Energetic particle measurements in the magnetosphere Thank you to Rob, Fran, Chris and Barry for their assistance JEDI George Clark george.clark@jhuapl.edu JEDI sun avoidance JEDI 270 FOV: 160 x12 Deg. JEDI 180 FOV: 148 x12 Deg. JEDI 90 FOV: 160 x12 Deg. witness detectors J E D I D E S I G N P R I N C I PA L 150 151 Figure 2: Schematic of the Puck EPD. Panel a illustrates a cross sectional mechanical drawing 152 that labels the various components of the sensor and TOF region. Incoming ions are represented JEDI PERFORMANCE B.H. Mauk et al. Table 1 JEDI Level-3/Level-4 Performance Requirements Parameter Required Capability Comment Electron Energies 40–500 keV Ion Energies (Measured, not discriminated) H: 20–1000 keV He: 30–1000 O: 50–1000 25–1000 keV H + 10–2000 keV He: 25–2000 O/S + 45–10000 keV Abuts JADE Abuts JADE Energy Resolution Ions < 25% (< 30% for E < 40 keV); Electron < larger of 25 % and 15 keV 20 % Earth aurora spectra driver Time sampling 0.6 s 0.5 s Angle resolution 30° 18° using rotation ≤ 30 km auroral sampling/ Resolve loss cone for R < 2/3 RJ Pitch Angle (PA) Coverage 0–360 degrees for whole orbit 0–360 degrees for whole orbit Time for Full PA near Periapsis 2s 1.25 s Requires 3 JEDI heads with 160◦ × 12◦ fans Ion Composition H and S/O over required energies. He: 70–1000 keV H above 15 keV He above 50 keV O above 45 keV Electron Sensitivity: Measure energy spectra I = 3E5–3E9 1/cm2 s sr Sensor-G: 0.0036–0.00018 Pixel-G: 0.0006–0.00003 Up to 5E5 1/s counting I = Intensity (1/cm2 sr) G = geom. factor × eff. (cm2 sr) Variable G; 6 pixels/sensor Ion Sensitivity Measure energy spectra I = 1E4–1E8 1/cm2 sr Senso-G: 0.002–0.0002 Pixel-G: 0.0003–0.00003 Up to 5E5 1/s counting I = Intensity (1/cm2 sr) G = geom. factor × eff. (cm2 sr) Variable G; 6 pixels/sensor For high energy/angle resolution Separate S from O for E > 200 keV F L AT F I E L D I N G T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 i e i e i e i e i e i e ion FOV blockage? electron FOV blockage? electron and ion channels have some blockage due to grid post Normalized Electron Flux Uncorrected G-factor Normalized Electron Flux Corrected G-factor CROSS CAL WITH RBSPICE Cross-calibration efforts with RBSPICE on Van Allen probes proved fruitful Electrons Protons S U P R AT H E R M A L S W I O N S • Preliminary analysis suggest that JEDI can measure approx. 10 keV/nuc ions in the solar wind WITNESS DETECTORS a small pixel mode b v0 v5 c v5 e- 6-views: Ion v4 v3 v2 v1 v0 e- Ion witness detector/unshielded detector Dominated by penetrators Dominated by scattering Identified scattering contribution and developed a method to determine penetrators exclusively JEDI-A180 JEDI 180 • Currently not operating HV on the microchannel plate • Can not distinguish heavy ions from protons • Will measure incident ion and electron energies SCIENCE PLANNING ENA Med-Rate HighS Rate Mauk et al., 2013 Planetary Equator Calibration Med-Rate Low-Rate ENA JEDI has identified regions of scientific interest in the current sheet —> increase data rates and tailor specific “modes”….WHY? JUPITER’S MAGNETOSPHERE How does Jupiter maintain its magnetodisk shape? anisotropy, one may seek to identify the mechanism that leads to that anisotropy. The cenF O has R Clong E SbeenArecognized CTING O N Tfor H the E confinement P L A S MofAlow energy trifugal force as responsible plasma to regions close to the equatorial part of plasma sheet flux tubes (see, for example, Bagenal et al. 1985; Moncuquet et al. 2002). Here I suggest a role for the centrifugal force not merely in equatorial confinement but also in creating pitch angle anisotropy. In order to understand the stretched field configuration, one needs to consider all of the forces acting on the plasma. Equation (2) can be expressed as ! 