UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK Standing Group Responsible for the Maintenance and Refurbishment of Centrally Timetabled Rooms Notes from the meeting of the Group on Monday 26 January 2015 Present: Dr E Melia (Chair), Mr J Buckingham, Ms R Burdick, Mrs V Hill, Ms L Holland, Mrs E Morrison, Mr J Owen, Mr P Jones, Mr H Rowles. Apologies: Mr D Mace, Mr C Singleton. 34/14-15 Minutes RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 19 November 2014 be approved. 35/14-15 Induction Loop Problems in Ramphal Lecture Theatre (minute 27 (c)/14-15 referred) REPORTED: (by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Officer (Ms R Burdick)) That the carpet in R0.21 had been replaced in 2007 and would therefore be due for replacement in 2017. 36/14-15 Plans for AV refurbishment of CTTRs in 2014-2015 (minute 27(e)/14-15 referred) REPORTED: (by the Chair) (a) That an additional £200k had been allocated from CIF2 funds to support AV replacement noting that as part of the AV upgrades S0.11, S0.13, S0.18, S0.19 and S0.20 would have entire AV and PA upgrades installed; (b) That unallocated funds in the Refurb Group Budget could be used to further improve AV in CTTRs; (by the Service Owner (AV Services)) (c) That the majority of the equipment funded by the CIF2 allocation had been purchased noting that 40 seminar rooms would receive new projectors and 5 rooms would receive full AV replacements; (d) That 10 projector replacements had already been installed and the remainder would be completed by the end of Term 2; (e) That Lecture Capture would be installed in 20 CTTRs, noting that 10 rooms would be funded through the CIF2 allocation and ITS would match the funding allowing an additional 10 rooms to be upgraded. 37/14-15 2014-15 Refurb Group Budget (minutes 30(a-b)/14-15 referred) REPORTED: (a) That the Estates Project Manager had confirmed that the final amount of the construction contract was £114,527.23 plus VAT; (by the Space Management Assistant) (b) That the cost of the new visualiser for PS1.28 had now been confirmed and assigned to the Refurb Group budget; 1 (c) That the A0.23 budget had been confirmed and she was waiting for it to be updated on SAP. 38/14-15 New Teaching and Learning Building (minutes 31/14-15 referred) REPORTED: (by the Chair) (a) That student bookings for Lib 1 and Lib 2 were mostly for drama and dance activities and that the large flat floor rooms in the New Teaching and Learning Building (NTLB) may not be suitable for some of these activities; (b) That decommissioning of CTTRs had not yet been agreed but that it was likely to be Autumn Term in 2016 when the NTLB was completed; (c) That further consideration would need to be given to the decommissioning of PS1.28, Lib 1, Lib 2 and F107 as the number of new teaching rooms in the NTLB originally planned had been reduced; (d) That Lib 1 was very likely to be decommissioned. RESOLVED: (a) That the Chair would circulate information about the 2014/15 bookings in Lib 1 and Lib 2. 39/14-15 Replacement chairs for H3.05, Humanities REPORTED: (i) That the Chair had taken action on behalf of the Group to approve spend of £1,132 plus VAT from the Refurb Group budget on replacement chairs for H3.05; (by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Officer (Ms R Burdick)) (ii) 40/14-15 That the chairs had been delivered but there were some old chairs waiting to be removed. Chalk for use in various CTTR rooms REPORTED: That the Chair had taken action on behalf of the Group to approve spend of £99 plus VAT from the Refurb Group budget on white chalk for use in various CTTRs. 41/14-15 Replacement screen for R1.04, Ramphal REPORTED: (i) That the Chair had taken action on behalf of the Group to approve spend of £1,236 including VAT from the Refurb Group budget on a replacement screen for R1.04; (by the Service Owner (AV Services) (ii) That the screen had been installed. 2 42/14-15 Replacement blinds for H0.44, Humanities (Minute 29(d)/14-15 refers) REPORTED: That the Chair had taken action on behalf of the Group to approve a revised spend of £275 plus VAT, which supersedes the original amount of £495 plus VAT, from the Refurb Group budget on replacement blinds for H0.44. RESOLVED: That the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Officer (Ms R Burdick) would confirm that the work had been completed. 43/14-15 Repair to faulty blind in R1.13, Ramphal REPORTED: That the Chair had taken action on behalf of the Group to approve spend of £115 plus VAT from the Refurb Group budget on repairing a faulty blind in R1.13. RESOLVED: That the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Manager would confirm the work had been completed. 44/14-15 Update on CTTR Refurbishment Plans REPORTED: (by the Chair) (a) That she met with the Service Owner (AV Services), the Estates Project Manager, the Estates Design Engineer (Mr R Chapman) and the Estates Design Engineer (Mr J Beck) to discuss plans for refurbishing PLT; (b) That the refurbishment of PLT would be a 2 phase process: (i) Phase 1 was scheduled for summer 2015 and would cover new AV, the teaching wall, recovering of seats and new; (ii) Phase 2 would be a 16 week programme to replace M&E which could not be completed in 2015 due to existing bookings, which created the requirement for a two-phase refurbishment; (c) That phase 1 was scheduled to begin on 23 May 2015 and completion was planned for the end of July 2015; (d) That because the full refurbishment of PLT would not take place this year there was additional 2014/15 budget available to invest in other CTTRs; (e) That Zeeman Building suite of CTTRs should remain a showcase and refurbishment plans should seek to maintain these rooms to a high standard as well as address issues in other rooms; (f) That a user focus group had been arranged for PLT and would include representatives from the main users noting that these were Physics, Chemistry and Engineering; (g) That they would discuss AV options and providing power sockets for students noting that this was not cost effective for every seat; 3 (h) That she was discussing whether there were any adjustments which could be made to improve accessibility with the Disability Co-ordinator; (i) That PLT had to be in operation for the start of the term due to demands on the timetable and large capacity rooms; (by the Estates Project Manager) (j) That the full refurbishment cost of PLT was approximately £420k noting that phase 1 would cost approximately £180k; (k) That phase 2 would involve dropping the ceiling and