KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN LINIVERSITA S NEGERI YOGYAKARTA FAKULTAS ILMU PENDIDIKAN Alamat : Jl. Colombo No.l Yogyakarta 55281Telp/Fax.(0274) 540611; Dekan Telp. (0274) 520094 Telp.(0274) 586168 Psw. 405 E-mail : humas_fi p@uny. Home P age: http I lfi id : SURAT IZIN/PENUGASAN Nomor: tgt,. /LtN34.l UPMl20t5 Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta mengizinkan kepada Dosen -se.Hgai - berikut : -..Dr. Rita Ekalzzaty, S.Psi., M.Si. r'*'^'* -, NIP 197302t0 199802 2 001 Pangkat/ Gol. Penata, Prodi Bimbingan dan Konseling Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Keperluan Sebagai presenter pada kegiatan I lth International Seminar Collaboration of Di fferent Generation Tempat Universitas Negeri Yo gyakarta Tanggal l7 s.d l8 Maret Acuan izin Berdasarkan surat dari yang bersangkutan tanggal 12 Maret 2015. lll/c, Lektor on Disaster 2015 Surat izin ini diberikan kepada yang bersangkutan untuk dilaksanakan dan digunakan sebagaimana mestinya, serta melaporkan hasilnya kepada Dekan. Atas perhatian dan kerjasama yang baik kami ucapkan terima kasih. l3 Maret 2015 Tembusan l. : Rektor 2. Wakil Dekan I FIP 3. Kaprodi BK FIP 4. Kabag TU FIP 5. Admin Presensi FIP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta D//SuratTugas M.Pd. 198702 I 001 U -'t ? I \;, ,zn , Htil :,J'il \(a = ,;< 3 o)oJ 6-r ..i, 9". V) -.{ f -.o fa r)r] o:r ;o) > < L =on eq oii.z oc fa lL' o t !, - o F v1 LJ (, - r ol .F o) b s v N ( s b { T b n o- I a' 9- n (a o) .+ o \')F :.: \J o, ct ts H o FF o6 ., -l A /t) ) --iI oxY o:o = -|.. -(-(, =o c=(o t.A ? JO -\+ o;=F. -) q |'\r o -lI f'ltZor nni>-\.r=1- +:=OorDfq) :1 O-= T.o{ o) o, -.< 1;HT rg ! F{Xs Ed m F \9. it :;jY.D .i :1 t4 n o r) o (, f ! oJ J J O 0J l e 5 o_ X\,},4 s1 ii d6dur9#zn *99n Y 7. m { -fr6'ff6 #g .2{€ =c 2 d F i s4F: + S= q9 9.? F= H Jaa g i= -l g B o) _u. =' F rD rt o,,' C) f, r OJ. ? ! 11 i ? x j < xo. o .- r+. +r \<( v1 C} & Y-. o itrrrTtH =t Hti >o .> -l 6p= *q a-l = (, - @ PNJ to ln ='z- o n. t -,,' i' OJr i. o v l :...t.,'!.o vr m t_l i., oJ ar + J- o 2 J{ 1r1 o +r F I..+r z +r - = .D fD J +-F 6) (D I ) (D -) q t o z z t- = t 0) (n OJ r) - o { J (D I ltr n o ltr 3 -{ m 3 F F -J .-l oll ntu.+ = -\< o o_< =.4 ('oos, o;o aa.o- {< -'A - o) -! =. a. OJ tJl J-(D J ^. tn ui uJn-. 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ISBN : 978-602-8865-58'6 -t\ ''Y r, . - }^:r' " DEPARTMENT OF NURSING FACULTYOF MEDICINE UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA / iiKOBE UNvERSITY 1lTH INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON DISASTER: COLLABORATION OF DIFFERENT GENERATION IN THE COMMUNITY Yogyakarta, t7-t8 March 2015 JOINT SEMINAR PROGRAM & ABSTRACTS lSBt{ : 978602€865'58-6 DEPARTITilENT OF NUR$ING FAGULTY OF MED|CINE, UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA YOGYAKARTA in Collaboration with KOBE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES JAPAN 2015 11TH INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON DISASTER: COMMUNIry EMPOWERMENT FOR DISASTER MITIGATTON AND REHABILITATION Editor: Elsi Dwi Hapsari, BN, MS, DS Itsna Luthfi Kholisa, S.Kep., Ns., MANp Publisher: DEPARTMENT OF NURSING FACULTY OF MEDICINE UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA lsmangoen Building, Jr. Farmako, sekip utara yogyakarta ss2g1 Phone +62-27 4-54567 4 F ax. +62-27 4-6i1 2M INDONESIA Website: keperawatan.ugm. ac. id First Edition : March. 2015 ISBN : 978-602-8865-5g-6 In collaboration with : r'E 'r "'1088 IIt\ s.l ,fr E -^ - \fff I t " :_, ''*TIMRSITY Kobe university Graduate schoor of Hearth sciences, Kobe, Japan d Department of Nursing Faculty of Medicine UGM Abstracts in Oral and Poster Presentation Oral Presentation Abstract 1 The Effect of Progressive Relaxation Therapy for Reducing Premenstrual Syndrome in 21 Adolescents after Merapi Eruption in yogyakarta (Dwi Kustriyanti, Elsi Dwi Hapsari, Wiwin Lismidiati) Abstract 2 21 The lmpact of Flood Risk Management on Community Quality of Life in purwodadi-Grobogan, CentralJava (Agustina Ari Handayani) Abstract 3 Cognitive Domain in Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Management Mitigation phase at coastal communities Tanjungkarang