GEOPHYSICAL RF. SEARCH LETFERS, VOL.19,NO.2, PAGES 79-82, 3ANUARY 24,1992 THE ABUNDANCE OF O++ IN THE JOVIAN MAGNETOSPHERE F. Bagenall, D. E. Shemansky 2,R. L. McNutt Jr.3,R. Schreier 4 andA. Eviatar4 Abstract. From a synthesisof data from the PlasmaScience andUltraviolet Scienceinstrumentson the Voyager 1 spacecraftwe presenta radial profile of O++ abundance between4.9 and 42 Rj. We observea sharprise in O++ mixingratio near 7.5 RI, coincidentwith a sharprise in effectiveelectrontemperature at the outerboundary of theIo • plasmatoms.Beyond8.5 Ri the O++ mixingratiois foundto beroughlyconstant whichindicatesfreezingof the ionization prevailing attheouteredgeof thehottoms. Rj. Ouraimis to testthehypothesis thattheplasmain the sheethasdiffusedoutfromIo andrepresents a frozen-in pictureof thecomposition andionization stateof thehottoms. The PLS Observations The Voyager PLS instrumentconsistsof four modulatedgridFaradaycupswhichmeasureion andelectroncurrentsin anenergy-per-unit-charge rangeof 10 to 5950V (Bridgeet al. [1977]).Whentheplasma flowisof highsonicMuchnumber anddirectedinto the sensors,the spectralpeaksfor the different ion speciesare well-resolved and the detector Thequestion of theionization partitioning stateof theplasma responseis quite straight forward, allowing accurate in the magnetosphere of Jupiter has not been resolved determination of thedensity, temperature andflowvelocityof satisfactorily despitethe PioneerandVoyagerflybysand eachspeciesin the cold regionof the torusinside5.6 Rj intensiveandextensiveremoteobservationsby meansof (Bagenal andSullivan 1981;Bagenal 1985)andin regions of telescopes at groundobservatories,on board rocketsand from theplasmasheetin themiddlemagnetosphere (McNuttet al. Earth orbit. Peculiarities in the distribution of ions have raised 1981).Determination of thecomplexresponse of thedetector basic issues for the mechanics of sourceprocesses, to trans-or sub-sonicplasmaflow has allowed analysisof subsequent physicalchemistryand masstransport. Of suprathermal components of the ion spectraand spectra particular interest is the apparent discrepancyin the obtained in between theseregionsof coldplasma(Sandsand Introduction determination of the abundance of O++. The presence of O++ ionsin the cold torus with a massto chargeratio of 8 was originallynotedin the VoyagerPlasmaScience[PLS]dataat thetimeof the Voyager1 encounter by Bridgeet al. [1979] (andfurther discussedby Bagenal and Sullivan [1981]; McNuttet al. [1981]; Bagenal [1985]; Bagenal[1989]). AlthoughVoyager observationsindicate the existenceof McNutt, 1988). Figure1a showsa spectrum obtainedat a distanceof about 5.1 Rj fromJupiterexhibitingthe3 majorspectralpeaksfor corotating ionswith mass/charge ratios(A/Z) of 8, 16 and32. The A/Z=8 ion is considered to be O++ rather than S4+ becauseof the absenceof S3+ at A/Z=32/3. There is also a minorpeakat A/Z=64 whichis presumably dueto eitherSO2+ significant quantities of O++ions,ground-based spectroscopicor S2+. Whenthe two outermajorpeaksof the spectrum, observations by Brownet al. [1983]of the5007]i lineof OIII obtained negative results. Theyplaceafirmupperlimitof less than 4 cm-3ontheO++number density. Morerecently, Moos etal. [1991]reporta low leveldetection of emission fromonI at1661,1666/•bytheHopkins Ultraviolet Telescope in December 1990.TheyinferthatO++comprised about2% of thetomsiondensity. which correspond to O++ andS+ respectively,were fitted independently, the two ionicspecieswere foundto havethe sametemperature (to within 1%). This is notsurprising asthe time scalefor ion-ionthermalequilibrationis only aboutan hour for these plasma conditions. The middle peak corresponds to ionswith A/Z=I 6, presumablya combination of O + and S++ ions. If these ions with A/Z=I In thisLetter,we shallpresent a radialprofileof the O++ abundance thatis theresultof combiningVoyager 1 PLSdata fromtheinnertoms(4.9-6Rj) andtheplasmasheet (11.7-42 Ri)witha recent analysis ofspectra obtained bytheVoyager 1 Ultraviolet Science[UVS] instmment between5.75and8.25 6 are also in equilibriumandsharethe sametemperature,then the S++ energydistributionwouldappearto havehalf the width of the O+ distribution.If oneassumes thermalequilibriumone can then estimate the relative contributions of S ++ and O + ions to the A/Z=I 6 peak.The spectrumin Figure la illustratesthat