Illinois State Board of Education—STAR NET 2014–15 Evaluation Summary The goal of STAR NET is to provide a variety of opportunities for personal and professional growth for those who touch the lives of young children, ages birth through eight, with an emphasis on children with special needs. STAR NET provides training, consultation, and resources to the early childhood community in Illinois. STAR NET supports family-centered, researched and evidence-based effective practices in early childhood education and care. The STAR NET system works to develop more effective partnerships and linkages among families, professionals, and systems. Jo DaviesStephensonWinnebago Boone McHenry Carroll (2)Developing and delivering inservice training and technical assistance including workshops, webinars, consultation, fellowships, referrals, and materials loan and dissemination; (3)Supporting family education and involvement; (4)Collaborating with other early childhood initiatives, agencies, and personnel; and (5)Promoting family-centered perspectives with other initiatives, organizations, and personnel. This report highlights the work conducted between July 1, 2014– June 30, 2015. STAR NET Evaluation The work of STAR NET is organized around the following major professional development strands: • Training and Workshops • Technical Assistance • Funding • Collaboration Kane Cook Lee Kendall Henry Grundy Mercer Warren Cook Will LaSalle Bureau Rock Island Kankakee Putnam Stark Knox Marshall Livingston Iroquois Peoria Woodford Henderson Hancock McDonough Fulton Tazewell McLean Ford Vermillion Champaign Adams De Witt Menard Cass Morgan Pike Logan Mason Schuyler Brown Piatt Macon Douglas Sangamon Edgar Moultrie Coles Scott Christian Macoupin Calhoun STAR NET is operated statewide through a grant awarded by the Illinois State Board of Education. All of the funding for this project is from federal sources. As a statewide system, STAR NET assists the Illinois State Board of Education Division of Early Childhood in meeting regional and local needs by providing professional development services throughout Illinois. To facilitate the management of activities, the project has been divided into six regions, with Regions I and III operating under the same management structure. (1)Identifying needs and responding to requests for professional development support of staff and families involved in early childhood special education; DeKalb Lake DuPage Whiteside Greene The focus of STAR NET is to increase knowledge acquisition and facilitate skill application. The project accomplishes this mission by: Ogle Clark Shelby Cumberland Montgomery Fayette Jersey Madison Effingham Bond Clay Marion Clinton Saint Clair Wayne Jasper Crawford RichlandLawrence Edwards Wabash Washington Jefferson Monroe Randolph Hamilton White Perry Franklin Jackson Saline Gallatin Williamson Union Johnson Pope Hardin AlexMassac ander Pulaski Evaluation Methodology In 2002, a responsive evaluation design was conceptualized relying on the premise of measuring outcomes as reported by early childhood education and care providers in the state of Illinois. This evaluation design has been reexamined and revised periodically throughout this period to ensure it remains up to date with the latest federal and state directives. The majority of evaluation resources and efforts were intended to monitor how well the STAR NET system was meeting its objectives and outcomes and to determine the overall impact of the project around these outcomes. In addition, the evaluation was designed to support immediate program improvement and provide timely information for decision-making to the management team. A significant portion of the evaluation was developed around a logic model, which is intended to examine immediate, intermediate, and long-term outcomes. The logic model highlights several “ultimate outcomes” in which qualitative and quantitative impact data are collected. Data were collected in a variety of ways including endof-session training and technical assistance evaluations, follow up surveys, questionnaires related to the funding, and a compilation of all the collaborations supported by STAR NET directors and regional staff members. The logic model outcomes and indicators reflect the broader state and federal context. In addition, in recent years, more effort was given to evaluating the impact of sustained professional development, webinars, family training, and collaborative efforts on statewide professional development initiatives and conferences. The following sections will highlight the