EDING Iffi ]'.r\. PROCEEDING The 1"t International Conference ofArts and Arts Education in Indonesia (lCMEI 2014 March 5-6,2014 THEME: RETHINKING THE HUMAN DIGNITY AND NATION IDENTITY: A REVIEW PERSPECTIVE OF ARTS ANDARTS EDUCATION Reviewers & Editors: Dr. Kasiyan, M,Hum. Dr. Widyastuti Purbani, M.A. Ayu Niza Machfauzia, M.Pd. Siti Sudartini, M.A. PRESS PROCEEDING The 1st International Conference ofAns and Arts Education in Indonesia 0CAAEJ 201a March 5-6,2014 RETHINKING THE HUMAN DIGNITY AND NATION IDENTITY: A REVIEW PERSPECTIVE OF ARTS AND ARTS EDUCATION xvi + 940 hlm; 21 x 29,7 cm ISBN 978-602-79AL-26-3 I. Artikel ll.ludul IIl. Dr. Kasiyan, M.Hum., dkk Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang Memfoto copy atau memperbanyak dengan cara apapun, Sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini tanpa seizin penerbit Adalah tindakan tidak bermoral dan melawan hukum fudul Buku : RETHINKING THE HUMAN DIGNITY AND NATION IDHNTITY: A REVIEW PERSPECTIVE OF ARTS AND ARTS EDUCATION Penyunting : Dr. Kasiyan, M,Hum. Dr. Widyastuti Purbani, M.A. Ayu Niza Machfauzia, M.Pd. SitiSudartini, M.A. Desain Sampull Ika Dyah Afriani Tata Letak I Pud.liTriwibowo Penerbiti UNY Press Kompleks Fak, Teknik UNY, Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 552A1, Phone | (027 4) 589346 E-mail : unypress.l'ogyakarta@gmail,com 'an. 1,, Internatio na I Conferen ce ftn'Ai ts ailtil;fts Educa!ion on indo esia I]CAAE] 2014 PREFAEE FROM THE RECTOR OF VOGYAKARTA STATE U NIVER,SITY -. :e ir1 \\:idr llev/ paradigm as a wofld class utiversity, Yogyakarta State : t. arsliy has annually conducted va ous academic evenls! not to mention ::.:iarional .orf€rences held by each of its taculties as $ell as its u11it -::r-r rit:. ln relation to that, Faculty ol Languages a1ld Ads. in palticuiar the :-::, lenannents (Visu.!i Afis, Daoce, and Music), is going lo have aII ':::---rnonai coni'erence. chaired by Dr. Kasiyan, M Hurn. one of lhe acadenic . ..-, r,i \-isual Afls Departtnent. Thele have been tu'o main sirategic nessages .'::. irg il] thjs conferer]ce. Firstly. the intemational conferelce, entitled "The Internaticrllal a-.iir.ence for Arts and Arts Education on Indonesia (ICAAE), is the first event -. .r b], lhe subdiciplines of Arts Education oi Faculfy of Languages alld A1ts -- ir-: confeieflce is signilicant for the sake of enhancing Ails afid Arts Educatiol :ri.rplines in the Frtufe. Nowadays, the idea of intemalization, not to mention ln -\ns disciplines, has no lolger becone a choice but rather a necessity and fleed, Lr\\ing to the lact that the existence of self ertity and the knowledge discouse, rnciuding Ar1s, as one of important cultural aspects of a country, is closely reiated $rrh irs ability to buiid a shategic-dialectic discourse, particularly, when ii meets |anous cultural aspects belong to other counh'ies. Secondiy. the conference theme of The 1" ICAAE 2014, fiat is, "Rerhlnking the Hunan Digtlity and Nation ldenfity: A Review Perspective of Aris and Ads Education" remi1lds us the siglificance of each scientific and cultural siep not to mention in Arls discipline and at the same tin1e suggests us to always put the hunan dignity alld nation identity as the main concem. This thene has its significance in the cort€mporary Indonesian ccntext as it me€ts the various big problems faced by the country. A11 of these problems apPear around tlle ideal definitior ofhumanity ard rration identity ofthe coui]try. Arls and Alts Edu.at1ol!, q'ith all of their potentials, together with othcr disciplines. ars cxpected to bc ihe besi parts ofthe orcheska, that need to be actively participated in enlighteriitg the identity politics of humanity and nation identity of the country at the presefll ;nonent and parlicularly jn the future. This is actually in line lvith the spirit oithe oldesr philosophy of Arts that remains believed al the present momerlt. saying that tlre dictum of "Beauty" cannot be separated $.ith the i\^o other dicturns, namely "Tr-ttl'r" and "Goodness". The ldlnternational Conference for Arts and Arts Education on Indonesia rICAAD 2014 The various discussions that perform this strong concept in tems of philosophy in this conference, hopefi.rlly, could lead to the appearance of the best inspiation of enlightenment, not only in the small conte)(t of Arts and Arts Education disciplines, but also in a wider spectrum, that is Indonesiar context. On behalf of the university aod as the Rector of Yogyakarta State University, I would like to €xpress my deepest appreciation to all of the committee and the Dean ofFaculty ofLanguages and Afts together with all ofthe vica deans and all the academic staffs ofthe faculty, who have been working hard to Fepare many tiings to hold this intsmational conference. I personally express my deepest appreciation. For all of the participants, do appreciate your participation in the conference and your coming in our beloved campus. Hopefully, this conference will be a very valuable aqd meaningful acadernic enlighening forum for al1ofus. Gob Bless us. Arfiien. Wassalam. I Prof. Dr, Rochmet Wahab. M.Pd.. M,A. Rector of Yogyakarta State Univemity *** The 1'tlnternational Conference for Arts and Arls Education on indonesia flCAAEl 2014 PREFACE FROM THE DEAN OF FACULW OF LANGUAGES AND ARTS YOGYAKARTA STATE U NIVERSITY widely believed that one of the good traditioN in maintaining the {ajemic atmosphere in universities not to mention Yogyakarta State ,:r', i6iry is by colducting seminars and conferences related to its various : i:---:-- [o line with this, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Yogyakarta State i.as conducted an intemational conf€rence entitled The l" Intefiational - :t- . =q:.. -:*i*-tce tor lrts and Arts Education on I donesia (ICA'AE) 2014, on topic: -i-.::$g the Human Dignity and Nation Identity: A Review Perspective of : r! ,-= d -tns Education", at the faculty buildings on March 5-6, 2014. ii '.lre Dea[ of the faculty, I would like to express my gratitude to the i.e.'