COURSE OUTLINE (SILLABY) SUBJECT CODE STUDY PROGRAM SEMESTER PREREQUISITE LECTURER : : : : : : GENERAL ENGLISH MDU 210 Biology Education International Class 1 Dr. Slamet Suyanto, dr. Kartika Ratna Pertiwi, M. Biomed. Sc INTRODUCTION This subject is designed to allow students to: 1) develop their self confidence in scientific english communication; 2) to build their understanding of basic English structure and grammar; 3) to be able understanding scientific readings; and 4) to improve their academic writing skills; specifically in Biological context. STANDARD COMPETENCIES: By passing this subject, students should be able to 1. apply and implement English grammar and tenses in daily and scientific communication through speaking and listening English 2. read and comprehend the biological scientific paper that are written in English 3. write and compose simple communication notes such as letters, story and curriculum vitae in English REFERENCES -Compulsory A. Ratnawati, et al., 2006. English Module for Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science. Yogyakarta State University: P3B B. Adamson and Martin. 1985. Nucleus, English for Science and Technology, Biology. Longman Group Ltd, Hongkong C. Basic Biology taken from -Not Compulsory D. Nuryanto, FX. 1986. Essentials of English Sentence Structure. Yayasan IKK IKIP Yogyakarta E. Djohan G. 1999. Dictate: Basic English Structure. Yogyakarta State University: P3B MEETINGS TOPICS 0. Pretest 1. Introduction - Overview of subject outline - Study contract - Explanation of assignments, quizzes and exams Regulation - Discussion on Pretest - Basic Sentence Pattern - Basic Tenses Human Body - Active and Passive sentences 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. - Food and Nutrition - Verb and verb phrase - Noun phrase Sources of Energy - Articles: prefixes and suffixes - Synonym and Antonym Transport Across Membrane - Preposition and Idioms - Cohesive Devices Cell Divisions: Mitosis and Meiosis LEARNING ACTIVITY Speaking REFERENCES LECTURER Dr Slamet Suyanto Kartika Ratna Pertiwi, MD, M. Biomed. Sc Lecture Discussion A, B Dr Slamet Suyanto Lecture Reading Writing A, D Kartika R Pertiwi MD, M. Biomed.Sc Lecture, Reading Homework Lecture Reading Writing Assignment Lecture Reading Listening Lecture Reading Writing Lecture A, C, D Kartika R Pertiwi MD, M. Biomed.Sc Kartika R Pertiwi MD, M. Biomed.Sc B, C Kartika R Pertiwi MD, M.Biomed.Sc A, B Kartika R Pertiwi MD, M.Biomed.Sc A, C Kartika R Pertiwi MD, - If clause 8. MID TERM I 9. Hormones and Reproduction - Developing strategies to improve academic English skill - Vocabulary Classification and Nomenclature - Developing strategies to be a good and attractive presenter - Developing strategies to make clear and interesting presentation slides Enzyme and chemical reactions - Presenting a story/an article in non academic forum 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Environment and Population - Group presentation (mini seminar) - Discussion how to run a good scientific seminar Adaptation and/ Behaviour - Writing a formal and non formal notes and/or email Biotechnology - Writing a research proposal - Explanation of Individual Project Cloning and Modern Biology - Presentation of individual project Summary of lectures - Clarifying unclear concepts and Reading Speaking Reading, Listening, Writing M.Biomed.Sc Dr. Slamet Suyanto Kartika R Pertiwi, MD, M. Biomed. Sc B, C Dr Slamet Suyanto Reading Speaking Lecture Reading Writing A, B, D, E Dr. Slamet Suyanto Discussion Listening Speaking Listening Speaking B, C Dr Slamet Suyanto Reading Writing Dr Slamet Suyanto C Dr Slamet Suyanto Reading Writing Speaking Listening B, C Dr Slamet Suyanto Discussion B, C B, C Dr Slamet Suyanto Kartika Ratna Pertiwi, MD misunderstanding - Review on quizzes, assignments and homework - Playing Games , Group Debate Contest FINAL EXAM 17. ASSESSMENT : Number Jenis Tagihan Bobot (%) 1 Quiz and Homeworks 5% 2 Assignment 20 % 3 Mid Semester 35 % 4 Final Exam 40 % Total 100% Writing Speaking Reading, Writing, Speaking TBA Student’s Group Soraida Afni Yashinta Jelita Alviolina Nurtian Gama setyoningsih Larasati DP Tini Adiatma Chairunisa Dianingtyas Diah tirta puri Niken pandu ekayanti Luthfi Anggraeni Ardhianto Joko Nurridho Diah pangesti Nur Cahyaningsih Dodi Cahyadi Ajeng Purnama Heny Dian Laras Utami Anggrek Sinta Sari Diska Alfionita Dewanti Rohmia Ayu Pristyana Afina Nahla Yudha Kristia Kartika Nastia Cahyaning A Findhira Retiyani Erwin Kumbara Tama Widhi Astuti