Gerry Day, NWC (Guest) Lanny Quackenbush, ODF Pam Ensley, USFWS

Meeting Notes
August 23, 2000
In Attendance:
Gerry Day, NWC (Guest)
Pam Ensley, USFWS
Terry Hueth, BLM/USFS
Barbara Kennedy, SORO
Pat Kidder (for Laurie Perrett)
Lanny Quackenbush, ODF
Charlie Stone, ODF (Guest)
Ken Till, Nat’l Parks (for Mark Forbes)
John Viada, WDNR
Mike Fitzpatrick
Scott Weishaar
The meeting began at 9:30 a.m. The day’s agenda was reviewed and items added. The day’s
agenda included a MAC discussion.
MAC Conference Call – All
A conference call was placed to Ron Dunton of Boise MAC for an update from national MAC on
the national and regional situations, a weather briefing, and an update on issues being discussed
with National MAC. A waiver on narrow band digital from the Secretary of the Interior is being
explored. At Gerry Day’s request, Ron provided clarification of the R & R plan for rotating out
individuals rather than the whole team. This was occurring only in areas where there were no
other options, such as urban interface. Gerry said he felt that expertise was not being filtered
down to geographic areas, such as reports in terms of assessments, and the geographic areas need
to benefit from this work. Ron said he would bring it up at the afternoon MAC briefing. Ron
feels the current situation on the national level is positive and that they seem to understand our
Situation Update – Gerry Day
Gerry Day, Mike Fitzpatrick, and Scott Weishaar provided updates on the situation in the west and
on the national scene. Gerry asked for help from the committee in filling requests for a military
liaison with the 6th battalion; the person needs Type 2 operations section qualifications. He needs
to confirm the name shortly. Four more are needed for the 5th battalion.
Prescribed Fire Strategy Expectations – Barbara Kennedy
Barbara Kennedy reviewed the issue; she did not feel that people have had time to review the
document due to the current fire situation. Tim Rich and Gene Looning requested that the
committee review the document and e-mail questions to Tim and Gene. They need to know
whether or not they are on the right track. The issue will be considered at the September meeting.
PPE Requirements – Lanny Quackenbush
Lanny Quackenbush reported that he is looking for information from other agencies about their
training expectations when they hire operators. Committee members discussed the training they
provided or expected. Since there appears to be a concern about this issue on a national level,
Lanny proposed bringing the issue up when the strategic plan is next discussed and perhaps
making an assignment to a task force or a working team. Lanny suggested the issue needs to be
considered as part of the strategic planning process. Barbara said it might be useful to look at the
PNWCG Steering Committee
July 26, 2000
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standards for how each agency handles ADs for PPE, physical fitness training, supervision. Lanny
suggested a matrix would be helpful and should be part of the strategic plan task.
National Guard/Severity Crews – All
The committee discussed with Gerry Day the issues of National Guard/Severity Crews, the
freelancing of teams and whether a policy should be set. Lanny expressed concerned about the
protocol for using severity crews. He asked if it is appropriate to leave them on standby with pay
and use National Guard crews, and should severity crews be used before mobilizing the National
Guard. Gerry Day explained the necessity of keeping crews available for extended attack; and the
rationale and timing for managing the crews. The rationale behind using the Guard was to put
them into a project so there were resources to draw upon if a new fire broke and outside resources
were not available. Charlie Stone discussed the political sensitivities of using the Guard before
other crews.
Barbara summed up the discussion: the Guard is a state resource and members felt that if the
situation had been put in a broader context, they probably would have been all right with the
process as it occurred; it was felt that prior to activation of the Guard a MAC conversation should
occur; and not being able to reach people should not stop the Coordination Center from making a
decision. Gerry said it was the right decision to deploy and train the National Guard, and it was
successful. Barbara further summed up that when the Guard has to be moved, it becomes a MAC
decision and everyone needs to participate; the decision does need to be made quickly;
communication improvements need to be made; and in retrospect, the right thing happened for all
the right reasons.
Lanny suggested writing a letter of appreciation from the committee addressed to the two
governors. Gerry suggested adding that it was a very positive move and helped the governors of
other states. Lanny and Barbara will draft the letter and bring it back to the next meeting.
The cost of training the Guard was discussed. Gerry asked if this was another issue which needed
to be brought to the Western States Fire Managers. The need to document training costs and apply
for additional severity reimbursement was discussed. Terry proposed that Lanny just let Barbara
know what the costs are. Pat Kidder proposed that Barbara put together a severity request by midSeptember. ODF and DNR need to request the same things. If they do not look the same, there
may be some questions and may need an amendment to the current agreement. The information
should be provided to Barbara.
Team Free-Lancing/MAC Policy – All
The committee discussed free lancing. There is a system in place that everyone has agreed to.
This is the first year; changes can be made next year. Gerry Day explained the circumstances
when there might be excess team members who would be available for work elsewhere.
24 Command Fire – Pam Ensley
Pam reported that the draft report is in the final stages and the final report should be ready by
August 30. Hanford is also conducting its own review, which is also scheduled for release on
August 31, and its conclusions are different. Pam will discuss the key findings of the review at the
September meeting; there will be an in-depth discussion at the October meeting.
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Prevention Education Team – Ken Till
Ken Till provided a handout of a draft news release on the Fire Prevention Education Team. Ken
reported some press releases will come out, but no mass mailings. Ken had two questions for the
group: 1) Does PNWCG want to see press releases before they go out, as long as they go through
agency PAOs? Lanny said it was covered through ODF Public Affairs Office; 2) Does the team
need a delegation of authority for press releases? Terry and Barbara did not think so.
The team will put together a final report to show what they have accomplished. The group
disbands in October. By the middle of next week, the team needs to assess the magnitude of the
job in both states and whether PNWCG wants the team should continue. Ken has authorized
expenditures until September 15. The team’s website is intended to be permanent and to be
attached to the PNWCG website. Any concerns or questions should be directed to Ken Till or to
Dewey Tate.
Update – Lanny Quackenbush and Pat Kidder
Lanny provided an update on the NWS Agreement. The draft has been transmitted to Vicky; she
agreed except on one point. Lanny and Pat feel they are getting closer. John Viada suggested it
was important to document the committee’s expectations. There will be an annual meeting to
discuss if they are meeting the standards.
Interagency Team Letter – Lanny Quackenbush
The distribution of the letter was discussed. Terry Hueth will do some editing. The committee
agreed the letter should go from the Committee to subgeographic groups. Lanny will bring the
letter back to the next meeting for a final review before it is sent.
ODF Aviation Specialist – Lanny Quackenbush
Lanny announced that Phil Hoffsteader will be filling the aviation specialist position for five or six
months. He will be in an active role including stepping back into the aviation working team.
Later on, the announcement for the permanent position will be announced. Phil will focus on
operational aspects; the new person will take on the policy issues.
Closing Remarks – Lanny Quackenbush
Lanny would still like to receive comments on the draft standards for wildland fire investigators,
The group is tentatively scheduled to meet in October.
At Lanny’s request, an update was provided by Ken Till on the prescribed fires in the North
Ken Till proposed reactivating the Information Working Team and asked about the committee’s
feelings regarding this proposal. Barbara responded that it has not been active but has been kept
on the books. Lanny suggested it may be time to look at trying to activate this team again. Ken
will discuss with Mark.
Lanny asked how those present felt about the conference call scheduled for Friday. The
committee felt that given current conditions, the conference call needs to occur.
The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m. The next scheduled meeting is September 27.