UVIS Calibration Update Greg Holsclaw Jan 8, 2014 1 Outline • • • • • • • • Calibrations since the last meeting Future calibrations Calibration update Status of new calibration routine Website updates A restructured calibration routine CDAP update PDS label correction and user’s guide implications 2 Calibrations since last meeting were successful • Standard calibration: – FUV2013_230_14_40_13_UVIS_196IC_SPICARAST001 _PRIME • SteFFL-style flat-field: – 14 files, with each file containing 10 readouts representing one pass of the star along the slit at a different cross-slit position. – First file: FUV2013_230_15_47_33_UVIS_196IC_SPICARAST001 _PRIME 3 Comparison of two most recent standard calibrations • This is the total signal on the detector as a function of image position • There is no evidence for any change in sensitivity or worsening of the starburn 4 Future calibrations • Mike Evans will be looking for a slot in the late 2014 XD segments for the SteFFL-style (+standard) calibration. Tentative: – UVIS_207IC_SPICASTAR001_PRIME, 2014223T11:30:00 (start) • Standard cals: – UVIS_204IC_ALPVIR001_PRIME, 2014131T11:41:00 (start) – UVIS_214IC_ALPVIR001_PRIME,2015102T01:25:00 (start) 5 Calibration schedule Standard+ SteFFL Standard • Recall the nominal cadence is two standard calibrations/year and one SteFFL/year. 6 Slight differences in scan pattern 2003 B = Beginning of observation Green symbol = start of integration period Red symbol = end of integration period Blue / orange lines = alternating colors of 14 passes Shaded area represents the field of view of the FUV-lores slit 2013 Plots show the position of the star (Alp Vir) in the FUV lores frame. 7 2003 8 2013 9 At the last team meeting, a slightly revised calibration approach was proposed • Currently: – Fractional change in each pixel is calculated from Spica scans, then an exponential fit determined to provide interpolation over time – Disadvantages: • introduced high-frequency artifacts • difficult to adjust for slow decline in sensitivity • Proposed: – The ratio of each Spica spectrum to the first is calculated and smoothed spectrally, then linearly interpolated in time 10 From June, 2013 Ratio to first Spica observation count rate year 150 c/s 2012 100 50 2010 0 120 140 160 wavelength (nm) 180 ratio 2008 1.4 1.2 1.0 2006 0.8 0.6 120 140 160 180 2003 ratio smooth 1.4 2001 ratio 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 120 140 160 180 11 From June, 2013 Ratio to first Spica observation count rate year 150 100 50 2010 0 120 140 160 wavelength (nm) 180 ratio 2008 8 6 4 2006 2 120 140 160 180 2003 ratio smooth 8 6 ratio c/s 2012 2001 4 2 120 140 160 180 12 From June, 2013 Sensitivity-1 comparison at 2012-358 3.0 current new (ph/s/cm^2/angstrom) / (c/s) 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 120 140 160 wavelength (nm) 180 13 From June, 2013 Comparison of most recent standard Spica scan with IUE and SOLSTICE 8•104 ph/s/cm^2/nm ph/s/cm^2/nm 8•104 IUE current cal new cal 6•104 4•104 2•104 4•104 2•104 0 140 160 wavelength (nm) 0 100 180 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 ratio ratio 120 1.0 0.8 SOLSTICE current cal new cal 6•104 120 140 160 wavelength (nm) 180 200 120 140 180 200 1.0 0.8 0.6 120 140 160 180 wavelength range: 116-187nm mean sdv current 0.93 0.12 new 1.05 0.12 0.6 100 160 wavelength range: 130-187nm mean sdv current 0.85 0.06 new 0.95 0.04 14 Calibration adjustment for small sources now included • At previous meetings it has been shown that for unresolved sources (stars, moons) the flat-field correction should not be applied – The apparent variation in row-to-row sensitivity appears to be due to a geometric effect, rather than QE • But this is problematic for observations at or near the starburned rows, as the flat-field correction also adjusts for the starburn • The starburn and the flat-field correction have now been separated 15 Test the new cal routine for small sources • Try calibrating each frame of a standard cal (star slewed along the slit for a total of ~78 readouts) • Three cases: – 2010 cal with flat-field corrector – 2010 cal without flat-field corrector – 2013 cal without flat-field corrector 16 The new routine corrects for the starburn without the FF applied Normalized total signal Max deviation (max-min)/mean 31 % 28 % 7% • • Total signal vs image row position 15% systematic increase in apparent signal due to revised calibration approach 17 Restructured calibration routine? • There are two calibration routines, one for each channel – Get_euv_2010_lab_calibration – Get_fuv_2013_lab_calibration • Proposal to combine these into one routine, with the channel specified by a keyword – Get_uvis_2013_calibration, channel=‘fuv’ • This will allow for more efficient software maintenance, and eliminate confusion regarding the version each channel’s calibration. 