q''!r+E * 4. lit'- -l .*'+, o- i ;-'T r:'E# \ +. f o " i ,u 1 * * i : '# T o" *: s F !i - , t, *,lU ili";t*ish-";gill . '*31+' \F , i"..J*sdt*'L' '; L, 't{i $ f- i 1 \re \*". i"ip' !r ; hf ,#+\ f \ :! -i:aullt Ot spi:r: 5cr1ri:l YogyoKerie Slqi+'dr-:iver::.;r Ygr-;;;; :"il; $p;; "-4ri::::'t *: R::*s611c c: infl .i-esrr {*doneS;n:1 SE+i" D**i:5 illrdir gonference cProceefrng of Intemationaf onSport2009 42 48 44 45 +6 4T +8 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 S8 59 6o 6r 6z 63 6+ 6S 6Z .................... Widiyanto,YoryakartaStateUniverslty............ Nutrient As A ResourceOf Energy For Body CerikaRismayanthi,Yoryakarta State University... TheImportant Of Talent Guiding In TheEffort Of GymnasticAchieuement Ch. Fajar Sriwahyuniati, Yoryakarta State University... DeuelopmentBasesOf Swimming RAgun g Purwandono Saleh,UPN "VETERAN" Yoryakarta........... PsyehoneuroimmunologyParadigm: Breathing ExerciseTo Increase Immunitg Siswantoyo. Yoryakarta State Univers1ty............... Correlation Of Obesifu With Hipertension DiseaseIn Reproduetiue Age Women Are Not Trained In PuskesmasUmbulharjo t Yogyakarta............ Sitti Nurdjannah, Solikhah, and Yufita Yeni, University Of Ahmad Dahlan Yoryakarta Psychomotor, CognitiueAnd SocialDeuelopingAs Approaching Of SkiUAnd Grasp In Physical Education On Rndergarten Child Rumini, SemarangStateUniversity............... TheInfluence Of Breathing Exercise Toward Feu t And Kup Among The Junior High School SrudentsIn Yogy akarta Rumpis Agus Sudarko,Yogyakarta State University............ Leg Acyclic Pouer DeuelopmentIn Sport Sarwono.SebelasMaret University.. The Oppotunity Entrepreuner Development For Sport ScienceStudentsThrought HandmadeBall Production Fauziand Jaka Sunardi. Yoryakarta State University............ TheEuolution Of Instruction In Physical Education (Metzler) Soni Nopembri. YogyakartaState University The Corcelation Betueen Joint Injury, Obesity,And Sport With Osteoartnhs CaseIn PuskesmasGondokusumanI Yogyakarta Working Area Sitti Nur Djannah, Atika Diah Yuniani, Isti Ken Utami, Trisno Agung, UniversityOf Ahmad DahlanYoryakarta......... Standart Test SkillsDeuelopmentFor Athletes Basket Ball Beginners Siti Nurrochmah, Malang State University... TheMotiuation Of StudentsTo Inuolue In Hockey ExerciseAs A Course Options Sri Mawarti, YogyakartaStateUniversity............... Fostering SocialContact And CommunicationTo Improue SocialInteraction In Team Sport/Games Soni Nopembri. YogyakartaState University... Improuing Elementary Children Physical Through FitnessExerciseAerobic Addriana Bulu Baan,University of Tadulako Athletes Increase Mental Status DIY With Mental Training Agung Nugroho, YogyakartaState University.............. TheInfluence Of Sit HeeI Rakes ExerciseAnd The Leg Length To TheRange Of Tuck StgleLong Jump Agus Pujianto,SemarangStateUniversity............... Throwing Accurary To Target On Left And Right Side In Softball Agus Susworo,Yoryakarta State University... TheEffect Of ExerciseMethod And Leg Muscle Pouer On Thego Meter Acceleration Run,An Experimental Sndy On Grade X Male Students Of Walkongo Senior High School Of Semarang Agus Widodo S, SemarangState University... Benefits Of Sport Massage To Lactic Acid Of TheBody Ali SatyaGraha,YogyakartaStateUniversity.............. Visit SalesModel As Efforts Transportation Efficiency Competition Football Amat Komari & Joko Sunardi, Yoryakarta State University.............. CognitiueAnd Behauioral Approach In ExerciseHabit Deuelopment Anirotul Qoriah,SemarangStateUniversity.............. Management Of lkatan Motor Indonesia (A Qualitatiue StudyAt ThePengurus Daerah lkatan Motor Indonesia Jaua Tengah) Aris Mulyono, SemarangStateUniversity............... '"Teaching TheInfluenceOf SportConceptsAndSkrl/s;ATacticalGamesApproech" Against PhysicalEducation WawanS. Suherman,YoryakartaStateUniversity.............. Benefits Of ExercisePliometrikTrauelTime Hurdle, Ali SatiaGraha,YoryakartaStateUniversrty............... 223 227 230 233 238 264 268 277 284 z8B 293 296 306 311 317 32r 326 331 397 g4, {ogaforta State')niversit1,tuIinistryof (outfi an[ Sport,ISOKI,In[onesia In co[Iafioration of f acuftl of SportScience cDean v Qacufty Forumof SportScience onSport2009 ofInternatiorufConference Wocee[ing THE IMPORTANT OF TALENT GTIIDING IN THE EFFORT OF GYMNASTIC ACHIEVEMENT By Ch. Fajar Sriwahyuniati Yo gg ckarta State Unia ersitg ABSTRACT been competed nationally gnd internationally. There mang that has sport one of the is Ggmnastic good athlete,guiding process,coach,f-acilities,and as: seeking zuch get high achieuement, to fictors "others. guiding fi reaih high achieuementneeds sport from early startedftom seeking talented, and the technologyefficiently and knouledge on the based training and seeding,education, athletes, and district. (pilgien Dikti qualitg both nationally organization in increasing ieeds It ffictiuily. fiepdtkUid, rg94:144. fhe right guidance results physieal abjlity, technique, tagtics_,athlete mental th14witt inftubn"e-ihe achieuing deuelopment. The gradual of children age leuel deterrnines the achieuemeit.The highest achieiement ii