Chapter Two: Wave Nature of Light Light waves in a homogeneous medium Plane electromagnetic waves Maxwell’s wave equation and diverging waves Refractive index Group velocity and group index Snell’s law and total internal reflection (TIR) Fresnel’s equations Goos-Hänchen shift and optical tunneling Diffraction Fraunhofer diffraction Diffraction grating PHY4320 Chapter Two 1 Plane Electromagnetic Wave An electromagnetic wave traveling along z has time-varying electric and magnetic fields that are perpendicular to each other. Ex = E0 cos(ωt − kz + φ0) k = 2π / λ ω = 2πν φ = ωt − kz + φ0 Ex(z, t) = Re[ E0 exp(jφ0)expj(ωt − kz)] propagation constant, or wave number angular frequency phase The optical field generally refers to the electric field. PHY4320 Chapter Two 2 Plane Electromagnetic Wave A surface over which the phase of a wave is constant is referred to as a wavefront. PHY4320 Chapter Two 3 Phase Velocity φ = ωt − kz + φ0 = constant During a time interval δt, the wavefronts of contant phases move a distance δz. The phase velocity v is therefore δz ω v = = = νλ δt k PHY4320 Chapter Two 4 Plane Electromagnetic Wave At a given time, the phase difference between two points separated by Δr is simply k⋅Δr. If this phase difference is 0 or multiples of 2π, then the two points are in phase. E(r, t) = E0 cos(ωt − k⋅r + φ0) k⋅r = kxx + kyy + kzz k is called the wave vector. PHY4320 Chapter Two 5 Plane Waves Ex = E0 cos(ωt − kz + φ0) The plane wave has no angular separation (no divergence) in its wavevectors. E0 does not depend on the distance from a reference point, and it is the same at all points on a given plane perpendicular to k. The plane wave is an idealization that is useful in analyzing many wave phenomena. Real light beams would have finite cross sections. The plane wave obeys Maxwell’s EM wave equation. PHY4320 Chapter Two 6 Maxwell’s EM Wave Equation ∂2E ∂2E ∂2E ∂2E + 2 + 2 = ε 0ε r μ 0 2 2 ∂z ∂t ∂x ∂y For a perfect plane wave: Ex = E0 cos(ωt − kz + φ0) Left side: Right side: ∂2E 2 E0 cos(ωt − kz + φ0 ) = − ω 2 ∂t ∂ E =0 2 ∂x 2 ∂2E =0 2 ∂y ∂2E 2 ( ) = − E − k cos(ωt − kz + φ0 ) 0 2 ∂z = − k 2 E0 cos(ωt − kz + φ0 ) From EM: k 2 = ε 0ε r μ 0ω 2 1 v = λν = PHY4320 Chapter Two ε 0ε r μ 0 7 Diverging Waves ∂2E ∂2E ∂2E ∂2E + 2 + 2 = ε 0ε r μ 0 2 2 ∂y ∂z ∂t ∂x E = (A/r) cos(ωt − kr) • • • A spherical wave is described by a traveling wave that emerges from a point EM source and whose amplitude decays with distance r from the source. Optical divergence refers to the angular separation of wavevectors on a given wavefront. Plane and spherical waves represent two extremes of wave propagation behavior from perfectly parallel to fully diverging wavevectors. They are produced by two extreme sizes of EM wave sources: an infinitely large source for the plane wave and a point source for the spherical wave. A real EM source would have a finite size and finite power. PHY4320 Chapter Two 8 Gaussian Beams Many laser beams can be described by Gaussian beams. Gaussian beam has an exp[j(ωt − kz)] dependence to describe propagation characteristics but the amplitude varies spatially away from the beam axis. The beam diameter 2w at any point z is defined as the diameter at which the beam intensity has fallen to 1/e2 (13.5%) of its maximum. PHY4320 Chapter Two 9 Gaussian Beams Diffraction causes light waves to spread transversely as they propagate, and it is therefore impossible to have a perfectly collimated beam. The spreading of a laser beam is in precise accord with the predictions of pure diffraction theory. Even if a Gaussian laser beam wavefront were made perfectly flat at some plane, it would quickly acquire curvature and begin spreading out. The finite width 2w0 where the wavefronts are parallel is called the waist of the beam. w0 is the waist radius and 2w0 is the spot size. The increase in beam diameter 2w with z makes an angle of 2θ, which is called the beam divergence. Spot size and beam divergence are two important parameters when choosing lasers. PHY4320 Chapter Two 10 Chapter Two: Wave Nature of Light Light waves in a homogeneous medium Plane electromagnetic waves Maxwell’s wave equation and diverging waves Refractive index Group velocity and group index Snell’s law and total internal reflection (TIR) Fresnel’s equations Goos-Hänchen shift and optical tunneling Diffraction Fraunhofer diffraction Diffraction grating PHY4320 Chapter Two 11 Refractive Index When an EM wave is traveling in a dielectric medium, the oscillating electric field