underthisassumption, the spectrum canbe fittedvery closely with the A/Z=I 6 peak dominated by O+ ions. At higher energiesthereappears to be a smallsuprathermal tail to the ion 1Astrophysical, Planetary & Atmospheric Sciences Dept., spectrum.Usingthe sub-sonicresponseof the detector,we fit Universityof Colorado,Boulder,Colorado this tail with a Maxwellinn distribution of hot O+ ions which 2Lunar andPlanetary Lab.,University ofArizona, nowat havea temperature of about100eV but compriseonly2% of the total plasmadensity.The compositionof the cold toms reportedby Bagenal(1985) can be summarizedas equal proportionsof S+ and O+ with S++ and O++ eachhaving Aerospace Engineering, University of Southern California 3Visidyne Inc.,Burlington, Mass 4Geophysics & PlanetarySciencesDept., Tel Aviv Papernumber92GL00070 mixing ratiosof 5%. Outside5.6 Rj, wherethe plasmaflow becomestrans-sonic, the spectralpeaksof different ion speciesare generallynot resolvedby the PLS instrument.Thusthe PLS insturmentwas 0094-8534/92/92GL-00070503.00 not ableto determinethe compositionin the warmregionof Copyright 1992bytheAmerican Geophysical Union. 79 80 Bagenalet al.: The Abundance of O++ in theJovianMagnetosphere 106 . S3+ o" lO •0 + " ' "-----•_SO• lO •o• • • • soo ,, ,, • o• ........ • •o •o •oo s• •Q (Volts) • •o •ooo •Q (Volts) Figure1. Voyager1 PLSionspectraat (left) 5.1 and(right)27 Rj. Thedata(histogram) havebeenfittedwith a convected Maxwellianfunction(smooth curve)for eachionspecies to produce a bestfit thedata(crosses). the toms.Beyond11.7 Ri, however,the Voyagerspacecraft traversedregionsof supersonicplasmawherespectralpeaks rathercoarse.The spectracorresponding to 5.75 and 8.25 RI are shownin Figure 2a. The VoyagerUVS spectraareblendsof denseline spectraof sulfur and oxygen. The reduction of the data requires can be resolved. Since we cannot assume that conditions of thermalequilibriumprevail in the plasmasheet,we cannot determinetherelativecontributions of O+ andS++to thepeak in the spectrumat mass/charge = 16 (McNutt et al., 1981). In Figurelb, we showa spectrumof thermalplasmaobtainedat 27 Rj in whichthe presenceof an ionsof massto chargeratios of 8, 32/3, 16 and32 are apparent.Again,thepeakat ADZ=8 couldbe dueto a combination of O++ andS4+. However,the comparisonto model calculationsof the electron excitation process. The synthesis of thespectrato determinepartitioning of speciesdependson electrontemperature. Between 5.75 and 7.5 RI the electron temperature is determined from analysisof the UVS spectraand is consistentwith the in situ measurements [Sittier and Strobel,1987]. From 7.5 RI outwardthetemperatureprofilederivedfrom the PLS electron uniqueidentificationof the peakat 32/3 with smallamountsof S3+,indicates thatS4+musthavemuchlowerabundance and databy Sittier and Strobel[!987] was applied,becauseof lossof accuracyin the UVS temperaturemeasurements at the highertemperatures (20 eV) of the outertoms. The higherelectrontemperatureof the outerregionsof the tomsis demonstrated by differencesbetweenthe two spectra thatO++ is thedominantcomponent at ADZ=8. Ultraviolet SpectralEvidence The Voyager ! UVS instrumentscannedthe Joviansystem for 30 daysbeginningMarch 15, 1979. These systemscans haverecentlybeenreanalyzedwith the aid of updatedatomic shown in Figure 2a. The emission lines toward shorter wavelengthshave greaterstrengthat 8.25 Rj, forced by the higherelectrontemperatures, producing significantdifferences in spectralshape.The actual differencesin ion partitioning betweenthesetwo locationsis in fact greaterthan apparent from the two spectrabecausedifferencesin the variationof data. In order to detect the weaker emission from the low densityregionsin the outer toms, the 30 days of data were binnedin stepsof 0.5 RI, and the radial scaleis, therefore, 0.50 • • 3 • o I - == "' i i i '! I ! '! i i i ' i i i I I i ' ', i'"' i i ! i , i i , • 1 - -- '---' 5.75 Rj • O.lO - •3+ . • • 1 0 550 • 65O 750 850 950 O.Ol -•050 t150 5.! i i i • I 6.0 i i i i i 6.5 i i i i I 7.0 i i i i I 7.5 i i I i i • 8.0 i i i ,, 8,5 X(A) Figure2. (Left)Spectra fromVoyager 1 UVS at5.75and8.25 Rj (normalized at 6853,).Modeled transitions aremarked onthe figure.(Right)Theionpartitioning fromfitsto UVS spectra (exceptO++ opencircleswhicharefrommodelcalculations). 