Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1123 (2015) pp 46-54 © (2015) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland doi:10.4028/ Submitted: 2014-09-05 Revised: 2015-03-28 Accepted: 2015-04-05 Theoretical Studies of the Effects of Magnetic Field on the Phase Transition of Swollen Liquid Crystal Elastomers Warsono1,2,a*, Yusril Yusuf 1,b, Pekik Nurwantoro1,c, Kamsul Abraha1,d 1) Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Gadjah Mada University, 55281 Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2) Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Yogyakarta State University, 55281 Yogyakarta, Indonesia a, b, c, d Keywords: magnetic field, swollen liquid crystal elastomers, phase transition, free energy, orientational order parameter, numerical integration Abstract. The effect of magnetic fields on the swelling of liquid crystal elastomers (LCE) dissolved in liquid crystal (LC) solvent have been studied. The Flory-Huggins model used to calculate the free energy of an isotropic mixing and the Maier-Saupe model used to calculate the free energy of a nematic mixing. Numerical integration method used to calculate the orientational order parameter and the total free energy of system (consists of : nematic free energy, elastic free energy, isotropic mixing free energy and magnetic free energy) and the calculation results graphed as a function of temperatures for various magnetic fields and as function of magnetic fields for various of temperatures. We find that the magnetic field shifts the transition points towards higher temperatures, increases the energy transition, and induces an isotropic phase to paranematic phase. Introduction Liquid crystal elastomers (LCE) are hybrid materials composed of liquid crystals (LC) and elastomers. Elastomers are crosslinked polymer chains that have elastic properties and liquid crystals are mesogenic materials that have orientational order properties, so LCE have combination properties of both substances [1-5]. The coupling between strain and alignment of mesogenic unit, and the responsiveness to the external stimuli such as temperature, electric field, magnetic field, UV light, cause the LCEs materials promise to be suitable for construction of actuators and detectors, and for various application, ranging from micro-pump to artificial muscles [6,7,8]. However, there are some drawbacks of dry LCE in responding to the external fields, for example, it requires a high electric field to induce electromechanical effects. Therefore, one way to increase the responsiveness to the external field is by dissolving LCE in LC solvent. Amazing, the result shows that swollen LCE requires an electric field 200 times lower than the dry LCE to produce electromechanical effects [9]. Accordingly, the swollen LCE could be a good candidate to observe measurable shape changes at low voltages. Based on this, we also sure that the swollen LCE responsiveness to the magnetic fields. By applying a magnetic field, the behavior of swollen LCE will be known, so it can be applied to many applications. In this paper, we theoretically study the influence of magnetic field on the phase transition of swollen LCE. The phase behavior of the swollen LCE can be seen from the graph of the relationship between free energy and orientational order parameter with the applied magnetic field. We used the Flory-Huggins model to calculate the free energy of isotropic mixing, a model which is commonly used for the isotropic mixing. The free energy of nematic mixing was calculated by Maier-Saupe. Maier-saupe model considered more suitable when used to calculate the nematic binary mixture than Landau model and Onsanger model. Furthermore, the orientational order parameter is calculated using numerical integration methods. Through analyzing the graph, it can be seen the influence of magnetic field on the phase transitions of swollen LCE. All rights reserved. No part of contents of this paper may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of