Title Workshop at APS in 2007 High Pressure Research at SPring-8 ●BL01B1 XAFS/DAC ●BL04B1 Large Volume Press ●BL02B1 Single Crystal Study X-ray diffraction ●BL04B2 High Energy X-ray Diffraction ●BL08W Compton Scattering ●BL09XU NRIXS ●BL10XU Exclusive HP station X-ray Diffraction using DAC ●BL43IR Infra Red Spectroscopy ●BL40XU XRD: Time Resolved Exp. ●BL39XU X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism ●BL35XU Inelastic scattering ●BL12XU,B2 (Taiwan) NRIXS, XAFS ●BL14B1 X-ray Diffraction : LVP ●BL22XU ●BL11XU X-ray Diffraction:DAC (LT, Single Crystal.) NRIXS, Mössbauer spectroscopy SPring-8 : LVP High pressure experiments at SPring-8. Large volume (multi-anvil) press : BL04B1, BL14B1, BL22XU ED-XRD, radiographic imaging, ultra-sonic technique, etc. Diamond anvil cell : BL10XU and others AD-XRD with laser heating, a lot of SR technique Keys for studying the deep Earth’s materials ~ experiments under multi-megabar condition * increase pressure (temperature) limit * high flux x-ray beam technique Outline ・ BL10XU : high pressure x-ray diffraction station (1) X-ray focusing optics : XRD under multi-megabar (2) simultaneous measurement system of Brillouin spectroscopy and XRD with LH. ・ New attractive measurement technique : Energy-domain synchrotron radiation Mössbauer spectroscopy using high-flux neV resolution x-ray beam. XRD under highest pressure at BL10XU Mo at 0.4 TPa : X-ray focusing optics Focusing optics by using double lens system Up-stream focusing lens : large aperture (beam condenser) & long focal distance Glassy-Carbon CRLs 2nd lens : micro-beam & high flux density ANKA, Germany 10 mm GC lens Experimental Hutch 1 Brillouin spectrometer BL10XU Optics Hutch Undulator Experimental Hutch 2 High Pressure XRD YLF or YAG Cryostat double crystal (diamond 111) monochromator (3) X- CCD IP X- CCD CR Lens CO2 laser heating DSS 16m DAC 2nd CRL @30 keV Be-CRL: 66 4D Slit: 100 μm x 100 μm SU8-CRL: 8th Collimator: A1φ15 μm Vertical @30 keV Be-CRL: 66 4D Slit: 100 μm x 100 μm SU8-CRL: 8th Collimator: A1 φ15 μm Horizontal σ = 3.7(1) μm FWHM = 7.3(2) μm σ = 4.8(2) μm FWHM = 9.5(3) μm Intensity [arb.] Intensity [arb.] Focused x-ray beam profiles 7.3 μm 7 um Beam profile : FWHM ~ 7 um (vertical) ~ 10 um (horizontal) At sample (DAC) position 9.5 μm 10 um (knife edge method) Vertical 0 5 Horizontal 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Vertical position [μm] 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 15 um Horizontal position [μm] XRD under 250 GPa with 2nd lens Example: Fe (250 GPa) Effective intensity again 500 times (as the same exposure time) X-ray divergence (angler resolution) ≒0.01deg. (100μm/55cm, 0.2mrad) (the case of first lens only) :0.003deg. (0.5mm/11m) for multi-megabar high pressure (and multi-thousand Kelvin) experiments with very good statistic and rapid XRD measurement High pressure and high temperature in-situ Brillouin spectroscopy using infrared laser heating combined with XRD at SPring-8 Motohiko Murakami Okayama University Yuki Asahara , Naohisa Hirao, Yasuo Ohishi Japan Synchrotron Radiation Institute Nagayoshi Sata IFREE/AMSTEC Kei Hirose Tokyo Institute of Technology Brillouin scattering & X-ray diffraction simultaneously measurement existence of the sound velocity distribution sound velocity Vi = ⊿ωλ/2sin(θ/2), i = s (transverse), p (longitudinal) (in a symmetric scattering geometry) shear modulus G = ρVs2, ρ(density from XRD) adiabatic bulk modulus elastic properties of minerals under Earth’ Earth’s interiors condition Ks = ρVp2 – 4/3G In order to interpret seismic observation in Earth’interior and global seismological models. New combined system Performance, Sample/measurement condition Specimen : multi crystal (powder, only transparent sample) Pressure range : ~ 150GPa, DAC Temperature : ~ 3500K, Laser Heating Sound velocities measurement : Brillouin scattering spectroscopy Sample density : x-ray diffraction (with pressure standard) System components Brillouin scattering : Fabry-Perot interferometer, symmetric geometry Laser Heating : CO2 laser (sample’s transparency. Temperature is measured from spectroradiometric method) X-ray diffraction : BL10XU x-ray (50keV) & x-ray CCD (lattice parameters, pressure measurement, sample phase monitor) Combined system at BL10XU/SPring-8 The system consists of three components, (1) Brillouin specrtometer Fabre-Perro interferometer DAC stage (XYZ) heavy-duty linear translation stages (2) X-ray diffraction system X-CCD, Focused x-ray beam(50keV) (3) Laser heating optics CO2 laser, Spectroradiometric temperature measurement system Preliminary Results Experiment (1) Microscopic views of polycrystalline MgO before laser