f _# i,, f : ;:, €E€ @NSom g.,u iZafion CS rx"i'ii. i ;:-=", *.}*$'.", ;;** .ag rcee ffii"dtrxffi re "mn e1,,$il *5 a€ lgg{${.s:i+l,r::::+-r€i.:t€*€*i ': l':l focuny Ol Sporl Scienc€ l@Vd(orlo State Unhrersity lri : ISORYDIY MinistryotYouthandsport Republic of lr$nesir fidoflecictn Diiatx . Qroccz[ingof Internationa[ (onference on Sport 2009 Widiyanto, YogyakartaState University Nutrient As A ResourceOf Energy For Body 223 CerikaRismayanthi,Yog'akarta StateUniversity... The Important af Talent Guiding In TheEffort of GymnasticAchieuement 43 tr,7 Ch. Fajar Sriwahytniati, YograkartaStateUniveriity... 44 DeuelopmentBasesOf Swimming 230 R.AgungPurwandono Saleh,UpN "\,.ETERAN"yogyakarta......... Psychoneur o immun oIog y p ar adi g m : B r e athing EiLr cise To I ncr ease I mmunity 45 233 S_iswantoyo . Yo$rakartaStateUniversity.............. q6 correlation of obesity with Hjngrteniion DtseaseIn Reproductiue Age wo*ri i, Not TrainedIn Puskes_mas tfmbulharjo t yogyakarta............ -university 238 sitti Nurdjannah,solikhah, and yufita yeni, of Ahmad Dahlant;gy;#; 47 oy sau eidzr*p-i" lsychomotor, cognitiue And sociarDeuelopingAt epprooJij Physical Education On Kinderqarten Chitd. A TA -' a SemarangState.Unive"rsiry.............. ly-:rt qB lhg Influenceof Breathing ExerciseTouard Feu t a"a iri'imLong TheJurio, itji School StudentsIn Yogyakarta 249 RumpisAgus Sudarko,yogyakartaStateUniversity... Leg Acyclic potuer DeuelopmentIn Sport 49 253 . .. .,_,_\. !3rw^ono.SebelasMaret University.................. i $o') The oppotunity EntrepreunerDevelopmentror sport Science studentsThrought " --./ HandmadeBall production 264 yog,akarta StateUniversity... Fauziand Jaka Su_nardi. TheEuolution of Instructioi tn physicarEducatioi (Metzrer) 51 SoniNopembri.yogyakartaStateUniversity.................... z6B The correlation Betueen Joint Injury, obisity, iia' iport 52 with osteoartitis caseIn PuskesmasGondokusuman I yogyaiarta Wirking ir"o s_ittiNur Djannah,Atika Diah y'niani, Isti Ken ut;i, Trisno ,'7' Agung, UniversityOf Ahmad Dahlanyograkarta.......................,....... standart rgst s!<ilk 53 leuelopment ForAthletes BasketBaIl Beginners Siti Nurrochmah,MalangSlateUniversity..................-... 9'7.7 TheMotiuatton of studentsTo InuolueIi Hockeyniir"ire e, 54 e Ciiir"'optio* Sri Mawarti,yogyakartaStateUniversity............. 284 _................. Fosteing Social contact And CommunicationTo Improue 55 SocialInteraction In Team Sport/Games zB8 Soni Nopembri.yogyakartaStateUniversity.............. _ Imp-rouing E-Iementarychildren Physical ihrough iii"r, Exercise Aerobic 56 AddrianaBulu Baan,Universityof Tidulako.......-..._...... 293 Athletes Increase Mental Sfatus DIy with Mental T,aiinino 57 296 StateUniversity......................_....... ^ 4gtng Nugroho,-Yogzakarta TheInfluence of sit Heel RarsesExerciseAia rne iij Length sB To rhe iange' of ruck Style Long Jump 302 Agus Pujianto,SemarangStateUniversity... Throwing Accuroca To Target on Left And night stie tn softbart s9 AgusSusworo,yograkafta StateUniversity.............. 306 ....... 6o TheEfrect of ExerciseMethod And Leg Muscle piwir on The3o Meter Acceleration Run,An Etperimental Sndy on Grade X MaIe Studentsof walisongo senior High SchoolOf Semarang 311 Agus Widodo S, SemarangStateUniversity... 6t fg.n9fits Of Sport Massage To Lactic Acid"Of fhe noiy yogyakartaStateUniver.iry...............:........... 317 a\ {i la1ygGraha_, . .. 