LGBT Equality Group 13 Jun 2012 Attendance: Fiona Addison (Chair) James Agar Sonal Bharadva (Secretary) Ben Campkin Sarah Guise Max Hill (Co-Chair) Stephen Wall Fiona Daffern (in attendance) Apologies were received by: Joe Brookes, Ruth Hargreaves and Luciano Rila. 1. Welcome and introductions 1.1 Fiona Addison (FA) welcomed the group and introduced Fiona Daffern (FD), Head of Employment Policy who attended to talk about the Staff Survey results. 2. Minutes and matters arising 2.1 Stephen Wall (SW) met with Tom McNally to discuss the pardon of Alan Turing. It was hoped that he would make progress by talking to other ministers with the view of obtaining a pardon. 2.2 SW met with Lori Manders, Director of Development and Alumni Relations. They discussed alumni donations in order to fund LGBT events. The group were invited to let Lori know about future events so that alumni could be invited to attend. 2.3 Sonal Bharadva (SB) calculated that there were around 4000 staff in grades 8 and above so a half day equalities and diversity training session would cost around £80,000 in total at £500 per session. 3. Staff survey results 3.1 FD delivered a presentation on the recent Staff Survey. 48% of staff took part in the survey compared to 40% in 2009. The key aims of the survey were: To provide a measure of employee engagement within UCL and understand the drivers of this, enabling the organisation to improve employees’ working lives and the performance of the organisation To provide employees with a communication channel allowing them to give their feedback on UCL and their working lives within a confidential setting 3.2 Deans were tasked with local action plans and were asked to report back to HRPC every 6 months. 3.3 The following points/comments were made: 52 people felt they had been bullied although LGB people felt more able to report harassment Results could only be compared to other institutions where the same questions were used UCL fell 8% below the benchmark when asked ‘I believe UCL is committed to advancing equal opportunities’ All staff were sent individual links to complete the staff survey so that accurate department details could be recorded There was a perception that UCL was a very hierarchical place to work 3.4 It was noted that there was some scope for running focus groups by equality area. Provost had previously been asked to report back to Council by the end of the year – outlining equality initiatives. 4. Update on Out@UCL activities 4.1 The previous Out@UCL drop in lunches had been well attended. 4.2 It was intended that a social event would be organised every 2months. The following suggestions were made: 20 July – Victoria & Albert British design exhibition 14 September – Tate Modern or Tate Britain 6 November – Sir John Soane’s museum 5. Response to Provost appointment consultation 5.1 Members from various equality groups were invited to attend a consultation meeting relating to the appointment of the new Provost. Some people felt unhappy about the amount of time given to speak at the meeting. 5.2 Virginia Bottomley, one of the panel members, was expecting to meet with students rather than staff. 5.3 The group agreed to draft a letter of feedback to Odgers (the recruitment consultancy) stating their points of concern relating to the meeting. Action: MH & FA 6. Kaleidoscope 6.1It was noted that Lance Price was the executive director of the Kaleidoscope Trust and was interested in working with UCL to promote equal rights. It was intended that the group would work with them to organise an event for Diversity Month 2013 and that somebody from the organisation would be invited to attend the next meeting. Action: SW 6.2 International equality and diversity policies were discussed. An international supervisory board was due to be set up and it was intended that the board would meet 3 times a year. 7. LGBT Research Group 7.1 MH met with Robert Mills who used to run Queer@Kings. It was noted that Bob was due to join UCL’s History of Art department in September. 7.2 Queer@Kings began by building on common interest between academic staff. A large public conference around LGBTQ issues was organised and the group developed from the publicity gained at the event. 7.3 It was decided that Ben Campkin (BC) and James Agar (JA) would draft a call for researchers interested in LGBTQ issues/sexuality to attend an open meeting to discuss the potential for a cross-UCL research network, and that this should be circulated via the Week@UCL Action BC & JA 8. AOB None reported. 9. Next meeting date 26 September, 12.30-2pm, 10th Floor, Torrington Place