2 " # 2$ B B + p∥ − p⊥ − −∇ p⊥ + 2µ0 µ0 n̂ − ρΩ 2 r sin(ϑ)(ẑ × ϕ̂) = 0 RC (3) where (p⊥, p∥ ) are the components of the pressure tensor perpendicular and parallel to B, ẑ is a unit vector parallel to the spin axis, r is radial distance, ϑ is co-latitude, ϕ̂ is a unit centrifugal force pressure pressure vector in the azimuthal direction. Mauk and Krimigis (1987) found that on the day side of gradient the field configuration differs little from that of a dipole Jupiter inside of ∼22 RJ (whereanisotropy field) the pressure gradient force, −∇p⊥ , is sufficient to balance the magnetic force but this magnetic force does not produce the stretched field configuration that develops beyond roughly 20 RJ . tension McNutt et al., 1983 Connerney et al., 1981 Mauk and Krimigis 1987 Paranicas et al, 1991 Nichols et al., 2015 curvature of the field lines where the of 20 RJ (dashed line) Rc= 0.174Rj indicate P R E S S U R E A N I S O T Rdata OP Y a sharpchangein the Corotation [•E• I [ [ [ , 0 et lx10 Paranicas al., -•e 1991 magnetic Total particle Anisotropy Corotation •D t spacecraft crosses theneutralsheet.W andKrimigis[1987]for quantifyin fielddata,thereby producing avalue incorporatingthe anisotropicpress equations, wewereableto achieveap for the nightsideneutralsheetreg balanceproblemidentifiedby McN Krimigi$[1987]for thedaysidereg thanwastheproblem(withoutthean soa full accounting of forcebalanc remainstobe achieved.Experimen measure theanisotropies onthedays work,thattheanisotropy forcetermh the daysideas well. However,the alignedflowsof thelower-energy po play (for example,seeMauk andKr I (b) R=23Rj E 0 I -leet al. Fig. 5 From5X10 Paranicas (1991), count rates of the Voyager 1 LECP detector in the scan plane and for different energy channels. The three columns show measurements made at 18.0, 23.1, and 35.45 RJ . For each distribution the counts per second are indicated and below are shown the times (in 1979) of the measurements and the energy range of the detector assuming that the ions are protons Total Gradient I I I Rc= 0.301 Rj I lx10 -is 2x10-is Total Conclusions magnetic Accepting the argument that the field distortion is produced dominantly by pressure anisotropy, one may seek to identify the McNutt mechanism [1988]). that leads to that anisotropy. The cenTotal trifugal force has long been recognized as responsible for the confinement of lowfocus energy ha We emphasize thatour plasma to regions close to the equatorial part of plasma sheet flux tubes (see, for example, particle • Parallel pressure is larger than perpendicular region near the center of the neu Bagenal et al. 1985; Moncuquet et al. 2002). Here I suggest a role for the centrifugal force forceconfinement plays a dominant rolepitch angle anisotropy. • Outside of ~20 RJ the pressure anisotropy not merely in equatorial but also in creating Anisotropy In order to understand the stretched field configuration, one needs to consider all of the • Process that generates these anisotropies is still an open topic Caudal [1989],w forces acting on the plasma. Equation (2)and can be expressedand as Connerney complementary tosuch global mod Gradient (c) R = 35Rj ! −∇ p⊥ + 2 " B + 2µ0 thebalance of forceseverywhere wi 2$ B n̂ − − ρΩ 2 r sin(ϑ)(ẑ × ϕ̂)system. =0 (3) p∥ − p⊥Jovian magnetospheric