81 Bagenal et al.:TheAbundance of O++ intheJovian Magnetosphere collisionstrengthwith electrontemperatureaffectthe relative sulfurand oxygenexcitation efficiencies. The featurenear sonicresponseof the PLS detector)with a plasmahaving the UVS ion compositionandmovingwithin a few percentof rigid corotation.The spectrumrequiredthat in addition to a thermalpopulation at 60 eV, theions showa suprathermal tail (comprisingup to 30% of the total charge density) with 600/• in the 8.25 Rj spectrumis dominatedby O++ andis measurable only in the spectraat 7.75 and 8.25 Rj, because ofa combinationof sufficientlyhigh electrontemperatureand increased mixingratio.In contrast thefeaturenear900/!,is mainlydueto S+ andvirtually absentat 8.25 Rj principally becauseof reduced mixing ratio. The total oxygen ion abundance is accurately measured fromthefeature near8343,. characteristic energiesof 200 eV. When we tried to fit PLS ion spectrafartheroutin the toruswith the sameion composition we found that a large (20%) reduction in flow speed from corotationwasnecessary to matchthe spectrum.On the other The separationof O++ and O+ in the spectra,with the exception oftheextreme conditions noted above, is•lifficult to determinefrom the UVS spectra, as discussedby Brown et al. [1983] andShemansky[1987]. The actualamountof O++ between 5.75-6.75 Rj at Voyager 1 encounter therefore remainsuncertain because of the lack of definition in both of theVoyagerinstruments.The valuesindicatedby the open circlesin Figure2b in this regionarein fact modelpartitioning calculationsrather than from reductionof the spectra.From 7.25RI outwardthe higherelectrontemperatures andchanges inspectral shaperequiretheinsertionof measurable O++with a sharprisein themixingratio[O++] / [e] fromvalues< 0.02 inside7.0 Rj to 0.2 at 7.75 Rj. Radial Distribution of O ++ hand, if we assumedrigid corotation, we found that we requiredwhat seemedat the time to be an unreasonablylarge abundance of low mass-to-charge ionssuchasO++. With the recentanalysisof UVS spectrain the outer toruswe returned to the PLS spectrum at 8 Rj which we fit assumingrigid corotation.The resultingcontributionof O++ to the spectrum (labeledPMODEL in Figure3) is consistentwith the current analysisof the UVS spectrain thisregion. The radial profile of O++ abundance shown in Figure 3 raisesthree main issues:(a) the enhancementof O++ in the cold toms, which remainsunresolved(Bagenal, 1989); (b) the abruptincreasein ionization at the outer boundaryof the torus,presumablydueto the presenceof hot electrons;(c) the enhancementof the oxygenabundancebetween7 and 8 RI. The observedspatial distributionof O++ ions is consistent with electronimpactionizationof O+ beingthemainsourceof By combiningthesenewUVS resultswith the O++density determinations of McNutt et al. [1981] and Bagenal[1989] we areableto produceradialprofilesof the O++ mixingratioand densitybetween 4.9 and 42 Ri (Figure 3). At the outer boundary ofthetoms, where thetotalplasma •ensity drops by anorderof magnitude,the O++ mixing ratio increasesby an orderof magnitude.Fartherout, in the plasmasheet,the O++ mixingratio is fairly constantat about 10-20%. Whileion composition cannotbe determined fromthePLS ionspectrain the warmtorus,fittingthe spectrawith a given composition puts constraints on the flow speed and temperature of the ions.For example,Bagenal[!989] found thattheion spectraat 6 Rj couldbe modelled(usingthesub- O++ratherthancharge exchange •therateof whichdecreases sharplyoutsidethe densetomsregion). The numberof targets available for impact ionization also decreaseswith radial distance,but this canbe compensated for by local increasesin electrontemperatureand in energeticelectronfluxes. It is in the same region of the outer boundary of the torus that not only do Sittier and Strobel [1987] report an increase in the temperatureof the cold electronpopulationby aboutan order of magnitude, but McNutt et a1.[1990] also note the very localized intensification of suprathermalelectron fluxes. Whetherthesechangesare linked to heavy ion precipitation and auroral activity as suggestedby McNutt et al. [1990] remains an open question. Turning to the issue of the !o oo .Ol - _ I I !o Zx= Ba, geno! [ 1909] '-• . 0 = UVS . =PMODEL • = McNtztt et cd.