Pacific Northwest Coordination Group Steering Committee (PNWCG SC)

Pacific Northwest Coordination Group Steering Committee (PNWCG SC)
Meeting Notes – final
Apr 17, 2008 @ Northwest Coordination Center (NWCC)
Attending: Cory Winnie, BIA, Chair; Randy Simpson, OR State Fire Marshal, Vice-Chair; Ken
Snell, USFS, R6; Carl Gossard, BLM-SORO; Mark Kahley, WDNR, Jim Walker, ODF (filling in for
Paul Bell); Mike Burnett OFCA; Paul Perz, Asst Fire Marshall; Jan Mathis BLM-SORO notetaker;
Pat Kelly, Executive Director PNWCG SC; Presenters: Kathy Shelton & Toni Chambers.
Meeting Called to Order at 9:00 a.m. Pat Kelly presented agenda overview.
(Handout #1-PNWCG SC Agenda, Apr 17th at NWCC)
I. Chair’s Remarks (Cory)
Objective: Update, Leaders intent
Thanks to Randy for filling in at the last meeting. I went to IC Council meeting last week – it went
well and was very informational. The National Group has offered to come out to update us on FPA in
June. The other offer is to have Rick Smedley make a 15 minute presentation.
Discussion on the FPA and workshop. (Fire Program Analysis – this is a budget product)
Would like to have the National Group in June and the Regional Group represented by Smedley.
What we need to know if the management of the Rollout of the FPA
Decision: To compose a letter and list our objectives and concerns which will be sent to the National
Group and have them address these when they come out in June.
Decision: Schedule an hour in June for the National group
II. Meeting Notes from March Meeting Jan
(Handout #2 – PNWCG SC Meeting Notes – Draft v.2, 7pp)
Decision: Notes approved with minor changes – Jan will finalize and post on website.
III. IAWF Safety Summit Carl & Ken
Shelby hasn’t heard from Roberta D’Amico yet, but has heard from other people that the process is
very time consuming. There needs to be a strong commitment of personnel from the members of the
SC before she would be comfortable to proceed. If the personnel needed, about 6 to 7 people, it
wouldn’t be feasible.
Decision: Not to proceed with the IAWF Safety Summit Conference. Plan on holding the normal
Fire Ops Safety Conference.
Suggestion: If they want to have it in the PNW, then they would come out and address the SC.
IV. SC Charter Cory
(Handout #3 – SC Charter, 7 pp)
Review charter, some changes need to be made.
(Bob Anderson called in for the Charter discussion at 9:50am)
PNWCG SC Meeting Notes 5/29/2016 - pg 1
Decision: Change the quorum standard to “Six” on page 5 in second page with para starting with “The
Steering committee meets monthly or at an interval determined by the steering…..”
Delete the (not actings)
On pg 2, add 11. Provide oversight for the PNW National Incident Management Teams.
On pg 7 – Jan to add the Advisory Council block to the Criteria chart.
On pg 4 – last sentence, delete “their” and replace with “the chair’s”
Comment/Suggestions: Ken would like to make sure that the founding document is accurate, that our
quorum and authorities are in sync.
Pat suggested that the SC move forward, make the changes, then have someone from their agency
review the document for those concerns.
Jan will revise the draft and bring back to the meeting at the end of the month.
V. TWT/SC Workshop Jim Walker
(Handout #5 Draft agenda, 2 pp)
(Handout #6 PNWCG Strategic Plan, 13pp)
To be held on Apr 28-29, 2008 at the Residence Inn North Harbour. Begins on 28 April at 1pm until
noon on 29 April.
Up to 50 folks will be attending this workshop. Preferable to have a U shape configuration.
Pat will work with Jim on this. Standard meeting protocols: no laptops, cell phones silenced.
How will we record the meeting? Capturing the action items is the most important.
Jim will work on the logistics to have information viewed electronically rather than flip charts.
Decision: Jan to edit Strategic Plan on page 3 and change mission statement to the same as what
is in SC Charter.
Decision: Jan will merge the Working Team recommendations into the tactics in the Strategic
The agenda and a one page briefing paper has been sent out for the teams to complete and send
to Jan. She will make copies and bring to the workshop.
VI. EMT’s/Paramedics Randy Simpson
(Handout #7 – Certification as an EMT of Any Person in Adjoining States, 1p)
(Handout #8 – Displaying EMT Certification Level, 1p)
Oregon Type 1 teams need to be aware that all teams coming in for any EMS support need to follow
the statute for Oregon certification.
Decision: Mike Burnett will get some more information from Powell and present the status at one of
the next meetings.
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VII. 20th Anniversary of NWCC Kathi May
(Handout #9 – Speakers* and “A” List Invitees, 1p)
Anniversary will be held May 27th from 9am – 1pm.
Their will be media interviews, recognitions, speakers, demonstrations from the hot shot crew and fire
engines from each agency, and if time permits and there’s interest, weather briefings and tours of the
The dedication plans are on schedule. Invitations should be mailed out next week and will have an
RSVP them. People can wear uniforms, but it’s not recommended. SC feels that it would be good to
wear something that shows their agency’s logo.
Break for Lunch at noon, reconvened at 12:30pm
VIII. Type 3 organizations: Shadow assignments and Interaction with Caches - Cory
Looking to PNWCG SC to facilitate long term shadow assignments.
Does the PNWCG SC have a role in this?
Do we want to assign this task to one of our working teams?
Decision: Assign a task order to the OWT. Provide a model and framework on how to obtain shadow
assignments, not manage.
Action: Ken will do the meat of the task order. He will send to Pat for formatting.