The µ0 R C # P R E S S U R E A N I S O T R O P F.YBagenal et al. Bagenal et al., 2014 Fig. 7 Three selected Juno orbits: early, (PJ3 2016 Nov. 10 16:46), middle (PJ17 2017 Apr. 13 07:27), end (PJ31 2017 Sep. 13 21:49) showing precession of line of apsides relative to Jupiter’s geographic equator. The orbits are numbered according to the sequence of perijoves (PJ), where PJ0 is the initial orbit insertion, with the start/end of a numbered orbit about a day before perijove. The full orbit period is about 11 days. The black dots indicate ±4 hours of perijove. High-cadence observations are planned for about hoursequatorial near perijove measure the ion PADs and determine composition in12the • JEDI will region • More complete measurements of the anisotropies • Also, See J. Nichols [2015], model of force balance with anisotropies included! map out longitude structures in the atmosphere and interior, as well as gravity and magnetic fields (see Connerney et al. 2014, this issue; Anderson et al. 2014, this issue; Janssen et al. 2014, this issue). Labeling orbits by perijove (where orbit insertion is PJ0), we show the geometry of science orbits 3, 17 and 31 in Fig. 7 to illustrate typical early, middle and late orbits. A time %- -00$-%, ,(2(*-% '+ "-%'/1, (# ,+2$ %$,0$)',D 6+'/ &$ +@-*, )(%)*(#& '/$ 0+*$, -#. 6+'/ ,/+7 '%-#,($#' ' !"##"$% '/$ 2-&#$'+,0/$%$, +< C40('$% -#. "-%'/ -%$ ,+ #& '(#)$" -%'()4*-%*5 (# '/$ 7-5 '/$5 -%$ 0+7$%$.G'/-' (' (, /$'/$% '/$ 2-&#$'+,0/$%() .%(@$%,8I +< "-%'/1, -4%+%$2 +# C40('$%! J$%$ 7$ ,/+7 - .(%$)' %$*-'(+#,/(0 /3*(H$ (#?$)'(+#, +< $*$)'%+#, (# C40('$%1, 2-&#$'+3 '%-#,($#' -4%+%-* <$-'4%$ (# C40('$%1, 0+*-% %$&(+#! ,/(0 (, %$2-%H-6*5 ,(2(*-% '+ 7/-' /-00$#, -' "-%'/L ,4&&$,', '/-' .$,0('$ '/$ *-%&$ .(<<$%$#)$, 6$'7$$# &#$'+,0/$%$,L ,+2$ 0%+)$,,$, '/-' &$#$%-'$ -4%+%-$ '/%+4&/+4' '/$ ;+*-% ;5,'$2! =6I 4G8@G6 &7:8@`I >7H6;8=IM@;:; X0GH5 ,\ G6S=LS; @ AGL=Y;L;<8:=6 S=L8 XA;(\ 8= >;H7Y;L;<8:=6 S=L8 AURORAL RESPONSE TO INJECTIONS 04 03 Log [energy (keV)] N@6;O W:=> 8M; OH7<;<:7W8 8= U9H@8;:SO 9HH;: 78>=OHM;:;5 #M; P;NN=4 A7OM;A N@6; @O 8M; ?;88;: ;O8@>78; ?;<79O; 8M; >7J6;8@< Y;NA >=A; 9O;A 8= >7H \7N@N;=SO H=O@8@=6 @6<N9A;O <=68:@?98@=6O ?=8M W:=> <9::;68O 8= OQ97:;O U9H@8;: 76A 76A8M;W:=> 9HE8=EA78; ;O8@>78;O = =?O;:B;A ?P \7N@N;= I0@J5 +T5 ]6 0@J5 -K@68;:67N 8M; P;NN=4 Hours 7B;:7J; <9::;68O ^=4@6J ;L8;:67N 8= U9H@8;: 4@8M@6 @8 6 OM=4 84=12 18 0 24 >=8@=6 P;NN=4 A7OM;A N@6; A@WW;:;68 <7N<9N78@=6O =W 8M; =W ,_ 3 \7N@N;= OH7<;<:7W8 8:7Z;<8=:P 5 "A;Q978; 7HH:=L@>78@=6 8= 8M; >7J6;8@< Y;NA >7J6;8=OHM;:; 8M; 4M;6 >7HH;A5 7N=6J >7J6;8@< Y;NA :;Q9@:;O9HH;: 8M78 78>=OHM;:;5 ;L8;:67N <9::;68O ?; @6<N9A;A ?;<79O; 8M; 7<897 N@6;O W:=> 8M; OH7<;<:7W8 8= U9H@8;:SO #M; P;NN=4 >7J6;8@< Y;NA A7OM;A N@6; @O 8M; ?;88;: ;O8@>78; ?;<79O; 8M;<=6YJ9:78@=6 >7J6;8@< Y;NA?;P=6A >=A;N 7?=98 _ U9H@8;: :7A@@ @O A@O 8=:8;A 747P <=68:@?98@=6O W:=> 8M; 6;7:NP A@H=N7: 9O;A 8= >7H \7N@N;=SO H=O@8@=6 @6<N9A;O ?=8M W:=> <=6YJ9:78@=6 ;LH;<8;A W:=> ,_K.3 5 `:=Z;<8@=6O <9::;68O 7N=6; ;O8@>78;O <9::;68O @68;:67N 8= U9H@8;:@68;:67N 76A W:=> 9HE8=EA78; Log J =W A;:@B;A 9O@6J 7 Y;NA >=A; =6NP @68;:67N <9::;68O IP;NN=4 7B;:7J; <9::;68O ^=4@6J 4@8M ;L8;:67N 8= U9H@8;: 4@8M@6 @8OOQ97:;O @6 0@J5 -a (]`+.,T 7: ,_ 5 "A;Q978; OM=46 7HH:=L@>78@=6 8= 78M; >7J6;8@< >7J6;8=OHM;:; 8= H:=B@A; O;6O; =W 8M; Y;NA 96<;:87@68@;O @6B=NB;A 4@8M >7H 2 :;Q9@:;O 8M78 ;L8;:67N <9::;68O @6<N9A;A ?;<79O; 8M; 8M; 7<897N H@6J5?; [@8M 8M; ?;88;: ;O8@>78;K \7N@N;= 8:7Z;<8=:P 7HH;7:O 8= M7B Ions >7J6;8@< Y;NA <=6YJ9:78@=6<:=OO;A ?;P=6A@68= 7?