evaluation findings from across the broad array of STAR NET activities. -1- November 2015 Initial Impact of Training – Face-to-Face Number of Trainings and Workshops 2014-15 Training Participants by Program Type 2014-­‐15 Training Par/cipants by Program Type (N=6908) (N=6,856) STAR NET conducts training in a variety of formats. While the majority are delivered in traditional face-to-face training environments, a growing number are offered through webinars and/ or a combination of traditional face-to-face and webinar formats. Community Pre-­‐school 3% In total, 258 traditional face-to-face training sessions were delivered across Illinois between July 1, 2014–June 30, 2015 for 7,904 individuals. Evaluation forms were collected at the end of each training session. A total of 6,856 end-of-session surveys were collected. Return rates across the six regions ranged from 80% to 99% with an overall statewide return rate of 87%. Furthermore, a random sample of approximately 20% of participants were asked to complete an online follow up survey approximately three months after a training event. Return rates from across the regions ranged from 24% to 46% with an overall statewide return rate at 34%. In total, 553 training follow up surveys were completed. Other 13% Early Interven,on 7% Child Care 8% ECSE 25% State Preven,on Ini,a,ve 2% K-­‐3 7% 1/2 day ECSE/PFA 1% Preschool Head Start for All 2014-­‐15 8% Impact of Professional Development Ra:ngs Belended ECSE/PFA 12% 14% Participants Similar to the past 5 years, Teachers represented the largest group of participants (41%), with Teachers Assistants (12%), SLP (11%), and Administrators (6%) also representing a significant percentage of participants. Individuals from a variety of different early childhood education and care systems were strongly represented in STAR NET trainings. The majority of the training individuals were employed by ISBE funded programs, including Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE), Blended ECSE/Preschool for All, and Preschool for All (PFA) programs. In addition, other programs represented were as follows: 8% from Head Start, 8% from Child Care, and 7% from Early Intervention. 2014-15 Impact of Professional Development Increased knowledge/skill of leaders Will improve learning for students Organize adults into learning communiCes Deepened knowledge of content Provide research-­‐based pracCces Prepare for classroom assessments Use appropriate learning strategies The two charts to the right show that a significant number of participants of STARNET supported training believed the Provide skills to collaborate professional development would lead to improved learning for Apply research to decision-­‐making students (n-72%) and deepened their knowledge of the content (n=62%). In addition, they felt that the professional development None of the above was presented by knowledgeable presenters, well organized and had 2014-­‐15 Ra*ngs on how your feel bout 0 a10 20 the 30 PD 40 experience 50 60 70 clearly defined outcomes. 80 2014-­‐15 Training Par/cipants by Posi/ons (N=6908) 2014-15 Training Participants by Position (N=6,856) 2014-15 Ratings on how you feel about the PD experience Administrator Developmental Specialist Family Member Outcomes of PD were clearly iden9fied Family Educator Teacher PD will impact my professional growth or student growth Teacher Assistant PD will impact my or my students' social emo9onal growth OT/PT Psychologist Overall, presenter appeared knowledgeable Service Coordinator SLP Materials and presenta9on were well-­‐organized Social Worker PD aligned to my district or school improvement plan Other 0 November 2015 10 20 30 40 50 1 -2- 2 3 4 Initial Impact of Training – Webinar Training Webinar Trainings In addition to traditional face-to-face trainings with early childhood practitioners, STAR NET has increased its training offerings through Webinars. In 2014-15, STAR NET offered a total of 73 2014-­‐15 Webinar -­‐ Impact of Professional Development webinars, with 2,662 individuals participating (2396 evaluation Ra<ngs (N=2396) forms returned). While slightly under the ratings of the face-to-face trainings, mean ratings of the webinars across all evaluation items were high with most of the averages ranging in the “Agree” to “Strongly Agree” range. Notably, the experience of the presenter and the organization of the presentation were ranked the highest. 