Propellers in Saturn's rings M. Sremčević G.R. Stewart N. Albers L.W. Esposito 2014 UVIS team meeting June 17, 2014 Propellers: traces embedded bodies N-body simulation (w/o SG) Bleriot: the largest known trans-Encke propeller. (N1586641169 and N1586641255, 3km/pixel, lit geometry) Bleriot: biggest A ring propeller Bleriot: biggest A ring propeller Gap is nearly 5000km=~2deg in length! Bleriot: Zet Per R42 occultation Very dominant gap (even compared to dens. w.) Bleriot: Zet Per R42 occultation Interpretation: a gap + flanking wakes! Bleriot motion: harmonic fit Zet Per R42 occ nd Bleriot motion: 2 sine component Bleriot motion: linear fit around Zet Per Zet Per R42 occ Bleriot: Zet Per geometry Zet Per R42 Gap position Zet Per vs Bleriot geometry uncertainty ● ● Occ dR <= 0.5km (ring edges) (~100ms down-the-track) Occ dL??? pessimistic 10 x dR <= 10km ● Bleriot dR <=50m (mean motion very precise) ● Bleriot dL <=10km (max scatter) st Zet Per geometry: 1 hi-res example nd Zet Per geometry: 2 hi-res example Bleriot: Zet Per R42 occultation Interpretation: a gap + TWO flanking wakes! Bleriot in Zet Per: wake model 2nd wake 1st wake gap Stewart (1991) simple wake model RBleriot=200m predicts too many wakes! Bleriot in Zet Per: wake model 2nd wake 1st wake gap RBleriot=800m predicts too few wakes! Bleriot in Zet Per: wake model 2nd wake 1st wake gap RBleriot=400m looks like a possible solution Bleriot new detection: Alp Lyr R175 Bleriot new detection: Alp Lyr R175 GAP Flanking Wake? P~10% Alternative statistical test ● T-test: do two data sets have same mean or not? Bleriot new detection: Alp Lyr R175 Bleriot @ Alp Lyr R175: UVIS vs VIMS Bleriot @ Alp Lyr R175: UVIS vs VIMS What are the odds to obtain UVIS Occultation of Bleriot? Zet Per was not planned: P= Nocc * 2 * 100km / (2*PI * aBleriot) < 4% ● ● Alp Lyr no planned either: P < 20% The opaque B ring Discovered propellers ● A ring propellers: 1. Double wing (or “S”) shape 2. Near Kepler motion (trans-Encke propellers deviate by 10-5) 3. Lifetime > few weeks (distinguish against other phenomena) → Criteria for discovery of propellers. Cassini ISS B ring panoramas (unlit) Color-scale represents brightness I/F. Mean radial and azimuthal profiles subtracted. Corrotating longitude is L = λ – λ0 – n (t – t0) where λ is longitude, λ0 logitude at epoch t0, and n is pattern speed. Cassini ISS B ring panoramas (lit) Color-scale represents brightness I/F. Mean radial and azimuthal profiles subtracted. Cassini UVIS occultations ● ● ● ● Feature at a0=112,921km has pattern speed n=806.35864o/day (equal to Kepler speed at a0) 106 UVIS occultation cut at a0. 93 cuts have sufficient signal-to-noise Corrotating longitude L: L = λ – λ0 – n (t – t0) λ is longitude, λ0 logitude at epoch t0. Feature observed in 14 profiles at |L|<22o. Feature in Cassini UVIS Cassini UVIS locations Asymmetric propeller shape Kingsford Smith (transEncke propeller located at a=134,337km) is in the middle of Janus 6:5 ILR (at 134,266km). Clearly demonstrates asymmetric shape due to the presence of the surface mass density gradients. N1544813989 phase=64.465deg lit b=-56.230deg phi=-81.293deg b_sun=-14.617deg phi_sun=-15.586deg 2.7 x 3.2 km/pix Object properties 1. At least 5 years lifetime. 2. Moves at Kepler speed (appropriate for its radial location). 3.The feature is a partial gap (low optical depth in UVIS occultations). 4. Radial offsets in UVIS are consistent with an asymmetric propeller shape. What it is not: - B ring spokes or impact ejecta clouds [why 1. or 3.?] - Plasma effects (Mach cones) [why 3. or 4.?] - Resonances with outer moons or general resonant effects: their pattern speed is significantly smaller than Kepler speed. And there are no resonances within 1000km. ● Inner B ring example β Cen R96 propeller in ISS images Another inner B ring example N1496890652 tau=1.6 (2.259,7.188)km/pix r=96710.455km phase=11.162deg lit More inner B ring examples (lit geom.) N1504581211 N1536501056 N1541711536 N1541711708 Statistical significance Voyager Uranus data & Cassini F ring: M test based on Poisson statistics (J. Colwell) ● But: M test is not applicable to main rings (microstructure changes significantly statistics, e.g. excess variance and autocorrelations) ● Additional problems with M test: - How to determine the background and its uncertainty - What is appropriate sampling of data, sliding bins ● Alternative statistical test ● T-test: do two data sets have same mean or not? Issues: - T-test is devised for normal distribution - Variable background will hide useful signal (possible solution: partial de-trending) - Sqrt9 compression (solution: binning data) ● Proposed significance level: p=1e-4 ● Null test also needed (compare background with background) ● Application of T-test: B ring object P=1e-20 P=0.5 P=1e-6 P=3e-3 Interpretation: a gap + flanking wake! Application of T-test: Bleriot (A ring) Interpretation: a gap + flanking wake! Summary ● The only explanation for observed feature: B ring propeller (embedded body ~ 1.5km) Possible dozen to 100 other propeller bodies in B ring. ● Novel explanation of B ring irregular structure: shepherded by propellers! ●