LGBT Equality Group 15 Jan 2013

LGBT Equality Group 15 Jan 2013
Fiona Addison
Sonal Bharadva (Secretary)
Max Hill (Chair)
Fiona Leigh
Fiona McClement
Anne Moore
Luciano Rila
Stephen Wall
John Watters
In attendance: Fiona McClement, Equalities & Diversity Adviser.
Apologies were received by: James Agar, Ben Campkin, Christoper Cullen,
Sarah Guise and Charles Wilson.
1. Welcome and introductions
1.1 Max Hill (MH) welcomed Anne Moore to the group as a new member. It
was also noted that Ruth Hargreaves has stepped down from the group.
2. Minutes and matters arising
2.1 The Queer Reading Group met for the second time where only 8 people
attended in comparison to 40 people at the first meeting. The group were due
to meet again in January 2013.
2.2 The minutes were approved.
3. Stonewall
3.1 Stonewall Workplace Equality Index (WEI) 2013 results
3.1.1 Sarah Guise (SG) had received a phone call from Stonewall stating that
UCL had moved up 30 places in the Index. Last year, the score was 137, and
the position was 83. This year’s score was 154, moving up 30 places to 53.
Improvements were made through the development of the Leading on
Diversity training programme and monitoring equalities data. A meeting
between Stonewall, the chairs of the group and the Equalities team had been
organised to discuss in detail the results.
3.2 Stonewall membership
3.2.1 There was discussion around whether the group should renew their
annual Diversity champion membership with Stonewall. The membership
costs had increased to £2100 per annum. The costs included use of
Stonewall’s Diversity Champion logo, 10% off some training courses, as well
as a 90 minute meeting with a representative to discuss the WEI results.
3.2.2 It was noted that not having membership did not effect whether UCL
could enter the WEI. Instead of the meeting, UCL would still be given the
score sheet detailing where improvements could be made. SG felt that the
equalities team had more experience surrounding HEI’s and areas of
improvement than Stonewall.
3.2.3 It was agreed by the group not to renew the Diversity Champions
membership as it was not value for money. It was also agreed that it would be
better for the group to use the money within UCL and for public engagement
activities – one of the areas that needed improvement in the WEI.
3.2.4 The group also felt that it was important to continue having an annual
meeting following the WEI results to discuss ways forward. It was agreed that
the group would bring suggestions for public engagement activities to the next
Action: ALL
4. LGBT Culture group letter of support
4.1 An email was sent to the group asking for letter of support for the Gay
Olympics to be held in London.
Action: Stephen Wall to draft letter
5. Diversity Month 2013 – LGBT history Month Events
5.1 A Bright Club event was organised by UCL’s Public Engagement Team
where academics had been invited to participate in a comedy night. The idea
was to share research in a humorous way. Training was provided.
5.2 Asylum event – a polite decline was received from the UK Border Agency
in being a panel member. Suggestions were made for other panel members:
LGBTory representative, someone from the UCL Laws department.
Action: Stephen to contact Lord Avebury to ask whether had any
suggestions for panel members who may oppose granting asylum to
LGBT people.
Action: Fiona M to contact Prince Saprai to see whether anyone from
Laws was able to participate.
5.3 The LGBT women’s event was not developed and it was difficult to find
6. Feedback from Christmas party
6.1 John Watters organised a Christmas party for the group at the New
Bloomsbury Set on the 19 December 2012. The party was well attended with
around 20 people at the event. It was agreed that a social event would be
organised every 2 months or once a term due to the success.
7. Social events & next lunch
7.1 The next social lunch was due to be held on the 30 Jan 2-13, 12.30-2pm
in the Bloomsbury Conference room.
8. AOB
8.1 Schools out project – the project aims to stop homophobia in schools.
CRB checks were required and on relevant forms people had to state their
gender but there was no option for trans. Because CRB forms are
government forms there was no control over changing this. The students were
considering campaigning against this. The Union are in the process of
changing all of their equality monitoring forms to reflect this. It was asked
whether the UCL Equal Opportunities Monitoring forms for recruitment asked
about gender and whether enrolment forms could be changed to include trans
and ‘other’ as an option.
Action: Fiona M
9. Next meeting date
10 April, 12-1.30pm, 1007, 10th floor, 1-19 Torrington Place.