2014-15 Webinar - Impact of Professional Development (N=2396) Increased knowledge/skill of leaders Will improve learning for students Organize adults into learning communiCes Deepened knowledge of content 2014-15 how you feel 2014-­‐15 W ebinar Webinar Ra0ngs oRatings n how yon our feel about about the PD experience the PD experience Provide research-­‐based pracCces Prepare for classroom assessments Use appropriate learning strategies Outcomes of PD were clearly iden9fied Provide skills to collaborate Apply research to decision-­‐making PD will impact my professional growth or student growth None of the above 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 PD will impact my or my students' social emo9onal growth Webinar Participants Teachers represented the largest group of participants (63%), with Teacher Assistants (11%) and Administrators (9%) also representing a significant percentage of participants. The majority of the training individuals were employed by ISBE funded programs, including PFA and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE). 15 Webinar Par0cipants by Posi0ons (N=2396) 2014-152014-­‐ Webinar Participants by Positions (N=2396) Overall, presenter appeared knowledgeable Materials and presenta9on were well-­‐ organized PD aligned to my district or school improvement plan 1 2 3 4 Administrator Developmental Specialist Family Member Family Educator Teacher Teacher Assistant OT/PT Psychologist Service Coordinator SLP Social Worker Other 0 20 40 60 80 -3- November 2015 Initial Impact of Training & Webinar (Sustained PD) Ratings STAR NET has also offered professional development that combines both traditional face-to-face trainings along with follow up webinars. In 2014-15, STAR NET offered a total of 25 combination traditional training along with webinars, with 801 individuals participating and 730 individuals completing evaluation forms. The mean ratings of the Combination sessions across all evaluation items were high with all averages ranging in the “Agree” to “Strongly Agree” range. Sustained Training Evaluation Program attendees rated the training positively across all indicators, with particularly strong responses to the following: Presenters were clearly experienced in their content • Presenter was knowledgeable of the content provided • Materials and presentation techniques were well-organized and engaging • Professional development will impact my or my students’ social and emotional growth “We are utilizing more of the Creative Curriculum throughout the centers.” • Professional development will impact my or my students’ — Regions I and III growth in content knowledge As the chart below illustrates, participants indicated strong agreement that the training “will improve learning for students,” “help participants use appropriate learning strategies,” and “deepen content knowledge” in subject area. 2014-­‐15 Sustained PD -­‐ Ra4ngs on how your feel about the PD experience 2014-15 Sustained PD - Ratings on how you feel about the PD experience 2014-­‐15 Impact of Sustained Professional Development Ra=ngs 2014-15 Impact of Sustained Professional Development Outcomes of PD were clearly iden9fied PD will impact my professional growth or student growth Increased knowledge/skill of leaders PD will impact my or my students' social emo9onal growth Will improve learning for students Organize adults into learning communi?es Overall, presenter appeared knowledgeable Deepened knowledge of content Materials and presenta9on were well-­‐organized Provide research-­‐based prac?ces Prepare for classroom assessments PD aligned to my district or school improvement plan Use appropriate learning strategies 1 2 3 4 Provide skills to collaborate Apply research to decision-­‐making None of the above 0 November 2015 -4- 20 40 60 80 Initial Impact of Training – Comparison Across Formats The chart below compares training ratings across the 3 types of training formats: (1) traditional training, (2) webinar-only, and (3) combination of traditional training and sustained. Notably, ratings were highest for sustained training, followed closely by traditional face-to-face trainings. While webinar-only received the lowest ratings, they were still rated highly across nearly all of the items on the end of the training evaluation form. “This was my very first webinar and I loved it! Adobe Connect is so cool. I love how interactive everything was and how everything worked so smoothly. What a great experience.” — Region IV “Much of our TA was part of a yearlong sustained training that consisted of a series of workshops, “I no longer look at the way a child’s drawing followed by classroom observation, coaching, and should look according my expectations.” 