UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK Standing Group Responsible for the Maintenance and Refurbishment of Centrally Timetabled Rooms Notes from the meeting of the Group held on Friday 10th Feb 2012 Present: Mr G Bennett (Chair), Mr J Buckingham, Mrs S Foster-Ogg, Mrs V Hill, Ms L Holland, Mr P Jones, Mr A Maddison, Mr J Owen, Mr A Perry, Mr C Singleton. Apologies: Mr D Mace, Mrs P Mealing. 29/11-12Minutes CONSIDERED: The notes of the meeting held on 9th Jan 2012. RESOLVED: That the minutes be approved. 30/11-12Matters Arising (a) Clocks in CTTRs REPORTED: That the asbestos checks for WT1.05, MS.01, S0.11, B2.04/5 and H3.05 had been completed with no issues preventing the installation of clocks, it being noted that a request has been sent to the carpenters to install the clocks as soon as possible. RESOLVED: That the Furniture and Equipment Officer update the Group on the progress of the installations. (b) Rooms B2.01, B2.02, B2.03 and B2.04/5 REPORTED: That the asbestos check in B2.01 had been completed with no issues preventing the installation of a replacement blackboard, it being noted that AV Services will now be able to investigate the purchase of a new blackboard. RESOLVED: (i) (ii) That the Furniture and Equipment Officer send the asbestos check to the Lead Technical Specialist; That the Secretary consult with Mathematics concerning the type of board to be installed in B2.01. (c) 2010-11 Programme of Works REPORTED: 1 That a quote had been received from Dimension Data for the installation of new network cabling in MS.01 and MS.02, the total cost for both rooms will be £1000.43 (including VAT). REPORTED (by the Lead Technical Specialist): That the installation of network cabling had been scheduled for 11th Feb 2012. RESOLVED: That the Lead Technical Specialist update the Group on the outcome of the installation works. (d) R0.21 RECEIVED: An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist updating the Group that a camera had been installed in R0.21 to monitor the usage of the writing tablets over 2 classes, it being noted that only one person was seen using the tablets. REPORTED (by the Lead Technical Specialist): That a lecture capture hardware solution, currently being trialled with the Institute of Education, could further reduce the need for writing tablets in R0.21 and other lecture theatres. RESOLVED: That the writing tablets in R0.21 will not be replaced unless there is a significant increase in usage. (e) Arts Centre Conference Room RECEIVED: An oral report from the Furniture and Equipment Officer indicating that there was no existing signage for the curtains in the Arts Centre Conference Room, it being noted that the operating switch was concealed by the curtains. RESOLVED: That the Lead Technical Specialist investigate options concerning the location of the switch and whether this can be housed within the AV lectern. (f) Missing Clocks RECEIVED: An oral report from the Furniture and Equipment Officer updating the Group that the replacement clocks for B2.02, PS1.28, H0.56 and H3.22 were ready to be installed. RESOLVED: (i) That the replacement clocks be installed along with the additional new CTTR clocks (30a/1112); (ii) That the Furniture and Equipment Officer update the Group on the progress of the installations. (g) Repairs from Campus Walkround 2 REPORTED: (i) That a quote had been received for the repair of writing desk trims in MS.01, MS.02, MS.03, MS.04 and MS.05, the cost being £2090.40 (including VAT); (ii) That the cost of repairing the damaged chairs in L3, L4 and L5 would be £265.20 (including VAT). REPORTED (by the Warwick Conferences Duty Manager): That following conversations within Conferences a new piece of software would be trialled which would allow Conference users to report any issues with the room via a software application on the desktop, it being noted that, if successful, the application had the potential to improve reporting in CTTRs. RESOLVED: (i) That AV Services check the projection rooms around L3, L4 and L5 to locate the missing damaged seats; (ii) That the Warwick Conferences Duty Manager update the Group on the trial of the reporting software within Conferences. 31/11-122011-12 Programme of Works RECEIVED: (a) A summary of the current budget position for University funds (CTTR.1(revised)/11-12); (b) A summary of current works (CTTR.2(revised)/11-12). 