Standing Group Responsible for the Maintenance and Refurbishment of
Centrally Timetabled Rooms
Notes from the meeting of the Group on Thursday 25 June 2015
Dr E Melia (Chair), Ms R Burdick, Ms L Holland (from item 112/14-15), Mr P Jones,
Mrs E Morrison, Mr J Owen, Mr H Rowles.
Mr J Buckingham, Mrs V Hill, Mr D Mace, Mr C Singleton.
That the minutes of the meeting held on 22 May 2015 be approved.
112/14-15 Minor Works in Humanities CTTRs (minute 101/14-15 referred)
REPORTED: (by the Service Owner (AV Services))
(a) That the expenditure on AV equipment for H0.58 and H0.60 would occur in the current financial year;
(b) That temporary AV had been installed in PLT for the open day and that the final replacements had now taken place noting that this included the new lectern;
(by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Officer (Ms R Burdick))
(c) That it would not be possible for the expenditure on tables for H0.58 and H0.60 to occur in the current financial year due to the high number of orders placed with the supplier noting that the tables could be ordered to arrive after the works in
H0.58 and H0.60 had taken place;
(by the Conferences Senior Duty Manager)
(d) That the works had been booked onto the conferences system for the week commencing 7 September 2015 for 2 weeks;
(by the Chair)
(e) That none of the works originally planned for the refurbishment of Humanities
CTTRs would take place noting that the Estates Senior Project Manager had informed her that there was no capacity for the works within the Estates department;
(f) That the Social Sciences Summer Moves were experiencing difficulties with
Estates capacity to carry out power and data modifications to offices.
That the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Officer (Ms R Burdick) would liaise with the Estates Project Manager regarding carpets in Humanities CTTRs.
Refurbishment of MS01 & MS02 (minute 102/14-15 referred)
REPORTED: (by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Officer (Ms R Burdick))
(a) That she had booked MS02 on the Saturday and Sunday prior to the original booking to allow the contractors to start works earlier if required;
(b) That she was meeting with the seating contractors to survey the room noting that the carpeting contractors would also attend to coordinate works with the seating contractors.
Discussion of Decommissioning CTTRs (minute 106/14-15 referred)
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(a) That the paper was a first draft and was not yet finished noting that she still needed to provide recommendations at the end of the paper;
(b) That the paper brought together details of CTTRs which had significant problems as teaching rooms which could not be resolved through refurbishment, CTTRs which had been requested for alternative purposes, capacities of rooms in the
New Teaching and Learning Building and details of what rooms were used for;
(c) That complaints were often received about tablet chairs in CTTRs;
(d) That the central timetable could not afford to lose two 100 capacity rooms;
(e) That the rooms retained by Central Timetabling and the rooms controlled by
Conferences during vacations was now split almost equally;
(by the Conferences Senior Duty Manager)
(f) That Conferences did not want to lose F107, F110, F111, Lib 1 or Lib 2 noting that Lib 1 was the lowest priority;
(by the Service Owner (AV Services))
(g) That the furniture in the 100 capacity room in the New Teaching and Learning
Building would not be permanently fixed noting that it could not be moved by the average user but could be professionally removed at certain points of the year;
(h) Lib 1 and Lib 2
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(i) That she had noted that the request to repurpose Lib 1 was made by the group rather than Student Careers and Skills because there was not currently a formal plan;
(ii) That Lib 1 and Lib 2 would both be available during summer 2016 noting that consideration should be given to reserving Lib 2 for AV refurbishment and that no rooms would be decommissioned until after the New Teaching and Learning Building was completed;
(by the Conferences Senior Duty Manager)
(iii) That a dual projection system should be installed in Lib 2 to improve the room;
(iv) That Lib 1 and Lib 2 were unavailable on the Conferences booking system from summer 2016;
(v) That Lib 2 could be reserved from 8 July until 18 July to allow AV refurbishment to take place;
(by the Service Owner (AV Services))
(vi) That it would be worth upgrading the AV in Lib 2 to improve the quality of the room noting that approximately a week would be required to replace the
AV in Lib 2;
(by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Manager)
(vii) That the furniture in Lib 2 was of a good standard and was replaced approximately 2 years ago;
(by the Assistant Registrar (Space Management and Timetabling))
(viii) That the repurposing of Lib 1 would provide benefit to the wider University community due to its central location.
