UVIS Goals for CSM R. West Solar and Stellar Occultations • Occultations provide N2 density profiles, compositional information on some hydrocarbons and haze structure in the region 300-3000 km altitude (in the ‘ignorosphere’ between 400 and 900 km UVIS provides the only information • Detailed vertical profiles but point locations in lat, lon. • EUV (solar) for N2; FUV (star occs) for hydrocarbons and haze • Advocacy for VIMS solar occs – hydrocarbons, CO, and haze down to the surface Criteria • Need a distribution in latitude, with attention to high latitudes where the winter polar vortex is expected to be present in the south • Need time coverage to assess seasonal and solar variations • Need approximately radial occs • For stellar occs, slower is better Stellar Occ Opportunities Sort 89 101 101 103 103 104 105 105 105 105 106 114 114 116 116 116 118 119 Used trajectory file SM-7_scpse.bsp for Titan Note: times relative to C/A; inculdes 15 minutes above 1800 km; does not include turn times Rev Star Event UTC at 200 Km Start End Duration Base lat Top lat Speed Bright/ t-t0, min. t-t0, min Seconds Degrees Degrees km/s Faint By rev 181 Eta_UMa NGRESS 2013 FEB 17 02:04:14.33 -48 -0.3 1960 46.4 28.1 0.8 B 204 Eta_UMa NGRESS 2014 MAY 17 02:16:36.40 -953.3 -824.8 6810 42.7 46.6 0.2 B 204 Eta_UMa EGRESS 2014 MAY 17 07:59:16.71 -395.8 -96.3 17070 -32.8 -38.7 0.1 B 206 Alp_Eri NGRESS 2014 JUL 20 12:35:17.21 -80.7 -0.3 3920 -33.1 -38.6 0.4 B 206 Alp_Eri EGRESS 2014 JUL 20 13:15:24.71 64.6 121.1 2490 -0.1 11.2 0.6 B 207 Eta_UMa EGRESS 2014 AUG 21 07:54:16.15 -1.8 43.2 1800 44.3 43.4 0.8 B 208 Eta_UMa NGRESS 2014 SEP 22 02:35:11.26 -234.8 -162.7 3430 -28.9 -34.2 0.4 B 208 Eta_UMa EGRESS 2014 SEP 22 04:51:08.45 336.3 405 3220 -25 -30.7 0.3 B 208 Alp_Eri NGRESS 2014 SEP 22 05:33:23.26 -131.2 -0.3 6950 36.1 39 0.2 B 208 Alp_Eri EGRESS 2014 SEP 22 06:58:53.26 95.5 135.8 1520 -37.5 -38.4 1B 209 Alp_Eri NGRESS 2014 OCT 24 02:44:19.93 -46.2 -0.3 1850 22.7 32 0.8 B 225 Zet_Ori NGRESS 2015 NOV 13 08:10:02.57 -41.2 -0.3 1550 -30.5 -21.8 1B 225 Eps_Ori NGRESS 2015 NOV 13 08:17:15.89 -41.7 -0.3 1580 -12.3 -13.3 0.9 B 231 Eps_Ori NGRESS 2016 FEB 01 01:17:14.55 -60.2 -0.3 2690 -82.9 -72.1 0.6 B 231 Zet_Ori NGRESS 2016 FEB 01 01:18:27.62 -63.7 -0.3 2900 -80.6 -68.5 0.5 B 231 Bet_Ori EGRESS 2016 FEB 01 03:49:04.58 153.7 207 2300 74.6 76.7 0.7 B 234 Kap_Ori NGRESS 2016 APR 04 