=98 U9H@8;:H78<M :7A@@0 ?;84;;6 @O A@OE !,+5b 76A !,-5C MK <;68:;A 8M; _@O=N78;A 8=:8;A 747P W:=> 8M; 6;7:NP=6 A@H=N7: <=6YJ9:78@=6 ;LH;<8;A 1.3 5 W:=> 8M; >7L@>9> =W 8M; M@JM;:E;6;:JP H=:8@=6 =W 8M; @6Z;<8@=6 ,_K.3 Electrons A;:@B;A 9O@6J:;O9N8 7 Y;NAA=;O >=A;N @68;:67N <9::;68O 7N=6; 5 `:=Z;<8@=6O W;789:; I0@J5 +T5 #M@O 6=8 A;H;6A =6 A;87@N;A 8@>@6 ., T 7:;H78<M >7@687@6;A @8O N78@89A;V 4@8M =6NP @68;:67N <9::;68O ?;<79O;K IP;NN=4 OQ97:;O @6 0@J5 -a8M; (]`+ 7O >;68@=6;AK 79:=:7N OM=46 8= H:=B@A; 7 O;6O; =W 8M; 96<;:87@68@;O @6B=NB;A 4@8M >7HE 2 H@6J5 [@8M 8M; ?;88;: ;O8@>78;K 8M; \7N@N;= 8:7Z;<8=:P 7HH;7:O 8= M7B; J 105–150 keV <:=OO;A @68= 8M; @O=N78;A H78<M ?;84;;6 !,+5b 76A !,-5C MKLog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eM=I9:;I\ 150–225 keV $-$+,=B9(/3$+/$9 3&+'("7$ /(,-&'2+$/ &' C&7(7$*5 6#$ 3#&/$ /3&"$ 9$-/('= 8D!E: (/ & 16.3 19.3 225–315 keV '+&-/)*+%&'(**) '#$ 3&+'("7$ (-'$-/('($/ (-'* & )*+% '#&' (/ (-?&+(&-' )*+ '#$ <(-9 *) Mauk et al., 2002 13.1 Jupiter radius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hours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onclusions • Observational campaign between Galileo and Hubble $## 8'77#$#"& #)#(&$*" #"#$%9 (1-""#). '. .1*0" -. ,#-./$#8 7$*, &1# .3-(#($-7& 7*$ &1# $-8'-) $-"%# *7 OQ78&* R E/3'&#$ $-8'' ;:*&&*, .(-)#A5 61# #"#$%9? N78@89A;VN=6J@89A; H=O@8@=65 #M; N7O8 @>7J; =W 8M; O;8 47O 87X;6 revealed relationships between transient injections *"*/. *$:'& ;!<5= !-$&1 $-8'' ('$(/)-$> B# "*&# &1# ?;W=:; 8'.3#$.#8 -$# 4'.':)# $'%1&?1-"8 3*$&'*" *7 &1# #)#(&$*" 8'.3)-9 :#%'""'"% C3 >@6 8M; '"+#(&'*". ?;J@66@6J =W 8M;'" &1# Y:O8 7?=98 "#-$?#@/-&*$'-)A5 ,.C3 $#K 7?=98 "-&/$# *7and &1#=B;: (1-""#).> 0'&1 8'77#$#"& #"#$%'#. -$$'4'"% @6 -& &1# -& -:*/& 1*/$ OK5 61# #)#(&$*" .#".*$ '. "#-$)9 .-&/$-&#8 -& &1# )*0#$ #"#$%'#. ;&*3 *7 &1# @6Z;<8@=6 O@J6789:; 0@J5 =?87@6;A 7 CDE>@6 FG#=H;:78@=6 H;:@=A I0@J5 -K .5 ;L8:;>; :@JM8 auroral brighting. $#"& &',#.5 -7&#$ $#75 D5OQ97:; #)#(&$*" 8'.3)-9A &1#@6Z;<8@=6O $#)-&'4# 4-$'-&'*". -& )*0 #"#$%'#. '. /"8#$$#3$#.#"&#8 1#$#5 76A <N=O;C)*&&#8 8= 8M; P;NN=4 R,- MST5 #M; H78<M [; N7?;NN;A ?;N@;B; 8M; H78<M 47O79:=:7N J;6;:78;A ?P 8M; Y:O8-"8 =W.*8M; • Particle are8M9O modified during the >=B;A 4@8M U9H@8;:distributions 7O U9H@8;: :=878;AK 76A >7@687@6;A @8O H=O@8@=65 #M; N7O8 @>7J; © =W2002 8M; O;8 47O 87X;6 78 - ' N78@89A;VN=6J@89A; ./ 0&1%$"%2 .33. ' 44456789:;5<=> *++, Macmillan Magazines Ltd the loss injection and perhaps scatter particles into 20 7?=98 ,.C3 $#K 7?=98 C3 >@6 ?;W=:; 8M; ?;J@66@6J =W 8M; Y:O8 @6Z;<8@=6 O@J6789:; @6 0@J5 .5 cone [; ?;N@;B; 8M; H78<M 47O J;6;:78;A ?P 8M; Y:O8 =W 8M; @6Z;<8@=6O 20 ours) 19 18 Injection time: day 362, 23h00 Mauk et al., 2002 ARTICLE IN PRESS AURORAL RESPONSE TO INJECTIONS D.G. Mitchell et al. / Planetary and Space Science 57 (2009) 1732–1742 Mitchell et al., 2009 1737 Conclusions • ~50 - 250 keV ENAs measured by Cassini INCA • Local time enhancements in ENAs indicative of injection of energetic electrons & ions • Simultaneous observations from HST and Cassini UVIS reveal a strong correlation between transient magnetospheric phenomenon and auroral enhancements C H A R G E S T A T E A N A LY S I S W / I N J E C T I O N S Clark et al., 2016 Ion injection ⌦ ⇡ E/q e r u t a rv u c t- n e i d a gr Galileo L=5 L=10 L=15 Equatorial Plane • JADE-Ion may be able to tell us more about the distribution of O+ & S++ in Jupiter’s magnetosphere • Important to understanding heavy ion dynamics S O L A R W I N D VA R I A B I L I T Y Clarke