-:le Rector. who has facilitated all of the committee membe$ to make thls ::a---=c: Dossible. l:ele are few points that I need to say at the moment Fi$tly, in relation to :!-c:'-!!.e, the term "The 1"", conotatively indicates that this intemational = ::r:'-=xe *hich focussed on Arts and Alts Education is firstly held in Indonesia, -T E .;:s1 il is firstly held in this faculty. As the first event, this colference is :.:c,:-,;'.:,j *rth the hope that it will be followed by "The 2'" ", "The 3"", and :Er .ii.r Il has been becoming our biggest hoped that this conference will be ::c-l:) conducted in the future. i=ondly, in.elation to the theme, that is, "Rethinking the Human Dignity : \a!o! Identity: A Review Perspective of Arts and Arts Education" Th€ -:,ie--i\rne reason of choosing this theme is the fact that the two main domains of ':-=.:: digniry" and "nation identitl'are the hardest problems that remain srr=riEg arld may become latent problems faced by every country not to mention ::+-r::-la. Human Dignity, for iNtance, which has been fighted for a long time ic iuough various cultural strategies, remai$ becoming a big problem. At the :!::=:1i moment, humadsm, in many occasions, is considered against humanity as :e =sult of its sublimation universality that it tums out to be Metaphisic ::-=:.diry*, that goes beyond 9ver,'thilg. Tlere were six invited speakers, and three of them coming from outside Prof. Dr. Kanchana Witchayapakom (Faculty of =i .ounE-y, namely: --::3nlnes. ^Narcsuan University, Thailand); Dr. Goh Beng Lan (Department of s- --jeasr Asian Studies, National University of Singapore), ard Rudi Corerc (a --:rim anisl and a culator, cunently becomes the curatol of Child museum lll The lstlnternational Conference for Arts and Arts Education on Indonesia [tCAAE] ZC 14 "Kolorlg Tangga" Yogyakarta); and the other three speakers coming from this country, namelyt Prof Dr. F.X. Mudji Sutrisno, SJ (Driyarkara School of Philosophy, Jakarta, Indonesia); Prof Dr. Ign. Bambang Sugiharto (Department of Philosophy, Parahyangan Univenity, Bandung, Indonesia); and prof Dr. Suminto A. Saluti (Faculty of Languages and Arts, yogyakarta State Universrry. Indonesia). My great appreciation goes to all of the invited sp€akers and all of the presenters and also participants who have actively participated in the conference. My deepest gatitude goes to all ofthe lecturcrs and students ofArts Deparhnenls, for their hard works as the committee in arranging the confe.ence. It is expected that this conference could be a place for conducting an academic discussion among those having a big concem on the p.actice of arts and arts education. Indeed, As the head ofFaculty of Lalguages and Arts, I stongly suggest that the ' 2'o ICCAE would be conducted in 2015 in this faculty, which hopetully corild be b€tter ananged and get better results and maintain the spirit of enlightening. Amten, . ,,., ,;r.':; i , rl:3'lJr;1r: J , t .irtrof. Dr. Zamzani,:lMipd.r.rJ Dean ofFaculty ofLanguages and Arts,, . Yogydkana Slate ,Uni\ er-sity ;ir,jri,! :,r .,i ;, j:jri, , ,;i Itii / jr:1!ill 1,, , . 1,,.r r.,rflr1 ! ?:j:jr:i ;tr1, L !11jjt;-r,i) t,..it rlil t1 rtr,rit,rlr .;rtr ,(** , . ,, r l i :1'rr' , 1 , r , i ;;r 'lljllir::ry' r , ; , The l.tlntemational Conference forArts and Arts Education on lndonesia (lCAAEl 2014 RETHINKING THE HUMAN DIGNITY AND NATION IDENTITY (A REVIEW PERSPECTIVE OF ARTS AND ARTS EDUCATION): AN INTRODUCTION ofthe big burdens of the curent contemporary civilization is the big naration of Huma sm, particularly in relation to the questions of humanity and nation dignity. Firstly, the human dignity which has been : e long time fought and cared for thlough various cultuml strategles' rcnalns .-o-ing th" main concem. The Humanism idea lvhich takes the .:-:iropomorphism as its main basis, as the result ofthe European Enlightenment defending human dignity, in fact really cannot ----:: nowailays remains respected as opponent .r.:larn that condition Humanism, curently has been seen as the main be the : i,umanity. This is the result of its universal sublimatiol that it tums to human identity \leraphysics Humanity, that is beyond eveqthing The nature of Classical Hunanisrrr' has -.j iumanity which is plural-particular in the Universalthis context, the lature of :ien beet keated to be singular-universal Through :naniq dilierences is not merely considered as'the other' (Sang L,an)' bnt l t is :'. en as a taboo which needs to be eliminated as it is considered as subhunan for the --r!n fiis point of view that finally the practices of humanity colonization ;ie of unifomity, through vadous means, either the one which is hegenonicculture :-:isLrasjve or that ofcoercive, seems to find their true contexts ln to that of Secondly, the question ofnationality which has similal discource :,;:naniq problem mentioned earlier. This is due to the fact that the main part of ie nationality dictum is also about the domain of humanity identities' ranicuiarly, when this domain appears in the contexts of collective imaginative .onstruction of understanding. In addition' one of the great probiems of the iationality discourse, particularly, the one had by the Third World countries is :.latilely the same, that is, related to the question ofthe nature of self dignity that Hu)nanisn' the needs to be constuucted and owned. Similar to the imaginative being colotiTed aature of modem civilization has been und€t hegemony or even br Positivism tradition that puts the standard imagination of 'normality' of in the world' in a knorvledge not to mention nationality owned by all nations struggle to uniformity. The nations which are different in oature or which always other' be different from othels, inmediately, considered as the elements of'the rsattg