19:58:35.18 -42.7 -0.3 1640 -65 -77.1 0.9 B 235 Alp_Lyr EGRESS 2016 MAY 06 16:42:30.57 -5.3 75 3920 -53.4 -45.3 0.4 B 1.8 98.9 11.9 6.9 24.6 3.3 23.4 41.3 10.8 14.6 2.7 12.6 13.3 3.8 4.1 23.2 2.5 6.6 44.2 11.8 17.3 16.4 31.1 2.8 15.5 16.9 8.8 2.6 26.5 24.8 3.1 29.9 32.8 6.3 32.8 23.3 Sort 118 116 116 119 101 103 105 105 105 114 114 103 89 106 105 104 101 116 By latitude 234 Kap_Ori 231 Eps_Ori 231 Zet_Ori 235 Alp_Lyr 204 Eta_UMa 206 Alp_Eri 208 Alp_Eri 208 Eta_UMa 208 Eta_UMa 225 Zet_Ori 225 Eps_Ori 206 Alp_Eri 181 Eta_UMa 209 Alp_Eri 208 Alp_Eri 207 Eta_UMa 204 Eta_UMa 231 Bet_Ori NGRESS NGRESS NGRESS EGRESS EGRESS NGRESS EGRESS NGRESS EGRESS NGRESS NGRESS EGRESS NGRESS NGRESS NGRESS EGRESS NGRESS EGRESS 2016 APR 04 19:58:35.18 2016 FEB 01 01:17:14.55 2016 FEB 01 01:18:27.62 2016 MAY 06 16:42:30.57 2014 MAY 17 07:59:16.71 2014 JUL 20 12:35:17.21 2014 SEP 22 06:58:53.26 2014 SEP 22 02:35:11.26 2014 SEP 22 04:51:08.45 2015 NOV 13 08:10:02.57 2015 NOV 13 08:17:15.89 2014 JUL 20 13:15:24.71 2013 FEB 17 02:04:14.33 2014 OCT 24 02:44:19.93 2014 SEP 22 05:33:23.26 2014 AUG 21 07:54:16.15 2014 MAY 17 02:16:36.40 2016 FEB 01 03:49:04.58 -42.7 -60.2 -63.7 -5.3 -395.8 -80.7 95.5 -234.8 336.3 -41.2 -41.7 64.6 -48 -46.2 -131.2 -1.8 -953.3 153.7 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 75 -96.3 -0.3 135.8 -162.7 405 -0.3 -0.3 121.1 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 43.2 -824.8 207 1640 2690 2900 3920 17070 3920 1520 3430 3220 1550 1580 2490 1960 1850 6950 1800 6810 2300 -65 -82.9 -80.6 -53.4 -32.8 -33.1 -37.5 -28.9 -25 -30.5 -12.3 -0.1 46.4 22.7 36.1 44.3 42.7 74.6 -77.1 -72.1 -68.5 -45.3 -38.7 -38.6 -38.4 -34.2 -30.7 -21.8 -13.3 11.2 28.1 32 39 43.4 46.6 76.7 0.9 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.4 1 0.4 0.3 1 0.9 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.2 0.8 0.2 0.7 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 2.5 3.8 4.1 6.6 11.9 6.9 14.6 23.4 41.3 12.6 13.3 24.6 1.8 2.7 10.8 3.3 98.9 23.2 32.8 29.9 32.8 23.3 17.3 16.4 2.6 15.5 16.9 24.8 3.1 31.1 44.2 26.5 8.8 2.8 11.8 6.3 Sort 101 101 105 105 103 105 119 116 103 116 116 89 104 106 114 118 105 114 By speed 204 204 208 208 206 208 235 231 206 231 231 181 207 209 225 234 208 225 EGRESS NGRESS NGRESS EGRESS NGRESS NGRESS EGRESS NGRESS EGRESS NGRESS EGRESS NGRESS EGRESS NGRESS NGRESS NGRESS EGRESS NGRESS 2014 MAY 17 07:59:16.71 2014 MAY 17 02:16:36.40 