Trans Tech Publications, (ID:,07:43:46) Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1123 47 Theoretical Model Free Energy. In this paper, we assume that swollen LCE is binary mixture systems, with the LCE as solute and LC as solvent. The total free energy of swollen LCE can be expressed as a sum of free energy of isotropic mixing Fmix , free energy of nematic ordering Fnem , and free energy due to elasticity of nematic network Fel , as follows: F = Fmix + Fnem + Fel (1) If the swollen LCE under magnetic field, the total free energy expressed as follow: Ftot = Fmix + Fnem + Fel + Fmag (2) According to the Flory-Huggins theory, the free energy of isotropic mixing is given by [10-13]: φ Fmix = f mix = 1 ln φ1 + φ 2 ln φ 2 + χφ1φ 2 (3) N t k BT N1 where φ1 and φ 2 = 1 − φ1 are volume fraction of solute molecules (LCE) and solvent molecules (LC), N1 is number of monomer in polymer chains, χ is Flory-Huggins interaction parameter, N t is total number of unit cells, k B is the Boltzman constant, T is absolute temperature and f mix is dimensionless free energy density of isotropic mixing. The Flory-Huggins interaction parameter χ depends on the temperature through the following relationship: B χ = A1 + 1 (5) T where A1 and B1 are constants that depend on polymer blend [11]. The second term Fnem in Eq.(2) shows the free energy of binary nematic mixtures. Using the Maier-Saupe model, the free energy of nematic mixtures expressed as [14]: Fnem = f nem = − φ1Σ1 + φ 2 Σ 2 + 12 ν11φ12 S12 + 21 ν 22 φ 22 S 22 + ν12 φ1φ 2 S12 (6) N t kT where Σ1 and Σ 2 are represent the entropy of mesogenic group in solute (LCE) and in solvent (LC), respectively, ν11 and ν 22 are the nematic (Maier-Saupe) interaction parameter of the pure component, ν12 represents the cross-interaction parameter between dissimilar mesogens, and f nem is dimensionless free energy density of nematic mixture. The relationship between the nematic interaction parameters, ν11 , ν 22 and ν12 , and temperature are expressed as follow [15,16]: T ν11 = 4.541 NI 1 ( 7) T T ν 22 = 4.541 NI 2 (8) T ν12 = c ν11 ν 22 (9) ] [ where TNI 1 and TNI 2 are the temperature of nematic-isotropic phase transition of the component1 and the component 2, c is proportionality constant. The entropy of component 1 and 2 can be deduced as [15, 17]: Σ1 = ln Z1 − m1S1 (10) Σ 2 = ln Z 2 − m2 S 2 (11) where Z1 and Z 2 are the partition function, m1 and m2 are dimensionless mean field parameter, and S1 and S 2 are the orientational order parameter of the component 1 and the component 2. The elastic free energy Fel can be derived from classical rubber elasticity theory as follows [10, 11, 18,19]: [ Fel = 1 nkT λ2xx + λ2yy + λ2zz − 3 2 ] (12) 48 Advanced Materials Science and Technology II where n is number of strand between crosslink, λ xx , λ yy , and λ zz are deformation factor in the x, y, and z directions. If the deformation factors associated with the order parameter of the components of swollen LCE, S1 and S 2 , and the volume fraction of LCE, φ , then the elastic free energy can be expressed by: 1 φ 3 φ Fel 3 1 1 − = f el = ct (13) 2 N t kT N1 N14 A 2 where A = (1 + 2S1 )(1 − S1 )2 and ct = 3 2 3 . The final term Fmag in Eq.(2) shows the free energy due to the magnetic field. When the magnetic field H applied to the mesogen having positive diamagnetic ∆χ = χ || − χ ⊥ with the director n̂ , the magnetic free energy is given by [20, 21, 22]: 2 Fm = − 1 ∆χ ∫ nˆ • H f (θ )dΩ ( 2 ) ∆χH 2 (cos θ )2 Fm = − 1 k BT 2 k BT [ ] Fm = − 1 k BTh 1 (1 + 2S ) (14) 2 3 where ˆn • H = H cos θ , h = ∆χH 2 / k BT is the dimensionless parameter of the magnetic field, ( ( ) ) and (cos θ )2 = 1 (1 + 2 S ) . If this is applied to the swollen LCE, then the total magnetic free energy 3 is the sum of each component as follows: Fmag = Fm1 + Fm2 Fmag N t k BT [ ] = f mag = − 1 h 1 φ1 (1 + 2 S1 ) + 1 φ 2 (1 + 2 S 2 ) 2 3 3 (15) Order Parameter. Orientational order is the most important feature of liquid crystals. The average directions