Incident Finance Transition Checklist: – NRCG Supplement C80 Incident Finance Transition Checklist

Incident Finance Transition Checklist – NRCG Supplement C80
Incident Finance Transition Checklist:
1.) From Host Unit Organization to Incoming IMT
If using e-ISuite SITE:
 BEFORE you run a backup of the database with your incident – add the IMT’s CTSP
(Computer Technical Specialist), with the Account Manager Role assigned, and their
Password for logging in to the Site DB.
 Backup the e-ISuite database with the incident(s) being delegated to the IMT.
 Copy the backup file onto a CD or flash drive & be sure to include:
o The Database name and Database Password
o The name and password you assigned to the CTSP with the Account Manager role.
 Give the e-ISuite DB to the incoming IMT CTSP or the FSC (Finance Section Chief)
If using e-ISuite ENTERPRISE: (create Transition file from Enterprise)
 Make sure to add the IMT CTSP or FSC and ensure 1st that they have NAP Data Steward
Privileges assigned.
o Go to Edit Incident, User Access List, and Add User.
 Create the Enterprise Transition file; assign a Transition File Name & PW.
 If the IMT does not have internet access; after the Enterprise Transition file is created,
COPY it and put it on a CD or Flash Drive to give to the IMT.
Finance Package Transition:
 Start an incident file (following Legacy File Format) and turn it over with all incident records
to the incoming IMT so the package can be kept together until it is turned back to the Host
Unit at the end of the incident.
o See Incident file structure at the NWCG website. This site has file labels ready to
print and explains what should be kept and how it should be organized. All
Incident Agencies are required to follow this direction.
o (select: Tool Box/Records Management/Incident Records)
2.) Transitions between IMT’s on an Incident
E-ISuite Transition: (make sure your electronic files ONLY include the current assigned incidents!)
 When transferring e-ISuite between IMT’s (if the incident has FS Accruals) you should also
copy and transfer 2-3 days worth of Financial Accrual files, as these files are sometime
corrupt when uploaded & ASC may ask you to re-load after the previous team has left –
these files are not part of the e-ISuite backup file.
 All electronic files (Excel, Word, & PDF) that support financial functions, logic, and or
decisions; should also be transferred in addition to the e-ISuite data, including ASC
transmittal documents and/or logs. (Support Cost Logic, Cost Shares, etc…)
 Confirm that the e-ISuite information has been transferred and that the incoming team has:
TRANSITION file Name & Password; or DATABASE Name & Password; and that the
incoming CTSP has been added with a valid NAP Data Stewart role.
Finance Package Transition:
 Keep the incident package together (even if multiple IMT transitions) until the end of the
incident; then the entire package should be turned over to the host Agency Administrative
 IF there are payment packages ready to mail (for demobed equipment &/or partial
payments), make sure they get sent (ONLY AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN AUDITED!).
 Provide documentation for any medical or other issues that need daylighting to the
Incident Agency Administrator.
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Incident Finance Transition Checklist – NRCG Supplement C80
Identify the actual physical location of all documentation regarding these issues
before the outgoing team leaves.
o Confirm that witness or other statements from the outgoing IMT are in place before
they leave.
 Get contact phone numbers for the outgoing IMT members – especially the Finance
Section Chief and Logistics Section Chief as these will be key contacts if any questions
arise after the IMT demobs.
 Ensure that all copies of payment transmission logs are clearly identified in the Finance
records. It is important to keep EACH transmission package number unique to maintain
the integrity of payment tracking by agency payment centers.
3.) Transitions from the final IMT back to the Host Unit
E-ISuite Transition:
 The last backup e-ISuite Database file should be loaded onto a CD or flash drive & given
to the host agency financial rep at the closeout.
o Be sure to include the DB Name and PW along with the Host Agency user
assigned the Account Manager role along with their assigned login password.
 On the Data Transfer page in Site, Create the Transition File & PW. Give the Data Transfer
Name & PW to the Incident Host Agency finance rep.
 All electronic records form the outgoing IMT’s server. In addition to e-ISuite, get any other
electronic finance files including, but not limited to:
o Buying Team spreadsheets
o Back up spreadsheets used by COST for “support cost estimates”
o Saved pdf documents of accrual or cost share reports
o Transition reports
o Anything else related to finance records that may have been saved electronically
Finance Package Transition:
 All finance information should be turned over to the Host Agency in the proper Legacy format
(see NWCG website for complete instructions).
 Ask about any outstanding claims issues and make sure you know where the physical records
are in the package.
o Advise the Agency Administrator of any other known, unresolved, finance issues.
 Ask about any outstanding medical issues and make sure you know where the M-Logs are in
the package.
 Make sure you know the physical location of any vendor invoices that still need to be
completed, posted, and closed out. Pay particular attention to Rental Vehicles. (The IMT is
responsible for closing out all un-operated equipment payments if equipment was demobed
prior to IMT’s travel home date.)
 Ask the status of payment packages:
o Get the Master copy of the Payments Transmission Log (if one is used by your
agency) (Required for Forest Service-ASC Payments)
o Are there packages that need to be audited and sent?
o Are there packages ready to mail to the payment center for the Host Agency – that
have already been AUDITED?
 Have a secure location ready for your incident Finance Files which are usually kept for 3 years
by the Host Agency.
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Incident Finance Transition Checklist – NRCG Supplement C80
e-ISuite Transition Document
>>e-ISuite Version:_________________
Site Database Name: _________________ & PW: ____________________
Transition File Name: __________________ & PW:________________
(Account Manager Role)
User Name: ad.
*Event Type:________ Incident Name:____________________________
Incident Number:____-____-______ Start Date:____________________
Incident Jurisdiction:_____________________ (State or Specific Federal Agency)
((Default *Accounting Code:________________ & Agency :__________________))
*(If Event Type = WF, AND Accounting Code Agency = FED, then Accounting code is restricted to = 4 digit FIRECODE)
USFS Accrual Code:___________ FS Region/Unit Overide Code:__ __ __ __
Transferred FROM: Name & Contact Info
Was Financial (Accrual) data uploaded daily:  YES
Transferred TO: Name & Contact Info.
 No
 N/A for this Incident
Has SITE DB been transferred to ENTERPRISE?  YES ~ If  NO – Who has physical
ownership of the SITE DB backup file?__________________________________
IF ENTERPRISE: MUST have NAP User with Data Steward Role assigned!!
User Name:____________________ Unit:____________Contact #_____________
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