AuroralAcceleration–WhattoExpectatJupiter R. E. Ergun and F. Bagenal University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80303 Juno.May,2015 1 Point of this Talk • The driving forces of Jupiter’s aurora (Io and strong rotation) are quite distinct from those at Earth. • None-the-less, auroral acceleration processes at Jupiter should be similar to those at Earth. But we expect surprises! • We observe three types of acceleration processes at Earth: upward current region, downward current region, and Alfvenic acceleration. • Jupiter’s three types of aurora is expected to have a mixture of these acceleration processes, but may have unique characteristics. • One needs to carefully scale the Earth and Juno observations to make comparisons. Juno orbits at higher speeds than do Earth satellites and Jupiter’s magnetic field is significantly stronger than Earth’s. These differences result in different observational time scales. • Studying acceleration processes with Juno observations will be very, very interesting. Universal processes can be identified. Juno.May,2015 2 Acceleration Processes at Earth Alfven Aurora Upward Current Downward Current Alfven Aurora Juno.May,2015 3 Jupiter’s Aurora Downward Current? Upward Current Alfven Aurora λi: O(100’s km) same as at Earth. ρi: O(1 km) λe: O(10’s km) same as at Earth. Juno.May,2015 4 Jupiter’s Aurora Polar Aurora Juno.May,2015 5 Acceleration Processes and Jupiter’s Aurora Polar Aurora Upward Current Region: Main Oval; Io Wake Region: Most Polar Aurora Alfven Aurora: Io Spot; Polar Aurora Boundaries; Dark Region? Downward Current Region: Dark Region? Juno.May,2015 6 Jupiter’s Main Oval: An Upward Current Region Juno.May,2015 7 Jupiter’s Main Oval: Angular Momentum Transfer Juno.May,2015 8 Jupiter’s Main Oval: Angular Momentum Transfer Juno.May,2015 9 Jupiter’s Main Oval: Angular Momentum Transfer Juno.May,2015 10 Jupiter’s Main Oval: Angular Momentum Transfer Juno.May,2015 11 Jupiter’s Main Oval: Angular Momentum Transfer Ray et al. alters conductance with energy fluxes. Hill et al. in Black Ray et al. in red. Juno.May,2015 12 Jupiter’s Main Oval: Angular Momentum Transfer Juno.May,2015 13 Jupiter’s Main Oval: Upward Current Region (1) Parallel electric fields (double layers). (2) Perpendicular electrostatic shocks. (3) Accelerated electrons. (4) Anti-Earthward ion beam. (5) Strong wave activity. (6) Deep density cavity. Juno.May,2015 14 Upward Current Region Juno.May,2015 15 Upward Current Region: Magnetic Fields 350 300 (nT) Electrons Energy (eV) E ALONG ΔB V (mV/m) DC Bz East-West FAST ORBIT 1843a About the same ΔB (East-West). 250 200 600 300 500 km; 10 s 0 -300 -600 104 103 102 Magnetic field deflections are expected to be the same as at Earth. The time scale will be faster. 9 101 6 15 Flux m 2) 10 Juno.May,2015 5 16 Upward Current Region: Electric Fields FAST ORBIT 1858 500 250 0 -250 -500 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 102 101 101 100 10-1 :06:35 :06:40 :06:45 :06:50 :06:55 :07:00 3953.1 3950.3 3947.4 3944.5 3941.6 3938.6 70.8 71.0 71.1 71.2 71.3 71.4 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 Minutes from 1997-02-09/06:06:35 6 7 4 -4 -12 -250 -500 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 Electrons (eV) Density (cm ) 104 103 0 -3 102 101 9 Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV 0 4 10 103 Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV 5 (mV/m) 10 Log (V/m)2/Hz Ions (eV) Freq. (kHz) UT ALT ILAT MLT (mV/m) 500 250 Electrons (eV) Density (cm-3) (mV/m) (mV/m) FAST ORBIT 1858 10 5 to 50 V/m 500 km; 10 s 5 Electric field amplitudes should be 0considerably larger and, depending on boundary layer 104 thickness, much faster time scale. 