2014 SEP 22 05:33:23.26 2014 SEP 22 04:51:08.45 2014 JUL 20 12:35:17.21 2014 SEP 22 02:35:11.26 2016 MAY 06 16:42:30.57 2016 FEB 01 01:18:27.62 2014 JUL 20 13:15:24.71 2016 FEB 01 01:17:14.55 2016 FEB 01 03:49:04.58 2013 FEB 17 02:04:14.33 2014 AUG 21 07:54:16.15 2014 OCT 24 02:44:19.93 2015 NOV 13 08:17:15.89 2016 APR 04 19:58:35.18 2014 SEP 22 06:58:53.26 2015 NOV 13 08:10:02.57 -395.8 -953.3 -131.2 336.3 -80.7 -234.8 -5.3 -63.7 64.6 -60.2 153.7 -48 -1.8 -46.2 -41.7 -42.7 95.5 -41.2 -96.3 -824.8 -0.3 405 -0.3 -162.7 75 -0.3 121.1 -0.3 207 -0.3 43.2 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 135.8 -0.3 17070 6810 6950 3220 3920 3430 3920 2900 2490 2690 2300 1960 1800 1850 1580 1640 1520 1550 -32.8 42.7 36.1 -25 -33.1 -28.9 -53.4 -80.6 -0.1 -82.9 74.6 46.4 44.3 22.7 -12.3 -65 -37.5 -30.5 -38.7 46.6 39 -30.7 -38.6 -34.2 -45.3 -68.5 11.2 -72.1 76.7 28.1 43.4 32 -13.3 -77.1 -38.4 -21.8 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1 1 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 11.9 98.9 10.8 41.3 6.9 23.4 6.6 4.1 24.6 3.8 23.2 1.8 3.3 2.7 13.3 2.5 14.6 12.6 17.3 11.8 8.8 16.9 16.4 15.5 23.3 32.8 31.1 29.9 6.3 44.2 2.8 26.5 3.1 32.8 2.6 24.8 T Eta_UMa Eta_UMa Alp_Eri Eta_UMa Alp_Eri Eta_UMa Alp_Lyr Zet_Ori Alp_Eri Eps_Ori Bet_Ori Eta_UMa Eta_UMa Alp_Eri Eps_Ori Kap_Ori Alp_Eri Zet_Ori Solar Occ Opportunities T 78 78 78 c/a 82 82 101 101 102 102 103 103 103 c/a 116 116 116 c/a 117 117 118 118 c/a 119 119 Rev UTC_Time 153 2011-255T02:30:41 Ingress 2011-255T02:34:51 Stop integration 153 2011-255T02:48:43 Egress 2011-255T02:53:07 2011-255T02:49:32 Start integration 161 2012-050T07:56:50 Ingress 2012-050T08:03:20 161 2012-050T08:10:34 Egress 2012-050T08:17:06 204 2014-137T15:54:04 Ingress 2014-137T15:57:56 204 2014-137T16:15:24 Egress 2014-137T16:19:10 205 2014-169T13:08:25 Ingress 2014-169T13:12:07 205 2014-169T13:29:31 Egress 2014-169T13:33:09 206 2014-201T10:19:46 Ingress 2014-201T10:23:26 Stop integration 206 2014-201T10:40:36 Egress 2014-201T10:44:16 2014-201T10:29:04 Start integration 231 2016-032T00:59:53 Ingress 2016-032T01:06:49 Stop integration 231 2016-032T01:34:05 Egress 2016-032T01:40:27 2016-032T01:05:45 Start integration 232 2016-047T23:49:12 Ingress 2016-047T23:55:52 232 2016-048T00:14:24 Egress 2016-048T00:20:38 234 2016-095T19:44:31 Ingress 2016-095T19:49:13 Stop integration 234 2016-095T20:10:41 Egress 2016-095T20:15:11 