removing mechanical equipment noting that furniture would be fully protected during the works; (by the Conferences Senior Duty Manager) (l) That there were many rooms which would benefit from furniture replacement, in particular S0.17 and S0.28 needed new chairs and rooms in Humanities needed tables; (by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Manager) (m) That tables could not be replaced in some rooms without reducing the capacity; (n) That it would be a significant amount of work to replace the carpets in MS01 and MS02 as the chairs would need to be removed; (by the Assistant Registrar (Space Management & Timetabling) (o) That E0.23, Social Sciences D & E would be reclassified as a CTTR over the summer and would need to be checked to ensure it was up to standard; (by the Service Owner (AV Services) (p) That the AV could be replaced in S0.17 and S0.28; (q) That power should be provided for every row but wasn’t necessary for every seat. RESOLVED: (a) That the Chair would arrange a time to meet with the Conferences Senior Duty Manager to discuss the refurbishment of PLT; (b) That the group would compile a list of rooms which required refurbishment before the next meeting. 45/14-15 2014-15 Refurb Group Budget REPORTED: (by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Manager) That as long as orders contained the furniture code they would still come to her for approval. CONSIDERED: A summary of the current budget position for the present academic year, as set out in paper CTTR.2/14-15(revised2). 4 RESOLVED: That the current budget position for the present academic year, as set out in paper CTTR.2/14-15(revised2) be noted. 46/14-15 Seating Modifications in H0.51/H0.52 REPORTED: (by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Manager) That the Open University booking would be taking place and she had received quotes for the modification of the back row of seating. RESOLVED: That the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Manager and the Conferences Senior Duty Manager would arrange a suitable date for the works to be carried out. 47/14-15 CTTR Capacities REPORTED: (by the Chair) (a) That the CTTR capacities in Humanities will need to be considered; (b) That seminar group sizes & student numbers had been increasing and that there had been changes in the way people wanted to teach; (c) That the 10-15 capacity rooms in the New Teaching & Learning Building had been sacrificed for the 25-60 capacity rooms; (d) That some academic departments generally had small group numbers so the timetabling of the New Teaching & Learning Building would have to be carefully considered so all main campus departments would benefit; (by the Conferences Senior Duty Manager) (e) That the capacities of H0.58 and H0.61 were too high for the size of the rooms. RESOLVED: That the Chair would meet with the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning) to determine the future strategy for teaching and how this would affect teaching spaces. 48/14-15 CTTRs on Westwood Campus REPORTED: (by the Chair) (a) That the WCE rooms in the Centre for Lifelong Learning were very poor and were used extensively in the evening for teaching; (by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Manager) (b) That due to the windows in rooms WCE009 and WCE010 there was little which could be done to improve their appearance noting that the furniture and carpets had been replaced 3 years ago; (by the Assistant Registrar (Space Management & Timetabling) (c) That the Centre for Education Studies would be moving to central campus noting that some of their teaching would remain on Westwood campus as there was not enough capacity on central campus; 5 (d) That the Centre for Professional Education would remain on Westwood campus; 49/14-15 Future CTTR Refurbishment Plans REPORTED: (by the Chair) (a) That the group needed to begin considering refurbishment plans for 15/16 noting that GLT1 and GLT2 may be suitable due to the amount of work taking place on central campus; (by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Manager) (b) That the furniture in GLT1 & GLT2 was generally in acceptable condition noting that to make improvements it would need to be replaced; (c) That she often received queries from the departments at the start of the academic year to see if extra furniture could be provided for GLT1 and GLT2; (by the Estates Project Manager) (d) That the cost would likely be similar to refurbishing PLT; (by the Assistant Registrar (Space Management & Timetabling) (e) That GLT1 and GLT2 were often not used at full capacity; RESOLVED: That the Chair would discuss with departments how GLT1 and GLT2 would be used over the summer. 50/14-15 Staffing in New Teaching & Learning Building REPORTED: (by the Chair) (a) That as there would be no department based in the building a post would need to be created to manage the building noting that they would need to be in post by summer 2016; (b) That a role would be created to strategically manage the building noting that they would need to work closely with AV Services, the Library and Estates; (c) That she had looked at models used by other universities; (d) That the post holder would need a concierge function to their role to showcase facilities to VIPs but also to deal with students; (e) That longer term the role could take a wider remit and focus on strategically managing CTTRs across campus; (by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment Manager) (f) That the portering service was currently under review; (by the Conferences Senior Duty Manager) (g) That ideally there should be 1 person in charge and a further 3 members of staff to ensure that someone was always available; 6 (by the Service Owner (AV Services) (h) That the room steward model used in Ramphal should be considered. RESOLVED: That the Conferences Senior Duty Manager would provide the Chair with the Conference Assistant job description for information. 51/14-15 Summer Moves REPORTED: (by the Assistant Registrar (Space Management & Timetabling) (a) That the summer moves would take place in two phases: 52/14-15 (i) That phase 1 would take place in late June/ early July when the Annual Accommodation Round process was finalised noting that this would be a small number; (ii) That phase 2 would be the Social Science moves during August and September noting that these would be large moves and the specifics were not yet finalised. Dates of the Future Meetings RESOLVED: That the next meeting of the Group was on Wednesday 25 February 2015 7