DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AND COMPARATIVE LITERARY STUDIES EN320: DISSERTATION NAME STUDENT ID DEGREE COURSE Students registered for English Literature, English and Theatre Studies, Philosophy & Literature, English & French or English and Cultural Studies, may be permitted, at the discretion of the English Department, to write a dissertation of 8,000-10,000 words in the final year, on a chosen research topic, instead of one taught module. If you would like to write a dissertation as your option you must draw up an outline proposal, consult with your Personal Tutor, identify a suitable supervisor and obtain their agreement, then fill in this dissertation form, ensuring both your Personal Tutor, Supervisor and the Module Convenor sign where indicated. If you want to take a dissertation, you must submit this competed form to the English Office by the end of week 1 of the summer term. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERSONAL TUTOR: I have discussed the possibility of taking a dissertation with the abovenamed student. I can also confirm that by taking this wholly assessed option they will not be adversely affecting their examination weighting. Personal Tutor’s name Personal Tutor’s signature Date: Please also complete the section overleaf M:\Office\UNDERGRADUATE\Forms & Templates\291189709 TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT: Title of Proposed Dissertation: Brief outline of project: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE DISSERTATION SUPERVISOR: I confirm that I am prepared to act as supervisor for the dissertation outlined above. Dissertation Supervisor’s name Dissertation Supervisor’s signature: Date: SUBMIT APPLICATION FORM TO THE ENGLISH OFFICE TO BE COMPLETED BY THE DISSERTATION CONVENOR: The dissertation outlined above is approved. Proposal approved by Dissertation Convenor: Date: M:\Office\UNDERGRADUATE\Forms & Templates\291189709