2014 -­‐ 15 Comparison Ra,ngs Across Training Types -­‐ Otoutcomes of PD modeling visits. We’ve found this form of — Regions I and III providing TA extremely productive.” — Region V 2014 - 15 Comparison Ratings Across Training Types - Outcomes of PD Increased knowledge/skill of leaders Will improve learning for students Axis Title Organize adults into learning communiCes Deepened knowledge of content Training Provide research-­‐based pracCces Webinar Sustained PD Prepare for classroom assessments Use appropriate learning strategies Provide skills to collaborate Apply research to decision-­‐making 2014 -­‐ 15 omparison Across Trainings -­‐ Feelings about the PD None of C the above Experience 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Percent of par,cipants indica,ng agreement 2014 - 15 Comparison Across Trainings - Feelings about the PD Experience PD aligned to my district or school improvement plan Axis Title Materials and presenta?on were well-­‐organized Overall, presenter appeared knowledgeable PD will impact my or my students' social emo?onal growth Sustained PD Webinar PD will impact my professional growth or student growth Training Outcomes of PD were clearly iden?fied 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Axis Title -5- November 2015 Impact of Training – Follow Up Face-to-Face Training Follow Up – Participants 2014-15 Training Participants by Positions (N=553) 2014-15TrainingParticipantsbyPositions(N=557) Teachers represented the largest group of participants (41%) responding to the Training Follow Up Survey, with Teachers Assistants (12%) and Speech and Language Pathologists (SLPs) (11%) also representing a significant percentage of participants. Individuals from a variety of different early childhood education and care systems were strongly represented in STAR NET trainings. Administrator DevelopmentalSpecialist FamilyMember FamilyEducator Teacher TeacherAssistant Evaluation Ratings Data gathered from the Training Follow Up survey indicated that participants across all programs reported that the training remained applicable to their work (mean=4.73) several weeks after they attended the STAR NET training. In addition, the rating about improving their knowledge of practices that supported children with disabilities (mean=4.64) and their families (mean=4.41) received high ratings. Notably, participants also indicated that they applied the knowledge they gained during the training and that they increased their skills in accessing resources. Other 8% EarlyIntervention 5% ChildCare 9% SLP 2014-15 Overall RatingTrainingFollow Up(N=557) SocialWorker Other 0 10 20 30 40 50 Iincreasedmyknowledgeabout transitioninto andoutofschoolservices. IhavesharedtheknowledgeandskillsthatI gainedwithotherfamiliesorcolleagues. ECSE 26% State Prevention Initiative 3% Psychologist ServiceCoordinator 2014-15 Overall Training Follow Up Evaluation Ratings 2014-15 Training Participants by Program Type 2014-15TrainingParticipantsbyProgramType(N=608) (N=553) Community Pre-school 3% OT/PT Ihaveincreasedmyknowledgeandabilityto accessinformationandresources. Myskillshavechangedinworkingwithchildren withdisabilitiesandtheirfamilies. K-3 10% Ihaveappliedthecontentofthetrainingtomy family/work. 1/2day ECSE/PFA 2% HeadStart 10% Preschool forAll 14% Ihaveincreasedmyknowledgeofhowtohelp familiessupporttheirchild'seducation. BelendedECSE/PFA 10% Iincreasedmyknowledgeasaresultof participatingintheSTARNETtrainingsession. Thetrainingwasapplicabletomyfamily/work. “Best feature about the training on the ILELDS – the hands on materials and activities…and the manual I received; others in my building want one!” 0 2 4 6 StronglyDisagreeDisagreeAgreeStronglyAgree —Region II “It was an eye opener to learn about the importance of using movement in all areas with children to prevent obesity and diabetes.” —Region VI “As with all other STAR NET trainings I have attended, this one was excellent. It was exactly as presented.” — Regions I and III November 2015 -6- Impact of Training – Follow Up Webinar Participants Staff from Child Care (37%) and Preschool for All (20%) responded in high numbers to the STAR NET Webinar Follow Up survey. Similar to the follow up data from the traditional trainings, data gathered from the Webinar Follow Up survey indicated that participants across all programs reported that the training remained applicable to their work (mean=4.54) several weeks after they participated in the STAR NET supported webinar. In addition, participants noted that they applied the knowledge they gained during the webinar (mean=4.31) and that they increased their overall knowledge (mean=4.44). 