heating (42 GPa) and on laser heating (49 GPa, ~2300 K). Brillouin scattering spectra of MgO XRD of MgO Experiment (2) A B C Microscopic views of H2O (a) before heating (6 GPa) and (b) at melting temperature, (c), (d) at 2200 K and during Brillouin measurement. Brillouin scattering spectra and XRD profiles of H2O before heating (6 GPa) and at melting temperature, at 2200 K and after quenching. The resent developed energy-domain synchrotron radiation Mössbauer spectroscopy at SPring-8 Takaya Mitsui Japan Atomic Energy Agency Makoto Seto, Yasuhiro Kobayashi, Satoshi Higashitaniguchi Kyoto University, CREST - High pressure applications Naohisa Hirao, Yasuo Ohishi Japan Synchrotron Radiation Institute Energy-domain SR Mössbauer spectroscopy Behavior of iron in deep Earth materials under high pressure differentiation of the early Earth, subduction and upwelling in the mantle, formation of the Earth's magnetic field Mössbauer spectroscopy for studying deep Earth’s materials one of powerful methods to study the electronic and magnetic structures of iron and iron containing materials - MS from conventional radioactive source - MS from time spectrum by nuclear resonant scattering at SR - Energy-domain synchrotron radiation Mössbauer spectroscopy by collimated SR x-ray and neV high energy resolution technique * Conventional Mössbauer spectra (NOT time spectra) ED-SR-MS * HighlyOscillation collimated and intense photon flux Oscillation * Micron probes with X-ray focusing optics > 1) Applicability to very small samples, such as ~10 micron, at multimegabar pressures > 2) Quick measurements (a few hours) > 3) Low iron-containing materials well collimated high flux velocity velocity and high energy resolution x-ray beam * No limitation from the synchrotron operation modes (bunch mod es) 57Co neV resolution X-ray source for Mössbauer spectroscopy Nuclear resonant filtering of synchrotron radiation by pure nuclear Bragg reflection of 57FeBO single crystal 3 *high collimated and neV energy resolution x-ray beam Ee1 SR ΔE~meV Transition energy 14.4 keV Doppler energy shift of Mössbauer absorption ΔE~meV ²E ~ neV Energy Natural line width - 0.19 mm/s E0: Resonant energy of a nuclear analyzer crystal Electronically forbidden and nuclear allowed Bragg reflection of 57FeBO3 (333) (pure nuclear Bragg reflection) Eg 57FeBO 3 A single-line Mössbauer filtering technique (iron borate) single crystal @~Néel temperature in magnetic field ΔE~neV (nuclear Bragg reflection ≈ the natural width of the nuclear level) Smirnov et al. (1997) Phys. Rev. B 55, 5811. Mitsui et al. (2007) Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 46, L821 Experimental arrangement for energy-domain SR Mössbauer spectroscopy and DAC Mössbauer spectrum of Fe2O3 under multi-magabar HP phase (RT) P ~ 7 GPa Spin flip 0.9 The suggests this<technique P ~results 52 GPa > Tthat Tm m is suitable for applications of high Antiferromagnetic-paramagnetic (Nasu, et al.,1986) pressure experiments Phase - Earthtransition and Planetary Sciences – Distorted corundum type (Rh2O3-II) *Required exposure time is 1 or 2 hours (Pasternak, al.,1999; even if @et204 GPa Rozenberg et al., 2002) *The profiles of spectrum very good. Metal-non metal transitionare (Badro, et al.,2002). *Suitable for HP experiment source P > 100 GPa Room temperature SR Mössbauer spectra of 57Fe2O3 polycrystalline at different pressure conditions. The solid lines are fits with Spin flipLorenzian at Pc lines. Pasternak, et al. PRL (1999) 6 5 4 3 2 1 (a) 0.8 Relative Transmission α−Fe2O3 (hematite : corundum) AP(0.1MPa) : paramagneticNéelTemp. : 955K 1 H=51.4T QS= -0.2mm/s 1 0.9 (b) 0.8 H=51.1T QS= 0.4mm/s Normal 43 GPa 1 0.9 (c) QS= 1.0mm/s 91 GPa 0.8 1 (d) QS= 1.1mm/s 121 GPa 0.9 1 0.9 (e) 0.8 QS= 1.4mm/s 204 GPa 0.7 -10 -5 0 5 Velocity (mm/s) Exposure time : 1 ~ 2 hrs. 10 Future Plan : Mössbauer spectroscopy and XRD simultaneous measurement ΔE=2.5meV@14.4keV hσ V E=14.4keV or 43.2keV BL10XU XCRL ② HRM Si(511)xSi(975) Si(111)xSi(111) Slit Slit H H Mirror BL11XU Dia.(111)xDia.(111) ① PM 11550Oe 0Oe NaI NaI DAC DAC V ③ NMC 57FeBO (333)@75.8 NMC 3 57FeBO (333)@ ℃ 75.8 3 ℃ SIngle-line ultra monochmatized beam Summary High-pressure researches for deep Earth’s materials using DAC at SPring-8 BL10XU : fundamental but still upgraded - for higher pressure (and higher temperature) high flux x-ray beam tandem XCRL focusing optics accurate XRD experiment under multi-megabar - Simultaneous measurement (XRD & Brillouin spectroscopy) Resent developed spectroscopy technique at SPring-8 - Energy-domain SR Mössbauer spectroscopy electronic and magnetic properties for iron containing materials under deep Earth’s condition