103 Juno.May,2015 102 101 9 17 6 104 103 Ions (eV) Upward Current Region: Waves 0 10 102 101 104 103 102 101 101 100 10-1 :06:35 :06:40 :06:45 :06:50 :06:55 :07:00 3953.1 3950.3 3947.4 3944.5 3941.6 3938.6 70.8 71.0 71.1 71.2 71.3 71.4 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 Minutes from 1997-02-09/06:06:35 6 7 Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV 0 4 10 103 UT ALT ILAT 9 MLT Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV 5 4 -4 Log (V/m)2/Hz Ions (eV) Freq. (kHz) UT ALT ILAT MLT Freq. (kHz) -250 -500 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 Electrons (eV) Density (cm-3) (mV/m) (mV/m) FAST ORBIT 1858 500 250 -12 102 101 c 6 7 Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV 101 4 -4 101 100 10-1 :06:35 :06:40 :06:45 :06:50 :06:55 :07:00 500 km;3944.5 10 s 3941.6 3938.6 3953.1 3950.3 3947.4 70.8 71.0 71.1 71.2 71.3 71.4 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 Minutes from 1997-02-09/06:06:35 x 10 -12 x 10 to 100 Ion-cyclotron waves should have higher frequencies and amplitudes may be much more intense. Juno.May,2015 Log (V/m)2/Hz Ele 10 18 4 345 Upward Current Region: Waves -4 Source region. Will Juno find it? -10 -7 Log (V/m)2/Hz HF E OMNI (kHz) 340 335 600 400 200 0 Fri Jan 22 11:01:04 1999 LF Eperp (kHz) -14 -4 Long Duration 10.0 UT Log (V/m)2/Hz 2 0 355 350 Radio frequency emissions have considerably 1.0 higher frequencies 0.1 Juno.May,2015 :28:28 :28:30 :28:32 :28:34 Log (V/m)2/Hz Densit (cm-3) PWT (kHz) 6 -14 19 Electrons (eV) Density (cm-3) -1500 10 102 101 101 4 -4 101 100 10-1 :06:35 :06:40 :06:45 :06:50 :06:55 :07:00 3953.1 3950.3 3947.4 3944.5 3941.6 3938.6 70.8 71.0 71.1 71.2 71.3 71.4 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 Minutes from 1997-02-09/06:06:35 104 103 102 101 Freq. (kHz) Log eV/ 6 7 104 103 -12 UT ALT ILAT MLT 6 7 500 km; 10 s x 5 to 10 100Electrons 4 About the same -4 should have higher energies. 10-1 :06:35 :06:40 :06:45 :06:50 :06:55 :07:00 3953.1 3950.3 3947.4 3944.5 3941.6 3938.6 70.8 71.0 71.1 71.2 71.3 71.4 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 Minutes from 1997-02-09/06:06:35 Juno.May,2015 Log (V/m) /Hz 101 Ions (eV) 9 103 102 101 Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV 0 4 10 103 102 cm2-s-sr-eV 5 Log (V/m)2/Hz Ions (eV) Freq. (kHz) UT ALT ILAT MLT 10 9 Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV -250 -500 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 0 104 2 0 Electrons (eV) Density (cm-3) (mV/m) (mV/m) FAST ORBIT 1858 500 250 Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV Upward Current Region: Electrons 5 -12 20 Upward Current Region: Electrons Juno.May,2015 21 Upward Current Region: Ions 102 101 101 0 4 10 9 103 102 101 104 103 102 101 101 UT ALT ILAT MLT 100 10-1 :06:35 :06:40 :06:45 :06:50 :06:55 :07:00 3953.1 3950.3 3947.4 3944.5 3941.6 3938.6 70.8 71.0 71.1 71.2 71.3 71.4 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 Minutes from 1997-02-09/06:06:35 6 7 100 500 km; 10 s Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV 5 About the same x 5 to 10 10-1 -12 :06:35 :06:40 :06:45 :06:50 :06:55 :07:00 3953.1 3950.3 3947.4 3944.5 3941.6 should 3938.6 Anti-Jovian ion beams 70.8 71.0 71.1 71.2 71.3 71.4 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 have higher energies. 