reached by continue practice, step by step and regular. It_ will effectin the coifidence feeling and the grouing. The highestachieuementcomesfrom a good guiding. Keywords: Talentedguiding, Achieuinggymnastic INTRODUCTION Gym is a physical activity which optimizes the kid's growing. Gym movement is suitable to helpthe important basic movement, especiallyin controlling posture and movement effectively and efficiently. Gym exercisehas meaningand goal.There are many definitions, asthough it canbe meant as theidea maker want to. It is a great reality. But it will havebad affect - the direction and the goal if it groups: gym into 6 is divided (Sayuti,S,zooz FIG :$). According to hasno guiding and directing artistic gJm, sportive rhythmic grm, acrobatic gym, aerobic, trampoline, and general g5rm (Agus zoor:16). Mahendra, Senamis competedfrom district to national. There are many factorsto get high achievement, suchas:seekinggood athlete,guiding process,coach,facilities,and others. There are three mainjobs in g1rrnare: (r) Basicgrrn: toward natural movement; (z) Special gym: toward preparing exercisefor certain technique elements; (g) Achieving Srm: grm as sport branch. Achievement is determined by some factors which are related each other and have its own rule,they are: athlete, practicing quality, and others. ethlete factor is about appearing some quality that must be managed,such s physic, motorist, mental, emotion, and anthropometric.Those factors determine the successin guiding and athlete measurement. Maximal achievementbegins from early till attrlete is able to have the optimal achievement' Its held for long time and continually. It needslong time and processto hold high result. There are manythings thit must be through by athlete in guiding process.It will produce visible and invisible result.The invisible such as: psychologyfactor, maturity, character,etc. Talented identification must be supported by equal resources,fund from government, instrument and facility, and also among discipline approach. Good evaluation and measurement, instrument to predict one's achievement will support us to work effectively in selecting talented athlete. Many factors determine the achievement;they are internal factor such as: physieal and mental; and external factor, such as: environment and instrument. Internal factor comesfrom the talented athlete who has n ability to do job in a sport. It will be developedto hold the highest achievement.Experienceproves that talented and practiced athlete will hold great result. Achievement comesfrom guiding program which combinessome practicing process.It is createdsystematically, gradually, and continually. DISCUSSION Talent identification is an effort to identify one'spotential in sport systematically,so he canbe -predictedto reach peak achievement(Cholic Mutohir, zooz). Talent is one's hidden ability that he has since he was born. It becomeshis real ability. The division of talent is: generaltalent, everyonehas it in different level, called intelligence. Certain talent; everybody doesn't have it. Gametalent is a basic movement (motor per{ormance) qnd 3 combination of some uUitity with one's posture. Basicallythere are z basic methods: (r) Natural selection.It is a normal/naturil *ay to develop athlete ability in sport. It assumesthat an athlete lists in a sport 'togyaforta State'Unirnritl, frtinistryof {outfi an[Sport,ISORLInfonesia of FacuttyofSportSciznce In cotk\oratian (DeanlFontm of Sport ScienceFacufty 227 cProcee&g of Intanationaf Qonference onSport 2009 because ot\oca\ influence (schoo\ tradr\on, parents deshe, or mates). Nahrral selection tle lthlete evolution; he has a fortune to choose a correct sport as his talent. In faet, development gets slower becauseof unsuited between sport and his talent; (z) Scienceselect Coaehusesthis method to selectprospective children who have showed their natural talent The high achievementneedsshorter time than the natural selection.It is neededin some demand certain _weightqld height (basketball, football, rowing, throwing), speed, cogrdination, and power Qudo, sprint, hoekey,athletic). Those qualificationJ *iu ue a scientist. Sciencetest results people who will be directed in suitable sport. Theseare z also used in grm. Tle a-dvan$8esgf talent identification: (r) Substantially, it needs less time to reach pea selecting talented athlete; (z) Reduce coach's enerry and work time. Coach and athl-ete affectivity; (3) Increasing competitive abnosphere, involved athlete, and high ability. And homogonous and strong national team for international perforrnance; 14; athletes are selection process.It increasestheir confident becausethey [ave better performancethan at the same aCe;(5) Give motivation in sciencetraining application, coach assistantis observethe training. TALENT IDENTIFICATION STAGE One's talent in sport is-related_to posture and body shape. There are some stages identification: (r) Doing a cgmplete analysisfrom physic to mental according to th sport cian (z)A selection of special identification using instrument from the sporq (g) Doing-selection anthrometric and physical ability