DEPARTEMEN PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA Address : Karangmalang Yogyakarta – 55281 Phone. (0274) 586168 Psw. 318 SYLLABUS Faculty Study Program Course & Code Credit Hours Semester Prerequisites & Code Lecturer : MIPA : Mathematics Education : Computer & Information Technology (MAT 303) : Theory : 2 sks Practice : 1 sks :I : : Kuswari Hernawati, M.Kom. I. COURSE DESCRIPTION Computer and Information Technology describes computer science development, hardware and software development, branch of computer science, component of computer: input device, processing device, output device, and how these components work. In addition it also discuss information technology for instruction, e.g tutorial video, e-learning and mobile learning. II. COURSE BASIC COMPETENCY The students will be able to explain the computer development, computer system, computer works, and application of information technology for instruction. III. ACTIVITY PLAN Week 1 Basic Competency Explaining definition and branch of computer science Topics 1. computer science definition 2. branch of computer science 3. Practice : Trying a computer application system, e.g expert system, Information System Teaching Strategy Lecture, discussion, practice References A: 18 - 29 C:399-429 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Explaining number system, 1. Number system and its computer data representation and operation calculating number system 2. Digital Data (bit, byte) operation 3. Data representation. 4. Character Code 5. Practice: Using hardware and software to represent Number system and its operation Explaining computer system 1. Computer data processing 2. Computer Hardware 3. Practice : Using software computer activity monitoring. Explaining Input device, Output 1. Input device Device, Input/Output device, 2. Output Device storage device 3. Input/Output device 4. Storage device 5. Practice : Introduction of Input, output and Input/ Output Device Explaining Hardware and 1. Hardware development software development 2. Software development 3. Practice: Introduction of Hardware and software Explaining computer Software & 1. Definition software classification 2. Software Classification : System Software Application Software 3. Practice: Word processor Explaining and practicing 1. Structure Operating System 2. Command 3. Type 4. Practice: using some operating system Explaining and practicing 1. Office Software Application Software 2. graphics Software 3. Mathematics Software 4. Practice : office software, introduction to graphics software and Mathematics Software MIDTERM Explaining basics of computer networking 1. Definition 2. Network methods 3. Network Topology Lecture, discussion, practice A : 36-82 C : 33 - 43 Lecture, discussion, practice A :79 -123 B: 14 – 78 E:37 - 76 Lecture, discussion, practice B : 23-36 Lecture, discussion, practice B:1-9 C : 9 - 23 Lecture, discussion, practice B : 9 – 13 E : 86 Lecture, discussion, practice A:119-155 B :39– 67 C :319-347 127-131 E: 117-150 B:147-224 E : 87 - 96 Lecture, discussion, practice Lecture, discussion, practice A:147-172 B:71-100 11 Explaining and practicing internet and its applications 12 Explaining intranet & extranet 13 Explaining dan using Information Technology for instruction 14 Explaining and practicing Elearning 15 16 Explaining and using Mobile Learning 4. Practice: Introduction of computer networking command & administration tool, card network setting 1. Definition of internet 2. History & development 3. Application 4. Internet Security 5. Practice : Internet & application 1. Intranet 2. Extranet 3. Practice: Share folder, window messenger 1. Definition of Information Technology 2. Information Technology Hardware 3. Type of learning based Information Technology 4. Practice: Using instructional CD 1. Definition 2. Types of e-learning 3. Benefit of e-learning 4. Practice : using LMS program 1. Introduction of mobile learning 2. Mobile learning technology 3. Mobile learning development program 4. Practice :using mobile learning program packet FINAL TEST Lecture, discussion, practice A:173-192 B:101-120 B:227-228 C:459-468 Lecture, discussion, practice C:456-457 E:103-112 Lecture, discussion, practice E:11-12 Lecture, discussion, practice D:1-23 Lecture, discussion, practice F: 7 - 18 F: 131-143 IV. REFERENCES A. Brookshear, J. Glenn (2007) ,Computer Science, An Overview, New York : Pearson Addison Wesley B. Khanna, Rajiv (2008), Basics of computer Science, New Delhi , New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers C. Dale, Nell and Lewis, John(2002), Computer science illuminated, United States of America : Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. D. Solomon Negash, Michael E. Whitman, Amy B. Woszczynski , Ken Hoganson, Herbert Mattord (2008), Handbook of Distance Learning for Real-Time and Asynchronous Information Technology Education, United States of America : Information Science Reference E. Custom guide(2008), Computer Basics: Student Edition Complete, Minneapolis, USA, Custom Guide Inc F. David S. Metcalf, John M. De Marco (2006), mLearning: Mobile Learning and Performance in the Palm of Your Hand, Massachusetts, HRD Press, Inc IV. EVALUATION No. Component 1. Tasks 2. Performance in the class 3. Midterm 4. Final Test 5. Practice Total Weight (%) 15% 25% 20% 20% 20% 100%