2014-15 Webinar Training Participant by Program Type (N=89) 2014-­‐15 Webinar Training Par2cipant by Program Type (N=89) Other 2% Community Pre-­‐school 11% ECSE 8% Preschool for All 20% 2014-15 Overall RatingWebinarTrainingFollow Up(N=89) 2014-15 Overall Rating Webinar Training Follow Up (N=89) Iincreasedmyknowledgeabout transitioninto andoutofschoolservices. Blended ECSE/PFA 6% Child Care 37% IhavesharedtheknowledgeandskillsthatI gainedwithotherfamiliesorcolleagues. Head Start 9% K-­‐3 1% Ihaveincreasedmyknowledgeandabilityto accessinformationandresources. 1/2 day ECSE/PFA 6% Myskillshavechangedinworkingwithchildren withdisabilitiesandtheirfamilies. Ihaveappliedthecontentofthetrainingtomy family/work. Ihaveincreasedmyknowledgeofhowtohelp familiessupporttheirchild'seducation. “I find the STAR NET trainings to be very helpful. I like that I can do them in the evenings when it is convenient for my schedule versus having to miss a day of work for a conference.” Iincreasedmyknowledgeasaresultof participatingintheSTARNETtrainingsession. Thetrainingwasapplicabletomyfamily/work. — Regions I and III 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 StronglyDisagreeDisagreeAgreeStronglyAgree “Learning a new skill that will directly affect my ability to impact students’ learning in a positive way. I’m also looking closer at summative vs. formative assessments and corrective vs. accommodating feedback.” “I am now helping our district move towards blending classrooms and using the Creative Curriculum.” — Region II — Region IV -7- November 2015 Family Training A total of 61 Family Trainings were also conducted with 799 individuals participating with 672 surveys being returned. Mean ratings across all evaluation items were high reflecting a great deal of impact from these family-focused trainings. 2014-15 Overall Family Training Ratings — Regions I and III Family workshops and trainings are offered at <mes and loca<ons that are convenient for me/my family. Overall, this workshop was beneficial. “My son is enrolled in this program next year so I am familiarizing myself with the program first. The most beneficial feature was getting this basic understanding.” I have increased my knowledge and ability to find informa<on, support, or other resources to help my family. — Region II The training today has increased my knowledge and/ or understanding of my child’s educa<onal rights. — Region IV “Everything always runs smoothly. Keep up the excellent work. It is greatly appreciated.” 2014-­‐15 Overall Family Training Ra>ngs (N=672) (N=672) “Schools should have more training for us (family members) like this! The training material was organized, easy to follow and was presented in a way that was easy to understand. — Region VI It was clear that this training was presented by persons with educa<on and experience in the subject maIer. I feel that I can try an idea or strategy presented today to help my child and /or family. I have increased my ability to ac<vely support my child and effec<vely speak on behalf of my child’s needs at the IFSP or IEP mee<ng. Training has increased my knowledge and understanding of my child’s strengths, abili<es and special needs. 3 4 5 No Opinion Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree “Best feature- information explained based on questions from parents at previous meetings which helped because we need answers to questions that we didn’t even know we have!” — Region V November 2015 “I understand more why my grandson does the things he does & how to handle the situation.” -8- Initial Impact of Technical Assistance Number of Technical Assistance Activities STAR NET conducted 129 technical assistance (TA) sessions across Illinois between July 1, 2014–June 30, 2015. Evaluation forms were collected at the completion of each technical assistance session. A total of 250 participants were asked to complete a survey and 207 end of TA session surveys were returned. Return rates across the six regions ranged from 21% to 94% with an overall statewide return rate of 83%. Furthermore, a random sample of participants were asked to complete a follow up survey approximately three months after a TA event. All six regions were able to conduct follow up evaluations of their TA efforts. Return rates ranged from 19% to 64% and an overall statewide return rate at 41%. “Because of the technical assistance provided, teachers rearranged, ordered, or moved furniture to meet the requirements of ECERS-R.” —Regions I and III “We planned how we can use TS GOLD