village Mataram city west Nusa Tenggara (Suharmanto) Abstract 4 Social Interaction and Resilience Of Mothers Living in Disaster-Prone Areas in yogyakarta (Rita Eka lzzaty, Retna Hidayah, UnikAmbarwati) Abstract 5 23 Women Awareness to Physical Environment in Reducing Risk of Disaster in yogyakarta (Retna Hidayah, Rita Eka lzzaty, UnikAmbarWati) Abstract 6 24 The Relation between Social Support and Level Of Depression and Quality Of Life in Elderly People after the Eruption of Merapi in Kuwang Permanent Housing, Cangkringan, Sleman (Sumarni DW, Era Rosella, Aprilia Wulandari, Sri Mulyani Abstract t, I d 7 Relationship between Parenting Pattern of Parents with Degree of Depression, Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in Junior High School Adolescents Post Eruption of Merapi in Cangkringan District, Sleman (Sumarni, Santi Y EriiTri P, Eka Puji N, Intansari N) Abstract 8 25 Correlation Between Help Seeking Behaviors and Post Trumatic Stress Disorders on prisoners of Cebongan Prison afterArmed Group Incident (lrwan Supriyanto, Herlina Pohan, Soewadi) Abstract 9 26 The Relations Between Psychosocialstressors and Menstrual Disorderand SexualBehaviors of Junior High Schoolstudents afterthe Eruption of Merapi in Cangkringan Sub-District Sleman Regency (sumarni DW, Elsi Dwi Hapsari, Anik Dwi Marga, prisca Tara pramudyah) Department of Nursing Faculty of Medicine UGM Oral Presentation 4 Social Interaction and Resilience of Women in Disaster-Prone Areas in Yogyakarta Rita Eka lzzaty, Retna Hidayah, UnikAmbarwati Yogyakarta State UniversitY platform about the disaster management as tntroduction: This research is based on the national units in a society risk reduction emphasizing families as the smallest one of the concepts in disaster raise awareness of disaster risk reduction thatwill become the most effective informal environmentto psychological point of view' this research activities. objectives: Regarding that platform, from the predictors to sociar interaction, including aims to examine: (1) the most influentiar psychorogicar (2) psychological predictors that influence resilience identification, imitation, sympathy, or suggestion; inducement control, optimism, of mothers when tacing dlsasrers, inc-luoing emotionar contror, and (3) a correlation between social causalanalysis, empathy, self-efiicacy, o1' opln-mindedness; descriptive qualitative and quantitative interaction and resirience. Methods: This research emproyed productive women and that of elderly ones were chosen methods. The respondents of the groups of total of the respondents were 150 proportionally. There were 30 reipondents in each area. The yogyakarta incruding the vorcano eruption, earthquake, and flood from 5 disaster-prone areas in Nganggring and Kopeng which were the main disaster. The five disaster-prone areas examined were of Gemblakan-Danurejan along the Code and first volcano prone-areas; densely-populated "r""J which densely-populated areas of sapen-Gondokusuman River which were flood prone-area"; analysis "no research emproyed descriptive were earthquake prone-areas. The data anaryiis of this show that: (1) the most influential factor and product moment correlation. Results: ihe results least is the imitation; (2) the most influential influencing social interaction is the suggestion and the the reast is the inducement control; and (3) factor infruencing resirience is open-mindedness, whire is proved to have correration with the resilience the sociar interaction conducted by the individuars management' it can be concluded (r = 0.58, p < 0.05). Conclusion: In the context of disaster problems if she often interacts socially with that each individual can be more resilient when facing others or other groupsAreas Keywords: social Interaction, Resilience, women, Disaster-Prone Oral Presentation 5 Women Awareness to Physical Environment in Reducing Risk of Disaster in Yogyakarta Retna Hidayah, Rita Eka lzzaty, UnikAmbarWati Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia in the naturaldisaster tntroduction: physicalenvironment becomes one of the determinantfactors factors' The physical environment can risk reduction activities, in addition to cultural and