et al., 2009 • • Figure 8. infer Totalcrude auroralsolar powerwind from variations Jupiter’s north (crosses) and south (filled circles) polar regions Can JEDI from our TOF only measurements? compared with propagated solar wind dynamic pressure in May – June 2007. Arrival times of solar wind Itforward wouldshocks be very to compare with in situ6. data from JADE and remote are interesting indicated by shaded regions as in Figure observations from Hasaki & HST 10 of 20 P R E C I P I TAT I N G H E AV Y I O N S L ION PRECIPITATION AND ACCELERATION AT OUTER PLANETS a a [ Ozak et al., 2010 Q3 Cravens & Ozak Figure 2. Equilibrium fraction for oxygen charge states in H2 versus ion energy and very similar to results from the work of Cravens et al. [1995]. From the work of Ozak et al. [2010]. The O6+* ion is excited and emits soft X-rays. In addition to these processes, collisional ionization and excitation of the 3. Chandra X-Ray Observatory (CXO) image of Jupiter. Note the disk and the auroral emission regions. From the atmospheric target gases also take place. Cravens et al. used f Elsner et al. [2005]. • JEDI will measure several 100 keV/nuc precipitating ions chargeheavy exchange (CX) and stripping cross sections for Oq+ (q =accelerated? 0 up to 8) collisions with H2 to calculate an equilibrium • If these heavy ions are present, then how are they ded (via the Knight mechanism) [Knight, 1973; current system. Electrons that are accelerated upward to fraction versus energy (i.e., fraction of ion beam in each not to produce the highly charged ions but to several MeV could be responsible for the observed QP-40 state), as shown in Figure 2. Note that the O6+ and sufficiently to provide the observed 1 GW X- radio bursts [MacDowell et al., 1993; Elsner etcharge al., 2005]. are found near energies of ≈ 1 MeV u!1. These O7+ ions was pointed out that the solar wind protons Bunce et al. [2004] proposed thatQ4 the field-aligned potenaccelerated to high energies, and the associated tials and associated field-aligned currents needed forassumed the models that the ions came from the middle magnehave not been observed (to our knowledge). X-ray aurora are caused by pulsating reconnections at the Q9 tosphere with the necessary energies. a w tr K b 4 K in u 4 o e X f f a p w [ g e [ O noon-midnight cut Previous work: Gurnett et al. GRL O P E N / C L O S E D F I E L D L I N E S 2010 Gurnett et al., 2010 d Indications for open-closed field line boundary: • low-energy electron density drop • auroral hiss • ratio of diff. intensities from Kruppenergetic et al., 2011 MOP field-aligned electrons with the same • Ratio of energetic electron fluxes energy but oppositie parallel and anti-parallel to the directions is a proxy of field open• What will the open field line closed field line configuration: MOP 2011, BOSTON, MA, USA July 14, 2011 configuration look like at Jupiter? How does it compare to Saturn? ratio = 1 (CLOSED) JEDI?ratio ≠ 1 (OPEN) of the similarities between the Earth’s and Jupiter’s beams mentioned above, we conclude that the Jupiter beams likely are generated at low altitudes within regions of downward auroral electric currents. Because the beams at Jupiter are highly structured and because strong aurora are expected in regions of upward auroral currents, we also conclude that the auroral field-aligned currents at Jupiter likely are structured like they are at Earth, with regions of downward FIELD ALIGNED ELECTRONS Variability IAL ELECTRON BEAMS AT JUPITER A10221 FAC system Conclusions Figure 18. A