6z) visit salesMo4d \J'--r Efforts Transportation Efficieicg competition Football 4t y";akarta staie unive-rrity.... Amat Komari & Joko 32r .. ..... F;;?rdi, 63 cognitiueAnd BehauioralApproa-chIn Exercisenaii-oeuetopment Anirotul Qoriah,SemarangStateUniversity....................... 326 64 Management of lkatan Motor Indonesia(A qualttauii study At rhe ieigurus Daerah lkatan Motor IndonesiaJawa Tenoah) 331 Aris Mulyono,SemarangStateUniversity...i........ 65 TheInfluence.of."TeachingSportConceptsAnd Skitts: ATactical GamesApproach,, Ag ainst Phy sicalEducation lvawln S. Suherman,YogzakartaStateUniversity.............. 6t BenefitsOf Exercisepliometrtk Trauel Time Huidler Ali SatiaGraha,Yogy-akarta StateUniversi$ 341 A9 In coffaiorationof f acutty of Sport Science(oglafutrta State ,t-)niuersitl,Xhinistry of {outfi an[ Sport, ISORI. Infonesia :-:: Qroceerfi ng olf I n t ern o tt ott d [ ( or5fere n ct: otr Sp ort 2 00 9 ITSIT SALES MOD_E-L^AS EFFORTS TRANSPORTATION EFFTcTENCy coMpETrri-oN ioorsarl T:;Ti#l.d*';*l*x;ii:o, Footbatt as o spo-.lrj communitv orto" x::;';#x::"::",x1:t:!7,i,ixT:#;x?:,:,':,#*#;,"; *:1':!;;;;i;-;. ,11f3ffi"r')ro ,ur1r-1ettention from the rndonesian Nationar Footbart Leagtte. Footbarl ciitperirto,;, in'r"li,tii"'rrl"i"rr;r-';;;,rl;rrrf;Zr:::r:::# constraintssuchasA crosstn" iaining sessions iuith oorry:s crub buto ,nry obstaclethat mostclub ouners "nt'i troubling is the competitionin terii,oJfinanc,ing occur thctt rementber h'Lclonesia transpirtation. "'"1""igi, Thiscan ii or"n;prt"iii i"""nu that "i .inuoruesso mana crub members '{i;":f ,no, iiioirn;;;;, ;::;:i,::;:_i?ry::,':'ff::'""/;ry;i''!ii,i"i#:": suruiuat i,setr '#;';:yn:i,:::nx,f ",:;::l:#"".X:i'!;::^:.:;'i:,i!:"';kT:::{,::,?;:,;,: Keyrvords: visit saLes Mocrer,Efforts Transportation,Efficiency, competit[onFootbart INTRODUCTION The Football Association of Indonesia pssl is one exampre organizations'o tun^--lllt";t'g pto.gto--l'ccomplistrm"ntr. -or of a consistent spofts Tiri"ruas er.identin each city ahval'srunnins or oiaving.competition district is from canfollorvthe dit'islon-l'tiitt ai"ision..rrl" divisio; ili;; oi"iri"" II and rrirlrio"Jior the escapeI al"i.i""1rr"*'n.-" ro ioott all clubs .o1o, can imagine "".h i""oi""Jr" n",r'.9;p";it;;;;;ilri"" louT"Til';:n:00il,',f'o'o'" rrr,Division rr,Dio.i.io., r andthe #':iHlJ:;ilin"IJ#i1?Jt*liif f;:itjr,..":ffi :1..';i5ffi it*:,#::,: :.i;"Hj!iil"'f, ri1r"r-...t;;;.;;"::'"'i:y-in:L"xJqlFi:",#+T:j:,'J'"}m:,*: The audience gamer'ould bring much oat'^tttog"tl Th-igL n., .ir",t i" p,'"r.ii" neeclsand emotionalneedslo'erl a,u irr"t competed.a" tu.r-or"o-" form of food-andbe'erage attributesof his bero'ecr;ru! a; the cr,b rvould like to have the u""Jii",'3i-rirt " The existenceof football tl"uit-*ipofted ancla symborof greatnessclub. bv;;;;;Jd", ableto support ." ,n:^:1{_.:;;;;;';;".otioni such as the firm han financialry coaches' trainers'anclassistantgeneral.nu.r".,.. !.rffi"irr", j't payment.to sponsorthe prayers, sustainafil-iti b .ompetitioncin trom the role of localauthoritiesi. not be separated ;;;il;"""cingthe t;;;;t;;;"'rse membersof the counct];,31j^t::i"ti*.tj:l' riding his consentto invor',e be siven.p,o.om.roi, to be abre manageor to sit as a br'iilderof course "tt*airr"r".niil'J* to w'illhave tir" p.".tig;'"iiir" .".i"ay asmanyfootbalrfans. If the footballclub capable i.'arr".8-p"rliiJ.r.or the regionthat atitomatically "r*rtiit*"r"rt be utilizedto adcrthe icon for n".l-"'*"* popurar.F;;;ffi;;;, Kemat'oran the crub team nickname,Macan fix aclcls more cilv 'r"t^,t^ ,r"it;rur" t"o,-,-' ,rin. ur'.,rig Bancl'nginclicatingpERSIB to beatopponent'National;"-p;iiti;;"l".rra. "r able r-il;ii;i;;;H'th" ebb