(i) H3.57 and H3.58
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(i) That fewer complaints had been received recently regarding H3.57 and
H3.58 noting that the complaints were generally from staff in the nearby offices because of overcrowding and noise in the corridor;
(ii) That H3.57 and H3.58 had no natural light and that she could not think of a suitable alternative use for the rooms;
(by the Conferences Senior Duty Manager)
(iii) That H3.57 and H3.58 were not particularly useful rooms for Conferences;
(by the Assistant Registrar (Space Management and Timetabling))
(iv) That the Centre for Renaissance Studies had recently submitted a request for additional space and that they were located near the area of H3.57 and
(j) H2.45 and H3.45
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(i) That H2.45 and H3.45 were trapezium shaped rooms and were therefore difficult to utilise for teaching and were not used effectively;
(ii) That H2.45 and H3.45 could be used as PGR space or academic offices noting that they would be large offices and this may not be an efficient use of space;
(by the Conferences Senior Duty Manager)
(iii) That tables were often removed from H3.44, during Conference periods, to be used in H3.45.
(k) S0.50 and S0.52
REPORTED: (by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Officer (Ms R
(i) That the issue of S0.50 and S0.52 being difficult to find could be resolved by the project to improve signage across the University;
(ii) That the tablet chairs in S0.50 and S0.52 had been used to allow a capacity of 20 noting that the capacity could be lowered which should allow tables to be installed;
(iii) That she had noticed that several tablet chairs from S0.50 and S0.52 were being used in offices belonging to the School of Law;
(by the Chair)
(iv) That the condition of S0.50 and S0.52 was good but that the rooms were located at the end of a corridor and were furnished with tablet chairs noting that the capacity had been set due to demands on the timetable;
(v) That the rooms were too large to be knocked together noting that this would create another room similar to C1.11/15 or E0.23 which were already suboptimal for teaching.
(l) A0.26, A1.25 and A1.28
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(i) That A0.26, A1.25 and A1.28 were not suitable as CTTRs because of the function of the rooms and were not well used by Film and TV Studies;
(ii) That A0.26 and A1.25 had been converted to hybrids to try and improve usage noting that Film and TV Studies would not allow the furniture to be changed and that only departments based in Millburn House wanted to use the rooms;
(iii) That the space would not be better utilised by IATL because they generally had one off bookings for teaching rather than regular bookings;
(by the Conferences Senior Duty Manager)
(iv) That Film and TV Studies sometimes hired chairs from Conferences but that he was not aware what they were used for;
(by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Manager)
(v) That the furniture in A0.26, A1.25 and A1.28 was not furniture which could be easily modified to accommodate a writing surface;
(m) PS1.28
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(i) That Lib 1 and PS1.28 could not both be decommissioned;
(ii) That Physics wanted to use PS1.28 as a large PGR workroom noting that they currently only had small offices so this would not provide a suitable replacement for the teaching room;
(iii) That the Group had always been cautious about doing works to PS1.28 because of the pressure from Physics to be allocated the room;
(iv) That there was only one 80 capacity room in the New Teaching Learning
Building noting that Lib 1 was probably more of an issue than PS1.28 and had fewer options for improvement;
(by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Officer (Ms R Burdick))
(v) That high tables could be used at the back of PS1.28, similar to those in
Ramphal, to overcome the issue of the flat floor;
(by the Conferences Senior Duty Manager)
(vi) That one of the problems with PS1.28 was the large number of doors into the room;
(vii) That PS1.28 was never used by Conferences noting that this meant it was never set up properly and no appropriate furniture layout was followed;
(by the Service Owner (AV Services))
(viii) That the location of PS1.28 was the biggest issue affecting the room;
(ix) That PS1.28 would benefit from the installation of dual projection facilities noting that no works had been carried out for about 10 years and that AV would cost approximately £50k to £60k;
(by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Manager)
(x) That no furniture improvements had been made to PS1.28 for about 10 years;
(xi) That the flat floor in PS1.28 presented a problem because of the large size of the room.
(n) R3.25
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(i) That as part of the Social Sciences moves over the summer R3.25 would become a full CTTR and would no longer be shared with Sociology;
(ii) That Liberal Arts and Global Sustainable Development would be moving into Ramphal and that they had requested an open plan space to use as a common space and meeting room noting that in 16/17 they would have approximately 90 students;
(by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Officer (Ms R Burdick))
(iii) That R3.25 was a nice room and in a good location noting that it would benefit from one of the two doors being blocked off;
(by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Manager)
(iv) That she could use R3.25 to temporarily store crates during the Social
Sciences Summer Moves process;
(by the Assistant Registrar (Space Management and Timetabling))
(v) That there was nothing tabled into R3.25 over the summer noting that it would be used by WBS until they moved into the main Business School building.
(o) E0.23
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(i) That E0.23 was becoming a CTTR with 20 capacity as part of the Social
Sciences Summer Moves noting that this was a replacement for
C1.11/13/15 as it was in a better location;
(ii) That Politics and International Studies and Sociology would have no room for expansion within D & E block and that this could put pressure on E0.23 to be repurposed;
(by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Manager)
(iii) That the plans she had received from Politics and International Studies regarding furniture requirements did not match their current allocation noting that extra furniture was needed for their plans;
(by the Assistant Registrar (Space Management and Timetabling))
(iv) That as part of the Social Sciences Summer Moves E0.23 would be undergoing works to block off the extra doors.