liyan) that must be defeated This phenomenon merely porkays the ne colonization practice in the postcolonial era The 1"r Internaiional Conlerence forArts and Arts Education on Indonesia 0CAAE) 2014 Therefore, the nature of humanity, nationality, and also Arts and Cultue, which is actually a unity of paxticular elements in the universality, thet tends to miss its articulation space and rcspoct due to the desire and uniformity politics. This mainstream ofmodem culture strategy seerns to be a kind ofserious problem that needs to be significantly taken care ol either in the context of culture h its wider sense or in the domain of Arts arld Arts Education as its limited domaln. One of the inherent basic values of Arts and Arls Education that is the spirit of respecting authenticity and particularity seems to be considered as a significant levlew, Starting ftom this ide4 then, the thee Arts Departments ofArts Educatlofl (Visual Arts, Dance, and Music) worked collaboratively to conduct this conference at Faculty of Languages and Arts, Yogyakarta State Unversity. Thanks to Allah that this confercnce has a remarkable response llom other disciplines, namely, Theater, LetteN and Language that are ulder the same heading of Humaoity Scieoces. Being ole of the various events in courmemomting the golden anniversary ofYogyakada State Uniyelsity (Dies Emas U.\u in this year, 2014, hopefully it could bring a golden light of Arts that enlighten the nahon identity alld later give a valuable light to the coming world civilization. As the head of the committee, I would like to express my sincere apology, if we cannot give the best service for all of the participants. In this particular occasion, it is important to mention that for some reasons finally the committee comes to the decision to present this proceeding in two languages. English and Indonesian, with the hope that will not lessen the significance of this intenational conference. In addition, there are some points to be noted. Firstly, there are some papers that have been presented in the conference but for some reasons cannot be included in this proceeding owing to the fact that they don't follow the basic requirements of acadernic writing. Secondly, on the conhary there are some unpresented papers, which were included in this proceeding under thc sub heading of "unprese[ted papers". In relation to these, on bchalf of the committee I would like to express my greatest apology. In relation to the results of the two-day conference, there is one corNideration that needs to be presented in this particular occasion, that is, the result of the wrap up session of all presented papers, both the ones presented in the plenary sessions and also those presented in pamllel sessions during the conferenoe. The wrap up session has come to one important decision, that is, the !€ed to reconsider and reformulate the possibility ofplacing ats as olle ofthe best spirits of learring and practicing cultue in the future. Then, one of the most strategic and significant step that had been discussed is by considering arts as one of the uliversity general subjects (MKU) for all disciplines in all universities ir it The 1$ Intemational Conference for Arts and Arts Xducation on Indonesia tICAAE) 2014 ei6er the ones belong to natural sciences or those belong to humanity ki4 rirc- By doing so, hopefully, it will brings the spirits of arts values, science, d & cjyilization that lead to the urgency of the humar and humanity valu$. lb datyhg reason of doing this can be traced back from the three ideal values d" -uiity that remain adored until this day, namely,' Beauty', 'Goodness' and 'Trd'. It is expected that this r€commendation becomes one of the best ideas of fulating b b education of this country in the future. As the head of the committee, I would like to expr€ss my d€epest gratihrde D€@ of Faculty of Languages and Arts, Yogyakafia State Udversity, who Ecilitated all of the conmifiee members to make this conference possible. y, Ey de€pest gratitude goes to the hotfiur.able Bapak F.eclor of Yogyakarta l* S- Urivssity, for his willingness to deliver his speech atrd open the conference. E;trIy, this conference could give a rneaningfirl and enlightening acadoruc aht dl of vs. Amien. Kasiyrn Head of the Committee The 1{ Intsrnational Confersnce for Arts aIrd Arts Education on Indonesia (lcAAE) 2ol4 *** vll The ldlnternattonal Conference for Arts and Arts Education on Indonesia rICAAEI 2014 \,111 ':i-.:::-: 1 OF -:! : ::-.-.er'ortrrsrndAflsEducarion on l.don€sia []CMEj 2014 CO\TE\TS _ :-: r.:_: S:r::l-!r!ersilv r-: \l Pd.. \1.{. ... ...... .... ...... ..- :: Lrr ln :"!e-!{r- | -::-! ::td -{ns. \'og},akalta State University :.: \airon ldentity (A Review Perspective ::ta.lcllon r,{- --{-3 -;-i - s _ - - _-_ ri,!! - :1- -. t.r:ta:t &t ; -: I .::-:lialion err- I:ri of Central Female CharacteN in rrn- Todsaponsura[akkarin :i - -:: :-: lr_flis in the New Century .,. l,5l { ., -L - -L: :r:--::: !,r,rI,l:,I.I-g in Southcast Asia i_I S:!-irtt 13 19 .,!l {t {RTS. IDE,\-TITY AND HUMANISM :.- .:--j 3e.ome the Agent of Dehumanization and Denationalizatioo: ::itl Perspective Oveffiew :- :.::.:. A 27 l.---:-a.Ism in Contemporary Ads D;uL Djariprambudi ,10 : --::rice Cultural Study in the Cu1aiculum Education ofAesthetic Hajar Pamadhi 1X 54, The lnlnternational Conference for Afts and !.rts Education on Indonesia 0CAAEI 2014 Seni Rupa Konternporer dalam Pendidikan S€ni unh,rk Meningkatkan Identitas dan Martabat Kebangsaan Zakarias S. Soeteja 62 Humanism: Ideology and Arts Education Implementation in Indonesia Mohammad Roddhi t) The Arts and Arts Education Strategies to lmFove the Dignity Human and National ldentity Imam Rahardjo Analta Darma ............................... 88 A Local-Global Dichotomy in Art Education: An Ideological Challenge Eko Sugiarto ..........................,, 94 Patdotic Themes in Modem Ait Painting oflndonesia Agus Priyatno .......................... 