IX. Cost Share Agreements Kathy Shelton and Toni Chambers
(Handout #11 – Cost Share Agreement, 2pp)
(Handout #12 – Supplemental Fire Suppression Agreement to the Master Cooperative Agreement,
(Handout #13 – Percent of Acreage Cost Share Agreement, 3pp)
(Handout #14 – Percent of Effort Cost Share Agreement w/Camp Costs Included in the Percent, 3pp)
(Handout #15 – Percent of Effort Cost Share Agreement w/Camp Cost at $186/per Tactical Person
per day, 4pp)
(Handout #16 – Actual Cost by Protection Responsibility Cost Share Agreement w/Aircraft by Percent
of effort and w/Camp Cost at $186/per Tactical Person per day, 4pp)
(Handout #17 – Cost Share Task Group – Standard Camp Cost Narrative, 1p)
(Handout #18 – Narrative with the $186 Value per day, 2pp)
(Handout #19 – Kind Groups, 1p)
(Handout #20 – Standard Camp Cost Narrative Attachment 2, 7pp)
Worked on taskings from the Fall meeting:
 Needed to do more work on Cost Share Agreements.
 Updated the Supplemental Fire Suppression Agreement to the Master Cooperative Agreement.
 An additional tool – to standardize and be consistent the way costs are calculated,
spreadsheets were developed. Whoever has the role of doing the cost allocation would be able to
use these spreadsheets, it’s wouldn’t be a requirement, however. The “boots on the ground”
calculation cannot be done in I-Suite.
Decision: Have the full support of the PNWCG SC with these two changes:
1. Continue with $125 per person for 2008 Fire Season.
2. Change the wording from Camp Costs to Incident Support Costs.
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Decision: Kathy and Toni will draft a letter on Cost Share Agreements and send to Mark for Cory’s
signature. Cory will send this out to all Agency Administrators.
Placeholder for March: Kathy will come back and present the information on how to the process
went for 2008.
Equipment rates committee. This has always been a PNWCG SC signed off supplement. They’ve
done the work, but it is not completed.
Decision: Kathy will present a document for PNWCG SC to sign off as a supplement.
The only significant change will be a new process that will be piloted in 2008 is that fuel vendors will
take credit cards. This will be a direct contract arrangement.
X. GMAC/NMAC Meeting Cory
(Handout #21 – National Interagency Support Cache – Support to Type 3 Incidents, 6pp)
This is about creating a pre-order for a Type 3 team. The Type 3 Incident Commander can use this
checklist for a pre-order.
Ken’s comment: He doesn’t see the need for this unless we develop PNW Type 3 kit in our caches.
Decision: Each SC member will take this document and distribute within their own agency.
XI. Brief on changes (Carl handout #22 email)
(Handout #22 – email on subject: Task Order #4, PNWCG Training MOU Oversight, 1p)
Carl briefed on the changes made to the Operating Plan for Administering the MOU’s between
PNWCG and Firefighting Contractor Associations and Public Education Providers.
Decision: In agreement to closeout Task Order 0701-04.
XII. Bin Item:
Possible TO CWT/TWT Ken
Association Rep to work with the Working Team to bring to the table the concerns from the
Contractor’s Association with the MOUs and with the Agreements.
Task the TWT and CWT – is it possible for us to include a representative from the each of these
industries: tender, engine and crews to work with the TWT?
Perhaps just work with TWT with the MOUs. Task order to the TWT to see if this is feasible from
their perspective?
They would be selected to represent the industry, not the associations.
Decision: Carl will take the lead, work with Ken, draft a Task Order for the TWT and bring
Briefed the SC on the feedback form that was presented by the IHC at the IC meeting. The use of this
form will be reassessed at the end of the year to see how it worked. A good mechanism to get
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Randy announced Bill Lafferty’s get together. He prefers an informal dinner.
Decided to get together on June 25. Open house on May 27 and meet at Salty’s afternoon or on
June 25.
Decision: Establish a hot topic bin for future meetings.
+Got through a lot of meaty stuff today.
- Did we do some things too quickly? Was there enough time to address the issues?
#1 – Handout #1-PNWCG SC Agenda for April 17, 2008
#2 – PNWCG Meeting Notes draft v.2 March 19, 2008 (7pp)
#3 – SC Charter 2008 (7pp)
#4 – PNICC Charter (3pp)
#5 – WT Workshop draft agenda (1p)
#6 – PNWCG Strategic Plan 2008 (13pp)
#7 – Certification as an EMT of Any Person in Adjoining States (1p)
#8 – Displaying EMT Certification Level (1p)
#9 – Speakers* and “A” List Invitees (1p)
#10 – Email re: Interest by Type 3 IMT for training assignment (8pp)
#11 – Share Agreement (2pp)
#12 – Supplemental Fire Suppression Agreement to the Master Cooperative Agreement (6pp)
#13 – Percent of Acreage Cost Share Agreement (3pp)
#14 – Percent of Effort Cost Share Agreement w/Camp Costs Included in the Percent (3pp)
#15 – Percent of Effort Cost Share Agreement w/Camp Cost at $186/per Tactical Person per day (4pp)
#16 – Actual Cost by Protection Responsibility Cost Share Agreement w/Aircraft by Percent of effort
and w/Camp Cost at $186/per Tactical Person per day. (4pp)
#17 – Cost Share Task Group – Standard Camp Cost Narrative (1p)
#18 – Narrative with the $186 Value per day (2pp)
#19 – Kind Groups (1p)
#20 – Standard Camp Cost Narrative Attachment 2 (7pp)
PNWCG SC Meeting Notes 5/29/2016 - pg 5