(p) F107, F110 and F111
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(i) That F107, F110 and F111 had been discussed at CSAG as part of the case for the Engineering Undergraduate Teaching Lab project noting that £5 million had been allocated from the Capital Plan for the project;
(ii) That there were no direct replacements in the New Teaching and Learning
Building for F110 and F111 because they were 65 capacity rooms rather than 60;
(iii) That F107, F110 and F111 were important rooms for both teaching and for exams noting that F107 had a capacity of 75 and F110 and F111 40 for exams.
(q) B201
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(i) That B201 was a recent request from the Faculty of Science because they did not currently have a shared admin space noting that this location had been chosen as it was prominent and neutrally located between the departments;
(by the Conferences Senior Duty Manager)
(ii) That B201 was not a good location because it would be too noisy noting that
A206A would be a better location which was currently used by Engineering as a teaching room;
(by the Service Owner (AV Services))
(iii) That students often conducted performance rehearsals on the Science
Concourse which would generate a lot of noise outside B201;
(by the Assistant Registrar (Space Management and Timetabling))
(iv) That Engineering planned to combine A206A with the adjacent room to construct a 160 capacity teaching laboratory.
(r) R2.41 and R3.41
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(i) That R2.41 and R3.41 may be required as open plan space by Global
Sustainable Development and CUSP CDT when they moved into Ramphal;
(by the Conferences Senior Duty Manager)
(ii) That Conferences had invested considerably in the design of Ramphal to allow enough break out space for the 400 capacity lecture theatre noting that if R2.41 and R3.41 were lost there would no longer be enough capacity and bookings would be lost;
(s) Westwood
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(i) That Westwood could be considered as part of the decommissioning process but that given the distance from the New Teaching and Learning
Building it could not be viewed as a replacement;
(ii) That the Centre for Professional Education wanted to create a mock classroom for their teaching and that WE0.01 could be used for this purpose;
(by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Manager)
(iii) That WE0.01 would be better used as a computer suite or performance space and that WCE0.12 was also a poor teaching space.
(t) H1.48
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(i) That she had originally included H1.48 in the paper because of the emergency exit which was located in this room but that she had not received any complaints about it recently and that Psychology had not made any recent bids for the room;
(by the Conferences Senior Duty Manager)
(ii) That Conferences didn’t often use H1.48 because of its location but that it was a good sized room.
(u) Gibbet Hill
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(i) That interviews were taking place to appoint architects for the Gibbet Hill
Master Planning process noting that she was nervous about making any decisions regarding space on Gibbet Hill until after the report was completed in November;
(ii) That she had previously investigated the cost of improving GLT1 and that
Estates had estimated it would cost £750k to improve the ventilation noting that the Group could not afford this expenditure and it would need to be part of a separate Capital Project;
(by the Conferences Senior Duty Manager)
(iii) That GLT3 was not well looked after noting that it may be a good room to trial new teaching methods;
(by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Manager)
(iv) That GLT3 was an unattractive room although it was a large space.
A paper detailing the case for decommissioning CTTRs as set out in paper
(a) That the Chair would add an additional column to the final table in the paper which detailed any issues with the rooms for Conferences and Exams and would circulate the amended paper to the Group before it was presented to CSAG;
(b) That the Conferences Senior Duty Manager would book Lib 2 from 1 August until
16 August in preparation for AV refurbishment;
(c) That the Chair would circulate the decisions made by CSAG regarding the decommissioning of CTTRs to the Group;
(d) That the Chair would investigate the bookings in F110 and F111 to determine capacity requirements for the rooms.
Future Plans for CTTR Refurbishment (minute 107/14-15 referred)
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(a) That she had not arranged a meeting with the Librarian and the Academic
Registrar because she was waiting for guidance from the Pro-Vice Chancellor
(Academic Planning and Resources) noting that the meeting was not urgent;
(by the Service Owner (AV Services)
(b) That he believed S1.66 would be a good choice as a pilot for new furniture;
(a) That the Chair, the Service Owner (AV Services) and the Interior Design,
Furniture and Equipment Manager would meet later in the summer to discuss ideas regarding Lib 1;
(b) That the Service Owner (AV Services) would coordinate the furniture trial in
Electrical works in PLT, Physics
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
That the Chair had taken action on behalf of the Group to approve spend of £2,548 including VAT from the Refurb Group budget on electrical works as part of the refurbishment of PLT.
Asbestos testing and removal works in PLT, Physics
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(a) That the Chair had taken action on behalf of the Group to approve spend of £450 plus VAT from the Refurb Group budget on asbestos testing and removal works as part of the refurbishment of PLT;
(b) That there had been issues getting the joinery contractor onto the finance system and as a result the Estates Project Manager had requested the building contractor to employ the joiners noting that this meant the building contractors had charged an additional percentage for project management.