104 Eradication of Hybridity of Traditional Afi By Banality of Enteftainment Industry and Stream of Power of Cybercurlture Media in Indonesia Moh. Rusnoto Susanto ............... 113 ................................ Ke-Bhineka Tunggal Ika-an: Wujud Pendidikan Seni Berbasis Multikutural di lndonesia Iriaji........................ .................. Culturally-Based Stategy of Art Assessment Tri Ilartiti Retnowati .................. 139 ............................... Entrepreneurial Leaming Model in Moeljadi Pranata At 123 Education ,...,,.............. l4'7 knproving Art Education in Indonesia Priority for Primary School Bambang .................... 162 Prihadi Character Education Through A Stimulation of "Value-Based Expression Dlawing" Tri Karyono ............................. 169 Revitalization of Local Wisdom thorugh T)?ogaphy T€aching Abd. Aziz ..............,..... 183 Ahmad Dimensi Nasioralisme dalam Karya Seni Publik Dadang Sulaeman ................... 198 t SH tsr and Aits Education on lndonesia (ICAAE) 2014 Cd*r€oce for Arls C-trt! d cd h EF lr- ledlvsociety 205 r -l.': -A.! Gsrr€s of fte Constmction of ldeotity Batik F- tr-;$ !-r 2t9 d- rE for Represent Cultural Identity of €:qs:':cioos rirrItt Bc BG r.i f i-D -{r Efur D Crt4. ta\-"I Idertity T}rough Batik tb2l Gd6 of DiffdG l-Lr|rto Chrter ia Edu{ariod s Corcepr E CcnlImpor:dy Media Art Cdre4orar)' Indonesian Art Tt6o'rfi Shado$ 249 Puppet Show 'Gara-gara' 25'7 &r k@trrdyahfiati IEjab Style Developmeot in lodcnesie A Cultural Strategy of Hijab C.:mmrmities Wlo Make Hijab Fashi@ into lndonesian Cultue 2',t Z.tLh P.witrr Oroamen Tradisional Indoaesia: Potret Kemanusiaan Dan Identitas Bangsa Eni Puji A$tuti I 282 Yogyakarta Kraton Batik Pattems: Slmbolic Cotrstucts Within the Javaoese Culture 292 Frrid Abdulah The Strucrure Form and Meaning of Leather Puppet Pendawa Lima in lavanese Culture Perysketif SlaBet Subiy.ntoro' Esterica YuDianti 299 GraJfiti as A Means of Interaction and Neighboring Comrnunication Rudy Ilrrjanto The Esthetics Transformation of Mysthical to Oltological Culture the Model ofLoaal Cultue-Based Modern Art Construction Suharno ................... xl 328 The 1$lntemational Conference for Arts and Arts Education on lndonesia IICAAE] 2014 The Hu1Tranism Perspective in Leaming Inclusive Art: Functioning the Art as Character and Culture Adaptation Vehicie for Students with Special Needs Rudi Irawanto .........................33'7 Bentr.rk, Gaya, Furgsi, dan Makna Simbol Seni Hias Istana Raja-Raja Bugis Pang€ranPaitaYunus.............. . .. .. .. .. " "" 347 Asmat Style Carved Adaptation Design Through Latin Letters widl Semiotic TlTogiaphy Approach Dodi - .. " Nursaiman A Study on Arthroponetric and Ergonomic Furniture Design Laboratory of Ar1 Educatlon Agus Nursalim .........- in 366 the 384 Development of Market Absorption 1b1 Local Fashion Designers Product Arini Arumsari 398 The Modcl of Training Using Residual Material of Lace i1l Vocational School 408 Citra Puspitasari Modelling of Tum Based Figthing Game baed on Fuzzy Logic lJsrng Inteliigent Agent Cindy Nordiansyah, Nlochammad Hari.di, Supeno Mardi Susiki " '120 Preserving Local Cultue Indonesia through Karambol Game Using lntelligent Agenl Based on Ftvzy Logic " " " 432 Bambang Widjanarko, Mochammad Hariadi .. .. ... .. .. Rancang Bangun Pemainan "Werkudara" Menggunakan Djikstra pada Agen Musuh 444 Saiful Yahya, Setiabudi Sakaria, Yunus Setyawan .. ... .. . . .. ... .. Animasi Wajah Humanlike pada Karakter Hewan Menggunakan Molio' aap,r/c Berbasis Regresi Linier 4JJ Didit Prasetyo, Mochrmmad Hariadi, Supeno Mardi Susiki Nugroho Re-Branding ltdotesian Culture in Intemational Level Through Chamcters in Video Garnes: Case Study: Bomeo Culture 462 Hadi Prayogo,Chrstyowidiasmoro! Moch. Hariadi ... .... " " """ hrmersive Game Art and Historical Background Framework Ika Anggraeni Rahmawati' Mochammad Ilariadi . .. . . ... .. xll " '- " 472 The l"tlnternational Conference for Arts and Afts Education on Indonesia (ICMEJ 2014 -': ,. s nulation with Animai Behavior Optinatizatiorl Based GA: l-:-.:.-.sonthn L-si \;ono Fora, Supeno Mardi Susiki, Mochammad Ilariadi " 480 :.::.:..: Building Using Eflneagram Pattem irl Wayang ,.r;u Ferjanus Palandi .. .. ... .. 492 of A Cross-Cultural Approach and Epic Poetry M)'thology :.r-, --- :he Ancient Javanese and Greek - L.-rri Rali iulir" Visual Representation :-1: :r variation of Tecnique Fine Art of Creativity: Tanjung Tirto : _:.-. asse Study :.:-.'- an s,A, Alwtn saifudin, Ruhamahani rI Fathurahmat " 503 1 " 5l9 SIc. IDENTITY Ar-D HUMANISM :: --: ol Gejag Lesung in Modern Times: A Dedication lor Local !::- \'-\va\lachfauzia . ...... ... : .-.-;em : -_-::::,.l1 !][.Suiilo --- : r,;: 526 .. Humanism Paradigm In Work Of Art, Its Implication m Afi Pradoko 535 :::1g a N'lethod of Leaming Music Theory and Practice Integratedly Seq aning astuti .... .. .. ..... .. : - .. -. :-. ijentiry as A 'Tool' to form the Subjectivity of "' 541 Woman Singer in -: :: -.-1-il Popular Muslc : r!: Cusrina 550 \ 561 L'i ! rl afil ah ----- 'i -:llementation Model Based on So/tgio to Increase Skill.and ' . ,. ihoi. Practice For Student of A]-Azhar 14 Elementary School .5---.: a-t'': :--- Z dan Bahtiar ......... --: i :: irdikanMusik: . .. ... . .... 568 Tari Tamanka:r Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis 580 xttl I The l"ilntemational Conference for Arts and Arts Education on Indonesia 0CAAE) 2014 Karateristik Nyanyian Tradisioml Nias Suwarta Zebua 589 Stmtegi Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif pada Pembelajaran Piano Panca Putri Rusdewanti 600 DANCE, IDENTITY AIID HUMANISM Nilai-Nilai Humanisme dalam Sutiyono Proses Pembelajaran Seni Tari 610 Traditional Art Performance in the Leaming of Cultural Ar-ts in a School: Defense Strategy of Local Art and Culture itr A Global Context Trisakti The Construction 621 of Padang Bulan Langen Ta1,ub in Cultural ldentity Perspective Anik Juwariyah 632 Dancing Together Writing Forever Citra Aryandari 642 Strategy ofthe Local Culture and Art Jaranan in the Context Globalization Bambrng Sugito 649 Dancers' Figwes: The Intelligerce in the Research Process ald Creative Ptooess Ilendio Martono 665 Kentrung and Mhlts of Syeh Jondhang in the Jondhang Purpose Life,s in Jepara Bondet Wrahttnal. 