PROGRAMME /imean2015 @imean2015 conference programme. Page 1 Timings at a glance: Venue: iMean Workshops Wednesday 8th from 10.30 Conference Registration Thursday 9th from 09.00 Conference Opening Thursday 9th @ 10.45 Conference Dinner Thursday 9th @ 18.30 Social Evening Friday 10th @ 18.30 Round Table Saturday 11th @ 17.00 iMean closing Saturday 11th @ 18.00 Contact details: For general enquiries please contact us at Dr Jo Angouri ( or Dr Kate Beeching ( Travel directions: please see: conference programme. Page 2 CONFERENCE PROGRAMME – THURSDAY 9 APRIL 2015 Time S0.11 9.00 10.30 10.45 11.15 S0.13 S0.18 S0.17 S0.21 Conference Opening- Arts Centre Cinema Johannes Angermuller- Arts Centre Cinema LUNCH- Rootes Restaurant CHAIR: Locher Franziska Thurnherr & Miriam Locher How language impacts identity construction in email counseling PANEL: Language in/as business PANEL: (Im)politeness in Court Erika Darics Professional Communication and Linguistics Andrew Merrison & Jack Wilson Overview of the Panel and orientation to the shared data set 14.00 14.30 Maria Golik Minority Language Issues Barbara Clark Authentication and denaturalization: Speaking like a flight attendant Karen Grainger A Neo-Brown and Levinson Approach 14.30 15.00 Stephen Pihlaja Inter-religious dialogue on Social Media Louise Mullany The impact of ‘consultancy’ Chris Christie The indexical scope of Soto’s use of ‘Adios’ 15.00 15.30 S0.20 Registration and coffee- Arts Centre Helen Martin Studio 11.15 12.15 12.30 13.30 13.30 14.00 S0.19 CHAIR: Gormley Lou Harvey & Judith Hanks Collaboration, connection and competition Sophie ReissnerRoubicek & Xiaozhe Cai Doing, analysing and reflecting on teamwork Sarah Gormley The impact of discourse analytical approaches on leadership CHAIR: Ancarno CHAIR: King Rickard Jonsson What a Multicultural Place! Florian Hiss Traditional and new multilingualism Bartlomiej Kruk Gender categorization in interviews with male and female family caregivers PANEL: Impact in Sociolinguistics Dave Sayers & Robert Lawson Impact in sociolinguistics: Critiques and counter-narratives Paul Michaels Sign language interpreting for the deaf gay community Crispin Thurlow Where did all the teachers go? Ewa Glapka The socio-cultural implications of embodied femininity Deborah Cameron Thinking outside the tick-box Clyde Ancarno Triangle of communication approach TEA/COFFEE- Arts Centre Helen Martin Studio Conference programme. PagE 3 CONFERENCE PROGRAMME – THURSDAY 9 APRIL 2015 Time 15.3016.00 16.0016.30 16.3017.00 17.0018.00 18.0018.30 S0.11 CHAIR: Beeching Caroline Tagg Exploring the impact of superdiversity COLLOQUIUM: Sociopragmatics and Language Teaching and Learning S0.13 S0.18 S0.19 CHAIR: Kirilenko S0.17 S0.21 CHAIR: Hansson Dionysios Zoumpalidis Inta-communal language policy Samaneh Zandian ‘We can talk with them in English’ Yukiko Nishimura Blog posts by Japanese men and women Fiona Douglas CHAIR: Campos S0.20 Ellen Hake Neural processing of plain and complex language Jack Wilson Hazel Price, Andrew Merrison “We are not in a club now” Cecilia Boggio Seven ways to knit your portfolio Bethan Davies Mediatising and evaluating politeness Konstantina Zefkili & Eleni Apospori The impact of pragmatics and speech act theory on CSR Robert Weekly Methodology in language attitude research Alon Lischinsky Modeling interpersonal dimensions in presidential discourse Peter Patrick Cart or horse? Panel Roundtable Bakhta Abdelhay & Hayet Aoumeur The impact of the representation of marriage CHAIR: Zandian CHAIR: Nishimura Paul Kerswill Sociolinguists in reactive mode Kate Beeching Sociopragmatic competence Panel Roundtable Evgeniia Iniushkina Researching and Discussant: Teaching Chinese Meredith Marra discourse markers in Russia Discussant: Jim O’Driscoll Svetlana Kirilenko Russian sociolinguistic discourse Sten Hansson The language and impact of blame avoidance Impact: partnership, marriage, or divorce? Deborah Cameron- Arts Centre Woods-Scawen Poster Session (Posters on display in HELEN MARTIN STUDIO throughout the conference): Henning Arman Enregistering Swedish and Swedishness - Language Policy as Local and Ideological Practice Tayyiba Bruce & Stephen Pihlaja A corpus study comparing language associated with Christianity and Islam in the media and online Anna Budarina & Elizaveta Shevchenko The impact