21.2 Minutes from 1997-02-09/06:06:35 Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV Freq. (kHz) 10 4 -4 4 -4 Log (V/m)2/Hz Ions (eV) Freq. (kHz) UT ALT ILAT MLT 104 103 Ions (eV) 0 -250 -500 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 6 7 2 500 250 Electrons (eV) Density (cm-3) (mV/m) (mV/m) FAST ORBIT 1858 101 Log (V/m) /Hz 103 102 Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV 9 Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV Electrons (eV) 0 104 -12 Juno.May,2015 22 Integrated Electric Field and Ion Beam • DC Electric Fields Juno.May,2015 23 (mV/m) Upward 1000 500 0 -500 Current -1000 -1500 Region: Density Electrons (eV) Density (cm ) -250 -500 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 10 104 103 102 101 101 100 10-1 :06:35 :06:40 :06:45 :06:50 :06:55 :07:00 3953.1 3950.3 3947.4 3944.5 3941.6 3938.6 70.8 71.0 71.1 71.2 71.3 71.4 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 Minutes from 1997-02-09/06:06:35 6 7 4 -4 Ions (eV) 101 Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV 9 103 102 Log (V/m)2/Hz 0 4 10 Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV 5 -12 . (kHz) Ions (eV) Freq. (kHz) UT ALT ILAT MLT -3 0 Electrons (eV) Density (cm-3) (mV/m) (mV/m) FAST ORBIT 1858 500 250 10 5 0 104 9 500 km; 10 s 103 102 /5 to /10 101 104 103 102 Density cavity may not be as deep – the densities at ~2 RJ are low to begin with. 101 101 Juno.May,2015 100 24 6 7 4 -4 Alfven Aurora Juno.May,2015 25 Alfven Aurora Juno.May,2015 26 Alfven Aurora Juno.May,2015 27 Alfven Aurora TheionosphericresonatoratJupiterhasafrequencyofroughly Figure 1. Fragment of the Io-A S-burst storm of 14 March 2005. (a) Dynamic spectra for complex S-bursts and (b) comparatively simple linearly drifting S-burst patterns recorded about 22 min earlier. The 20Hz(Earthis<1Hz).TheDopplershiCcouldberoughlythe spectrograms were calculated by applying a windowed Fourier transform to observational data sampled at sameorder. !66 MHz. Owing to high pass filtering applied for enhancing the contrast of S-burst patterns, the L-burst storm below 23.5 MHz that accompanies the S-bursts seen in the spectrogram (Figure 1b) is not clearly 28 Juno.May,2015 visible. Acceleration Processes and Jupiter’s Aurora Polar Aurora Upward Current Region: Main Oval; Io Wake Region: Most Polar Aurora Alfven Aurora: Io Spot; Polar Aurora Boundaries; Dark Region? Downward Current Region: Dark Region? Juno.May,2015 29 Downward Current Region: Where is it? Juno.May,2015 30 Downward Current Region: What to Look For (1) Anti-Jovian accelerated electrons: field-aligned and broader energy. (2) Strong wave activity (3) Parallel electric fields (double layers). (4) Perpendicular electrostatic shocks (diverging). (5) Ion conics. Juno.May,2015 31 Downward Current Region: Magnetic Field East –West DB indicates downward current. Amplitudes should be similar. Magnetic field deflections are expected to be the same as at Earth. The time scale will be significantly faster. Juno.May,2015 32 Eperp( 0 -250 -500 150 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 (eV) 180o -500 -1000 250 102 101 0 Ions (eV) -500 10 102 101 cm -s-sr-eV VLF Eperp Log eV/ (kHz) 2 Ions (eV) 102 101 6 7 104 103 102 101 4 -5 15 10 5 0 -11 :16:16 :16:18 :16:20 :16:22 :16:24 Time (UT) Minutes from 1998-02-21/08:16:16 ??? About the 4 -5 same 10 5 0 0 10 10-2 2 15 LF Eperp (kHz) ~50 km; 1 s Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV 103 Log (V/m) /Hz (eV) 180o 104 6 7 104 103 -250 (V/m)2 E|| (mV/m) 500 10 104 103 0 10-4 10-6 10-8 Anti-Jovian, field-aligned electron beams. Broad