6'78 Shategi Pengelolaan Seni dan Budava Lokal dalam Konteks Global Kuswarsantyo 687 Early Art Education, as an Effort of Fomation the Foundation of Nation PeGonality Endang Sutiyati 693 Keberadaaan dan Fungsi Tari Jaxan Bodhag sebagai Pemertahanan Budaya Lokal Masyarakat Probolinggo Jawa Timur Dwi Sulistyorini '704 x1v The lnlntemational Conference for Arts and Arts Education on lndonesia flCAAEl 2014 C.Ecri\€ hoc€ss in Dance Lesson Through School Enviroffnent fri s-rlfrni .-..-............""" f+llpc i..bos ld. Clhe Lrnovative Leaming ss iD A Global Context -5*i h.r-]-ten ]}'|'_ A Model: Strat€gy Retention Art """""""""" Kdtik '712 722 Seni di Tengah Masyarakat dan Seniman ................................ '732 l*td@ge Pedtaian Sikap dalam Pendidikan -rsih Seni Tari ..................... 739 I.I.\G[AGE, LETTERS, TEEATE& IDENTITY AND IIIJMANISM Lal E*isdom io Language 5.-.E d Nasiruddin Sainu ...... ... . 5c S-i """ 744 Iosights on T€aching English to SMK Studeots ofArts $drrtini Fane and Enlighteru[ent I'h.stuti Purbeui ........................... 754 in Eric Carle's Five Picture Books 763 Pemertahanan Seni dan Budaya Lokal dalarn Konteks Global: l@eabangan Kecerdasan Budaya Berbasis Kemampuan Metakognitif Pembelajaran Sasha Indonesia S[regi lgilui E vsstike -- -" 774 Euiopean Influence on The Contemporary Indonesian Theater in The Begiming of 2l't Century: The Study of tha Literaly Reception though th€ \{edias in hdonesia Tb ..... 182 ..... ...,...... .... 789 lfir Snsndayani llrnan .. ... .. ... Rights in Patrick Cauvin's Roman Ze Sang Des Roses bdr.ringsih Values Found in American Literatue:A St udy on Buddhist Anti \|aerialism irr Jack Kerouac's &qD@qBglg -{sia f-rr.. ... ....... .. . Cahyawati I-€@ing of Drama ir PBsl-Department LNY f|rltili BW ... .. ... ... .. xv .......... 798 807 The 1*lnternational Conference for Arts and Arts Education on Indonesia {ICAAE) 2014 Bemuda (Bemula dari yang Ada) Sebuah Model Proses Pembelajaran Drarna Demensi Seni Perhmjukan Berbasis Kearifan Seni Tradisi Kita Agus Priyanto .,........................ 817 Ngabubur Docwentary Film as Media of Instructional Arts and Culture Yanti HeriYawati. Enok Wartika 828 Value of Folklore in Madura's Cultue Wildona Zumam Space 838 for Cultural Artioulation: Voising the Local in Transformation Ilery Prasetyo, Dien Vidia Rosa Commodity ......,........................844 Constuction and Cultual Reproduction: Education for The Affirmatioo of Local-National Cultu.es iI1 Global Context 861 Ariefa Efiatrinsrum Dimensi Humanisme dalam Pendidikan Sekolah Alarn sebagai Sebuah Alternatif ................. 867 Rias Aatho Rahmi Suharjo ...................,.. UNPRESENTED PAPERS Contov€rsy ofArt Education in Reconstructing Local Culture Ida Siti Hera$ati 816 Post-Human Togog and Semar: Dehumanization and Anti-Humao Fmme ofJavanese Muppet Story lmam Setrobudi in the 887 The Expressions of Women of The Nordr Coast Region: An Aesthetic and Semiotic Study of Dermayor Batik Motifs in Paoman, Iodrarnayu Regency ................ 901 Nanang Ganda Prawira ........ ... .. ............. Classroom Management with the Use of Ecology as A Stategy of Humanistic Arts and Cultlfe Education in Elementary School Grade W.rih Ilandayaningrum ...................,...... .. ... .. . .. 913 Tipologi Stategi Komunikasi Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Be$ahasa Teti Sobari 926 600 The 1{international Conference fbr Arts and Arts Educalion on Indonesia (ICAAE) 2014 STRATEGI PENGEMBA.NG-4.N A{EDIA PEMBELAJARAN INTERAKTIF FADA Pfl,MBELAJARAN PIANO Panca Putri Rusdewanti Music Edt:catiol Depaftment, Facuity ofLanguages and Arts Yogt;'kada State University paiis3slri@cly.asid Abstract his paper aims to describe an ifiteractive instrltctional media in piano learning. Media i teracti|e learni g is alle of strutegl that used to increase -ttudent interest and motfuation ta leam, to -focus the attektiotr of stuclents, .lllowing students to ledrn indepenclently, ta malre students ctctireb) in the Iearning process and crcate a fLm leaming environment, so that learning can take place [n an elfecti,-e, ejficient, ard appealing fbr help stucle ts in achie ng the basic competencies that hare been set. -In tllis paper, piano learking is.fbcused on Pidno L Piano I is a subject that must be lakefi by stude tr ajorlng in Music Educatiorl Dcparhefit. Knowledge .tfid understulldi g among students of diferent makes ilteractire lednling medic as a source of leuming that can assist s!udentr in par!icip,tting ia Piano I lcdrning. Key rords: media ofi leractire learning, piano learning, nusic. Pendahuluan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarla merupakan salah satu perguruan tinggi yang mempurryai Jurusan Pendidikan Seni Musik yang memberikan pembelajaran piano sebagai salah satu mata kuliair yang wajib diternpub oleh mahamahasiswa. Mata kuliah piano dilaksanakan 2 semestex terbagi dalam Piano 1 dan Piano 2. Pada mata kuliah piano 1 sumber belajar yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh mahamahasiswa adalah penyampaiar materi oleh dosen atau praktisi dan buku teks. Teknik atau metode belajar yang digunakan adalah dedonstasi, /o/e pla),, dan tutodal. Strategi dan model pembelajaran yang telah dilaksanakan selama ml sudah dianggap dapat membantu mahamahasiswa dalam belajar. Namun pada kenyataannya tidilk semua mahasiswa dapat menguasai iiompetensi dengan mudah. Ada banyak kendala yang