polarizes the molecules of the medium at the frequency of the wave. The field and the induced molecular dipoles become coupled. The net effect is that the polarization mechanism delays the propagation of the EM wave. The stronger the interaction between the field and the dipoles, the slower the propagation of the wave. The relative permittivity εr measures the ease with which the medium becomes polarized and indicates the extent of interaction between the field and the induced dipoles. The phase velocity in a medium is: In vacuum: c= v= 1 ε 0 μ0 1 ε 0ε r μ 0 The refractive index of the medium is: c n = = εr v PHY4320 Chapter Two 12 Refractive Index kmedium = nk λmedium = λ/n The frequency ν remains the same in different mediums. In non-crystalline materials (glasses and liquids), the material structure is the same in all directions and n does not depend on the direction. The refractive index is isotropic. Crystals, in general, have anisotropic properties. The refractive index seen by a propagating EM wave will depend on the direction of the electric field relative to crystal structures, which is further determined by both the propagation direction and the electric field oscillation direction (polarization). PHY4320 Chapter Two 13 Relative Permittivity and Refractive Index The relative permittivity for many materials can be vastly different at high and low frequencies because different polarization mechanisms operate at these frequencies. Al low frequencies, all polarization mechanisms (dipolar, ionic, electronic) contribute to εr, whereas at high (optical) frequencies only the electronic polarization can respond to the oscillating field. Low frequency (LF) relative permittivity εr(LF) and refractive index n Material εr(LF) Si 11.9 ε r (LF ) n (optical) Comment 3.44 3.45 (at 2.15 μm) Electronic polarization up to optical frequencies Diamond 5.7 2.39 2.41 (at 590 nm) Electronic polarization up to UV light GaAs 13.1 3.62 3.30 (at 5 μm) Ionic polarization contributes to εr(LF) SiO2 3.84 2.00 Water 80 8.9 1.46 (at 600 nm) Ionic polarization contributes to εr(LF) 1.33 (at 600 nm) Dipolar polarization contributes to εr(LF), which is large PHY4320 Chapter Two 14 Chapter Two: Wave Nature of Light Light waves in a homogeneous medium Plane electromagnetic waves Maxwell’s wave equation and diverging waves Refractive index Group velocity and group index Snell’s law and total internal reflection (TIR) Fresnel’s equations Goos-Hänchen shift and optical tunneling Diffraction Fraunhofer diffraction Diffraction grating PHY4320 Chapter Two 15 Group Velocity Since there are no perfect monochromatic waves in practice, we have to consider the way in which a group of waves differing slightly in wavelength travel along the same direction. For two harmonic waves of frequencies ω − δω and ω + δω and wavevectors k − δk and k + δk interfering with each other and traveling along the z direction: E x ,1 ( z , t ) = E0 cos[(ω − δω )t − (k − δk )z ] E x , 2 ( z , t ) = E0 cos[(ω + δω )t − (k + δk )z ] Using ⎤ ⎤ ⎡1 ⎡1 cos A + cos B = 2 cos ⎢ ( A − B )⎥ cos ⎢ ( A + B )⎥ ⎦ ⎦ ⎣2 ⎣2 PHY4320 Chapter Two 16 Group Velocity We obtain: E x = E x ,1 + E x , 2 = 2 E0 cos[(δω )t − (δk )z ]cos(ωt − kz ) Generate a wave packet containing an oscillating field at the mean frequency ω with the amplitude modulated by a slowly varying field of frequency δω. PHY4320 Chapter Two 17 Group Velocity E x = 2 E0 cos[(δω )t − (δk )z ]cos(ωt − kz ) or The maximum amplitude moves with a wavevector δk and a frequency δω. Phase velocity v = dω Group velocity v g = dk The group velocity defines the speed with which energy or information is propagated since it defines the speed of the envelope of the amplitude variation. PHY4320 Chapter Two ω c = k n In vacuum: ω = ck dω vg = dk =c group velocity phase velocity 18 In a medium with n as a function of λ: ω = ck / n k = nω / c cdk d (nω ) dn = = n +ω dω dω dω c /ν 2πc = λ= n ωn dn dn dλ dn 2πc dn ω =ω = −ω = −λ 2 dω dλ dω dλ ω n dλ dω c c vg = = = dk n − λ dn N g dλ dn Ng = n − λ dλ Ng is the group index of the medium. PHY4320 Chapter Two 19 Group Index of the Medium Pure SiO2 For silica, Ng is minimum around 1300 nm, which means that light waves with wavelengths close to 1300 nm travel with the same group velocity and do not experience dispersion. Both n and Ng are functions of the free space wavelength. Such a medium is called a dispersive medium. n and Ng of SiO2 are important parameters for optical fiber design in optical communications. PHY4320 