2016-095T19:51:11 Start integration 235 2016-127T16:56:45 Ingress 2016-127T17:01:29 235 2016-127T17:18:03 Egress 2016-127T17:22:37 Year-DOY H M S 2011-255 2011-255 2 2 30 34 41 51 2.5 2.6 2011-255 2011-255 2011-255 2 2 2 48 53 49 43 7 32 2.8 2.9 2.8 0.0 7.9 8.1 8.2 8.3 15.9 16.0 16.3 16.3 13.1 13.2 13.5 13.6 10.3 10.4 2012-050 2012-050 2012-050 2012-050 2014-137 2014-137 2014-137 2014-137 2014-169 2014-169 2014-169 2014-169 2014-201 2014-201 7 8 8 8 15 15 16 16 13 13 13 13 10 10 56 3 10 17 54 57 15 19 8 12 29 33 19 23 50 20 34 6 4 56 24 10 25 7 31 9 46 26 hrs. mins. Lat_Occ Occ_Ray_Height dt Rel to c/a deg km sec 27.4 1501.2 38.5 300.8 250 -13.6 0.0 32.1 238.2 20.1 1499.9 264.0 -1.6 45.5 69.3 58.0 32.6 -55.6 -52.1 67.8 67.0 -64.6 -65.5 57.0 58.5 -64.5 -65.5 -4.7 2014-201 10 2014-201 10 2014-201 10 40 44 29 36 16 4 10.7 10.7 10.5 56.0 57.7 10.6 2016-032 2016-032 0 1 59 6 53 49 1.0 1.1 -64.2 -63.4 2.8 2016-032 2016-032 2016-032 1 1 1 34 40 5 5 27 45 1.6 1.7 1.1 2016-047 2016-047 2016-048 2016-048 2016-095 2016-095 23 23 0 0 19 19 49 55 14 20 44 49 12 52 24 38 31 13 23.8 23.9 0.2 0.3 19.7 19.8 2016-095 20 2016-095 20 2016-095 19 10 15 51 41 11 11 20.2 20.3 19.9 48.1 52.7 26.7 59.1 58.9 -62.9 -58.7 39.2 47.3 0.0 1503.8 300.0 306.2 1506.9 18.6 16 17 17 17 56 1 18 22 45 29 3 37 16.9 17.0 17.3 17.4 0.0 1505.0 304.7 0.0 301.2 1504.5 0 1503.9 298.1 304.6 1505.4 1500.3 300.6 0.0 303.9 1507.5 -39.2 -26.6 56.6 62.9 -58.1 -57.9 -0.8 2016-127 2016-127 2016-127 2016-127 0.0 1502.4 302.9 303.3 1506.5 1501.2 304.2 335.0 1509.4 1503.6 300.8 324.8 1509.3 1504.1 300.3 0.0 304.2 1508.9 390.0 Rate km/s dlat mean_lat occ -4.80 -11.0872 Priority 32.9517 2 4.78 12.0 26.1 1 -3.08 -23.8 57.4 3 25.3 45.3 3 -3.4477 -53.8722 2 392.0 3.07 232 -5.16 226.0 5.20 0.8 67.4 1 222.0 -5.42 1.0 -65.1 1 218.0 5.43 -1.5 57.7 1 220.0 -5.47 1.0 -65.0 1 220.0 5.48 -1.7 56.8 1 416.0 -2.89 -0.7 -63.8 3 382 3.15 -4.6078 50.3921 2 400.0 -3.01 -12.6 -32.9 3 374 3.21 -6.3747 59.76135 2 282.0 -4.25 -0.2 -58.0 3 270.0 5.58 -58.9 29.5 1 284.0 -4.24 -4.2 -60.8 3 274.0 4.38 -8.1 43.3 1 Specifics • ‘Penciled-in’ opportunities – T78 Low/mid latitude, early opportunity, CIRS and CAPS get most of the time – T103 High latitude in both hemispheres, good stellar occ – T116 High priority stellar occs, and high priority solar occs for VIMS – T118 joint with INMS – Star occs outside of +- 2 hr. on T101, 105, 116