dirasakan diantaranya waktu yang tersedia sangat terbatas, jumlah mahamahasiswd dalan satu kelas reiatif cukup banyak, Themer "Rethinking the Human Dignityand Natiod Identityl A Review Perspective ofArts and Arts Education" The l"tlnternational Confcre ce foa riits and Arts Education oir Jndonesia (lCAAE] 2014 dipolukan pendekatan individual, tingkal trdlaharDan yarg berbeda artar mahamahasiswa, sebagian bcsif mahamahasisw:r tidak memiliki instrumsn piano menyebabkan malLasiswa sangat bergantung pada saialia ytulg ada di kampus yang jumlah da:r pemakaianirya sangat terbatas, dan <urangnya media pembeJajalan ya:rg mcnd,rkurlg pc''nhciirjdran pirno. BetdasaJkail ilengamaflii di lapangan maLa panulis m!jr',bu6t nncargan media pembelajaar interakdi u:1tuk Mata Kuliah Piano yrog materinya I berdasarkan Sillabus dan RF! rnata klliah te$ebul. P:ngguoaan m€dia pembelajaran interaktii membuat dosen terbanti! dalan n1er,.].ampaikan materi dan memanfaatkall rva-kiu, baik waktu dalam menyiapkair pctl,belajaran maup,$ dalan ploses pembelajaran. Seiain itu media pembeiaiar.r interaldif ya"rg dil.:emtaDgkan diilarapkan CeFit memotivasi mahamahasi:r';a untuk belajar mandiri, aktifmeningkatkan pengetahuannya, kesadaran belajat meningkat seiring kebutuhannya, dan hasil belajar mahamahasiswa l.:bih optirr'al. Juga rnembuat maharnahasiswa dapat lebih leluasa dan lebih bebas mtngalor kecepatan belajamya sesuai kemarrrpuatuIya dalirm proses pembelajarat. Hal ini berarti mahasiswa diharapkan aLan lebih mandiri dan aktif mengatut waktu belajarnya masing-masing (belajar itldividual) tanpa melgutangi pelkemhxngan kemampuan sosiahya dalam kelas. Pembahasan Karakteristik multimedia pembelajaran menurut Adasdi (2008:3) sebagai beikut: (1) memiliki lebih dari satu nedia yang ,ton',,erge, misalnya menggabungkan unsut atdio dan r,/sual; (2) bersifat inieraktil dalam pengertian memiliki kemampuaLn ul1tlrk mengakomodasi respon pengguna; dan (3) b€rsifat mandiri, dalam pengertian memberi kemudahan dan kelengkapa,r isi sedemikian rupa sehingga pengguna bisa menggunakan tanpa bimbiagan orang lain. Multimedia interalitif menur'.rt Schwier & Misanchuk (1993:6) adalah "program pembelajaian yang terdiri atas berbagai sumber belajai dengan pengoperasian menggunakan komputer". PrograrD sengaja didesain dar dilihaL respon kcla,vakan apakah (misalnya menu, masalah, simulasi, petanya?n) berpengaruh pada sekuensi, ukuran, konteks dan bettuk proglam. Pendapai lain dikemukakan oleh Philips (1997:8) yaitu multimedia interaktif didefinisikan sebagai suatu istilah yang merupakan perwakiian dari semua informasi yaig dapat ditampilkan dalam seb.oar' soffuare komputer, inlbrmasi ini mencakup teks. gambal diam, suara, animasi" dan video yang terintegrasi dalam suatu program dan terdapat adarya interaksi antara progam dengan pengguna. Themer"Rethinking the Human Dignity and Nalion Identityl A Review Perspective ofAris and Arts Education" 601 602 The l"tlntemational Conference for Afts and Arts Educatioir on Indonesia 0CAAEI 2014 Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi pertlaJalahan pembelajarao dalam mata kuliah Piano 1 maka penulis membuat rancangan media pembelajaran interaktif yang nartinya di,-ijicobakan s€hirgga media yang dibuat layak sebagai sumber belajar. Selanjuinya dapat diiakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui hasil belajar mahasiswa setelah inenggunakrm media tersetrut. Model pengernbangan dalam pembuatan media ini mengadaFtasi petgembangan Bory & Call (1983), model pengembangan Lee & Owens (2004), dan model pengembaigan Allesi & Trolip (2001). Tahapan-;ahapsn dalam penelitian pengembangan ini secara garis besar meliputi tahap shidi pendah{luan, tahap perencanaan, tahap desain, dan tahap pengembangan. 1. Studi Pendahuluan Model pengembangan yang diadaptasi dari Borg & call (1983) yaitu tahap studi pendahuluan sebagai analisis kebutuhan atas pe.masalahan-permasalahan yang timbul pada proses pembelajaran Piano 1. Berawal dari permasalahan tersebut selarjutnya ditemukar solusi yang dapat memecahkan pennasalahan yang terkait dengan pembelajaran. Model pengembangan yang diadaptasi dan model Lee & Owen (2004) adalah tahap perencanaan. Al$an mengadaptasl bagian tersebot karena tahap-tahap perencanaan lebih detail, ,iatr sudah m€muat tahap-tahap desain pembelaja.ran. Model pengembangar menwut Ailesi & Trollip (2001) bagian yang diadaptasi adalah desain dan pengeinbangan. Alasan mengadaptasi bagia.n tersebut adalah pada bagian desain yang memiliki alur kerja lebih terarah pada aktivitas pengatuan, penyusunan isi dan pembuatan ptoduk multimedia pembelajaran. Be kut ini garis besar keempat tahapan p€ngembangan: Pada studi pendahuluan dilal-ukan analisis kebutuhan. Didalamnya dilakukan kegiatan studi lapangan dan studi pustaka. Kegiattul tersebut secara rinci sebagai berikut: Studi lapangan: 1) Melakukan pengamatan saat kuliah Piano 1 berlangsung. 2) 3) Melakukan wawancam dengan dosen piano satu tim. Melakukan wawancara dengan mahamahasiswa Piano 1. b. Studi Pustaka: 1 Mengumpulkal kurikulum, silabus, dan RPP Piano 1 . 2) Mencari dan mengumpulkan hasil-hasil penelitian yang berkaitan dengan multimedia pembelajamn. 3) Mencari dan mengDmpulkan buku-buku referensi, artikel, dan hasilhasil peneliti.n yang relevatr dengan pembelajaran piano. ) Theme: "Rethinking the Human Dignity and Nation ldenriry: A Review Perspective ofArts and Arts Education" 'Ihe liinlcrnational Corrteiiiriai i4r iifis and Al.ts lducation Dn I:idonesia (ICAAE) 2014 2. Perencanoan Setelah sel€s;ri lneiakiikar stirdi pe.tLi:iuluan selanjirtnya melakukan pe{encanaan. Kcgiatai! yailg dilakukall pada ialap perencaoaan adalah sebagai bcrikrit:rnengiCejrtj:i:irlsik3lr hidang/nlaig liilaiiiilr natcri y3 lg akan ditampilkar yang dirriuk da: K$.iliijlrte, S1labrrs, dan ilPP mata kuliah Piano i, m€'luirLusl4an lLi a! 