Ability Talent and Effort Talent Talent Development Need Aspect of culture, Relatives Industrial Trainer Technologic al Pragmatist Old Humanist Progressive Educator Public Educator Aim off Science Education Back to Basic Certification Transfer of knowledge Creativityy To develop p people comprehensi vely through math. Theory of Learning Work Hard, Exercises, Drill Drill, Memorize Thinking And practice Understand ing and Application Exploration Discussion, Autonomy, Self, Theoryy Of Teaching Transfer of knowledge (transmition)) External Motivation Expository p y Construction,, Development Discussion,, Investigation Industrial Trainer Technologica l Pragmatist Old Humanist Progressive Educator Public Educator Resources White Board, Chalk, Anti Calculator Teaching Aid Visual Teaching Aid for motivation Various resources/envi ronment Social Environtment Evaluatil i on External Test External Test External Test Porto-folio, f i Assessment Porto folio, f i Social Context Diversity Monocult ure Desentralisation Competent Based Curriculum Multiple Solution, Local Culture Heterogonom ous SYSTEMIC PROBLEMS Identify Norm and Standard (International) Critical C c Examine Validate Norm and Standard (National) P d off L /D Product Law/Decree Reflect Revitalize Develop Recommend Model/Initiation Policy (National – Local) Critical Issues: UN, Certification, PPG, PLPG, Internationalization, Benchmarking, Teaching Practice (PPL) DEVELOPING Identify C c Critical Examine Validate Reflect Revitalize Develop Recommend Model/Initiation Teaching Practice (PPL) DEVELOPING Identify C c Critical Examine Validate Reflect Revitalize Develop Recommend Model/Initiation Instrument Teaching P ti Practice Instrument for Evaluation Identify C c Critical Examine Lesson Plan Validate Reflect Revitalize Develop Recommend Model/Initiation Teaching Learning Process Alternative Instrument Teaching Practice z z z z z z z z z z 1.Apperception (Belong to students/Preparation by individual student) 2. Works Group Discussion (Form and Substances) 3. Developing Teaching Media/Aids (Various) 4. Developing Teaching Methods (Various/To Facilitate/Constructive/Flexible) 5.Developing Interaction (Various/Flexible) 6. Students’ Presentation ((Report p and Explain) p ) 7. Developing Students’ Worksheet (Constructive) 8. Developing p g Lesson Plan ((Students Centered)) 9. Conclusion by the students 10 Scheme of competencies achievement (Cognitive 10. Schema) PERMASALAHAN LAPANGAN • Bagaimana Persepsi Guru dan Sekolah (KS) terhadapPPL? • Jenis Kerjasama dengan Sekolah • Jenis Program dan Kegiatan PPL • Syarat danFaktor Pendukung • Kaitan dengan g Pengembangan g g Profesi Dosen dan Guru • Kedudukan dan kontribusi untuk level Nasional T i k ih Terimakasih