Chapter Two 20 Chapter Two: Wave Nature of Light Light waves in a homogeneous medium Plane electromagnetic waves Maxwell’s wave equation and diverging waves Refractive index Group velocity and group index Snell’s law and total internal reflection (TIR) Fresnel’s equations Goos-Hänchen shift and optical tunneling Diffraction Fraunhofer diffraction Diffraction grating PHY4320 Chapter Two 21 Snell’s Law Willebrord van Roijen Snell (1580-1626) Incident light waves Ai and Bi are in phase. Reflected waves Ar and Br and refracted waves At and Bt should also be in phase, respectively. PHY4320 Chapter Two 22 Reflection v1t v1t AB' = = sin θ i sin θ r θi = θ r Refraction v1t v2 t AB' = = sin θ i sin θ t sin θ i v1 n2 = = sin θ t v2 n1 PHY4320 Chapter Two 23 Refraction sin θ i n2 = sin θ t n1 Total Internal Reflection When n1 > n2 and θt = 90°, the incidence angle is called the critical angle θc: n2 sin θ c = n1 PHY4320 Chapter Two 24 Chapter Two: Wave Nature of Light Light waves in a homogeneous medium Plane electromagnetic waves Maxwell’s wave equation and diverging waves Refractive index Group velocity and group index Snell’s law and total internal reflection (TIR) Fresnel’s equations Goos-Hänchen shift and optical tunneling Diffraction Fraunhofer diffraction Diffraction grating PHY4320 Chapter Two 25 Fresnel’s Equations The incidence plane is the plane containing the incident and reflected light rays. Transverse electric field (TE) waves: Ei,⊥, Er,⊥, and Et,⊥. Transverse magnetic field (TM) waves: Ei,//, Er,//, and Et,//. Augustin Fresnel (1788-1827) Ei = Ei 0 exp j (ωt − k i • r ) Er = Er 0 exp j (ωt − k r • r ) Et = Et 0 exp j (ωt − k t • r ) Our goal is to find Er0 and Et0 relative to Ei0, including any phase changes. PHY4320 Chapter Two 26 θi = θ r ⎫ ⎬ n1 sin θ i = n2 sin θ t ⎭ Snell’s law B ⊥ = (n / c) E// ⎫ ⎬ Maxwell’s equations B// = (n / c) E⊥ ⎭ Etangential (1) = Etangential (2)⎫⎪ ⎬ Boundary conditions Btangential (1) = Btangential (2) ⎪⎭ PHY4320 Chapter Two 27 Incidence plane − Ei ,⊥ − Er ,⊥ = − Et ,⊥ − Bi ,⊥ + Br ,⊥ = − Bt ,⊥ ⇒ −(n1 / c )Ei , // + (n1 / c )Er , // = −(n2 / c )Et , // − Ei , // cos θ i − Er , // cos θ r = − Et , // cos θ t Bi , // cos θ i − Br , // cos θ r = Bt , // cos θ t ⇒ (n1 / c )Ei ,⊥ cos θ i − (n1 / c )Er ,⊥ cos θ r = (n2 / c )Et ,⊥ cos θ t PHY4320 Chapter Two 28 de − bf ⎧ x= ⎪ ⎧ax + by = e ⎪ ad − bc ⇒ ⎨ ⎨ ⎩cx + dy = f ⎪ y = af − ce ⎪⎩ ad − bc ⎧− Ei ,⊥ − Er ,⊥ = − Et ,⊥ ⎨ ⎩n1 Ei ,⊥ cos θ i − n1 Er ,⊥ cos θ r = n2 Et ,⊥ cos θ t ⎧ Er ,⊥ − Et ,⊥ = − Ei ,⊥ ⇒⎨ ⎩n1 Er ,⊥ cos θ r + n2 Et ,⊥ cos θ t = n1 Ei ,⊥ cos θ i − n2 cos θ t + n1 cos θ i ⎧ ⎪ Er ,⊥ = n cos θ + n cos θ Ei ,⊥ ⎪ 2 1 t r ⇒⎨ ⎪ E = n1 cos θ i + n1 cos θ r E ⎪⎩ t ,⊥ n2 cos θ t + n1 cos θ r i ,⊥ PHY4320 Chapter Two 29 de − bf ⎧ x= ⎪ ⎧ax + by = e ⎪ ad − bc ⇒ ⎨ ⎨ ⎩cx + dy = f ⎪ y = af − ce ⎪⎩ ad − bc ⎧− n1 Ei , // + n1 Er , // = − n2 Et , // ⎨ ⎩− Ei , // cos θ i − Er , // cos θ r = − Et , // cos θ t ⎧n1 Er , // + n2 Et , // = n1 Ei , // ⇒⎨ ⎩ Er , // cos θ r − Et , // cos θ t = − Ei , // cos θ i − n1 cos θ t + n2 cos θ i ⎧ ⎪ Er , // = − n cos θ − n cos θ Ei , // ⎪ 1 t 2 r ⇒⎨ ⎪ E = − n1 cos θ i − n1 cos θ r E ⎪⎩ t , // − n1 cos θ t − n2 cos θ r i , // PHY4320 Chapter Two 30 ⎧n = n2 / n1 ⎪ ⇒ sin θ i = n sin θ t ⎨θ i = θ r ⎪n sin θ = n sin θ 2 i t ⎩ 1 [ ⇒ n cos θ t = n − n sin θ t 2 2 2 ] 1/ 2 [ = n − sin θ i 2 2 [ [ ] 1/ 2 ] ] 1/ 2 2 2 ⎧ − n2 cos θ t + n1 cos θ i cos θ i − n − sin θ i Ei ,⊥ = Ei ,⊥ ⎪ Er , ⊥ = 1/ 2 2 2 n2 cos θ t + n1 cos θ r cos θ i + n − sin θ i ⎪ ⎨ 2 cos θ i ⎪ E = n1 cos θ i + n1 cos θ r E = Ei ,⊥ ⊥ , ⊥ i , t 1 / 2 2 2 ⎪ n n + cos θ cos θ cos θ sin θi n + − 2 1 t r i ⎩ [ PHY4320 Chapter Two ] 31 ⎧n = n2 / n1 ⎪ ⇒ sin θ i = n sin θ t ⎨θ i = θ r ⎪n sin θ = n sin θ 2 i t ⎩ 1 [ ⇒ n cos θ t = n − n sin θ t 2 2 2 ] 1/ 2 [ = n − sin θ i 2 2 [ [ ] ] [ ] ] 1/ 2 1/ 2 2 2 ⎧ − n1 cos θ t + n2 cos θ i n − sin θ i − n 2 cos θ i Ei , // = Ei , // ⎪ Er , // = 1/ 2 2 2 2 − n1 cos θ t − n2 cos θ r n − sin θ i + n cos θ i ⎪ ⎨ 2n cos θ i ⎪ E = − n1 cos θ i − n1 cos θ r E = E ⎪ t , // − n cos θ − n cos θ i , // n 2 − sin 2 θ 1/ 2 + n 2 cos θ i , // t r 1 2 i i ⎩ PHY4320 Chapter Two 32 Ei = Ei 0 exp j (ωt − k i • r ) r⊥ and r// are reflection coefficients. t⊥ and t// are transmission coefficients. Er = Er 0 exp j (ωt − k r • r ) Et = Et 0 exp j (ωt − k t • r ) r⊥ = t⊥ = r// = t // = Er 0 , ⊥ Ei 0,⊥ Et 0,⊥ Ei 0,⊥ Er 0, // Ei 0, // Et 0, // Ei 0, // [ = cos θ + [n ] θ] cos θ i − n − sin θ i 2 2 i = r⊥ + 1 = t ⊥ 2 ] θ] ] − sin θ i − n cos θ i − sin 