reports for our students’ IEP program monitoring.” — Region II 2014-15OverallTechnicalAssistanceRatings(N=250) 2013-14 Overall Technical Assistance Ratings Technical Assistance Participants As the chart beneath illustrates, the vast majority of these individuals were Teachers (74%) and Teacher Assistants (8%). Within the strand of Technical Assistance, individuals indicated that the Resource Specialist was knowledgeable (mean=4.82) and flexible (mean=4.82) and supported the practitioner in: • Applying the TA to their work Ifapplcable,myknowledgeonlegalrightsfor childrenwithdisabiliitiesincreased. TheTAincreasedmyabilitytoaccess informationandresources. TheTAincreasedmyawarenessofproblem solvingstrategiesandskills. TheTAincreasedbyknowledgeinsupporting thedevelopmentofchildrenwithdisabilities. • Increasing their problem solving skills • Providing practical suggestions TheTAincreasedmyawarenessof supportingtheuseofappropriatebehaviors. • Increasing their knowledge in supporting children with disabilities TheTAincreasedmyawarenessofsupporting theacquisition/useofknowledgeandskills. TheTAincreasedmyawarenessofsupporting positivesocialemotionalskills. TheTAincreasedmyawarenessofsupporting childrenininclusiveenvironments. Suggestionsprovidedwerepractical. 2014-15 Technical Assistance Participants by 2014-­‐15 Technical Assistance Par5cipants by Posi5ons Positions (N=250) (N=250) OT/PT 1% SLP 2% Other 6% Resourcespecialist wasflexible. Administrator 8% Family Member <1% Resourcespecialist wasknowledgeable. Thetechnicalassistancewasapplicabletomy family/work. Family Educator 1% Teacher Assistant 8% 0 1 2 3 4 5 “I plan to use the iPad as a timer for motivation & support during transitions, peer praise, and discussing emotions (through literature and throughout the school day).” — Region V Teacher 74% -9- November 2015 Collaboration and Funding Collaboration “I was glad to attend the program to learn more about how we, as Paraprofessionals, can help our students excel. It also made me aware what teachers are zoning in on that may not be shared.” Collaboration is an essential element in supporting families who have children with disabilities. Therefore, interagency collaboration is essential in order to offer the full range of supports needed to assist families and providers. Regional directors and staff members from STAR NET provide leadership and collaboration with a multitude of initiatives and agencies across the state of Illinois. Key collaborations maintained or developed over the 2014–2015 period were with, but are not limited to, the following: *Not all regions work with all entities on this list. • Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO) Stakeholders Committee • Early CHOICES: Preschool LRE Initiative • ExceleRate: Award of Excellence - Inclusion of Children with Special Needs • ExceleRate: Award of Excellence - Linguistically and Culturally Appropriate Practice — Regions I and III Funding Oppportunities The statewide STAR NET system awarded 189 funding opportunities to professionals and family members. Primary categories of funding for 2014-15 included Professional Fellowships (n=74) and Family Fellowships (n=39). All funding recipients were requested to complete an evaluation of the funding support. All of the regions were able to conduct evaluations of their funding efforts. Return rates ranged from 19% - 100% with an overall return rate of 79%. In total, 149 funding evaluation forms were completed. Awardees who received financial support and completed evaluation forms provided 2014 -­‐ 15 Overall Funding Ra5ngs (N=149) positive ratings similar to the trends over the past five years. Scores across the state all had a mean around 4.5 indicating “strong agreement” to all items. • Illinois Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators 2013-14 Overall Funding Ratings (N=149) • Illinois Association for the Education of Young Children • Illinois Children’s Mental Health Partnership • Illinois Division for Early Childhood • Illinois Early Childhood Center for Professional Development (ECC/The Center) • Illinois Early Intervention Training Project Funding helped me meet the performance standards. The funding helped me meet the Illinois Teaching Standards. • Illinois Early Learning Council - Special Education Subcommittee • Illinois Governor’s Office of Early Childhood My skills in suppor7ng my child or the educa7on and development of young children with special needs increased. • Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies • Illinois Principals Association Funding enhanced my