PNWCG STEERING COMMITTEE In Attendance: Meeting Notes January 19, 2000

Meeting Notes
January 19, 2000
In Attendance:
Barbara Kennedy, SORO
Mark Forbes, NPS
John Viada, WDNR
Pam Ensley, FWS
Cory Winnie, BIA
Laurie Perrett, BLM/USFS
David Del Sordo, NPS
Roy Montgomery, Retired BLM/USFS
Mike Edrington, SORO
Ginny Vinson, USFS (Guest)
Don Matlick, ODF (Acting Lanny Q.)
Bob Panuccio, OFM (Guest)
Dan Torrence, RAC (Guest)
Introduction – Barbara Kennedy
The meeting began at 0945 with introductions of new members and guests. Barbara
Kennedy circulated a copy of the PNWCG Working Guidelines and suggested that the chair
should alternate with a Federal, State and Local agency employee every other year. This
year’s committee chairperson is Lanny Quackenbush with Pam Ensley as the vice
chairperson. The rotation schedule will need to be created, reviewed and agreed upon by the
Integration of WA Incident Management Teams Update – John Viada
A meeting was held with representatives from various agencies and the Incident
Commanders from all the Geographic Teams. They decided to integrate to seven Teams and
make them all equal. The IC’s/Teams want to have a management group for direction; there
is a need for federal representation on the group.
The teams will not be present this year because of the need to fill vacant positions if possible.
Mike E. suggested that Oregon should propose to use the same procedures and processes
as Washington is using for continuity.
Laurie suggested that the IOS Working Team still needs to figure out what the connection is
to the PNWCG Committee and how it fits together.
PNWCG Steering Committee
January 19, 2000
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GIS Working Team Proposal – David Del Sordo
A short presentation was given by David Del Sordo (US Park Service - Pacific West Region,
Fire GIS Specialist).
The purpose is to introduce GIS and how it has become integrated into Fire Operations and a
way of introducing the proposal for a GIS Working Team within PNWCG. The two main
objectives of the proposal is to discuss the three important applications of GIS to support Fire
Management, and also to discuss fire GIS coordination at the Geographic Area level.
The committee decision for the proposal will be made at the next business meeting.
Oregon State Fire Marshal Life Safety 2000 Plan – Bob Panuccio
Bob shared with the committee a background history of “Amercian Burning” and brought forth
some of his ideas, questions and concepts of revisiting and revising it. Since Feb. 1998
when this project took off, Life Safety 2000 Plan came into place.
Goals and Initiatives of Life Safety 2000:
Change society and institutional attitudes to increase personal repsonsiblities towards
fire safety.
Promote the installation and maintenance of built in protection systems in buildings
and in residences.
Organize and coordinate statewide fire prevention education efforts.
Enhance the level of fire service organization and development planning.
How is PNWCG involved? A recommendation was made that they take the lead in surveying
fire departments and wildland agencies to see what programs they are utilizing, to compare
wildlife prevention efforts, coordinate efforts and avoid duplication.
Committee decision is to task this to the Prevention Working Team to support, follow up and
take the lead.
Volunteer Assistance – Roy Montgomery
Tie with the pilot efforts – Interagency Planning with Washington and Oregon. Tie with fire
districts – The Interface that involves the working teams and the fire districts.
A suggestion was made that Roy should work with Bob Anderson and Earl Cordes or the
Operations Working Team to help resolve some of the issues and barriers.
PNWCG Steering Committee
January 19, 2000
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Volunteer Assistance continued
The committees decisions were that Roy will work directly with the Operations Working Team
Chair (Joe Stulter). Roy will put together a work plan and Barbara will contact Bob and Earl
regarding Roy’s volunteer assistance and availability.
Dispatch Working Team Proposal & Introduce NWC Fire Weather Forecaster – Gerry
Gerry introduced Paul Werth – NWC Fire Weather Forecaster to the committee.
Gerry provided and discussed a letter wrote by the Dispatch Working Team to the committee.
The Dispatch Working Team proposes that they become their own working team under the
The committee decided that they should be a sub-committee under the Operations Working
Team. They shall be called the “Dispatcher’s Task Group.”
Mike will meet with the Ops. Working team and get their approval.
Redmond Air Center Program – Dan Torrence
Dan provided the committee members a copy of the Redmond Air Center 1999
Accomplishment Report and discussed the overview of each section’s accomplishments and
goals for 2000.
Interagency Contract Working Team Representatives from NPS & FWS – Mark Forbes
and Pam Ensley
Mark and Pam will find a representative from their agency.
Revisit Meeting Location – Mark Forbes
Marshall House vs. NWC for the next meeting location.
Marshall House was elected.
Status of National IC Selection
Four applicants are qualified. A suggestion is have an evaluation criteria that would consider
technical and leadership capabilities and a political background to deal with issues.
PNWCG Steering Committee
January 19, 2000
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Wildfire Conference Request – Laurie Perret
A letter from N.A.F.T. (formerly Tri-County Fire Training Group) was given to the committee
suggesting for a reinstatement of the annual wildfire conference. Mike E. volunteered that he
would give the letter to Roy M. to find out if there is a true need, then have Lanny respond
back to N.A.F.T. with an answer.
ODF Protection from Fire Program Re-organization – Don Matlick
Don illustrated to the committee a brief overview of the program’s organization changes. A
copy of the Organizational Chart is available upon request.
Agenda Items for Future Meetings
The February 17th meeting will be at the Marshall House.
Agenda items suggested for future meetings will include:
February: Review of Strategic Plan
March: Clarification of new R & R policy for the Northwest. Group needs to discuss/clarify
how the 14-day rule will be implemented (proposed by Terry Hueth)
March: Presentation of PNWCG Steering Committee on work order related to fire
May or April: Managers meeting
Meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.