1/ 2 + n 2 cos θ i 2 i 2 2n cos θ i 2 − sin θ i 2 ] 1/ 2 t // = t // exp(− jφt , // ) 1/ 2 1/ 2 2 t ⊥ = t ⊥ exp(− jφt ,⊥ ) i [ 2 r// = r// exp(− jφr , // ) 1/ 2 1/ 2 cos θ i + n 2 − sin 2 θ i [n r// + nt // = 1 − sin 2 2 cos θ i [ n = [n = 2 r⊥ = r⊥ exp(− jφr ,⊥ ) + n 2 cos θ i Complex coefficients can only be obtained when n2 − sin2θi < 0. n1 > n2 ,θi > θc Phase changes other than 0 or 180° occur only when there is TIR. PHY4320 Chapter Two 33 r⊥ [ ] = cos θ + [n − sin θ ] [ n − sin θ ] − n cos θ = [n − sin θ ] + n cosθ cos θ i − n − sin θ i 2 2 1/ 2 2 2 1/ 2 i 1 − n n1 − n2 r⊥ = = 1 + n n1 + n2 n − n 2 n1 − n2 = r// = 2 n+n n1 + n2 i 2 r// When θi = 0 (normal incidence): 1/ 2 2 2 i 2 1/ 2 2 i 2 i i When r// = 0 (reflected light is polarized): [n ] − sin θ p = n 2 cos θ p ⇒ n 2 − sin 2 θ p = n 4 cos 2 θ p 2 2 sin θp n 4 2 2 2 4 n n n ⇒ − = ⇒ 1 + tan θ − tan θ = p p cos 2 θ p cos 2 θ p n2 θp is called the polarization angle or ⇒ tan θ p = n1 Brewster’s angle. 2 2 1/ 2 ( n2 sin θ c = n1 ) PHY4320 Chapter Two 34 Brewster’s Angle (Polarization Angle) n1 = 1.44, n2 = 1.00 David Brewster (1781-1868) θ p = 34.78° θ c = 43.98° When θi = θp, reflected light is linearly polarized and is perpendicular to the incidence plane. When θp < θi < θc, there is a phase shift of 180° in r//. |r⊥| and |r//| increases with θi when θi > θp. There are phase shifts (other than 0 or 180°) in r⊥ and r// when θi > θc. PHY4320 Chapter Two 35 Example: calculate r⊥ and r// when n1 = 1.44, n2 = 1.00, and θi = 40°. Solution: n2 1.00 = = 0.694 n= n1 1.44 [ ] r = cos θ + [n − sin θ ] cos 40° − [0.694 − sin 40°] = cos 40° + [0.694 − sin 40°] [ n − sin θ ] − n cos θ r = [n − sin θ ] + n cosθ [ 0.694 − sin 40°] − 0.694 = [0.694 − sin 40°] + 0.694 ⊥ cos θ i − n − sin θ i 2 2 1/ 2 2 2 1/ 2 i 2 i 2 2 1/ 2 2 2 1/ 2 1/ 2 2 2 i // 2 i 1/ 2 2 = 0.490 2 i i 2 2 1/ 2 2 cos 40° 2 2 1/ 2 2 cos 40° PHY4320 Chapter Two = −0.170 36 Example: calculate r⊥ and r// when n1 = 1.00, n2 = 1.44, and θi = 40°. Solution: n2 1.44 n= = = 1.44 n1 1.00 [ ] r = cos θ + [n − sin θ ] cos 40° − [1.44 − sin 40°] = = −0.255 cos 40° + [1.44 − sin 40°] [ n − sin θ ] − n cos θ r = [n − sin θ ] + n cosθ [ 1.44 − sin 40°] − 1.44 cos 40° = = −0.104 [1.44 − sin 40°] + 1.44 cos 40° ⊥ cos θ i − n − sin θ i 2 2 1/ 2 2 2 1/ 2 i 2 i 2 2 2 1/ 2 2 2 1/ 2 1/ 2 2 i // 2 i 1/ 2 2 2 i i 2 2 1/ 2 2 2 2 1/ 2 2 PHY4320 Chapter Two 37 n2 tan θ p = n1 n1 = 1.00, n2 = 1.44 θ p = 55.22° PHY4320 Chapter Two 38 What are the phase changes at TIR (n1 > n2 and θi > θc)? r⊥ [ ] = cos θ + [n − sin θ ] [ n − sin θ ] − n cos θ = [n − sin θ ] + n cosθ cos θ i − n − sin θ i 2 2 1/ 2 2 2 1/ 2 i r// r⊥ = 1 i 2 1/ 2 2 2 1/ 2 2 z = z exp(− jφ ) r// = 1 2 i z = x − jy i ( z = x +y 2 i i 2 ) 2 1/ 2 ⎛ y⎞ φ = tan ⎜ ⎟ ⎝x⎠ −1 r⊥ [ = cos θ + j [sin ] θ −n ] − n cos θ + j [sin θ − n ] = n cos θ + j [sin θ − n ] cos θ i − j sin θ i − n i 2 2 1/ 2 2 2 1/ 2 i 2 r// 2 1/ 2 2 i 2 i 2 1/ 2 2 i i PHY4320 Chapter Two z1 exp(− jφ1 ) z1 z= = z 2 z 2 exp(− jφ2 ) = z1 z2 exp[− j (φ1 − φ2 )] 39 r⊥ [ = cos θ + j [sin 2 i [ ] θ −n ] cos θ i − j sin 2 θ i − n ] 2 2 1/ 2 ⎞ ⎛ −1 ⎜ sin θ i − n ⎟ φ1 = tan ⎟ ⎜ cos θ i ⎠ ⎝ 2 2 1/ 2 ⎞ ⎛ −1 ⎜ sin θ i − n ⎟ φ2 = − tan ⎟ ⎜ cos θ i ⎠ ⎝ 2 1/ 2 2 1/ 2 i [ [ ] ] 2 2 1/ 2 ⎞ ⎛ −1 ⎜ sin θ i − n ⎟ φ⊥ = φ1 − φ2 = 2 tan ⎟ ⎜ cos θ i ⎠ ⎝ [ ⎛ 1 ⎞ sin θ i − n tan⎜ φ⊥ ⎟ = cos θ i ⎝2 ⎠ 2 ] 2 1/ 2 PHY4320 Chapter Two 40 r// = [ − n 2 cos θ i + j sin 2 θ i − n [ n cos θ i + j sin θ i − n 2 2 [ ] 2 1/ 2 ] ] 2 2 1/ 2 ⎞ ⎛ −1 ⎜ sin θ i − n ⎟ −π φ1 = tan 2 ⎜ n cos θ i ⎟ ⎠ ⎝ 2 2 1/ 2 ⎞ ⎛ −1 ⎜ sin θ i − n ⎟ φ2 = − tan ⎜ n 2 cos θ i ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ 2 1/ 2 [ [ ] ] 2 2 1/ 2 ⎞ ⎛ −1 ⎜ sin θ i − n ⎟ −π φ// = φ1 − φ2 = 2 tan ⎜ n 2 cos θ i ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ [ ] 2 2 1/ 2 ⎞ ⎛ −1 ⎜ sin θ i − n ⎟ φ// + π = 2 tan ⎜ n 2 cos θ i ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ [ 1 ⎞ sin θ i − n ⎛1 tan⎜ φ// + π ⎟ = 2 2 2 n cos θ i ⎝ ⎠ 2 PHY4320 Chapter Two ] 2 1/ 2 41 Consider now: Et = Et 0 exp j (ωt − k t ⋅ r ) = Et 0 exp j (ωt − k ty y − ktz z ) ktz = kt sin θ t = kty = kt cos θ t = 2π λ 2π λ n2 sin θ t = [ 2π λ n2 1 − sin θ t 2 ] n1 sin θ i = ki sin θ i = kiz 1/ 2 ⎤ ⎡ ⎛n ⎞ 2 1 = n2 ⎢1 − ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ sin θ i ⎥ λ ⎢ ⎝ n2 ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎣ 2π PHY4320 Chapter Two 2 1/ 2 42 Evanescent Wave 2 At TIR: ⎛ n1 ⎞ ⎛ n1 ⎞ 2 θ i > θ c ⇒ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ sin θ i > ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ sin 2 θ c = 1 ⎝ n2 ⎠ ⎝ n2 ⎠ ⎡⎛ n ⎞ ⎤ 2 1 kty = − j n2 ⎢⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ sin θ i − 1⎥ λ ⎢⎝ n2 ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎣ 2π 2 2 1/ 2 = − jα 2 PHY4320 Chapter Two Why do we put a minus here? 43 Evanescent Wave ⎤ 2πn2 ⎡⎛ n1 ⎞ 2 ⎢⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ sin θ i − 1⎥ α2 = λ ⎢⎝ n2 ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎣ 2 1/ 2 Et ( y, z , t ) = Et 0 exp j (ωt − k ty y − ktz z ) = Et 0 exp j (− kty y )exp j (ωt − kiz z ) = Et 0 exp(− α 2 y ) exp j (ωt − kiz z ) λ 2 2 2 −1 / 2 [ = n1 sin θ i − n2 ] δ= α 2 2π 1 λ = 514.5 nm (green light) n1 = 1.44 (glass) n2 = 1.00 (air) θi = 50° (>θc = 43.98°) δ= [ the penetration depth ( ) 514.5 1.44 2 sin 2 50o − 1.00 2 2π PHY4320 Chapter Two ] −1 / 2 = 176nm 44 Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) Microscopy TIR illumination can greatly improve signal-to-noise ratios in applications requiring imaging of minute structures or single molecules in specimens having large numbers of fluorophores located outside of the optical plane of interest, such as molecules in solution in Brownian motion, vesicles undergoing endocytosis or exocytosis, or single protein trafficking in cells. Carl Zeiss PHY4320 Chapter Two 45 PHY4320 Chapter Two 46 θi 48.7° 49.7° 51.1° 53.9° 57.8° 66.5° I z = I 0e dp 300 nm 145 nm 100 nm 70 nm 55 nm 40 nm −z/dp λ 2 2 2 −1 / 2 [ dp = n1 sin θ i − n2 ] 4π PHY4320 Chapter Two 47 Fluorescence intensity Distance Evanescent nanometry Achieves a resolution of ~ 1 nm. Requires highly photostable fluorescent materials. PHY4320 Chapter Two 48 Intensity, Reflectance, and Transmittance Light intensity 1 I = vε r ε o E02 ∝ nE02 2 Reflectance R⊥ = Er 0 , ⊥ Ei 0,⊥ 2 2 = r⊥ R// = 2 Er 0, // Ei 0, // 2 2 = r// 2 Transmittance T⊥ = n2 Et 0,⊥ n1 Ei 0,⊥ 2 2 ⎛ n2 ⎞ = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ t ⊥ ⎝ n1 ⎠ 2 T// = PHY4320 Chapter Two n2 Et 0, // n1 Ei 0, // 2 2 ⎛ n2 ⎞ = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ t // ⎝ n1 ⎠ 49 2 r⊥ = r// = t⊥ = t // = Er 0 , ⊥ Ei 0,⊥ Er 0, // Ei 0, // Et 0,⊥ Ei 0,⊥ Et 0, // Ei 0, // cos θ − [n − sin θ ] = cos θ + [n − sin θ ] [ n − sin θ ] − n cos θ = [n − sin θ ] + n cosθ 2 1/ 2 2 i 1/ 2 2 i i 2 1/ 2 2 2 1/ 2 2 2 cos θ i − sin 2 i [n i 2 i cos θ + [n n − n 2 n1 − n2 = = 2 n+n n1 + n2 2 i = 2 i = θ] 1/ 2 i 2n cos θ i 2 1 − n n1 −n 2 = 1 + n n1 + n 2 = i 2 = When θi = 0 (normal incidence): − sin 2 θ] 1/ 2 i = + n 2 cos θ i ⎛ n1 − n2 ⎞ ⎟⎟ R = R⊥ = R// = ⎜⎜ ⎝ n1 + n2 ⎠ 2 2 2n1 = 1 + n n1 + n2 2n 2n1 = n + n 2 n1 + n2 4n1n2 T = T⊥ = T// = 2 (n1 + n2 ) PHY4320 Chapter Two 50 Example: A ray of light traveling in a glass medium of refractive index n1 = 1.450 becomes incident on a less dense glass medium of refractive index n2 = 1.430. Suppose the free space wavelength (λ) of the light ray is 1 μm. (a) What is the critical angle for TIR? (b) What is the phase change in the reflected wave when θi = 85° and 90°? (c) What is the penetration depth of the evanescent wave into medium 2 when θi = 85° and 90°? Solution: sin θ c = n2 / n1 = 1.430 / 1.450 ⇒ θ c = 80.47° 1/ 2 2 ⎡ 2 ⎛ 1.430 ⎞ ⎤ ⎟ ⎥ ⎢sin 85 ° − ⎜ θi = 90° 2 2 1/ 2 1 . 450 ⎝ ⎠ ⎢ ⎛ 1 ⎞ sin θ i − n ⎦⎥ = 1.614 ⇒ φ = 116 .45 ° tan ⎜ φ ⊥ ⎟ = =⎣ ⊥ cos θ i cos 85 ° ⎝2 ⎠ 2 1/ 2 φ⊥ = 180° ⎡ 2 ⎛ 1.430 ⎞ ⎤ ⎟ ⎥ ⎢sin 85 ° − ⎜ 2 2 1/ 2 1 . 450 ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎝ 1 ⎞ sin θ i − n ⎢⎣ ⎛1 = = 1.660 ⇒ φ // = −62 .13 ° tan ⎜ φ // + π ⎟ = 2 2 n cos θ i 2 ⎠ ⎝2 ⎛ 1.430 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ cos 85 ° φ// = 0° ⎝ 1.450 ⎠ [ ] [ δ= ] −1 / 2 −1 / 2 1μm λ 2 2 [ [ n1 sin θ i − n22 ] = 1.450 2 sin 2 85° − 1.430 2 ] = 0.780 μm 2π 2π PHY4320 Chapter Two δ = 0.663μm 51 Example: Consider a light ray at normal incidence on a boundary between a glass medium of refractive index 1.5 and air of refractive index 1.0. (a) If light is traveling from air to glass, what are the reflectance and transmittance? (b) If light is traveling from glass to air, what are the reflectance and transmittance? (c) What is the Brewster’s angle when light is traveling from air to glass? Solution: 2 2 ⎧ ⎛ n1 − n2 ⎞ ⎛ 1.0 − 1.5 ⎞ ⎟⎟ = ⎜ ⎪ R = ⎜⎜ ⎟ = 0.04 ⎧n1 = 1.0 n1 + n2 ⎠ ⎝ 1.0 + 1.5 ⎠ ⎪ ⎝ ⇒⎨ ⎨ 4n1n2 4 × 1.0 × 1.5 ⎩n2 = 1.5 ⎪ ⎪T = (n + n )2 = (1.0 + 1.5)2 = 0.96 1 2 ⎩ 2 2 ⎧ ⎛ n1 − n2 ⎞ ⎛ 1.5 − 1.0 ⎞ ⎟⎟ = ⎜ ⎪ R = ⎜⎜ ⎟ = 0.04 1 . 