knowledge in suppor7ng my child or the educa7on and development of young children with special needs. • Professional Development Advisory Council • RTT-ELC: Innovation Zones • Sharing A Vision Statewide Conference Committee Funding helped me learn new informa7on, gain resources, and/or establish new networks of support. • Statewide LRE Stakeholders Consortium • Statewide Transition Guidance Committee • Strengthening Families Illinois 1 2 3 4 • The Autism Program of Illinois “I know a lot of time and effort must have gone into preparing and executing plans to make this another successful summer camp. You make it look so easy.” “Thank you for breaking down the subject areas and providing real life examples with positive suggestions and solutions. Providing the audience with strategies to help and assist the transition from EI to EC.” — Region VI —Regions I and III “We need more workshops on how to use or incorporate technology in both the classroom and home.” —Region VI November 2015 - 10 - 5 Impact of Technical Assistance – Follow Up Similar to the Training Follow Up, participants received a follow up survey 3 months after the TA from STAR NET ended to determine the long-term impact of the technical assistance. Most of the participants that responded were from ECSE (27%), Preschool for All (25%), Blended ECSE/PFA (16%), and Child Care (16%). As the figure below illustrates, data gathered from the Technical Assistance Follow Up survey indicated that participants across all programs reported that they were able to apply the knowledge and skills to their family and work (mean=4.86), developed their abilities 2014to support their 15OverallTechnicalAssistanceFollowUp child’s education and/or help families support Ratings(N=89) their child’s education (4.64), increase their knowledge to access information and resources (mean = 4.63), and increase their use of problem solving strategies, ideas and skills (mean=4.59). 2014-15 Technical Assistance Follow Up 2014-­‐15 Participants Technical Assistance Follow Up Par:cipants by Program Type (N=89) by Program Type (N=89) Child Care 16% 2014-15 Overall Technical Assistance Follow Up Ratings (N=89) Early Interven,on 3% K-­‐3 1% TheTAincreasedmyawarenessof supporting theuseofappropriate behaviors TheTAincreasedmyawarenessof supporting theacquisition/useof knowledgeandskills ECSE 27% TheTAincreasedmyawarenessof supporting positivesocialemotionalskills Head Start 12% TheTAincreasedmyawarenessof supporting childrenininclusive environments Increasedmyknowledgeabout the provision ofspecialeducation services Increasedmyknowledgetoaccess informationandresources Blended ECSE/PFA 16% Preschool for All 25% Developed myskillsinadvocatingfor familieswithchildrenw/disabilities Increasedmyuseofproblemsolving strategies,ideasandskills Increasedmyknowledgeandskillsin supporting thedevelopmentofchildren 2014-15 Technical 2014-­‐15 Technical Assistance Assistance Follow Follow Up Up Participants by Positions (N=89) Par:cipants by Posi:ons (N=89) OT/PT 1% Teacher Assistant 2% SLP Social Worker 1% 3% Developed myabilitiestosupport my child'seducation Other 3% Appliedtheknowledgeandskillstomy familyandwork Administrator 22% 1 2 3 4 5 “Thank you for this service and opportunity to engage with STAR NET resource staff (onsite technical assistance); it is a wonderful resource and made us feel valued and supported as we move through this transition with our staff.” — Region VI “The advice provided will be applied when reporting our Improvement plan for the Illinois State Board of Education.” — Region IV Teacher 68% - 11 - “I learned that if a student has trouble with social skills, it may be that they have not yet mastered a particular skill and that we can always break down the task to help him/her master the skill.” — Region V November 2015 Summary of Impact Results from the multiple sources of data collected continues to suggest that STAR NET has had a significant effect on early childhood education personnel who serve children and families across the state of Illinois. Key findings from 2014-15 STAR NET evaluation support impact data on several of the intermediate outcomes including the following: are assisting in the professional development of practitioners and families. This collaboration promotes the dissemination of evidencebased practices in a systematic and comprehensive manner across the state of Illinois. In 2008, the STAR NET system revised their strategic plan to make sure that their efforts were driven by current research and exemplary practices in professional development. Given those