New tables for H0.58 & H0.60, Humanities and S0.17 & S0.28, Social Sciences
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(a) That the Chair had taken action on behalf of the Group to approve spend of
£13,006.50 plus VAT from the Refurb Group budget on new tables as part of the refurbishment of H0.58, H0.60, S0.17 and S0.28;
(b) That E0.23 furniture would be covered by the Social Sciences Moves budget and this had been agreed by FPSC.
2014-15 Refurb Group Budget
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(a) That there were items on the budget where it was unclear whether the expenditure would occur in the current financial year noting that it would be better to slightly overspend;
(by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Officer (Ms R Burdick))
(b) That all the spend for the furniture for H0.58, H0.60, S0.17 and S0.28 would occur in the next financial year noting that it would be easier to replace the furniture and carpet concurrently.
A summary of the current budget position for the present academic year as set out in paper CTTR.2/14-15(revised7).
120/14-15 2015-16 Refurb Group Budget
REPORTED: (by the Chair)
(a) That the Group had committed to expenditure on MS01 and PLT in the next financial year noting that this left approximately £170k which would not be enough for any large projects;
(b) That ideally some of the small Social Sciences North and South ground floor rooms should be refurbished next summer noting that S0.20 and S0.21 may be too large and the Group may not be able to afford to refurbish these rooms next year;
(c) That the works budget for rooms in Humanities had originally been £90k but that this had included H0.58 and H0.60;
(d) That it would be better for the works to take place over the summer rather than
Term 3 because this would span the financial year noting that the group needed to ensure there was enough budget for essential purchases and refurbishment;
(by the Assistant Registrar (Space Management and Timetabling))
(e) That the group had planned to refurbish rooms in Humanities in the current financial year but that these works would now need to be considered for the next year;
(f) That there were no exams held near S0.11 and S0.13 and that no structural works would be needed to refurbish them which would reduce noise impact;
(by the Conferences Senior Duty Manager)
(g) That ideally Conferences would want S0.20 and S0.21 to be refurbished noting that S0.11 and S0.13 would be the next option;
(h) That the rooms could potentially be refurbished in Term 3 rather than during the
Conference period;
(by the Service Owner (AV Services))
(i) That the ceiling and electrics in S0.11 and S0.13 would require refurbishment.
A summary of the planned expenditure for the next academic year as set out in paper
(a) That the Conferences Senior Duty Manager would look for a suitable slot to refurbish S0.11 and S0.13 in summer 2016;
(b) That the Chair would speak with the Estates Chief Finance Officer to confirm the
Group’s budget position.
Arts Centre Cinema Seating Refurbishment
REPORTED: (by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Manager)
(a) That she had gone out to tender to understand the different cost implications of refurbishing the seating in the Cinema noting that there were three options which were to replace 226 slip covers at £13,237.80, to replace all the seating at
£35,891.55 or to replace the slip covers and foam pads at £15,471.50;
(b) That she believed the £15k option presented the best value as it would cost £13k just to replace the slip covers and the £15k option offered significant improvements over this;
(c) That if the £15k option was chosen the only work which would be required in the foreseeable future would be to replace slip covers noting that she could order 10 spares for each element at a cost of around £800;
(d) That the slip covers could be replaced ad hoc but that because of changes made by the manufacturer there were currently three different fabrics being used in the
Cinema noting that this detracted from the appearance of the Cinema;
(e) That potentially all the slip covers and seats could be manufactured this financial year and that the fitting would take place in the next financial year noting that the
Arts Centre Director of Planning and Operations had indicated August would be suitable;
(by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Officer (Ms R Burdick))
(f) That the seats in the Cinema were very uncomfortable and needing replacing;
(by the Chair)
(g) That the Group had agreed to maintain the Cinema while it was in use as a
(a) That the £15k option should be used to refurbish the seating in the Cinema;
(b) That the Service Owner (AV Services) would await a decision on refurbishment of the Arts Centre Cinema before identifying additional expenditure to balance the cost of the furniture for H0.58, H0.60, S0.17 and S0.28.
Remedial Works to L3, L4 and L5, Science Concourse
REPORTED: (by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Officer (Ms R Burdick))
(a) That she had visited L3, L4 and L5 recently and identified several issues which needed addressing noting that these included broken seats, staining on carpets, missing risers and broken nosings;
(by the Chair)
(b) That when the expenditure on L3, L4 and L5 occurred would depend on the decision regarding the Arts Centre Cinema.
That the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Officer (Ms R Burdick) would get the carpeting and seating contractors to look at the work required in L3, L4 and L5.
123/14-15 Dates of the Future Meetings
That the next meeting of the Group was on Wednesday 29 July 2015.