of the long axes of the rod-like molecules are parallel to each other. Because of the orientational order, liquid crystals possess anisotropic physical properties, that is in different directions, they have different responses to external fields such as an electric field and a magnetic field [23, 24]. In mixtures of liquid crystals, the molecules of different components may possess different degrees of nematic ordering. In the mixture, the order parameter expressed by [25, 26]: S i = P2 (cos θ i ) (16) π S i = ∫ P2 (cos θ i ) f (θ i )dΩ i (17) 0 where P2 ( x ) = 1 (3x − 1) is the second Legendre polynomial, θ i is the angle between a reference axis 2 and the director of a mesogen belonging to component i (i=1 for solute and i=2 for solution), and dΩ i = 2π sin θdθ . The function f (θ i ) is the normalized orientation distribution function which may be expressed by Eq.(18). V (θ i ) 1 f (θ i ) = exp − (18) Zi k BT where Z i is partition function defined as: Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1123 49 π V (θ i ) dΩ i Z i = ∫ exp − (19) k T B 0 and V (θ i ) is the potential field describes intermolecular interaction. In the Maier-Saupe model, the potential V (θ i ) expressed by: (2 ) V (θ i ) = −αS i 3 cos 2 θ i − 1 (2 (20) ) V (θ i ) = −(mi k B T ) 3 cos 2 θ i − 1 (21) αS mi = i (22) k BT where α is orientational interaction constant and mi is dimensionless mean field parameter. Substitution Eqs.(18), (19), (20), and (21) into Eq.(17), we obtain : π Si = Si αS i P2 (cos θ i ) sin θ i dθ i kT π αS i P2 (cos θ i ) sin θ i dθ i ∫0 exp kT ∫0 P2 (cos θ i ) exp (23) π P2 (cos θ i ) exp(mi P2 (cos θ i )) sin θ i dθ i ∫ = 0 π ∫0 exp(mi P2 (cos θ i )) sin θ i dθ i (24) The order parameter S i can be obtained by numerically solving of Eq.(23). The average value of order parameter S in binary mixture is given by [27]: S = φ1S1 + φ 2 S 2 (25) where S1 is order parameter of mesogen in solute and S 2 is order parameter of mesogen in solvent. Phase Transition under Magnetic Field. One way to determine the phase transition in the swollen LCE is to calculate the value of the order parameter. The order parameter S1 , S 2 , and S as function of temperature calculated numerically by Eqs.(27). Under magnetic field, the dimensionless mean field parameter m1 and m2 obtained by minimizing the total free energy with respect to the order parameter S1 and S2 : 1 3 S (1 - S 1 ) φ1 m1 = ν11φ1S1 + ν12 φ 2 S 2 - 3ct 1 +h φ1 A N14 A (26) m2 = ν 22 φ 2 S 2 + ν12 φ1S1 + h (27) Substitution of Eqs.(7) and (9) into Eq.(26) and Eqs.(8) and (9) into Eq.(27), we get m1 and m2 as function of temperature T and magnetic field h: 1 T c TNI 1TNI 2 S (1 - S 1 ) φ1 3 +h m1 = 4.541 NI 1 φ1S1 + φ 2 S 2 − 3ct 1 (28) 4 T T φ A N A 1 T c TNI 1TNI 2 m2 = 4.541 NI 2 φ 2 S 2 + φ1S1 + h (29) T T Substitution of Eqs.(28) and (29) into Eq.(24), and then the results substitute to the Eq. (25), we get the relationship between S1 , S 2 , and S with temperature T and magnetic field h as shown in Eqs. (30), (31) and (32). 50 Advanced Materials Science and Technology II 1 T c T T ( ) S 1 S φ 3 NI 1 NI 2 1 1 NI 1 φ S + − 3c 1 ( x ) exp 4 . 541 φ S h P ( x ) + 1 1 1 2 2 t 2 1 dx1 ∫ T T φ1 A N 4 A S1 = (30) 1 T π NI 1 φ S + c T NI 1T NI 2 φ S − 3c S 1 (1 - S 1 ) φ1 3 + h P (x ) dx exp 4 . 541 1 1 2 2 t 2 1 1 ∫0 T T φ1 A N 4 A π 4.541 T NI 2 φ S + c T NI 1T NI 2 φ S + h P (x ) dx P ( x ) exp 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 ∫0 2 T T S2 = (31) c T T T NI 2 π NI 1 NI 2 φ1 S + h P2 ( x 2 )dx 2 ∫0 exp 4.541 T φ 2 S 2 + T 1 T c T T S ( 1 S ) φ 3 π NI 1 NI 2 1 1 NI 1 φ S + − 3c 1 ( ) ( ) P x exp . S + h P x 4 541 φ t 1 1 2 2 2 1 dx1 ∫0 2 1 4 T T A φ N A 1 S = φ1 1 T c T NI 1T NI 2 S 1 (1 - S 1 ) φ1 3 π NI 1 ( ) exp . S + S − c + h P x 4 541 φ φ 3 t 1 1 2 2 2 1 dx1 ∫0 T T φ1 A N 4 A π P 0 2 ( ) + φ S h P x 1 2 2 dx 2 ∫ T T + φ2 T c T NI 1T NI 2 π NI 2 φ1 S + h P2 (x 2 ) dx 2 ∫0 exp 4.541 T φ 2 S 2 + T with x1 = cos θ1 and x 2 = cos θ 2 . π P 0 2 (x 2 ) exp 4.541 TNI 2 φ 2 S 2 + c T NI 1T