32/11-12Chair’s Business RECEIVED: An oral report from the Chair on the Ramphal Project informing the Group that: (a) The scheduling for the works had been confirmed and that the Central Timetabling Team were beginning to move bookings out of the affected rooms from Week 6 (Summer term) onwards; (b) The project team had met with both the architect and the interior designer. 33/11-12Refurbishment of S0.08, S0.09 and S0.10 RECEIVED: (a) An oral report from the Graduate Surveyor informing the Group that the asbestos check for rooms S0.08, S0.09 and S0.10 had indicated the presence of chrysotile in the ceiling coating, it being noted that a licensed contractor would have to be employed to carry out the ceiling works; (b) An oral report from the Secretary confirming that the Student Recruitment event due to take place during the planned schedule of works was to be moved by the Central Timetabling Team. CONSIDERED: The proposed specifications and associated costs for refurbishment (CTTR.5(revised)/11-12). REPORTED (by the Graduate Surveyor): 3 (a) That by combining the works for S0.08, S0.09 and S0.10 the overall cost for the building works could be reduced to £168000 (including lighting option 2, the lobby and proposed storage area); (b) That there were 3 possible options for lighting: (i) Option 1: Standard recessed LED lighting - £13342.69 (ii) Option 2: Part mood lighting (colour to front wall only) - £26336.61 (iii) Option 3: Full mood lighting (colours to 3no. walls) - £58433.73 REPORTED (by the Furniture and Equipment Officer): That the estimated cost for blinds would be £900-1000 for all three rooms. RESOLVED: (a) That the Graduate Surveyor inform the Group of the additional costs of employing a licensed contractor for the ceiling works; (b) That the Secretary confirm when the Student Recruitment event has been moved by the Central Timetabling Team; (c) That the Furniture and Equipment Officer investigate the cost of removing and laying carpet in the rooms; (d) That the Furniture and Equipment, Small Works and AV Services sections produce and submit revised costs to the Secretary as soon as possible and start the tendering process, updating the figures within 5 weeks; (e) That the Graduate Surveyor investigate whether the replacement heating option would allow independent temperature control in each room; (f) That the lobby be omitted from the planned works, except painting and fitting of a carpet, in order to reduce the overall estimated cost; (g) That the proposed storage cupboard between S0.09 and S0.10 be omitted from the planned works and be replaced by flexible furniture in this space, to be investigated by the Furniture and Equipment Officer; (h) That the second lighting option be approved, which would allow mood lighting at the front of the rooms. 34/11-12Ad Hoc Comments Regarding CTTRs (a) Grab Handles in CTTRs REPORTED (by the Furniture and Equipment Officer): That there had been a request from a colleague in Humanities for grab handles to be installed on the stairs in H0.51 and S0.21. RESOLVED: That the Furniture and Equipment Officer investigate the reasons behind the request and update the Group. 4 (b) Whiteboard Pens in CTTRs REPORTED (by Mr A Maddison): That currently whiteboard pens were not being correctly distributed to CTTRs as there appeared to be a misunderstanding over whose responsibility it was to distribute the pens. RESOLVED: That the Secretary draft guidelines for the Porters in relation to the distribution of whiteboard pens to CTTRs. (c) Replacement amp in L3 REPORTED (by the Lead Technical Specialist): That an amp had been replaced in L3, however this had been covered by the AV budget. 35/11-12Wireless Survey REPORTED (by the Lead Technical Specialist): That a wireless survey was to be carried out across campus assessing the impact of 4G frequencies. RESOLVED: That the Lead Technical Specialist update the Group on the outcome of the Wireless Survey report. 36/11-12Date of the Future Meetings REPORTED: That further meetings for 2011-12 had been confirmed as follows: Monday 12th March Monday 16th April Monday 21st May Monday 18th June GLT4 (Gibbet Hill) S2.81 A1.28 (Milburn House) B2.01 (Science Concourse) 10:00-12:00 10:00-12:00 10:00-12:00 10:00-12:00 5