replotting and fitting of the Earth-obser electron beam data published by Klumpar et al. [1988] shown in our Figure 1 (left). The high value of m obtai may more closely represent values expected while beams actively are being generated and before the be are degraded over time by scattering. • Temporal (few mins.) and/or spatial (< 20 km) currents closelyvariability adjacent to regions of upward currents. magnetosphere –ionosphere coupling likely is more st tured and perhaps dynamic than previous large-scale mo would suggest [Cowley and Bunce, 2001; Hill, 2001] suggested by Dougherty et al. [1998]. A spatial-temp averaging of our picture, however, would be qualitativ consistent with previous large-scale models (Figure lower). [48] A key open question concerns the mechanisms upward field-aligned acceleration. We propose that dif ences in the details of the broad upward-accelerated spe observed in both the Earth and Jupiter systems may co spond to differences in the relative importance of contributions of coherent and stochastic acceleration p cesses. Both kinds of processes appear to contribute to acceleration at both Jupiter and Earth. • Angular scattering between source location and equatorial magnetosphere 15-40 keV • Magnetic field signatures suggest [49] Acknowledgments. We thank Sven Jacobsen of the Institu Geophysik und Meteorologie Universität zu Köln for preparing Figur turbulent Alfven waves lower. Magnetic field data in Figures 15 and 16 kindly were provide Figure 17. (top) A reinterpretation of the concept shown in Figure 5. The data presented here indicate that the electron beams are spatially structured. On the basis of our Earth-derived assumption that such beams are generated in regions of downward (with respect to Jupiter) electric currents, this finding implies that the auroral currents themselves are highly structured with a pattern of strong upward and downward currents embedded in the broad region that on average is a region of generally upward currents. (bottom) Notional sketch of field-aligned electric currents as a function of radial distance. The red line shows a highly structured electric current system that we infer in this paper. We expect a spatial and temporal average of these currents (black curve) to render the static magnetosphere – ionosphere coupling currents derived by Hill [1979, M. G. Kivelson, the principal investigator of the Galileo magnetom experiment. Funding for this research was provided by National Space Aeronautics Administration (NASA) grants from the Outer Pla Research Program and from the Geospace Research Program. [50] Wolfgang Baumjohann thanks Richard Thorne and ano reviewer for their assistance in evaluating this paper. References Anderson, L., et al. (2002), Characteristics of parallel electric fields in downward current region of the aurora, Phys. Plasmas, 9, 3600 – 36 Bhattacharya, B., R. M. Thorne, and D. J. Williams (2001), On the en source for diffuse Jovian auroral emissivity, Geophys. Res. 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IONS UPSTREAM OF JUPITER 3949 (bottompanel)is quitesoft but showsan overalltrendtoward lO 2 harderspectraasthe eventprogresses to its conclusion.Simi: Voyager-1 LECP 89.1 surface-barrier (96.5 •m for Voyager 1 (V1), •m for Voy- Jupiter inbound 1979 _ depletedsolid-state February 22,detector 1979 larly, the anisotrophyshowsa decreasingtrend toward the end ager 2 (V2)), totally with 10 enerR • 175 Rj of the event. gy thresholdsrangingfrom 12 keV to ---7 MeV. The threshold • Source of ions