UVIS TEAM MEETING OPERATIONS UPDATE 06/18/12 UVIS TEAM MEETING OPERATIONS UPDATE 1 Instrument Status • On/Off Cycle: 28. – None since last meeting. – Scheduled to be off in S75 for 10 days (10/19 -10/29) • Hours On: ~103,000 hours. – Longest continuous operations: 9/11/2007 – 11/1/2010. • HDAC Filament Modulation: – – – – Filament 1: 201 hours (H cell), 134 (D cell). Filament 2: 12 hours both H cell and D cell Last: In S73 during T84 (H cell). Next: In S75 during T86 (H cell). 06/18/12 UVIS TEAM MEETING OPERATIONS UPDATE 2 Significant Data Issues S72 UVIS_162SA_MOS162APO002_PRIME Missing 20 integrations (DSN scheduling). S73 06/18/12 UVIS TEAM MEETING OPERATIONS UPDATE 3 First Time Events • No First Time Event 06/18/12 UVIS TEAM MEETING OPERATIONS UPDATE 4 Rbot: Workload Impact • The impact of Rbot on the ops team workload has been light: – S73: 1 out of 11 designs • Calibration – S74: 0 out of 27 designs • There are no calibration in S74 – S75: 2 out of 15 designs • Calibration, ring occultation 06/18/12 UVIS TEAM MEETING OPERATIONS UPDATE 5 Rbot Notes – In S74 for Don’s system scans we changed the all the secondary axis from an “rbotfriendly” orientation (up to 25 deg out of the equatorial plane) to an “non rbot-friendly” orientation. – S75 was remarkable as far as Rbot is concerned. All the issues were solved by UG1 06/18/12 UVIS TEAM MEETING OPERATIONS UPDATE 6 Major Local Issues • Uplink side: None • Downlink side: E15 data processing issue – Need to discuss which data set should be reprocess. • (see next presentation) 06/18/12 UVIS TEAM MEETING OPERATIONS UPDATE 7 XM Data Utilization Summary S70 06/18/12 UVIS TEAM MEETING OPERATIONS UPDATE 8 XM Data Utilization Summary S71 06/18/12 UVIS TEAM MEETING OPERATIONS UPDATE 9 OPS Team Status • Darren’s wife is expecting (a girl, sometimes in August) • Crystal is expecting (a boy, end of October) • Crystal has been asked to increase her load on Kepler with Darren taking over some of her UVIS tasks • Alain may go part time (75%?) next year 06/18/12 UVIS TEAM MEETING OPERATIONS UPDATE 10 Notes and Reminders • The list of ring occultations that contain an atmospheric occultation is on the team web site at http://lasp.colorado.edu/cassini/team-site/archive/docs/pdf/Atmospheric_Occ.pdf • The list of all the tour calibrations is on the team web site at http://lasp.colorado.edu/cassini/team-site/archive/docs/pdf/UVIS_Tour_Calibration.pdf • The UVIS PEFs are on the team web site at http://lasp.colorado.edu/cassini/team-site/operations_planning/planning_info/ 06/18/12 UVIS TEAM MEETING OPERATIONS UPDATE 11