'r'l),i!j ing}: ,:ltjapdi r1c;i pr:irglnbangan yarg akan dilakukan, n,lene!1hrka]1 l.oinir.rets; desai dal indikatoi pencapaiait kompetensi yallg ciisesuaikan dengaf, si$C.. konrlelensi mata kaliah piano 1, :nelakukan diskusi dengaD doser satu 1i1'r:r dair ahli mated, tecrrrok)gi anctl.rsis. dar, media analysis 3. !]lrain Pada tahap desah diialcrkan kegiatan sebagai beiikut: merrgembangkan ide- Cengan pioduk berdasarkan hesil disi.usi ahli materi, melakukam :nalisis . koisep dan tugas, melakukafi desknpsi progran awal dmgan menenfukan mater'i lrohol,, llierluliskan standai kornlpetexgi, konrpetensi dasar, dan indikator pcncapaiad k.;npeteisi berdasarka,r kurikulum, silabus, dan RPP, membuat /o ilr:fti:rrt iar, storfbrar.ls. ide yang ber*aital 4. Pengernbangan Pada tahap p(])lgcorbaogan, ielurul] lahap{ahap yang dilakr-rkan seialu d,engar on Eoing ewlr4tlor. Tahap-tahap tersebut diikuti adalah menyiapkan teks materi yang akan dimasukkan dalam produk multimedia pembelaialan, nenyiapkan soal-soal latihan dan soal evaluasi yarg akar dimasukkao dalam program, menyiapkan gaDlbar (ibto) yang akan digunekan, n-,enyiapkan audio, membuat animasi, menggabungkan bagian-bagian gambar. rrlenyrsur dan menempatkan teks, soal evaluasi, audio, dan anirnasi. Melakukan el'aiuasi fonnatif, yaitu: nelakukan uji alpha (are.mvalidasi ploduk nultimeriia pemLelajarar oleh ahli materi dan ahli mcdia), melakukan uji beta denga-n mengujr produk secara terbatas kepada 6 (e11am) orang mahan1ahasiswa. meizrkukan revisi berriasarkan saran dan rnasukal dari hasil uji alpha 5. dLr,r uji beta. Uii Coba Produk Produk multimedia pembelajaran inieraktif yang dikemas dalam bettuk CD penbelajaran sebellm Cimanfaatkan secara urrtum perlu diuji coba terlebih dahulu untuk mendapatkair masukan baik rlari aspek media maupun aspek materi pelabelajaran. Dalan melakukar uji coba, diharapkan produk yang dihasilkan ieruji secara teoritis dan cnrpiris. Data-da& yang diperoleh dari uji coba akan digunakan untuk memperbaiki dan nrenyempurnakan produk pembelajatan. Therner "Rethinking &e Human DiEniq' and Nation Identityl A Review PerspectLve of Arts and Arts Educalion" 603 604 The l"tlnternational Conference for Arts andArts Education on lndonesia (lCMEI 2014 s. Desaln Uji Coba Uji coba produk djlakukan untuk nendapatkan umpan balik secara langsung dari peilgguna, sc.ta untuk mengetahui kelemahan-kelemahan dal kekurangan-kekuratlgan png ada pada produk yasg 4i1"-5au*an sebagai dasar untuk melakukan revisi. Secara rinci desain uji cJba meliputil 1) Uji alplu berupa validasi produk oleh ahli materi dan airli media berkairan dengan pro,iuk mcnjadi acuan unhrk perbaikan dan revisi produk. 2) Uji beta ufltuk mengetahui tanggapan- samn, dan rfiasukan dari gulu terhadap lrcduk yang dikembangkan. Tanggap:ur, saiarL dan masukan tersebut kenudian disusun dan dianalisis untuk revisi athir produk. Revisi produk diiakukan sesmi dengan saran, masukan, ta.lggapan dari al i materi, ahli nedia, dan g\rru mata pelajaran (uji alpha dan uji beta). 6. Objek Uji Coba Berdasarka:r t-'rjuan uj; coba 1'aitu untuk inengetahui kualitas dan kelayakan produk yang dibuat, maka teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purpose sampling. Purlose sampling adalah pengambiian sr:npel sumber data dengan pertimbangan tertentu, dan sanpei-sampel yang dipilih diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi maksimal (Sugiyono, 2005: 54). 7, Jenis Data Uji coba produk dimaksudkan untuk mengumpulkan data yang dapat digunakan sebagai dasar untuk mergetahui kualitas dari masing-masmg komponen pengembangan multinedia pembelajaran agar nantinya dapar digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil uji coba mr ada dua yaitu data kuantitatif dan data kualitatif. Data-dat.! kuantitatif untuk selanjutnya di konversi ke dalam data kualiiatif. Data kuantitatif berbentuk data odinal diperoleh dari hasil penilaian elpert judgement yaitu dosen seni musik sebagai al i m6teri, ahli multimedia dan hasil ujj lapatlgan. Data kualitatif berb€ntuk uraian nerupakan hasil observasi, hasil wawancara. saran dan masukan dari responden liji coba dan pengamatan. Data-data tersebut dibutuhkan agar nantinya dapat memberikaD gambaran mengenai kualitas mated, kualitas tampilan produk multinedia pembelajaran. Theme | "Rethinking the Human Digniry and Nation Identityl A Review Perspective ofAfis and Arts Education" The i 8. n lnle iJrati ona I Conferen.e fo: ..its and Arts Education on iirdonesia (lCAAE] 2014 Instrumen P€ngumprlan Datg a. JeFis Instrum{:$ Instrwnen J,3i:r: d:gurrakan rintuk mengu:ti;ulkal daia daiirm penelitian m1 adalah angket, peci:r:ral., r,,at ai!,,rsra, dan penganiatan. I ) Angket Angket 1a!! riisjl.tr rrcliputi tiga jeii.! resp( nden odlaln 1-.::.rri, ..r 1ir.g.'nbangan a) sesuai dergar peran dan posisi inr. \ artir' Angiei uriluk abli materi, pen}l]sulian aJgket .litinjau dad aspek kualir3s iratetri penlLlelajaran dall strategi pembeli'-;aral1.. Tujuan da].i penyrsLuiii 3ngkct ini adalah untuk lremperi,'leh data tentang b) c) kualiias desain peff belaj aran. ,{ngket unhik ahli media, digunakan untuk ue1npi;foleh data tentang kualit;is teknis daii pfoduk )'ang dihasilkan, diisi oleh seseorang ).,ang inernt',in-v.'ti keahiian daiam bidang multimecjla Arigl.