appear to originate differentialenergychannelsfrom - 30 keV to - 7.4 MeV. The set from 0500 to 0600 UT in the sector of maximum intensity lowestenergythreshold is setby the \ thickness Towards of - thealuminum (sector4), again assumingthat the Z •_ 1 ions are primarily Jupiter contactfacingthe incomingflux and varies according to ion oxygen. It isform evidentfrom the plot that Z _• 6 ionsin the MeV • end of The spectralbehaviorfor this eventis examinedin more de-__ discriminator outputsarecombined electronically to provide tail in Figure 13. Here the spectraare plotted during eventonlO 1 - 200 Voyager 1 Voyager 2 lO 0 _--- event --'_- UT--: range were presentduring event onset and that the spectrum species; for example, onVoyager12200-2300 thelowest energy threshold Event onset H• sector 5 0500-0600 UT is depletedof protonsin the rangeof -- 300-500 keV by at least corresponds to a proton incident energyof - 30 keV, whilethe a factor of -• 9 (the downward pointing arrow indicatesthat _ sctor samethreshold responds to oxygen ionswithincident energies 10-1 there was anIons ambientflux of protons in the interplanetarymedi• are accelerated of -84 keVandsulfur Table1). Fur_-- ionsof - 140keV(see -__ um at the time of this event). As the event progressedtoward ther,theefficiencies at thelowestenergy thresholds for oxyits conclusion,the spectrumat higher energiesdid not change along bow shock genandsulfurarelessthanunity,andthe generalresponses substantiallyexceptthat the overall intensitiesof Z •_ 6 ions are fairly broad (for an extensivediscussionof instrumentre10--2 were enhancedwhile the slope remained about the same. At the lower energies,the spectrumbecameharder and flatter besponse,seeKrimigis et al. [1981]). Becausethe detectormea- ß' ........ 60½ __ - - 0430© } Z•1 t.... H ".. • L ', • ' , • •_ Jupiter • First order fermi measurement. Channel 39, measuringions with Z _• 2, was not acceleration does compared on thebasisof energyper nucleon.Thisproperty functioningproperly at this time on Voyager 1 and is not plotof thedetector is discussed in detailin Krimigiset al. [1981] ted in the figure. As wasthe casewith Voyager2, the spectrum not play athatrole and will not be elaborated on here. for days53 through 54 suggests the dominant speciesdur10-4 _. 0430 o / Composition • 6 ing this eventat energies• 300 keV were ionswith Z _• 6; the The LEPT detector,on the other hand, performstwolow -200 keV. This behavior is reminiscentof the spectralevosurestotal particleenergy,it is possible that itsresponse could (plotted lution on day 184(Figure10)and of the eventon day 180(Figure be dominated by the heavier ions,eventhoughrelativeabun2230A asoxygen) 10--3 6). Note that the Z _• 6 point at --4 MeV is a two-parameter dances of suchionswithrespect to protonsmay besmallwhen •6 ß • LECP look directions 22302% • ', V2• • ', •V1 I I IN, '1 I 100 Rj 105 183 Radialdistance(Rj) 151 118 Feb 22, 1979 83 7 t 060012001800 •0600 4 •- LECPon Voyager2 10-6 continuity of the spectrumover the entire energyrange from < 100 keV to --5 MeV suggeststhat the dominant composition was oxygen, even at the lower energies. One count I I I III111 I I I IIIIII , level SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS I I I llIT]] 101 51 •E Ch •45 2.5 (x MeV 10 TM) electrons 101 102 103 104 The results from the analysis of the data presented in the previous sectionsmay be summarized as follows: Fig. 13. The energyspectrumof the eventshownin Figure 12 using 1. The ion spectralform at event onsetis describedwell by the