5 n = ⎧ 1 ⎪ ⎝ n1 + n2 ⎠ ⎝ 1.5 + 1.0 ⎠ ⇒ ⎨ ⎨ 4n1n2 4 × 1.5 × 1.0 ⎩n2 = 1.0 ⎪ ⎪T = (n + n )2 = (1.5 + 1.0 )2 = 0.96 1 2 ⎩ n 1.5 tan θ p = 2 = ⇒ θ p = 56.31° n1 1.0 PHY4320 Chapter Two Light will lose 4% of its intensity whenever it travels through an interface between air and glass. 52 Antireflection Coatings Current commercial solar cells are made of silicon (n ≈ 3.5 at wavelengths of 700–800 nm). 2 2 ( ( n1 − n2 ) 1.0 − 3.5) = R= 2 (n1 + n2 ) (1.0 + 3.5)2 Δ cφ = kc 2d = 2πn2 λ = 0.31 Air Coating (Si3N4) Si (solar cell) 1.0 1.9 3.5 (2d ) = mπ ⎛ λ ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⇒ d = m⎜⎜ ⎝ 4n2 ⎠ r12 = r23 in order to obtain efficient destructive interference. n1 − n2 n2 − n3 = ⇒ n2 = n1n3 n1 + n2 n2 + n3 r12,⊥ = r12,// = −0.31 r23,⊥ = r23,// = −0.30 n2 = n1n3 = 1.0 × 3.5 = 1.87 d= λ 4n2 = 700nm = 92nm 4 ×1.9 PHY4320 Chapter Two 53 Dielectric Mirrors n1 < n2 We can find that A, B, and C n1 − n2 2n1 < 0 t12 = r12 = > 0 waves are in phase with each n1 + n2 n1 + n2 other. They interfere with each n2 − n1 2n2 other constructively. > 0 t 21 = r21 = >0 The total reflectance will be n2 + n1 n2 + n1 close to unity. PHY4320 Chapter Two 54 Photonic Crystals 1-D 2-D periodic in one direction periodic in two directions 3-D periodic in three directions Photonic crystals are ordered structures in which two media with different dielectric constants or refractive indices are arranged in a periodic form, with lattice constants comparable to the wavelength of light. The light propagation is completely forbidden within photonic crystals if they are properly designed (refractive index contrast, crystal structure, and lattice constant). PHY4320 Chapter Two 55 Defects in Photonic Crystals cavity waveguide PHY4320 Chapter Two 56 Low-Pumping-Current Lasers SEM image H.-G. Park, S.-H. Kim, S.-H. Kwon, Y.-G. Ju, J.-K. Yang, J.-H. Baek, S.-B. Kim, Y.-H. Lee, Science 2004, 305, 1444. PHY4320 Chapter Two 57 Low-Pumping-Current Lasers radii of air holes: 0.28a (I) 0.35a (II) 0.385a (III) 0.4a (IV) 0.41a (V) Designed according to FDTD (finite difference time domain) calculations. electric field intensity profile PHY4320 Chapter Two 58 Low-Pumping-Current Lasers These low threshold current, highly efficient lasers might function as single photon sources, which are useful for cavity quantum electrodynamics and quantum information processing. PHY4320 Chapter Two 59 Wavelength Channel Drop Devices B.-S. Song, S. Noda, T. Asano, Science 2003, 300, 1537. PHY4320 Chapter Two 60 Chapter Two: Wave Nature of Light Light waves in a homogeneous medium Plane electromagnetic waves Maxwell’s wave equation and diverging waves Refractive index Group velocity and group index Snell’s law and total internal reflection (TIR) Fresnel’s equations Goos-Hänchen shift and optical tunneling Diffraction Fraunhofer diffraction Diffraction grating PHY4320 Chapter Two 61 Goos-Hänchen Shift Careful experiments show that the reflected wave at TIR appears to be laterally shifted from the incidence point at the interface. This lateral shift is known as the Goos-Hänchen shift. The reflected wave appears to be reflected from a virtual plane inside the optically less dense medium. The spacing between the interface and the virtual plane is approximately the penetration depth of the evanescent wave δ when n1 is very close to n2. Δz = 2δ tan θ i PHY4320 Chapter Two λ = 1 μm n1 = 1.45 n2 = 1.43 θi = 85° δ = 0.78 μm Δz ≈ 18 μm 62 Optical Tunneling At TIR, we shrink the thickness d of the medium B. When B is sufficiently thin, an attenuated beam emerges on the other side of B in C. This phenomenon, which is forbidden by simple geometrical optics, is called optical tunneling or frustrated total internal reflection. Optical tunneling is due to the evanescent wave, the field of which penetrates into medium B and reaches the interface BC. PHY4320 Chapter Two 63 Beam Splitters Based on Frustrated TIR The extent of light intensity division between the two beams depends on the thickness of the thin layer B and its refractive index. PHY4320 Chapter Two 64 Chapter Two: Wave Nature of Light Light waves in a homogeneous medium Plane electromagnetic waves Maxwell’s wave equation and diverging waves Refractive index Group velocity and group index Snell’s law and total internal reflection (TIR) Fresnel’s equations Goos-Hänchen shift and optical tunneling Diffraction Fraunhofer diffraction Diffraction grating PHY4320 Chapter Two 65 Diffraction Diffraction occurs when light waves encounter small objects or apertures. For example, the beam passed through a circular aperture is divergent and