NI 2 (32) Based on the equations (30), (31), and (32), the free energy of the system can be calculated at a certain temperature and certain magnetic field. Result and Discussion In this section, we calculate the quantities of: order parameter S , free energy density of isotropic mixing f mix , nematic free energy density f nem , elastic free energy density f el , magnetic free energy density f mag , and total free energy density f tot of the swollen LCE as a function of temperature T and dimensionless parameter of magnetic field h. All free energy density f and magnetic field h in this calculation are dimensionless (normalized). In these calculations, all the quantities are set as follow: N1 = 200 , φ1 = φ = 0.5 , TNI 1 = 70 o C , TNI 2 = 60 o C , c = 1 , A1 = 0.103 and B1 = −43 . S T(oC) ϕ Fig.1. Order parameter S as function of temperature T and volume fraction ϕ Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1123 51 Figure 1 shows the orientational order parameter S as a function of temperature T and volume fraction φ without applying of magnetic field h . The phase diagram of Nematic-Isotropic transition is first order transition. S S T (a) h (b) S T(oC) (c) h Fig.2. The relationship between: (a). S, T and h, (b). S and T , and (c). S and h By applying a magnetic field and temperature, the order inside the system is considerably changed. In general, the increase in the magnetic field causes the nematic free energy rise, and the increase in temperature causes the nematic free energy decrease, see Fig. 2(a). At the same temperature, the increase in the magnetic field causes the increase of the orientational order parameter, which means that the regularity of the system increases [28]. If the magnetic field is increased, the phase transition occurs at a higher temperature and the transition points shift towards higher temperatures. Applying magnetic field in the isotropic region (S=0) cause the orientational order parameter increase up to the zero values (S>0), see Fig.2(b). It means that the magnetic field induce isotropic phase to paranematic phase [21,29]. At low temperatures, the increase in the magnetic field does not significantly affect to the increase of the orientational order parameter because the mesogenic molecules already in the high regularity. In contrast to the high temperature (greater than the transition temperature), changes in the magnetic field caused the orientational order parameter increase drastically as shown in Fig.2(c). Fig. 3(a) shows the change in nematic free energy of swollen LCE caused by the influence of magnetic field and temperature. If the temperature is raised, the nematic free energy f nem rise, and after passing through the transition temperature, f nem tend towards a certain constant value, see Fig. 3(b). The relationship between a magnetic field and a nematic free energy for various value of temperature is shown in Fig.3(c). Based on these graph, the nematic free energy rises with the increase in the magnetic field and the increase is higher at higher temperature. f nem f nem h (a) T (oC) (b) f nem T (oC) (c) h Fig.3. The relationship between: (a). fnem, T and h, (b). fnem and T , and (c). fnem and h Fig. 4(a) shows the 3D graph of relationship between the free energy density of isotropic mixing fmix, dimensionless magnetic field h, and temperature T. The increase of magnetic field h doesn’t effect to the free energy density of isotropic mixing fmix, but the free energy density of isotropic mixing will be changed by the change of temperature. Fig. 4(b) depicts the free energy density of isotropic mixing fmix under temperature T. If the temperature of the system is increased, 52 Advanced Materials Science and Technology II then the free energy density of isotropic mixing will increase. Fig. 4(c) clarifies that the dimensionless magnetic field h does not affect to the free energy density of isotropic mixing fmix. This is in accordance with Eq.