in the number r".g,,. h". p"ttitipi"it;',h;;'"ir Frome a degradatio"""i',rr" ""peii"nced promotion'concern "r crub-andth";;;;; over the t-""trr-""go;ng co;p;liti""'ir'ai" ciubsjust competitiond'e to lack stopping of one club from the of nt*ti"i ..,it"* al.s"ary or" rmplenientation il uigg-estcosts tortoruingthe of the club competiti""ltit" transportation " cost"i: 'es beh'eenthe israndswith as tndoneiia i. u., o.Jipulagothat other irru"L'.o f?. ,t;.;;;;;;""i1"needto find a breakthrough thesepermasalahaan .'vourd i" rr"- r" ..,'pi."., ,,r" financi'g or the efficiencv CONTRIRUTEA BETTER TRANSI.ATION The stratesicbus-iness -";A* ir"i-pl"-"nted using the. method ,,of asstgnment" is oftencalled."Hitss"i.tFrrrri." determiningthe it *iligir'";.;,i;", costs iotrr" bv'determininethe shorrest pressing Jirtr"." t.rr.etecl. tv ;x il;;;;j:ipa.nts ".jo"ir"ii"il"i'ire rrsiting otherplacesiocompete'so there of the competitionwhen are similaritl". u",".*i'."ies r,.isitsto the sitev'ith vrsrtto the rocation or the oppo"""1;, rr"#.u^.." the club,s ;r,;. ;;;;."'organiration in the asstgnment problemssometimes'a.1." scope of the i" r tri"a, or aiu".seiit.ur;Jnr. asstgnment a""ording Darmestha(rgBB) problemcan arisei, ,i,.*ri,i".^r..fr.; produce' clecision_making to assisnemoloyees ""r1"rl, machineryto i.,ffiil, to ho"at" .f".in" p.o3'".t.,assigni-ng area' personnelto the sire to the ln thisassignment sportsorganization, sales .rn t" ipprl"ii" in. .o.tl,,,r i.. of the fororrrine. n4inistrloir,youtn anr.tpott,rso\, rrtronesia ff:::':;{r'#;,:1,"J;:::;'-nce'Yoslatutrta.ttate'trniv^ersit1t, 321 {i vee([iry 0f I nternati ona[ ( onference on J port 2009 bler5 required four lines to cross zero inclicatesthat this can be given fbur special assignments that optimalsolution has been reached. New now we make fou. ir.ign-ents. First: Abas could be ignedin JATENG or in JATIM. we chose first JATENG Abas (this means that Abas can not be ignedto another place).Jnto two: Badmn assignedto the DKr (u;;;" not be assignedto JATENG ignmentto three: FIUFF assigned to DIY wiile assign"a l"'-""itor Dencly JATIM. From the :gnment distance traveled is as follows: elt6. Pemantau Tugas ke Jarak Abas IATF"NG 9o Badrun DK] 100 Carli DIY r40 Dendy JATIM 120 Jumlah 450 lased on table 16' and table ry. 9o KM can be shortened, of course this is a significant savings because rcmodelSelesvisit here could savezo%o. ONCLUSION By using the model of sales visits can be to determine the exact assignment decisions in cordance with the expectations of mileage efficiency t" il ;;iJ,"a ly the designated observers at football management can save time aid energy costs, there ii no longer hope that the club was ravily in transportation costs OFERENCES rncer''uich M John at al (tg97) organisasi: Perilaku, struktur proses. Jakarta Binalrpa Aksara Jakarta Barat. armesthaBasu swastha (lgBs) Metode Kuantitatif tI_nfrrkManajemen: yogyakarta penerbit 'soiu" Liberty lriyo (tgs-s) Manaiernen operasi;Yogyakarta penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi -Gito sudarmo Universitas Gadjah Mada. Andrini, Amat Komari (zoo8) Moclel Matematis Penentrnn penugasan sebagai ttpaya Membentuk Efisiensi organisasi Keolahragaan. Proceeding seminai olor,rogu ilusional Ke II: Yogyakarta Fakultas Ilmu KeolahragaanUNy. lor Bernard w'(zoor) sa[-nIllanajemen : P"endekatanMatematika unhrk Bisnis:Jakarta saiemba embank Patria Grand Wijaya Center Blok D z. facuftl of SportScience(oglafutrtd State,Uni."-ersity, gVitistry o|f,ynutl; an[Sport, ISORJ, In{onesia rt Science facufty 325