18 Website updates • IDL SPICE kernel finder (bug fixes) – http://lasp.colorado.edu/cassini/teamsite/tools_software/SPICE_kernel_finder.htm • Visualize and animate data cubes – http://lasp.colorado.edu/cassini/teamsite/tools_software/AnimateDataCube.htm • UVIS IDL PDS reader – http://lasp.colorado.edu/cassini/teamsite/tools_software/UVIS_PDS_data_reader.htm 19 SPICE kernel finder • Identify and download the complete set of required SPICE kernels for the UVIS instrument for year 2005, day-of-year 65. – CASSINI_SPICE_KERNEL_LIST, 2005, 65, fkernel_cg, fkernel, kernel_list, local_kernel_path='/Users/holsclaw /Cassini/UVIS/SPICE/’ • If the ftp connection fails, try setting the keyword FTP_CONNECTION_MODE=0 20 Visualization and animation • Restore a data cube and plot the geometry for a single readout: – restore,'FUV2009_110_01_12_34_UVIS_1 09TI_FIRLMBAER002_CIRS.sav’ – window,0,xs=800,ys=800 – uvis_sim2, datastruct2[0], img, body='Titan’ • Create an animation of all readouts: – uvis_sim_animate, datastruct2, body='Titan', /radec_grid, filename_out=fdata 21 Example animation 22 PDS data reader • Example: – Filename = 'EUV2008_054_15_36.DAT’ – UVIS_PDS_READ_DATA, Filename, Data, Label – UVIS_PDS_EXTRACT, Data, Databin • Requires that the PDS label file (.LBL) is present in the same location as the file – This is necessary as the dimensionality of the array is contained in the label • ‘Data’ contains the detector readout as a 1024x64xN* array – *If there is only one spatial element, the array is 1024x1xN • ‘Label’ contains a subset of the metadata given in the ASCII label file • ‘Databin’ contains the data in its native format – For this example, Data has dimensions [1024,64,1511] while Databin has dimensions [512,5,1511] 23 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • IDL> help, label ** Structure <191ea08>, 36 tags, length=416, data length=392, refs=1: RECORD_BYTES LONG 131072 FILE_RECORDS LONG 1511 PRODUCT_ID STRING 'EUV2008_054_15_36' SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT STRING '1/1582474410.96' SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT STRING 'UNK' START_TIME STRING '2008-054T15:36:49.751' STOP_TIME STRING '2008-054T17:42:44.751' DATA_SET_ID STRING 'CO-S-UVIS-2-CUBE-V1.2' TARGET_NAME STRING 'STAR' INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME STRING 'CASSINI_ORBITER' INSTRUMENT_NAME STRING 'ULTRAVIOLET IMAGING SPECTROGRAPH' INSTRUMENT_ID STRING 'UVIS' OBSERVATION_ID LONG 96140 MISSION_PHASE_NAME STRING 'TOUR' PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME STRING '2011-255' INTEGRATION_DURATION STRING '5.000 <SECOND>' COMPRESSION_TYPE STRING 'SQRT_9' HI_VOLTAGE_POWER_SUPPLY_STATE STRING 'ON' OCCULTATION_PORT_STATE STRING 'CLOSED' SLIT_STATE STRING 'OCCULTATION' TEST_PULSE_STATE STRING 'OFF' ODC_ID LONG 1067 CORE_ITEMS STRING '(1024, 64, 1511)' CORE_ITEM_BYTES INT 2 CORE_ITEM_TYPE STRING 'MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER' CORE_BASE FLOAT 0.00000 CORE_MULTIPLIER FLOAT 1.00000 CORE_NULL INT -1 CORE_NAME STRING 'RAW_DATA_NUMBER' CORE_UNIT STRING '"COUNTS/BIN"' UL_CORNER_LINE INT 26 UL_CORNER_BAND INT 512 LR_CORNER_LINE INT 30 LR_CORNER_BAND INT 1023 BAND_BIN INT 1 LINE_BIN INT 1 Label file metadata 24 CDAP to improve UVIS data declined • Objectives: – UVIS data enhancement (pre-calculated geometry, additional metadata) – Database construction for programmatic search – Visualization tools • Response: – “The proposal did not adequately make the case that currently available tools are inadequate.” 25 PDS labels are being updated • Units specified in the PDS calibration matrix labels are incorrect • The following items are from the most recent (version 3) UVIS calibration label file: – CORE_NAME – CORE_UNIT = RAW_DATA_NUMBER = KILORAYLEIGHS • A suggestion for more accurate values is: – CORE_NAME – CORE_UNIT 1 = INVERSE_SENSITIVITY = KILORAYLEIGHS*ANGSTROM**-1*COUNT**- • At a minimum, chapters 1, 3, and 4 of the UVIS user's guide will need to be modified. • Chapter authors need to review their content to reflect this change, if necessary. 26 Summary • Revised calibration schedule progressing well • Real changes in sensitivity have been separated from the flat-field correction in the new calibration – Thus, unresolved sources are properly handled • New calibration routine nearly ready – Need to finish consolidation into one routine • PDS User’s guide needs to be revised to reflect a correction in the labels 27