exhibits an intensity pattern (called diffraction pattern) that has bright and dark rings (called Airy rings). Two types of diffraction: (1) In Fraunhofer diffraction, the incident light is a plane wave. The observation or detection screen is far away from the aperture so that the received waves also look like plane waves. (2) In Fresnel diffraction, the incident and received light waves have significant wavefront curvatures. Fraunhofer diffraction is by far the most important. PHY4320 Chapter Two 66 Diffraction Diffraction can be understood using the Huygens-Fresnel principle. Every unobstructed point of a wavefront, at a given instant in time, serves as a source of spherical secondary waves (with the same frequency as that of the primary wave). The amplitude of the optical field at any point beyond is the superposition of all these wavelets (considering their amplitudes and relative phases). PHY4320 Chapter Two 67 Diffraction Pattern through a 1D Slit The one-dimensional (1D) slit has a width of a. Divide the width a into N (a large number) coherent sources δy (= a/N). Because the slit is uniformly illuminated, the amplitude of each source will be proportional to δy. In the forward direction (θ = 0°), they will be in phase and constitute a forward wave along the z direction. They can also be in phase at some other angles and therefore give rise to a diffracted wave along such directions. The intensity of the received wave at a point on the screen will be the sum of all waves arriving from all the sources in the slit. The wave Y is out of phase with respect to A by kysinθ. δE ∝ (δy ) exp(− jky sin θ ) E (θ ) = C ∫ δy exp(− jky sin θ ) a 0 PHY4320 Chapter Two 68 Let x = y − a/2, we obtain E (θ ) = C ∫ δy exp(− jky sin θ ) a 0 = C∫ a/2 exp[− jk ( x + a / 2 )sin θ ]dx −a / 2 1 − j ka sin θ 2 = Ce 1 − jkx sin θ dx = ∫−a / 2e − jk sin θ a/2 ∫ a/2 e − jkx sin θ dx −a / 2 a jk sin θ ⎞ ⎛ − jk a2 sin θ 2 ⎜e ⎟ e − ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎛1 ⎞ ⎛1 ⎞ − 2 j sin ⎜ ka sin θ ⎟ a sin ⎜ ka sin θ ⎟ 2 2 ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ = = 1 − jk sin θ ka sin θ 2 PHY4320 Chapter Two 69 E (θ ) = Ce 1 − j ka sin θ 2 I (θ ) = E (θ ) ⎛1 ⎞ a sin ⎜ ka sin θ ⎟ ⎠ ⎝2 1 ka sin θ 2 2 ⎡ ⎛1 ⎞⎤ sin sin Ca ka θ ⎜ ⎟⎥ ⎢ ⎝2 ⎠⎥ =⎢ 1 ⎢ ⎥ ka sin θ ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ 2 2 The zero intensity occurs when: π 1 ka sin θ = a sin θ = mπ 2 λ m = ±1,±2,L mλ sin θ = a Bright and dark regions The central bright region is larger than the slit width (the transmitted beam is diverging) λ = 1.3 μm a = 100 μm divergence 2θ = 1.5° PHY4320 Chapter Two 70 The diffraction patterns from two-dimensional (2D) apertures such as rectangular and circular apertures are more complicated to calculate but they use the same principle based on the interference of waves emitted from all point sources in the aperture. The diffraction pattern from a circular aperture of diameter D has a central bright region. The divergence of this bright region is determined by sin θ = 1.22 λ D Diffraction from rectangular apertures Why is the central bright region rotated relative to the rectangular aperture? PHY4320 Chapter Two 71 Diffraction-Limited Resolution Consider two neighboring coherent sources with an angular separation of Δθ examined through an imaging system with an aperture of diameter D. The aperture produces a diffraction pattern of the sources. As the sources get closer, their diffraction patterns overlap more. According to Rayleigh criterion, the two spots are just resolvable when the principle maximum of one diffraction pattern coincides with the minimum of the other, which is given by the condition: sin (Δθ min ) = 1.22 λ D PHY4320 Chapter Two 72 Diffraction-Limited Resolution Objectives are key components in an optical microscope. PHY4320 Chapter Two 73 Diffraction-Limited Resolution NA = n ⋅ sin (α ) The numerical aperture (NA) of a microscope objective is a measure of its ability to gather light and resolve fine specimen detail at a fixed object distance. PHY4320 Chapter Two 74 Diffraction-Limited Resolution 0.61λ resolution r = NA The resolution of an optical microscope is defined as the shortest distance between two points on a specimen that can still be distinguished by the observer or camera system as separate entities. It is the most important feature of the optical system and influences the ability to distinguish between fine details of a particular specimen. PHY4320 Chapter Two 75 Overcome Diffraction-Limited