A Theory of Cabinet-Making: The Politics of Inclusion, Exclusion, and Information John Patty Washington University in Saint Louis September 27, 2013 The Question When both information and decision authority are dispersed among several agents, under what conditions can some or all of these agents credibly share their information using “cheap talk”? Decentralized Decision-making: 1. Multiple agents with private information, 2. Partial delegation of decision-making authority, 3. Policy decisions jointly affect all agents, and 4. Messaging relies on “cheap talk.” The Point(s) I Inclusion and exclusion of agents can affect the credibility of signaling between (other) agents I The quality of policy decisions & social welfare can justify excluding potentially informative agents, I The inclusion of agents can aid information aggregation & social welfare even when the added agents do not themselves communicate truthfully. I There is a potential informational, social-welfare-based rationale for excluding agents from observing the product of policy communication precisely because the excluded agents possess decision-making authority. Primitives I Set of n + 1 players: N = {1, 2, . . . , n + 1}, I State of nature, θ ∈ [0, 1], I Player i ∈ N’s private information (signal): si ∈ {0, 1}, I Player i ∈ N’s policy decision: yi ∈ R, I Player i ∈ N’s policy preference (bias): βi ∈ R, I Player i ∈ N’s discretionary authority, αi ≥ 0. Agent i’s payoff: ui (y , θ; β) = − n+1 X αj (yj − θ − βi )2 , j=1 A room is denoted by R = (N, α = {αi }i∈N , β = {βi }i∈N ). Sequence of Play 1. State of nature, θ, drawn from Uniform[0, 1] distribution, 2. Each player i observes only si , 3. Each player i simultaneously chooses mi ∈ {0, 1}, 4. All players observe m = (m1 , . . . , mn+1 ), 5. Each player i simultaneously chooses policy yi ∈ R, 6. θ revealed, players receive their payoffs. Related Models Galeotti, Ghiglino, & Squintani (2011), Dewan & Squintani (2012), Patty & Penn (2013), Gailmard & Patty (2013). Information and Policymaking si = 0 interpreted as a failure, si = 1 as a success: Pr[si = 1|θ] = θ. Beliefs after m trials and k successes (i.e., k occurrences of s = 1 and m − k occurrences of s = 0) are characterized by a Beta(k + 1, m − k + 1) distribution, so that E (θ|k, m) = V (θ|k, m) = k +1 , and m+2 (k + 1)(m − k + 1) . 2 (m + 2) (m + 3) Player i’s optimal policy choice, yi∗ , given k successes and m − k failures: k +1 ∗ + βi . yi (k, m) = m+2 Equilibrium Analysis I analyze pure strategy Perfect Bayesian Equilibria. For each i ∈ N, either I mi = si (truthful/separating) or I mi = 0 for both si ∈ {0, 1} (babbling/pooling). Thus, an equilibrium can be entirely characterized as a partition: N = M ∪ B, with M ∩ B = ∅, where M is the set of truthful “messengers” and B is the set of “babblers.” Basic Incentive Compatibility For any room R = (N, α, β) with |N| = n + 1, the IC conditions for truthful messaging by agent j ∈ N are: X αi (βj − βi )2 ≤ X i∈N−j i∈N−j X X i∈N−j 2 αi (βj − βi ) ≤ i∈N−j 1 n+3 2 1 βj − βi + n+3 2 βj − βi − αi αi These are satisfied if and only if P α β i i i∈N−j βj − P ≤ i∈N−j αi 1 . 2(n + 3) , and . Equilibrium Existence There is always a babbling equilibrium: B = N. Let E (R) ⊆ Σ(R) denote the set of pure strategy equilibria for a room R. For any subset of agents M ⊆ N, an equilibrium is M-truthful if it satisfies ∀i ∈ M µi (0) = 1 − µi (1) and ∀j ∈ N − M µj (0) = µj (1). (1) An equilibrium e ∈ E (R) is referred to as completely truthful if it is N-truthful. Existence of a Completely Truthful Equilibrium The structure of the problem yields a simple necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a completely truthful equilibrium for a given situation R = (N, α, β). Proposition. For any strategic situation R = (N, α, β), a completely truthful equilibrium exists for R if and only if X 1 1 αi (βj − βi ) ≤ . max P j∈N 2(n + 3) i∈N−j αi i∈N−j (2) Existence of an Incompletely Truthful Equilibrium Even if Inequality (2) does not hold, there can exist “incompletely truthful” equilibria in which only M ⊂ N are truthful. Letting m = |M| < n + 1 denote the number of truthful agents in a profile, the condition for such an equilibrium is, ∀j ∈ M : X X α (β − β ) α (β − β ) j i j i k k + m+2 m + 3 i∈M−j ≤ X i∈M−j k∈N−M X αi + 2(m + 2)2 k∈N−M αk . 2(m + 3)2 (3) Incompletely Truthful Equilibria, continued The difference between the IC constraints for completely and incompletely truthful equilibria is due to the fact that any agent j who babbles (i.e., j ∈ N − M 0 ) will nonetheless use his or her own signal, sj , in ultimately setting yj . Furthermore, this fact is known by all those who signal truthfully in the equilibrium in question (i.e., all agents i ∈ M 0 ). Thus, the manipulative impact of a truthful agent’s message varies across other agents, depending on whether those agents are babbling or not. Incompletely Truthful Equilibria, continued As another way of picturing the importance of babblers’ presence in the room, note that it is not in general the case that one can shrink the set of players in a game possessing an M-truthful equilibrium and construct a truthful equilibrium of any size. Write R = (N, α, β) ⊂ R 0 = (N 0 , α0 , β 0 ) if there is a mapping f : N → N 0 such that for all i 6= j ∈ N, f (i) 6= f (j), αi = αf (i) , and βi = βf (i) . Proposition. There exist rooms R = (N, α, β) and R 0 = (N 0 , α0 , β 0 ) with R ⊂ R 0 and R 0 possessing a N-truthful equilibrium, but R not possessing a M-truthful equilibrium for any M ⊆ N. Intermediaries & Communication with Decentralized Decision-Making I The presence of an agent with an intermediate bias can support truthful communication between agents with relatively extreme preferences. I In some ways, mirrors other results regarding effect of intermediaries on communication between agents (e.g., Kydd (2003), Ganguly & Ray (2006), Goltsman, et al. (2009), Ivanov (2010)). I However, the logic in this context is different: here, the intermediary does not obfuscate earlier messages. I Instead, here, the intermediary’s presence in the room supports truthful communication because of their independent decision-making authority Welfare Analysis Consider the following formulation of ex ante expected social welfare from an equilibrium e ∈ E (R): X SW (e; R) = − αi Ee [(yi − βi − θ)2 ], (4) i∈N In a M-truthful equilibrium, Equation (4) reduces to P P i∈N−M αi i∈M αi SW (e, R) = − − . 6|M| + 12 6|M| + 18 Thus, the ex ante expected social welfare from an M-truthful equilibrium is higher than that from an M 0 -truthful equilibrium if and only if M contains more agents than M 0 . Proposition. For any room R and equilibria e ∈ E (R) and e 0 ∈ E (R), where e is M-truthful and e 0 is M 0 -truthful, |M| > |M 0 | ⇒ SW (e; R) > SW (e 0 , R). Social Ranking of Equilibria For any room R = (N, α, β) and any strategy profile s ∈ S(R), the ex ante expected payoff for agent i ∈ N from s is denoted by vi (s, R). As is common in cheap-talk games (Crawford & Sobel (1982)), the pure strategy equilibria for any room R are also Pareto-ranked according to SW (e, R). Proposition.For any room R and equilibria e ∈ E (R) and e 0 ∈ E (R), where e is M-truthful and e 0 is M 0 -truthful, |M| > |M 0 | ⇒ {i ∈ N : vi (e, R) > vi (e 0 , R)} = N. Optimal Rooms The maximum equilibrium social welfare in a room R is denoted by SW(R) = max [SW (e, R)]. e∈E (R) The optimal room problem centers on “what room maximizes SW(R)?” Let G = (G , A, B) denote the latent group from which a room must be constructed: I G is an index set of the agents in the group, I A is a profile of |G | (exogenous) authorities, A = {αi }∈G , and I B is a profile of |G | preference biases, B = {βi }i∈G . I A special agent, the convener, is denoted by c ∈ G and, without loss of generality, B is normalized so that βc = 0. Optimal Rooms, continued The problem. The convener must partition the set of agents into two sets, G = N ∪ O, with N ∩ O = ∅ and c ∈ N, such that N denotes the set of individuals inside the room, and O denoting the individuals left “outside.” This constraint is meaningful in a couple of ways. I The convener must be in the room is a binding constraint in some settings, I It rules out “multiple room” designs. Even constraining each room to contain the convener (such that rooms might have overlap), such a multiple room design can dominate the best single room design. Optimal Rooms, continued Optimization goal: I Benevolent optimization: maximize “maximum ex ante equilibrium social welfare”: P i∈O αi WB (R, O) = SW(R) − , 18 Benevolent Optimization First, benevolent optimization is not equivalent to choosing the room that supports an equilibrium that maximizes the number of truthful agents. Proposition. There exist groups G such that there are rooms R 0 ⊆ G with M-truthful equilibria such that M contains strictly more agents than are truthful in any truthful equilibrium supported by the optimal room under the benevolent optimization goal, RB (G). Benevolent Optimization, continued Second, benevolent optimization can lead to the choice of a room in which one or more agents in the room are nonetheless uninformative. Proposition. There exist groups G such that the equilibrium offering maximum ex ante expected social welfare in the optimal room under the benevolent optimization goal, RB (G) = (N, α, β) ⊆ G, is an M-truthful equilibrium for some M ⊂ N. Benevolent Optimization, continued Third, when comparing equilibria with equal numbers of truthful agents, social welfare will in general depend on the exact assignment of agents to truth-telling and babbling roles. This fact produces a succinct characterization of the socially optimal equilibrium in any given room. Proposition. For any room R and M-truthful equilibrium e ∈ E (R), if SW (e, R) = SW(R) then i ∈ M and j ∈ N − M implies that αi ≤ αj . Optimal Rooms: An Example. Example. [Authority Trumps Information.] Suppose that the group G contains 10 agents, G = {c, 1, 2, . . . , 9}, with preferences and authorities as follows: αc = 0.10, βc = 0, α1 = 0.80, β1 = −0.11, α2 = α3 = . . . α8 = α9 = 0.0125, β2 = β3 = . . . = β8 = β9 = 0.04. In this situation, one can verify that R = N (excluding no agents from the room) is not compatible with a completely truthful equilibrium. Benevolent optimization calls for choosing the room to include agents {c, 1} and exclude all other agents. Optimal Rooms: Stepping Out of the Room Example. Suppose that the group G consists of 3 agents, G = {c, 1, 2}, with preferences and authorities as follows: αc = 0.15, βc = 0, α1 = 0.45, βc = −0.06, α2 = 0.4, β2 = 0.06. Benevolent optimization calls for choosing the room in this situation: R = {c, 1}. However, if one does not require that the convener include himself or herself in the room, there is a better room: R 0 = {1, 2}. This room dominates R = {c, 1} from a social welfare perspective because, while the amount of information transmitted (2 messages) is identical in R and R 0 , use of R 0 implies that the information is used by decision-makers with greater combined authority than in R. What Kinds of Agents Are Problematic? Information aggregation in “in the room” messaging is most unambiguously hindered through the inclusion of a sufficiently extreme new agent with positive decision-making authority. Proposition. Consider two rooms R = (N, α, β) and R 0 = (N 0 , α0 , β 0 ) with R ⊂ R 0 . If SW(R 0 ) < SW(R), then there exists j ∈ N 0 − N such that αj > 0. Reducing maximal equilibrium welfare through the introduction of new agents to a room requires that at least one of the new agents has independent decision-making authority: adding new agents can reduce social welfare in an unambiguous way only if the new agents include some “listeners” whose preferences are different from one or more of the existing agents and who also possess independent decision-making authority. Extensions I Multiple Rooms (sequential policymaking? Patty & Penn (2013)) I Tying Messages to Actions (delegated discretion? Gailmard & Patty (2013)) Conclusions I Information and authority are frequently dispersed in real-world policymaking organizations. I The inclusion of agents within the room—even if the new agents are not identical to any of the other agents already within the room and/or even when the added agents do not themselves communicate truthfully—can aid information aggregation and social welfare. I The optimal room design need not maximize the level of information that can be aggregated in equilibrium and, for analogous reasons, the optimal room might purposely exclude one or more decision-makers precisely because they possess “too much” decision-making authority. I Informational motivations (and hence social-welfare considerations) can in some cases justify excluding agents with exogenous and independent decision-making authority.