[1981] I 5 ......, I 7 ,,.... , - A *4• • • I !0 20 Radial Distance (R•) •I 30 ,* {1 ,, Figure 3.Profiles of(above) mixing ratios and(below) absolute values ofO++obtained frombothPLSandUVSobservations. Bagenal et al.:TheAbundance of O++ in theJovian Magnetosphere 82 coupling,in Time-Variable enhancement of oxygen between7 and8 RI, wenowfacethe Bagenal,F., Toms-magnetosphere Phenomenain theJovianSystemed. Belton et al., pp. 196possibility thattheremaybeanadditional, ratherweaksource 210, NASA, SP-494, !989. of oxygen ionsbeyond 7.25Rj. A candidate source is theicy BagenalF. and J.D. Sullivan, Direct plasmameasurements in satelliteEuropaassuggested by Bagenal[! 989]and,onthe basisof Pioneer10 data,by IntriligatorandMiller [1982]. Thecoldplasma in themid-magnetosphere plasma sheetmay be regardedas a 'frozen'imageof the hot torusif, in the regionoutside thetorus,therelevantreaction timesarelonger than thetime of diffusivetransportto regionsof still lower density.Shemanskyet al. [1985] have derivedanalytic expressions for thecoefficients of excitationandionization. Evaluation of the O ++ creation rate coefficient as a function of electronenergyshowsthatthereis a broadmaximumaround 400eVof about3x10-8cm3s -1. Partitioning calculations with thediffusivetranportoccuringon time scalesof theorderof 60-100 days and with the small fraction of supratherma! electronsin thedensepartof thetomsproducea mixingratio of just a few percentfor O++. The existenceof enhanced suprathermal electronfluxesoutsidethedensetomsmakesthe creationof O++ ionsby electronimpactfeasibleoutto about8 RI. At greaterradialdistance,in the tenuousplasmasheet,the mixingratioof O++ canbe expectedto remainconstant asthe total densitydecreases. In conclusion,it is apparentfrom the combinationof the resultsdescribedabovethat.O++ waspresentthroughout the Jovianmagnetosphere at the time of the Voyager1 encounter in early 1979. The obviousquestionwhich arisesfrom the aboveconcernsthe non-observationof O++ by Brown et al. [1983] and the weak emissions reported by Moos et al. [1991]. Sincethe abundanceof O++ in the denseregionof the tomsis extremelysensitiveto the electronenergydistribution [Shemansky,1987] it hasbeensuggested thatthe absenceof O++ in the observationsby Brown et al. [1983] could be explainedby a depletionof hot electrons.It is alsopossible that the Earth-basedobservations were dominatedby the high densityregionof the toms wherethe O++ abundance is very small. In fact, the 2% O++ mixing ratio reportedby Moos et al. [1991] is consistentwith partitioningcalculationsfor the densepart of the toms. 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Geophys.Res.,92, 6141-6146, 1987. temperature for theelectrons anda significantly lowernumber Shemansky,D.E., J.M. Ajello and D.T. Hall, Electronimpact densityof O++ ionsin thetoms[Shemansky, 1987]consistent excitationof H2: Rydbergbandsystems andthebenchmark with time-variabilitiesreportedby Mekler andEviatar [1980] dissociativecrosssectionfor H Lyman-(•, Astrophys.J., andWalker and Kivelson [1981]. The forthcomingencounter 296, 765-773, 1985. of the Ulysses spacecraft with Jupiter should provide Sittier, E.C., Jr. and D.F. Strobel, io plasmatoruselectrons, additionalinformationonthe partitioningof the Io toms. We J. Geophys.Res.,92, 574!-5762, 1987. predict that if the level of activity is sufficiently high to Walker, R., and M.G. Kivelson, Multiply reflectedstanding Alfven waves in the Io torus:Pioneer 10 observations, maintaina tomsof hotplasmacontainingenoughsuprathermal electrons,the plasma instumentation on Ulyssesmay observe Geophys.Res. Lett., 8, 1281-1284,1981. a significantabundance of O++. Acknowledgements.The work at Tel Aviv Universitywas supportedby the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundationunder grant 88-00120. The authorsacknowledge support by NASA grants NAGW-87, NAGW-! 06 and NAGW-1622. Work at VisidyneInc. waspartially supported via subcontract fromNASA supported programsat MIT. F. Bagenal,A.P.A.S.Dept.,U. of Colorado,BoulderCO 80309-0391. R. L. McNutt Jr.,Visidyneinc., Burlington,MA 01803. R. Schreierand A. Eviatar, Dept. of Geophysicsand Planetary Sciences, Tel Aviv University,69 978 RamatAviv, Israel. D. E. Shemansky, Aerospace Eng.Dept., U. of Southern California,Los AngelesCA 90089. References (ReceivedSeptember11, 1991; Bagenal,F., Plasmaconditionsinside Io's orbit,J. Geophys. Res.,90, 311-324, !985. Revised: November 12, 1991; Accepted:December19, 199!)