UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK Standing Group Responsible for the Maintenance and Refurbishment of Centrally Timetabled Rooms Notes from the meeting of the Group held on Monday 12th Mar 2012 Present: Mr G Bennett (Chair), Mrs S Foster-Ogg, Ms L Holland, Mr P Jones, Mr D Mace, Mr J Owen, Mr A Perry. Apologies: Mr J Buckingham, Mrs V Hill, Mrs P Mealing. 37/11-12Minutes CONSIDERED: The notes of the meeting held on 10th Feb 2012. RESOLVED: That the minutes be approved. 38/11-12Matters Arising (a) Clocks in CTTRs RECEIVED: An oral report from the Furniture and Equipment Officer informing the Group that the clocks were delivered to the Porters on 12th March and would be installed as soon as possible. RESOLVED: That the Furniture and Equipment Officer update the Group on the progress of the installations. (b) Rooms B2.01, B2.02, B2.03 and B2.04/5 RECEIVED: An oral report from the Secretary updating the Group that following the request from Mathematics in Summer 2011 for a new blackboard in B2.01, it had been confirmed by the Timetabling Team that only one Mathematics module uses B2.01, it being noted that this equated to 6 hours of use in Term 1 and no usage in terms 2 and 3. RESOLVED: That the Secretary consult with other users of the room to establish whether a blackboard would be regarded as beneficial to the space. (c) 2010-11 Programme of Works RECEIVED: An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist informing the Group that the installation of network cabling in MS.01 and MS.02 had been completed. (d) Arts Centre Conference Room 1 RECEIVED: An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist updating the Group that the AV Services team had investigated the possible options for relocating the curtain switch, it being noted that the most practical option was moving the switch to the right hand side of the curtains in proximity of the AV lectern. RESOLVED: That the AV Services proceed in relocating the curtain switch. (e) Missing Clocks RECEIVED: An oral report from the Furniture and Equipment Officer informing the Group that the clocks were delivered to the Porters on 12th March and would be installed as soon as possible. RESOLVED: That the Furniture and Equipment Officer update the Group on the progress of the installations. (f) Repairs from Campus Walkround RECEIVED: (i) An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist informing the Group that the AV Services team had found 2 damaged seat pads, one from L3 and one from L4; (ii) An oral report from the Warwick Conferences Duty Manager informing the Group that the trial of reporting software would take place during the Summer vacation. RESOLVED: (i) That the Furniture and Equipment Officer replace the damaged seats and update the Group on progress with the works taking place L3, L4 and L5. (g) Grab Handles in CTTRs REPORTED: That following further consultation there was no longer a requirement for grab handles in H0.51 and S0.21. RESOLVED: That the Assistant Secretary monitor any further requests for grab handles in CTTRs. (h) Whiteboard Pens in CTTRs RECEIVED: An oral report from the Secretary updating the Group that consultations with the Portering team in relation to the distribution of whiteboard pens were ongoing. (i) Wireless Survey REPORTED (by the Lead Technical Specialist): 2 That although the final report of the ITS wireless survey was yet to be published, the general wireless coverage across campus was good. 39/11-122011-12 Programme of Works RECEIVED: (a) A summary of the current budget position for University funds (CTTR.1(revised)/11-12); (b) A summary of current works (CTTR.2(revised)/11-12). 40/11-12Chair’s Business RECEIVED: An oral report from the Chair informing the Group that a meeting between Space Management, Estates and IATL would be taking place on 12th March, in order to finalise the specification of the rooms being refurbished in the Ramphal Building. 41/11-12Refurbishment of S0.08, S0.09 and S0.10 CONSIDERED: The proposed specifications and associated costs for refurbishment (CTTR.5(revised)/11-12). RESOLVED: (i) That the Lead Technical Specialist and Furniture Equipment Officer investigate whether the Cleaners Cupboard adjacent to the Social Sciences rooms could be repurposed to house AV equipment and flexible furniture; (ii) That mains powered clocks be included in the final specification of the rooms. 42/11-12Ad Hoc Comments Regarding CTTRs (a) Clocks and Whiteboard Pens REPORTED: That a comment had been received from a colleague in the Department of Chemistry raising concern over the provision of whiteboard pens and clocks not working in CTTRs. RESOLVED: That the Secretary continue to liaise with the Portering team in relation the replacement of clock batteries and whiteboard pens. (b) S0.21 REPORTED (by the Furniture and Equipment Officer): That a request had been received from a colleague in Cleaning Services to repair the damaged carpet in S0.21, it being noted that this request had been approved by the Chair and the carpet would be replaced on 26th-27th March at a cost of £5833.68 (including VAT). RESOLVED: 3 That the Furniture and Equipment Officer update the Group on the outcome of the repairs in S0.21. 43/11-12Date of the Future Meetings REPORTED: (i) That further meetings for 2011-12 had been confirmed as follows: Monday 16th April Monday 21st May Monday 18th June (ii) S2.81 A1.28 (Milburn House) B2.01 (Science Concourse) 10:00-12:00 10:00-12:00 10:00-12:00 That it may be appropriate to postpone the April meeting of the Group until the tendering process for the Social Sciences refurbishment is complete. RESOLVED: That the April meeting of the Group be postponed until the tendering process for the Social Sciences refurbishment is complete. 4