samenotationasin previousfigures.Note that the protonsare rela- a power law in energy (dj/dE - KE-L '• --- 4-7) over the tively less depletedin this particulareventthan in•--'--s-previouscases. The 1013• - .............. -- •-'-•-M range • 100 keV to • 4 MeV. Toward the end of three of the one-count level shown at the bottom of the figure refers to the LEPT events, the energy spectrumwas generally harder and exhibitdetector. ed a relative flatness at the lower (_• 200 keV) energies.In two other cases,the spectrumtoward the end of an event actually As a Consequence, onlyonelong-lived eventwasobserved by becamesofter at low energies(day 178) or remained essentially Voyager 1 upstreamof Jupiter at the distanceof -- 170 Rs at unchanged (days 182-183). 2. The ion spectrumis depletedof protonsat energies• 300 the time the IMF wasapproximatelyradial [Zwickl et al., 1981; Baker et al., 1984]. The data from this event on days 53 and keV and of helium at energies• 900 keV and is dominated by Energy (keV) Fig. 1. An ecliptic planeprojection of theinbound trajectories for Voyager1 and 2 at Jupiter.The labelsV I and V2 illustratethe innermostencounters of Voyagerl and2, respectively, withtheJovianbow shock. Long-lived events arenoted bythesolidbarsonthetrajectory line.Theinsetshows theangularsampling scheme of theLECPinstrument,including theshielded sector(sector8), thenominaldirectionof theIMF •, andtheexpected directionof arrivalof ambientionsunder theinfluenceof the• x • electricfield(adaptedfrom B•ker et •l. []984]). 1011[•h•02(x109 ) I/•Jll'l rl, Krimigis et al., 1985 Haggerty & Armstrong 1999 J U N O ’ S S O L A R PA N E L S • Juno will be the first spacecraft to use solar panels in Jupiter’s magnetosphere • Can we learn something about the performance of Juno’s solar arrays in Jupiter’s harsh radiation environment • JEDI witness detectors can help diagnose the high energy radiation environment SUMMARY • JEDI is in great shape to make energetic particle measurements throughout Jupiter’s magnetosphere • Detailed analysis of the JEDI EFB and cruise data are revealing new and interesting opportunities • In addition to the high-latitude measurements, we have identified several science questions that can be addressed with JEDI • This list is not exhaustive however • In some ways, JEDI is uniquely positioned to test hypotheses (e.g., Cravens et al., 2003) Thank you! PA S T E P D I N S T R U M E N T S Instrument CPI Measurements > 0.5 MeV protons > 3 MeV electrons > 10 MeV/nuc heavy ions ↵ > 10 keV electrons > 15 keV protons > 50 keV/nuc heavy ions LECP HI-SCALE EPD MIMI ✏ PEPSSI ⇣ JEDI ⌘ Region Discoveries Periodicities in particle flux Upstream Jovian ions Particle trapping Moon effects Foreshock Dawn magnetosheath Inner/outer magnetosphere foreshock dawn magnetosheath Outer/inner magnetosphere > 30 keV electrons > 50 keV ions > 15 keV electrons > 20 keV protons >10 keV/nuc heavy ions Equatorial inner & outer magnetosphere Satellite flybys > 20 keV electrons > 30 keV protons >7 keV/nuc heavy ions charge state 2 < E < 200 keV Bow shock Magnetopause on dusk flank >20 keV electrons > few keV protons >10s of keV heavy ions Flank Distant magnetotail >20 keV electrons > few keV protons >10s of keV heavy ions Dawn magnetopause/sheath Polar magnetosphere Inner/outer equatorial crossings ↵ Pioneer: Simpson et al. 1975 Voyager: Krimigis et al., 1977 Galileo: Williams et al., 1994 Cassini: Krimigis et al., 2004 ⌘ Ulysses: Lanzerotti et al., 1992 ✏ New Horizons: McNutt et al., 2008 ⇣ Juno: Mauk et al., 2013