-et r-i11iuk anlahasiswa sebagai subjek uji coba/responden. Angi<ei iri dig'dnakan untuk memperoleh data tqltang kualitas CD pelribeidjaran diiinjau dari sudut pandang mahamahasiswa pada saat 'rji coba lapangan terhadap aspek materi, aspek pctrbolajaran dan aspek incdia. Pedoman wawancara digunakan sebagai alat mengunprll data dari dosen tim sehubungi[l dengan analisis kebutuhan dan stLLdi pendahuluan yang diperlukan. Vy'a'wancara yaxg dilakukan dalan penelitial ini adalah wawancara bebas teryimpin sehinggga peneliti hanya me[yiapkan petanyaan-peftanyaan yang akan disarnpaikan. Hal ini digunakan un ik n€ndapstkan gambaran yang jelas tentang informasi yang diperlukar,. b. Teknik Valida3i Instrumen mendapatkan kualitas iislrumen pelelitian yang baik, sebeLtm digunakan untuk nenjaring data terlebih dahulu instutneri diuklr tingkat validrtas dan reliabilitasnya. Pada pe.reiiiian ini validitas instuncn ditentukan dengan vaiiditas secara tecdtis (logis), sedangknn reliabiitas instrumen ditentukan secara teoritis melalui butir-butir soal tcs maupun secara ernpiris yakni lnelalui uji coba. Ultuk 1. Teknik Analisis Data Data yang akan dipcroleh ini diklarillkasi menjadi dua, yaitu data kualitatif dan data kuantitatii Data kualititif berupa kritik, saran, dan masukan dari ahii maleri, Theme: 'Rethinking ihe Human Dignity and Nation ldentityl A Review Perspective of Arts and Arts Education" The 1'tlnternadonal Confercnce for Arts and Arts Eduaatiirl on Indonesia 0CAAEJ 2014 ahli media, dan siswa yang dihimpu[ scrta a].riik untuk memperbaiki produk kurttitatif berupa dota ordinai yang diperoleh dari ahli materi, ahli media, dlln siswa yang menggunakan skala Likert dianalis mengguraka! moy':d. Sepqti yang dikemukakan oleh Mogey (1998 | 21): yartg dikemba.ngkan. Data Tfu: data *llet'tetl are otdinal: the.v haye &n i hoefit order or sequenee, but ohe c,fitiot.i\siuni [hat thc respoljJent rrturs Il)at the dilJbrcnce between u.:],ea:i!1g and srrcngly agleeihg is the sdh1. ds betwcen agreeing qnd being unieci4ed. D?scriptii)e Techniques: (l) Sltmmarise using q median ol (tot a mean), the rfiode is probably th. most suitable for 'JloLle eaq) interpletasion; (2) Express wtiability in terms oJ the range or inter qudrtile r6ng. (not the standalt deyiatian); (3) Dispia! the (listt.ibution of observdtior,s itr d dotplot or a bLrchatt (it ca .t be c histogram, because the daia is :1al co tihuour). Bila data yang dikr.unpulkan adalah ordinai, maka data lnen1iliki perintah yang meiekat atau berurutan, tetapi rcsponden tidak dapat mergasumsikan bahwa perbedaan pendapat orang diantara setuju dan sangat setuju berarti sana antara setuju dan yang ragu-ragu. Teknik deskriptifnya adalati: (1) Meringkas menggunakafi nledian atau modus; (2) Exprcss rariabilit.ls dalam rentang atau antar kuartii rentang (bokan standar devisi); (3) Tampiian disl.ibusi pengarnatan di dotlpot atar barchart (tidak dapat rtenjadl hijtogram, sebab data tidak kontinu). Teknik deskiptif ini digLrnakan dengan alasan karena instrumen yarrg digunakan adalah skala Likert, sehingga daiam upaya penyinpula,'rnya harus memak modus, bukan rata-rata (mea ). Data yang diklmpulkan dengan menggunakan skala Likert adalah data ordinal sehingga sifatnya adalah urutan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan, tetapi tidak dapat diasumsikan bahwa makna setuju dengan benar-benar setuju adalah sama. Pelyajinn data menggunakat\ dotplot atan barchart karet\a datarya adalah un-rtan. Penilaian setiap aspek pada produk yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakar\ skala Likert, dikatakan layak jika nodus dari responden adalah minimal 4 (bagus). Skor dan kriteria pada skala /,r,4elt dalan penelitian m1 disajikan pada Tabel di barvah ini. Themer "Rethinking the Human Dignityand Nation Identityj A Review Perspective ofArts and Axts Education" The 1$International Conference l-or A.ts and Arts Education on tndonesia (ICME) 2014 Tabel l. Skor dan Kriteria Penilaiall Skor Kriteria Sangat bagus 4 Bagus 3 Cukup Kurang I Berdasarkan ltrutall Sangat kurang di atas, maka digunakan rnodts urluk analisis data yang diperoleh. Duta yang diperoleh dari ahli materi, ahli rnedia, dan siswa dianalisis menggun:kan nodus, skala yang paling sering tampai'lmuncnl menjadi acuan kategod prcduk dan tamp;lan distribusi ft\e\ggonakur barcharL Simpulan Pembelajdran dengan nenggunakan multimedia pembelajaran diharapkan mampu mendorolg n]ahasiswa untuk lebih termotivasi dalafr belajar sehingga kegiatan belajar trlenjadi lebih bermakna, karena mahasis'rr'a iermotivasi untuk belajar, maka mahasis&a menyadari bahwa belajar adalah kebuiuhan yang haflrs didapatkannya sendiri. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut, mahasiswa akan belajar mencari, mencmukan, dan membalgun pengetahuannya Cengatl kesadamn sendid sehingga diharapkan hasil belajar juga menjadi lebih betmakna dan seni Daftar Pustaka Alessy, S.M. & Trollip S.R. 200]t. Multimedia for Developmeni. Bostoli Learning, Methods and A1l),r and Bacon-A Pearson Education Company. Pengembangan Multimedia Pembelajaran", dianbil tanggal 24 Maret 201 0 dad http://ariasdimultimedia, wordpress.com Ariasdi. 2008. "Panduan Azhat Arsyad.2OO'l . Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafrndo Persada. Borg, Walter. R. & Gall, M., D. 1983. Eda cationdl Research: ed. New York & London: Logman. A introducttoll. 46 Campbell, Don. 2001. EJek Mozart bagi Anak-anak. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Themer "Rerbinking the Human Dignitlrand Nation Identityl A Review Perspe€tive ofArts and Arts Education" 607 608 The 1$lntemational Conference for Arts and Arts Education on lndonesia oCAAEI 2014 Lee, W.W., & Owens,D.L.2004. Multi/nedia Based Insttuctiofial Desim.2"d ed. Sar Francisco: Pfeiffer. Mogey, N. 1998. Evaluation Cookbook. Leorr\irrl Technology Dissemination Initiativ Edinburgh: Institute for Computer Based Leaming Heriot-Watt University. R. 1997. The Developer 3 Handbook to Interactive Multimedia: A Practical Guidefor Educational Applications. London: Kogan Page. Phillips, Schweir, R. A., & Misanchuk, E. R. 1993, hieractive Multimedia Instructionat. New Jeney: Englewood Cliffs rF *. ,f theme: "Rethinkingthe Human Dignity and Nation ldentity: A Review Perspective ofAfts and Arts Edu€ation" Ilti: IU; SG &{ bg 6\ Lrtl !\*i;/ -\*) i\'v ril Y tl r_\*.r _\*) lr 4\ li ,ii i3 v o- T' f -c+, :-c ,f|E E} xo :3 ut .lJ ';a3e, ='= e. o rr, c (! CL LI.J (o+ '6J OC) CN 5E> ilo \.F N !r 6or 5# -. Z !(E .ots o- E uJ tJl @ :(g Hi EF €>_ 3€ ;* .o6 >. Eo ox' .i (Ji- :o (6 -c LJI O o f3 E ql o o :< o