General English Course 1-Lectures on English Grammar. 2-Literary texts

General English Course
1-Lectures on English Grammar.
2-Literary texts
The course aims at teaching non-departmental undergraduates how to communicate
with English as a foreign language at college level and it focuses on reading and
writing skills, namely training them how to grasp vocabulary in relation to their
specialization throughout English texts as well as training them how to write correct
sentences throughout teaching them English grammar. The course includes lectures
on the basics of English language and grammatical notes as well as English texts.
1-Alexander,L.G,(1997), Developing skills, Longman.
2- Alexander,L.G,(1987)Essay & letter writing, Longman.
3-Byrne,Donne,(1988)Comprehension passages, Longman.
4- Quirk, Randolph(1989), A university Grammar of English, Longman 5-Murphy,
Raymond,(2001) English Grammar in Use, Cambridge Unv. press
Parts of speech –part one
Parts of speech –part two
Sentence patterns
Tenses-present Simple
Tenses-present progressive
Tenses-present perfect
Tenses-past Simple
Tenses-past progressive
Tenses-past perfect
Passive Voice
First term exam
Modals –part one
Modals-part two
Question words –part one
Question words –part two
Conjunctions-part one
Conjunctions-part two
Reported speech
English Texts
Second term exam
English Texts
English Texts
English Texts
English Texts
English Texts
English Texts
Third term exam
English Texts
English Texts
English Text