according to the physical development stige; (4) Evaluating comprehensivedata by observing every children in or out o school. It can not [e done fast lnany years: And the stagesare: (a) First stage. It started in pre-maturity period (3-o years dominated by healhy chec\ general physical developmentto identifu dis-ease,and-disorder. fo"".sgt on: find physical disorder that will border effort in sport, determined physical iler !"ya i" 9ilde way such as comparative between weight and height, detect dominant geneti his special sport in next age. Al-though comprehensive training has been done frori early gertatl sport like; gym and swimming, this first stage must b1 done carefully and accun secondstage.It is donejn paturity period (9-o years old) especiallyin gJrm(Diagan, 1979), most important stage of selection. It's done by experienced-lthlete in organizedlrainirig. ( stage. It's related in specification and sport-need. Main factor is checking the health, adapdon-for training and competition to overcome stress and to develop f,igher perfon facilitated by medical team, logical and regular training. The noted dala iJ orei to dynamic from primary till the end of carrier. GBHN 1993directs national sport achievement,that: To reach high achievementnt €*{"S fr-ory early started f-rom seeki{r8italented athletes, seeding, educaiion, and training the -knowledge and the technolory efficiently and effectively. It needs increasing in o4 q."altq both nationally an_ddistrict.(Di\ien Dikti Depdikbrd, rg94:t49. Then GBriN (rqgs that "the developmentand the identification of sport increasesIndonesiin peoplequality.ii is to improve the- physical, -mental, and spiritual health; to guide the charaiteri aisiptin, : attitude; and to increaseachievementin order arisen the national pride". - _ {rom the explanation above, goverrment develops all aspects to shape character i attitude for people who do sport. Achievement is a combination between training result and and mental becauseathlete-is a complex psycho-mentalsystem. These come from right j process.It is determinedby the training rank basedon the agelevel. It alsoneedscontinueanl training. Gym is also through those un-separated stage to reach high achievement. An experis athlete will rise his confident becausehe has participated in manytournaments. Uverygamel fgllow rule - code of point - which is used as a basic in a gameboth for athlete and for comirittee. alsousedby refereeand coach. Athlete will appreciate and obedient the rule in other word he will do wise attitude: behavi-orhas been planted from earlier. Wise attitude will be d.onebecauseof many aspects,su( individu, environment, facilities, coach,etc. Athlete must do gladual, continue, and long time training to reach highest achievement. about ro - 12 years.This long cycle is divided into: (r) Preparing stageor multilateral developr and introdtrcing to some sports such as: Sym; (z) Resoluteitage of specializationfocuseson sport basedon interest and talent; (3) Reachingpeak achievementin his specialization.(M. yur r998:rz6). There are some stagesin grm identification. The first is multilateral preparation. The chi} havebeendevelo,ped to form characteristic.If a child has deep impressionfromthe beginninghe keeppracticeand appeara motivation from inside. In co[kqorationof aacuttyof SportScienct{ogafonta Statc 'L)nfuercit1, frtinistry of {outfr anfSport, IS}G!, Infoneia Aean{Forunof SportSciercefacuttl onSport2N9 of tntznatiarufQonference Arocee&ry High achievement will grow confident. So, a Srm athlete who has reached his pea\ achievement,he must have wise attitude and good confident. A better athlete is more confident and haswiseattitude. CONCLUSION Gymnastic is the one of sport that has been competed nationally and internationally. There manyfactors to get high achievement,such as: seeking good athlete, gurding pro-cess,co19h,facilities, andbthers. To reach fugh achievementneeds sport guiding from early started from seeking talented athletes,seeding, education, and training based on the knowledge and the technolory efficiently qtd effectively. It needs increasing in organization quality both nationally and district. (Dilden Dikti Depdikbud, rgg+:t++). The right guidance results physical ability, technique, tlctig,-athlete mental tnit wiU influence the achieving development. The gradual of children age level determines the achievement.The highest achievementis reachedby continue practice, step by step and regular. High achievementwill grow confident. A gym athlete, who has reached his peak achievement, should be begunfrom good guiding and talent identification.It will help to reachoptimal achievement. REFERENCES AgusMahendra (zoor) PembelajaranSenam PendekatanPola gerak dominan Untuk siswa SLTP. Derektorat Jendral Olahraga,Jakarta. Cik Den Patra (zoo6) Faktor Psikologisyang berpengaruhterhadap pencapaianPrestasiOlahraga. JORPRES.FIKU}IY Di$en Dikti Depdikbud( 1gg4) UUD 1945, P-4, GBHN, Tap-tap, MPRr993, Pidato Pertangguigjatuaban Presiden Mandqtaris , bahan Penatqran dan bahan referensi Penataran. Jakarta.Ditjen Dikti. 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