Resolution If a sufficient number of photons are collected from a single fluorescent molecule, the center of this molecule can be determined up to 1.5-nm resolution by curve-fitting the fluorescence image to a Gaussian function. A. Yildiz, J. N. Forkey, S. A. McKinney, T. Ha, Y. E. Goldman, P. R. Selvin, Science 2003, 300, 2061. PHY4320 Chapter Two 76 Overcome Diffraction-Limited Resolution Discernable 30-nm and 7-nm steps are readily observed upon moving the cover slip, either at a constant rate or a Poisson-distributed rate. PHY4320 Chapter Two 77 Overcome Diffraction-Limited Resolution Myosin (肌球蛋白,肌凝蛋白) V is a cargo-carrying motor that takes 37-nm center of mass steps along actin (肌动蛋白) filaments. It has two heads held together by a coiled-coil stalk. Hand-over-hand and inchworm models have been proposed for its movement along actin filaments. For a single fluorescent molecule attached to the light chain domain of myosin V, the inchworm model predicts a uniform step size of 37 nm, whereas the hand-over-hand model predicts alternating steps of 37 – 2x, 37 + 2x, where x is the in-plane distance of the dye from the midpoint of the myosin. PHY4320 Chapter Two 78 Overcome Diffraction-Limited Resolution The dye is 7 nm from the center of mass along the direction of motion. This result indicates that myosin V moves in a hand-over-hand fashion along actin filaments. PHY4320 Chapter Two 79 Diffraction Grating A diffraction grating in its simplest form has a periodic series of slits. An incident beam of light is diffracted in certain well-defined directions that depend on the wavelength and the grating periodicities. Zero diffraction intensity condition for a single slit: Bragg diffraction condition (maximum intensity): sin θ = m λ d m = ±1,±2, L sin θ = PHY4320 Chapter Two mλ a m = ±1,±2,L 80 Let’s try to derive the actual diffraction intensity from the grating by assuming a plane incident wave and that there are N slits. For the diffraction from a single slit: Eslit (θ ) = = Ce 1 − j ka sin θ 2 ⎛1 ⎞ a sin ⎜ ka sin θ ⎟ ⎝2 ⎠ 1 ka sin θ 2 C1e − jα α sin α ⎞ ⎛ C1 = Ca ⎟ ⎜ 1 ⎜ α = ka sin θ ⎟ 2 ⎠ ⎝ For the diffraction from the grating: Egrating (θ ) = Eslit (θ ) + Eslit (θ )e − jkd sin θ + Eslit (θ )e − j 2 kd sin θ + L + Eslit (θ )e − j ( N −1)kd sin θ [ = Eslit (θ ) 1 + e − jkd sin θ + e − j 2 kd sin θ + L + e − j ( N −1)kd sin θ ] A geometrical progression PHY4320 Chapter Two 81 1 − e − jNkd sin θ Egrating (θ ) = Eslit (θ ) 1 − e − jkd sin θ − jNkd sin θ 2 ⎛ sin α ⎞ 1 − e I grating (θ ) = Egrating (θ ) = C12 ⎜ ⎟ − jkd sin θ α 1 − e ⎝ ⎠ 2 − jNkd sin θ 2 1− e 1 − e − jkd sin θ = 2 1 − cos( Nkd sin θ ) + j sin ( Nkd sin θ ) 1 − cos(kd sin θ ) + j sin (kd sin θ ) 2 2 = 2 − 2 cos( Nkd sin θ ) 2 − 2 cos(kd sin θ ) ⎛1 ⎞ 2 sin 2 ⎜ Nkd sin θ ⎟ 2 ⎛ sin Nβ ⎞ 1 − cos( Nkd sin θ ) 2 ⎠ ⎝ ⎟⎟ = = = ⎜⎜ 1 − cos(kd sin θ ) sin β ⎠ ⎛1 ⎞ 2 sin 2 ⎜ kd sin θ ⎟ ⎝ ⎝2 ⎠ 1 ⎞ ⎛ ⎜ β = kd sin θ ⎟ 2 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎛ sin α ⎞ ⎛ sin Nβ ⎞ ⎟⎟ I grating (θ ) = C12 ⎜ ⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎝ α ⎠ ⎝ sin β ⎠ PHY4320 Chapter Two 82 When ⎧sin Nβ = 0 ⎨sin β = 0 ⎩ 1 ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ β = kd sin θ ⎟ 2 ⎝ ⎠ 2 ⎛ sin Nβ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = N 2 ⎝ sin β ⎠ β = mπ sin θ = m When λ is maximum. m = ±1,±2, L d ⎧sin Nβ = 0 ⎨sin β ≠ 0 ⎩ k ⎞λ ⎛ sin θ = ⎜ m + ⎟ N⎠d ⎝ 2 ⎛ sin Nβ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = 0 ⎝ sin β ⎠ ⎧m = ±1,±2, L ⎨k = 1,2, L, N − 1 ⎩ N−1 zero points, N−2 maxima PHY4320 Chapter Two 83 ⎛ sin α ⎞ I grating (θ ) = C12 ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ α ⎠ 2 ⎛ sin Nβ ⎜⎜ ⎝ sin β ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ 1 ⎧ ⎪α = 2 ka sin θ ⎨ 1 ⎪β = kd sin θ 2 ⎩ The amplitude of the diffracted beam is modulated by the diffraction amplitude of a single slit since the latter is spread substantially than the former. PHY4320 Chapter Two 84 2 The diffraction grating provides a means of deflecting an incoming light by an amount that depends on its wavelength. This is of great use in spectroscopy. In reality, any periodic variations in the refractive index would serve as a diffraction grating. sin θ m − sin θ i = m λ d m = ±1,±2, L PHY4320 Chapter Two sin θ m + sin θ i = m λ d 85 Reading Materials S. O. Kasap, “Optoelectronics and Photonics: Principles and Practices”, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458, 2001, Chapter 1, “Wave Nature of Light”. PHY4320 Chapter Two 86