changes to the strategic plan, the STAR NET system has been reexamining their evaluation design that was developed in 2002. The logic model that has guided this evaluation over the past several years was revised over the course of the last year and now contains components that include connections to the federal reporting requirements (APR, SPP, ECO). • Families and early childhood education and care providers increased their knowledge and skills. • Participants indicated that the professional development opportunities were well organized, delivered by experienced presenters or consultants, and that suggestions provided were practical. • Participants were able to provide quantitative as well as qualitative data indicating that they have enhanced their knowledge as well as applied the knowledge and skills obtained through a STAR NET sponsored professional development opportunity. Whenever changes in ECSE policy or practices indicate a need for change in attitudes, knowledge, and skills by those who serve young children, STAR NET will continue to play a critical role as a training and TA Provider. VI V IV II I & III Region (s) Not only does the STAR NET system provide professional development, they also play a critical linkage to other systems that Traditional Training Traditional/Webinar (Sustained PD) As indicated in the final table, the STAR NET regions are not only providing professional development guided by state priorities, they are also responding to requests from the stakeholders in their regions. As more Webinars are being offered, additional efforts are being made to systematically evaluate impact from trainings offered in this format. Also, more follow up evaluations are happening through electronic means in an effort to utilize technology more effectively. Finally, more targeted family trainings are being offered, so additional tools were designed to capture the impact of STAR NET services for families. Webinars Requested by Others Designed by STARNET Requested by Others Designed by STARNET • Illinois Early Learning & Dev. Standards (IELDS) • Teaching Strategies GOLD • Math • ECERS-R • IELDS • Social/Emotional Topics • Creative Curriculum • Work Sampling • Art • Creative Curriculum • ECERS-R • Focus on Centers Series • Making EC Appropriate Series • ECERS-R • Classroom Environment & Room Arrangement • Portfolios • Inclusion Strategies • ECO • Challenging Behaviors • Autism • Advocacy • Curriculum • Assessment • Behavior • Disability Specific Training-Austism, Comm. • Curriculum • Assessment • ECERS-R • Curriculum • Curriculum • Assessment • IEP Dev. • Transdisciplinary Play Based Assessment • Transition Strat. • Classroom Environments • Assessment Practices • Professional Dev. Planning • Classroom Observations • ECERS-R • Behavior • Selective Mutism • Transition to Early Childhood • Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO) • An Overview of STAR NET • ECERS-R • Inclusion • Behavior • Assessment • Portfolio • Curriculum • Curriculum • 1st Step Book Club Series • Writing High Quality IEP Goals • Rtl • ECERS-R/Compliance Checklist • Behavior • Disability Specific/ASB • Inclusion/Blending • Co-Teaching • Challenging Behaviors • SOS-H Conf. • Inclusion • Getting Ready for the Future • CSEFEL • Engaging Families • Data is Your Friend • CLASS • Social Emotional Dev. • IELDS • CSEFEL • Teamwork • Classroom Mgmt. • Working with Your Bilingual Para • Sensory Support in the Classroom • Using Visual Supports • Class Observation Tool Social Emotional Dev. • Engaging Families • IELDS • Assisting with Inclusion of Children with Special Needs • Positive Interactions that Support Social/ Emotional Dev. • Being your Child’s Advocate • Math is more than Counting & Numbers • Transition from EI • Family Fun Night (Teaching Social Skills) • Bringing it Home • Behavior • Speech & Language Dev. • Schedules & Routines • TS Creative Curriculum & GOLD • Sensory/Mvmt. • Autism Spectrum • CSEFEL • Creative Curriculum • Math • Sensory Integration • Autism • Classroom Environment • ECERS-R • Curriculum • Behavior • Assessment • Behavior • Schedules & Routines • Speech & Language Dev. • Importance of Play • Dev. Milestones • Challenging Behaviors • Para-pro Training • ECERS-R By Request Family Training Requested by Others • ECERS-R Designed by STARNET Technical Assistance Requested by Others Designed by STAR NET • Social Emotional Development • Stress Relief • Family Engagement Produced for the Illinois STAR NET 2015 For additional information, please contact Dr. Susan P. Maude ( or Dr. Rob Corso ( November 2015 - 12 -