YOGYAKARTA STATE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL SCIENCES SYLLABI FRM/FMIPA/063-00 1 April 2010 Faculty : MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL SCIENCE Study Program : PHYSICS EDUCATION Course / Code : PHYSIC MEASUREMENT METHODE Credit : Theory: 2 Practice:0 Semester :I Prerequisite/Code : Professor : Kuncoro Asih Nugroho, M.Pd., M.Sc. I. Course Description The course discusses materials about the definition and measurement method needed in physics experiment. It includes the definition of physics experiement, the definition of measurement and the standard of measuring tools, the nature of tools, ralat sources, the determination and the writing of measuring results, single measurement, and repeated measurement, error propagation, and data descrepancy. In order to support the main skills, students are given the material about graphics and good graphics making, and matters an experimenter should understand and will do. II. Standard Competence Stduents are able to understand the methods of physics experiment. It includes the definition of physics experiement, the definition of measurement and the standard of measuring tools, the nature of tools, ralat sources, the determination and the writing of measuring results, single measurement, and repeated measurement, error propagation, and data descrepancy, data representation in graphics, and representasi data dalam grafik, and the development of scientific attitude in experiments. III. Activity Meeting# I II Basic Competence Essential Concept Learning Strategy Learning Materials/ Referrences Character Able to describe the the definition of Lecturing, definition of physics physics discussion experiments experiments -Appreciating diversity/appreciati diversity -Courteous/courtes Able to define the Measurement of Demonstration, measurements, make physical assignment, -Honest/honesty - Disciplined/discipl observations and magnitude measurements of physical variables question answer & Able to define the Measurement of Demonstration, standard measuring physical assignment, devices and give magnitude question & examples answer -Appreciating diversity/appreciati diversity IV Able to describe the Definition definition of error error and identify the source of error of Lecturing, discussion -Appreciating diversity/appreciati diversity -Courteous/courtes V Able to give examples Definition of each source of error error of Assignment, presentation, and question & answer -Thinking logically, critically, creatively innovatively VI Able to write writing measurement results measurement results Question answer, assignment VII Able to determine single measurement results measurement and errors in single measurement Discussion VIII Able to determine Repeated measurement results measurement and errors in repeated measurement Lecturing discussion IX Able to explain the Error Propagation Lecturing error propagation to assignments determine the correction of a physical variable measured indirectly & -Thinking logically, critically, creatively innovatively X Able to calculate the Error Propagation Lecturing error propagation to assignments determine the & -Thinking logically, critically, creatively innovatively III & and -Appreciating diversity/appreciati diversity -Appreciating diversity/appreciati diversity - Thinking logically, critically, creatively innovatively -Appreciating diversity/appreciati diversity -Thinking logically, critically, creatively innovatively correction of a physical variable measured indirectly XI Able to explain and descrepancy use descrepancy Lecturing assignments & -Thinking logically, critically, creatively innovatively XII Able to apply the weighted average concept of weighted average. Lecturing assignments & -Thinking logically, critically, creatively innovatively XIII Able to make good Representation Lecturing graphics assignments measuring & -Appreciating diversity/appreciati diversity & -Appreciating diversity/appreciati diversity results in graphic XIV Able to represent Represention measurement result measuring and error in graphics results Lecturing assignments in -Confident/confide graphic IV. Referrence Compulsory a. Taylaor, J.R.,1997, An Introduction to error analysis, Second Edition California: University science book b. Bevington, pilip R., 1969, Data Reduction and error Analysis for the physics sciences,New york: Mc. Grow-Hill Additional c. Halliday,D., dan Resnick, R.. (1978). Physics, 3rd edition. Dialih bahasakan oleh Silaban, P . dan Sucipto, E.( 2005a). Fisika Edisi 3 Jilid 1. Jakarta: Erlangga. d. Djonoputro, B.D., (1984), Teori ketidak pastian, Bandung: ITB Bandung e. Cooper, W. D., (1984), Electronic instrumentation and measurement techniques, 2nd edition.Diterjemahkan oleh: Pakpahan, S. (1985), Instrumentasi elektronika dan teknik pengukuran, Jakarta: Erlangga V. Evaluation No 1 2 3 4 Componen Participation Assignment Midterm Exam Final Exam Worth 10 % 40 % 25% 25% 100%