of globalisation on the development of MA programmes Margarita Dimitriadou The clash between the Old and the Modern in Greek: The case of Katharevousa and Dimotiki Vera Freytag "You didn't answer me this one???" - In/Direct directives in English and Spanish workplace emails Aleksandra Sokalska-Bennett & Bartlomiej Kruk The ‘Polish Mother’ as a superwoman Kasma Suwanarak Native English Speakers and Their Innate Rights to Teach Communication Skills 18.45 Coach departs for Conference Dinner–Harrington’s on the Hill-Kenilworth Pick up -‘Loop Road’ please check map and follow the iMean volunteers 19.15 Conference Dinner 22.15 Coach departs from Harrington’s on the Hill-Kenilworth – Please note the coach will depart promptly at 22.15 Conference programme. PagE 4 CONFERENCE PROGRAMME – FRIDAY 10 APRIL 2015 Time S0.11 S0.13 8.309.00 9.0010.00 CHAIR: Price 10.00 COLLOQUIUM: Sociopragmatics Christopher Todd & 10.30 and Language S0.18 S0.19 S0.20 S0.17 Registration-Helen Martin Studio Klaus Schneider- Arts Centre Woods-Scawen CHAIR: Dippold CHAIR: Ott Karin Tusting, Alan Benson Nicole Divoux David Barton & Developing an Ringuette Teaching and Stephanie Mary Hamilton authoritative voice as Identity, language Learning Schnurr The impact of a classroom teacher identity, and Exploring impact on ‘position’ from the Helen Woodfield Impoliteness on academics' writing immigrant’s Sociopragmatic Twitter and perspective. Variation in native YouTube speakers’ and ESL learners’ requests 10.30 11.00 Julie Abbou Qun Zheng Colonial Discourse language markers and pragmatic and postcolonial competence in L2 discourses in textbook design: contemporary Hong the Kong case of you know CHAIR: Wharton Sue Wharton Impact and practitioner/ researcher networks 11.00 11.30 Diane Potts Programme evaluation models Bettina Beinhoff Global encounters CHAIR: Michaels Aleksandra SokalskaBennett COLLOQUIUM: Language, Power and Politics at Work Gendered assumptions on grieving in miscarriage narratives Patchaarerat Yanaprasart & Georges Lüdi Diversity or equality Abigael Candelas de la Ossa Stance and neoliberal ideology in sexual consent guidance Brian King Community membership in a classroom workplace TEA/COFFEE- Arts Centre Helen Martin Studio S0.11 11.30 12.00 S0.21 Liubov Patrukhina German modal particles at CEF beginner level S0.13 S0.18 S0.19 S0.17 S0.21 CHAIR: Schnurr Beverley Costa The impact of delivering therapy services for multilingual individuals and families CHAIR: Potts CHAIR: Jonsson Michelle Lawson Freaks, royalty and the French Resistance CHAIR: Miglbauer Susanne Tietze The politics of management scholarship Billy Clark, Marcello Giovanelli & Andrea Macrae Rethinking English: Impact on A-levels Christine Ott The impact of feminist linguistic criticism on educational policy Conference programme. PagE 5 CONFERENCE PROGRAMME – FRIDAY 10 APRIL 2015 12.00 Sophie ReissnerRoubicek, Lynnette 12.30 Richards & Carolin Debray Implementing speech act research skills with Japanese sojourner cohorts 12.30 13.00 13.00 14.00 Patricia Pullin Effective communication by ELF users: w(h)ither native speaker norms? Jane Lugea, Hazel Price & Mathew Evans Bringing linguistic research to a popular audience: Babel and Lingo magazines Marcia Pinho English as an optional language Ushma Chauhan Jacobsen Locating appropriate data to explain cosmopolitan impact Marlene Miglbauer Irina Moore The impact of the Linguistic Landscape approach Marta Wróblewska Quantifying impact Natalie Braber Preserving cultural heritage through linguistic research Bakhta Abdelhay The Impact of Teaching Gender and Language Age and marital status in identity construction Jason Glynos, Robin Klimecki, Simon Parker & Hugh Willmott A Critical Nodal Analysis: Ethical Banking Mirjam Werner The power of words frames and narratives in Political Action LUNCH- Rootes Restaurant Conference programme. PagE 6 CONFERENCE PROGRAMME – FRIDAY 10 APRIL 2015 Time 14.00 15.00 15.00 15.30 S0.11 16.00 16.30 16.30 18.30 18.30 20.00 20.30 ... S0.18 S0.19 S0.21 Zhu Hua- Arts Centre Woods-Scawen COLLOQUIUM: Sociopragmatics and Language Teaching and Learning Michael McCarthy Listeners and good listenership: towards a grammar of response 15.30 16.00 S0.13 COLLOQUIUM: Roundtable Discussants: Ben Knight (CUP), Klaus Schneider ATELIER AFLS Hélène Blondeau & Emmanuelle Labeau