energy. :24:10 :24:12 Juno.May,2015 Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV 500 Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV Eperp (mV/m) 1000 Log (V/m)2/Hz FAST ORBIT 5938 E||(mV/m) Downward Current Region: Electrons -11 33 :24:14 :24:16 :24:18 :24:20 Time (UT) Minutes from 1997-08-22/05:24:10 Ions (eV) 104 103 Downward Current Region: Waves 2 10 101 FAST ORBIT 5938 VLF Eperp (kHz) -1000 0 -250 -500 102 FAST ORBIT 1747 103 102 101 4 -5 Log (V/m)2/Hz 15 10 5 0 -11 :16:16 :16:18 :16:20 :16:22 :16:24 Time (UT) Minutes from 1998-02-21/08:16:16 15 10 (kHz) Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV 104 c x10 -6 :24:10 :24:12 :24:14 :24:16 :24:18 :24:20 Time (UT) Minutes from 1997-08-22/05:24:10 6 7 LF E OMNI (eV) 180o >100 km; >2 s 10-6 10-8 103 101 Ions (eV) -11 10 104 LF Eperp (kHz) 5 0 0 x1010-2 10 10-4 250 (V/m)2 E|| (mV/m) 500 10 Log (V/m)2/Hz 0 -500 15 5 Wed Nov 8 11:32:45 2000 500 4 -5 Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV Eperp (mV/m) 1000 Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV 6 7 Log (V/m)2/Hz ( 101 0 -12 :03:00 :03:10 :03:20 :03:30 :03:40 :03:50 :04:00 Time (UT) Minutes from 1997-01-30/00:03:00 Juno.May,2015 34 10 Downward Current Region: Ions 2 101 FAST ORBIT 5938 0 -500 -1000 500 102 101 250 x10 15 0 VLF Eperp Log eV/ (kHz) -250 -500 10 (eV) 180o 104 103 102 101 (V/m)2 Ions (eV) 103 102 101 -11 Log (V/m) /Hz Ion conics? 2 LF Eperp (kHz) Same 5 10-6 10-8 :24:10 :24:12 :24:14 :24:16 :24:18 :24:20 Time (UT) Minutes from 1997-08-22/05:24:10 4 -5 15 >100 km; >2 s 0 100 10-2 10-4 6 7 104 4 -5 10 cm2-s-sr-eV E|| (mV/m) 104 103 Ions (eV) 500 Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV Eperp (mV/m) 1000 6 7 10 5 0 Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV 10 Log (V/m)2/Hz (eV) 180o 104 103 Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV -100 -150 -11 :16:16 :16:18 :16:20 :16:22 :16:24 Time (UT) Minutes from 1998-02-21/08:16:16 Juno.May,2015 35 Downward Current Region: Electric Fields FAST ORBIT 3956 FAST ORBIT 5938 500 250 Eperp(mV/m) 500 0 -500 -1000 0 -250 -500 150 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 -500 10 Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV (eV) 180o 104 103 102 101 6 7 Log eV/ cm2-s-sr-eV Ions (eV) 104 103 102 101 4 -5 Log (V/m)2/Hz LF Eperp (kHz) 15 10 5 0 -11 (eV) 180o -250 104 103 10 ~50 km; ~1 s 102 101 Electric field amplitudes should be considerably larger and, 104 depending on boundary layer 3 10 thickness, much faster time scale. 2 Ions (eV) 0 E||(mV/m) 250 :16:16 :16:18 :16:20 :16:22 :16:24 Time (UT) Minutes from 1998-02-21/08:16:16 10 101 15 Juno.May,2015 LF Eperp (kHz) E|| (mV/m) 500 10 5 36 6 7 Log eV/ Eperp (mV/m) 1000 4 -5 Conclusions Main Oval/Io Tail: Upward Current Region (1) East-West Magnetic Field (2) Electrostatic Shocks (Converging) (3) Accelerated Electrons. Nearly mono-energetic with broad pitch angles. (4) Anti-Jovian Ion Beams (5) Density Cavity? (6) Strong Wave Activity. (7) Parallel Electric Fields. Ion Spot (if we are so lucky): Alfven Aurora (1) Strong Magnetic Field Fluctuations (2) Strong, Spiky Electric Fields (3) Bi-Directional Field-Aligned Electrons (Broad Energy) Juno.May,2015 37 Conclusions Somewhere: Downward Current Region (1) East-West Magnetic Field (2) Anti-Jovian Accelerated Electrons. Field-aligned with broad energy. (3) Strong Wave Activity. VLF saucers. (4) Ion Conics (5) Electrostatic Shocks (Diverging) (6) Parallel Electric Fields. Polar Cap: Alfven/Upward/Downward (1) All of the Above. Juno.May,2015 38