social quailty of the environment that embodies human be defined as any condition of the quantity and house arrangement and layout, and activities include landscape, facilities and infrastructure, on disaster risk reduction will be related movement. The importance of the physical environment and circulation or movement that to structural building resilience, strape and spatial arrangement, the awareness for evacuation. Obiective: This paper aims to examine provides ""ry "."Jss their house, which is associated to building of women to the physical environment, especially to of emergency equipment' the arrangement of construction, the selection of furniture, provision facilities as supporting aspects of disaster space and furnishings, and the provision of emergency approach that invorving 86 women as risk reduction. Methods: This study emproys a dlscriptive Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 17-18 March 2015 23 respondents in the three disaster-prone areas of major volcanoes (cangkringan, Merapi), flooding (river area of code), and earthquakes (Pandak, eantul;. Result: The result explains the views of women in the three disaster-prone areas which can be described as follows: 1) women have high awareness to undertake the provision of emergency equipment, to plan evacuation routes, and to arrange spatial lay out of their houses as the most important step to reduce the risk of disaster; 2) women have less awareness of the importance of the selection and arrangement of sturdy furniture and house construction. conclusion: lt can be concluded that women ir" *or" concerned with the "soft" physicar environment rather than .hard,, a physicar environment. Oral Presentation 6 The Relation between sociar support and Lever of Depression and Quality of Life in Erderry peopre after the Eruption of Merapi in Kuwang permanent Housing, iangkringan, Sleman Sumarni DWl, Era Rosella2, Aprilia Wulandarp, Sri Mulyani3 lTeaching staff of Department of psychiatry of Faculty oitrneoicine of UGM 2student of Nursing science study of Facurty of Medicine of UGM 3Teaching staff of Nursing Science study program Facurty of Medicine of uGM Purpose: To discoverthe relation between social support and level of depression and quality of life in elderly people afterthe eruption of Merapiin Kuwang permanent Housing cangkringan sleman. Method: This was non-experimentat research using *r, sectionaldesign. The subjects were 46 elderly people in Kuwang Permanent Housing canjkringan Sreman whoi,vere selected using total sampling method' Research data was collected oy sociit support euestionnaire (sse), Geriatric Depression scale (GDS), and short Form 36 (sr-iol. Analysis of data on social support and quality of life used Pearson Product Moment correlation test and anarysis of data on sociatsupport and level of depression used spearman's Rho correlation. Result: Therewas significant negative correlation r=-0'744' p<0,05, between the number of social supporters and level of depression. There was significant negative corretation r=-a,71a, p<0,05 between level of satisfaction with social support and level of depression. There was significant positive correlation r=0,35g, p<0,05 between the number of social supporters.and qualit! of life and there was significant positive relation r=0,410, p<0'05 between level of satisfaction with social support ano quality of life. conclusion: There was negative correlation between social support ani bver of depression and there positive was corelation between social support and quality of life in elderly people after the eruption of in Kuwang Permanent Housing, Cangkringan, Sleman. 5:#|:"t: Merapi Eruption of Merapi, social support, Level of Depression, Quatity of Life, Etderty t, 1 a 24 Department of Nursing Faculg of Medicine UGM 11'H INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON DISA$TER: G011[B0RATl0ll lt I ttER EllT G 0] tll IRATI 0 1l IlI THE GOM]IIUIIITY rsBN b0e88b558-t DEPARTMENT OF NURSING FACULTY OF MEDICINE UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA lsmangoen Building, Jl. Farmako, Sekip Utara Yogyakarta 55281 ilililJilffiffi[[WI INDONESIA P hon e +62-27 4-54557 4 Fax. +52-27 4-63L2O4 Website: