The Nursing Process:

The Nursing Process:
An organizational framework for the practice of nursing
Orderly, systematic
Central to all nursing care
Encompasses all steps taken by the nurse in caring for a patient
Definition of the Nursing Process:
 An organized sequence of problem-solving steps used to identify and to manage
the health problems of clients
 It is accepted for clinical practice established by the American Nurses Association
Benefits of Nursing Process:
Provides an orderly & systematic method for planning & providing care
Enhances nursing efficiency by standardizing nursing practice
Facilitates documentation of care
Provides a unity of language for the nursing profession
Is economical
Stresses the independent function of nurses
Increases care quality through the use of deliberate actions
The Nursing Process Utilizes The Following:
Nursing Diagnosis
Characteristics of the Nursing Process:
Within the legal scope of nursing
Based on knowledge-requiring critical thinking
Planned-organized and systematic
Assessment of Well-Being:
 According to the World Health Organization is well-being in these domains:
 Emotional
 Physical
 Social
 Spiritual
Tools of assessment:
 Observation
 Interview
 Types of questions
 Environment (physical and emotional) Spiritual considerations
 Examination
Types of Data To Collect:
 Objective data-observable and measurable facts (Signs)
 Subjective data-information that only the client feels and can describe
Sources of Data:
 Primary source: Client
 Secondary source: Client’s family, reports, test results, information in current and
past medical records, and discussions with other health care workers
Disease Prevention:
 Primary prevention – protection from a disease while still in a healthy state.
 Secondary prevention – early detection and treatment of disease.
 Tertiary prevention – prevent complications and to maintain health once the
disease process has occurred.
 Establish the goals, interventions and outcomes
General Guidelines for Setting Priorities:
Take care of immediate life-threatening issues.
Safety issues.
Patient-identified issues.
Nurse-identified priorities based on the overall picture, the patient as a whole person,
and availability of time and resources.
Nurse Identified Priorities:
 Composite of all patient’s strengths and health concerns.
 Moral and ethical issues.
 Time, resources, and setting.
 Hierarchy of needs.
 Interdisciplinary planning.
Sort, cluster, analyze information
Identify potential problems and strengths
Write statement of problem or strength
Risk of infection related to compromised nutrition
Components of Outcomes:
Subject: who is the person expected to achieve the outcome?
Verb: what actions must the person take to achieve the outcome?
Condition: under what circumstances is the person to perform the actions?
Performance criteria: how well is the person to perform the actions?
Target time: by when is the person expected to be able to perform the actions?
Nursing Interventions:
Road maps directing the best ways to provide nursing care.
Evidence based nursing.
Monitor health status.
Minimize risks.
Resolve or control a problem.
Assist with ADLs.
Promote optimum health and independence.
 Direct interventions: actions performed through interaction with clients.
 Indirect interventions: actions performed away from the client, on behalf of a
client or group of clients.
 Clear and concise
 Appropriate terminology
 Usually on a designated form
 Physical assessment
 Usually by Review of Systems
• Overview of symptoms
• Diet
• Each body system
1. Determining outcome achievement
2. Identifying the variables affecting outcome achievement
3. Deciding whether to continue, modify, or terminate the plan
NANDA – North American Nursing Diagnosis Association
Identifies nursing functions
Creates classification system
Establishes diagnostic labels
Risk of infection related to compromised nutritional state
Potential complication of seizure disorder related to medication compliance
Community as Client:
• A community-wide group of people as the focus of nursing service
– The community directly influences the health of individuals, families,
groups, subpopulations, and populations who are a part of it.
– Provision of most health services occurs at the community level.
Dimensions of Community as Client:
• One perspective:
– Status: morbidity & mortality data identifying physical, emotional, and
social determinants of health
– Structure: services and resources
– Process: ability to function effectively
• Another perspective:
– Location (community boundaries, location of health services, geographic
features, climate, flora, fauna, human-made environment)
– Population (size, density, composition, rate of growth or decline, cultural
characteristics, social class and educational level, mobility)
– Social system (variables, health care delivery system)
Nursing Process Characteristics & Community:
• Problem-solving process; management process; process for implementing change
• Characteristics:
– Deliberative; adaptable; cyclic
– Client-focused; need-oriented
– Interaction with community (communication, reciprocal interaction,
paving way for helping relationship, aggregate application)
– Forming of partnerships and building of coalitions
Community Needs Assessment:
• Process of determining real or perceived needs of a defined community
• Types
Windshield survey (familiarization assessment)
Problem-oriented assessment
Community subsystem assessment
Comprehensive assessment (key informants)
Community assets assessment
Community Assessment Methods:
Descriptive epidemiologic studies
Community forums/town hall meetings
Focus groups
Sources of Community Data:
• Primary: gathered by talking to the people
• Secondary: records produced by people who know the community well
• International
• National
• State
• Local
Community Diagnoses:
• Portray a community focus
• Include community response and related factors that have potential for change via
CHN; logically consistent; response and factors logically linked
• Include statements narrow enough to guide interventions
• Use a community response instead of a risk, goal, or need statement
• Include factors within the domain of community health nursing intervention
• Deficit and wellness diagnoses (include maintenance or potential change
responses due to growth and development) when no deficit is present
Planning to Meet Community Health Needs; Implementing Plans:
• Planning
– Tools for assistance: operational definitions of objectives and activities, conceptual
frameworks and models; systematic approach
– Health planning process
• Implementing
– Preparation
– Activities or actions
Evaluating Implemented Community Health Plan:
• Measuring or judging effectiveness of goal or outcome attainment
• Types of evaluation
– Formative: focus on process during actual interventions; development of performance
– Summative: focus on the outcomes of interventions; effect; impact