La référence temporelle au futur Alexandra Reynolds The impact of language policy on higher education in France CHAIR: Beinhoff Ana Kedves Discourse and Impact CHAIR: Thurnherr COLLOQUIUM: Khwala Badwan Attracting a Lower Exchange Rate? Language, Power and Politics at Work Dörte Lønsmann & Janus Mortensen Language, policy and power in a transient multilingual workplace Bethan Davies Diachronic Critical Discourse Analysis Jiayin Li First generation Chinese migrant parents COLLOQUIUM: End Day One Discussion TEA/COFFEE- Arts Centre Helen Martin Studio The impact agenda and linguistic research: looking to the future – Arts Centre Woods-Scawen Panellists: Professor Mike Baynham, Sub-panel 28 'Modern languages and linguistics', sub-panel 25 ‘Education’, REF2014 Steven Hill, Head of Research Policy (HEFCE) Dr Saba Hinrichs, The King’s Policy Institute Wendy Matcham, Senior Research Portfolio Manager, ESRC Amy Thomson, Adviser, UK Federation of Chinese Schools Professor Nigel Vincent, FBA MAE Chair: Professor Simon Swain, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Arts and Social Sciences, University of Warwick Social Evening: Drinks and canapés- Arts Centre Helen Martin Studio Optional: Pub outing (register with Helen Watts at the registration desk by Thursday 18.00) Conference programme. PagE 7 CONFERENCE PROGRAMME – SATURDAY 11 APRIL 2015 Time 09.00 09.30 9.30 10.30 10.30 11.00 11.00 11.30 S0.11 12.30 13.30 S0.19 S0.20 S0.21 PANEL: From media ethnography to media linguistics COLLOQUIUM: Angelique Petrits Applied multilingualism in the EU institutions Rick Iedema- Arts Centre Woods-Scawen CHAIR: Boggio Julia Campos Integration Discourse in Germany Helen Spencer-Oatey & Jiayi Wang Communication flexibility and intercultural leadership: A relational dialectic perspective ATELIER AFLS Aurélie Joubert Language ideologies and impact of language policy Roula Kitsiou Applying thematic analysis in the context of a multi-researcher team-based GreekFrench project CHAIR: Davies Abigael Candelas de la Ossa & Kaitlyn Smith Superpowers and vigilantes Lars Hinrichs, Benedikt Szmrecsanyi & Axel Bohmann Which-hunting and the Standard English relative clause CHAIR: Santello Christina Efthymiadou Rethinking TurkishGreek relations Colleen Cotter Craft and codification Zayneb Al-Bundawi Aleksandra Gnach Religious texts and & Daniel Perrin identity construction Realist Social Theory Language, Power and Politics at Work Meredith Marra “Fitting in” at work TEA/COFFEE- Arts Centre Helen Martin Studio 12.00 Time S0.18 Registration-Helen Martin Studio 11.30 12.00 12.30 S0.13 S0.11 CHAIR: Garcia-Yeste Marta Kirilova Avoiding communication, avoiding impact? S0.13 ATELIER AFLS Elodie Oursel Misunderstandings between native and nonnative administrative assistants S0.19 CHAIR: B. Clark Doris Dippold Between accomplishment and deficiency approaches to HE classroom interaction S0.20 PANEL: Marcel Burger and Laura Delaloye Saillen How and when is institutional authority questioned S0.21 Eero Varra Concluding Remarks Paul Baker- Arts Centre Woods-Scawen Conference programme. PagE 8 CONFERENCE PROGRAMME – SATURDAY 11 APRIL 2015 Time 13.30 14.30 14.30 15.00 15.00 15.30 15.30 16.30 16.30 17.00 17.00 18.00 18.00 18.15 S0.11 S0.13 S0.19 S0.20 S0.21 LUNCH- Rootes Restaurant CHAIR: Apró Marlene Miglbauer Students’ online communicative habits and skills as resources for teaching English as a foreign language Ágnes Apró Tentative Language Use (TLU) in Native Hungarians’ Business English Communication ATELIER AFLS: TABLE RONDE Kate Beeching/Elodie Oursel PANEL: From media ethnography to media linguistics CHAIR: Mullany Larissa Semiramis Schedel Multilingual workplace COLLOQUIUM: Roundtable Looking to the future Jo Angouri and Rebecca Piekkari Roundtable CHAIR: Oursel Xlaohui Yuan Impact of Language Research on International Meditation Practice Raffaella Negretti & Miguel Garcia-Yeste ‘Lunch keeps people apart’. Social Interaction in the Multilingual workplace CHAIR: Gnach Federico Zannoni Pretty when you cry. The many languages of human frailty CHAIR: Piekkari Claudine Gaibrois Counterbalancing English related asymmetries Penny Eckert- Arts Centre Woods-Scawen TEA/COFFEE- Arts Centre Helen Martin Studio iMean Round table- Arts Centre Woods-Scawen Close- Arts Centre Woods-Scawen Conference programme. PagE 9