(3) which is independent of magnetic field, but depending on the temperature. f mix f mix f mix T (oC) (a) h (b) T (oC) (c) h Fig.4. The relationship between: (a). fmix, T and h, (b). fmix and T , and (c). fmix and h The 3-dimensional graph of the elastic free energy density of swollen LCE under the influence of magnetic field and temperature are shown in Fig. 5(a). If the temperature is increased, then the elastic free energy density will go down, and vice versa if the magnetic field is increased so the elastic free energy will go up. This suggests that at high temperature the material elasticity is low, and at high magnetic fields the material elasticity is high[1]. Fig.5(b) describes the sharpness of the graph will down with the increasing of the magnetic field. At low temperatures, increasing the magnetic field has no effect on the elastic free energy change, but at a high temperature, small changes in the magnetic field can lead to large changes in the elastic free energy, see Fig. 5(c). f el f el h (a) T (oC) f el (b) T (oC) (c) h Fig.5. The relationship between: (a). fel, T and h, (b). fel and T , and (c). fel and h The magnetic free energy density fmag as a function of dimensionless magnetic field h and temperature T is illustrated by Fig. 6(a). The influence of magnetic field on the magnetic free energy is very clear because of the free energy due to the interaction of the material with magnetic field, but what about the influence of temperature? Actually, temperature also affects the magnetic free energy although the effect is small. More clearly, the effect of temperature on the magnetic free energy is shown in Fig. 6(b). This can be explained by the relationship between the magnetic free energy with the order parameter as shown in Eq.(15). Based on Eqs. (30) and (31), the order parameter of the LCE mesogen S1 and order parameters of LC mesogen S2 affected by temperature. f mag f mag (a) h T (oC) (b) f mag T (oC) (c) h Fig.6. The relationship between: (a). fmag, T and h, (b). fmag and T , and (c). fmag and h Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1123 53 Fig. 6(c) shows that at low temperature, the relationship between h and fmag is linear, but at high temperature it is not linear. It can be explained that at low temperatures the value of the order parameter is fixed so the order parameter is not disturb the linearity of fmag with h, but at high temperature the value of order parameter is not fixed so the order parameter disturb the linearity of fmag with h, see Fig. 2(c). f tot f tot f tot ftot (a) h T (oC) T (b) o T ( C) (c) h Fig.7. The relationship between: (a). ftot, T and h, (b). ftot and T , and (c). ftot and h The total free energy density f tot is obtained from the sum of f mix , f nem , f el , and f mag . The relationship between the total free energy density f tot , temperature T and the dimensionless magnetic field h is expressed in Fig. 7(a).Based on the graph, increase in temperature and magnetic field causing the total free energy density change. In general, the increase in temperature causes the total free energy density of the system rises. Insert in Fig. 7(b) shows the relationship between temperature and the total free energy density include in a low temperature range, at h = 0, in order to clarify the effect of the temperature on the total free energy of the system. Figure 7(b) explained that the total free energy density is greater at higher magnetic fields. At high temperatures, the increase in temperature causes the total free energy tends towards a certain fixed value. Fig. 7(c) shows the relationship between the total free energy density f tot and the dimensionless magnetic field h for various value of temperatures. Like f mag , the relationship between the total free energy density f tot and the dimensionless magnetic field h is linear at low temperatures and not linear at high temperatures. Conclusion We have studied the effect of magnetic field on the phase transition of the swollen liquid crystal elastomers. 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