In the Europe Countries • Germany is known as a leading European economy. A study has been carried out over 81,000 person-year observation and the result indicate that there has been no rise in avarage life satisfaction though their incomes have risen significantly. • Based on European Value Survey in 1999, the statistical analyis informed that happiness and life satisfaction are related but are not the same concept and contextual. Happiness depends on whether respondent live in a stable relationship and on country characteristics. Whilst, life satisfaction related to respondent’s feeing of control and his or her country. • A survey in Europe aimed to address the mystery of countries that are economically very similar but differ in their levels of selfreported life-satisfaction and happiness. Those countries are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Findland, Iceland, Germany (East and West separately) the Netherlands, and Sweden. The result In Latin America Countries Though Chile is one of the most wealthy in Latin America and the Caribean, but 10 countries with lower percapita incomes among Guatemala, Venezuela and Brazil said that they were more satisfied with their quality of life. • Most of them are satisfied with the quality of education (though still below with their peers in Asia and Europe) • Informal Job ( though they lack of pensions plans or other benefits of a stable job) Quality of ife is not simply he result of “objective” conditions, which are the aspect of lives f individuals that are externally observable. The way individuals perceive these onditions and the evaluation they make of their own live are also cenral aspects of wuality of life. Life expectancy vs GDP Map of happineSatisfaction with Life Index Map - Map was published in White, A. (2007). A Global Projection of Subjective Well-being: A Challenge To Positive Psychology? Psychtalk 56, 17-20. "The data on SWB [Subjective Well- Being] was extracted from a meta- analysis by Marks, Abdallah, Simms & Thompson (2006)." ss over the world Thank you