Pacific Northwest Coordination Group Steering Committee (PNWCG) May 18, 2011 Meeting

Pacific Northwest Coordination Group Steering Committee (PNWCG)
May 18, 2011 Meeting
NWCC @ 150 SW Harrison St, Portland, Oregon
Final meeting notes
Attendees: Carl Gossard, BLM-SORO; Ken Snell (with Gary Seidel’s proxy), R6 USFS;
Cory Winnie (with Pam Ensley’s proxy), BIA; Paul Bell, ODF; Christie Neill, representing NPS;
Gerry Day representing WA DNR; Bill Slossen representing representing WA Fire Marshal’s
Office; Pat Kelly, Executive Director/Facilitator; Jan Mathis BLM-SORO, notetaker.
Presenters: Dan O’Brien, NWCC Center Manager, Renee Crippen,Vice Chair, NWCM
Advisory Council; Dale Guenther Chair, GIS WT; Shelby Gales, Chair, Safety and Health WT;
guest, Marilyn Klingensmith.
Decisions and taskings
Program of Work – 2011 update (pg 3)
 Carl Gossard, Pam Ensley and Pat Kelly will edit the May 2011 version of the Program
of Work and bring in to the July 20 SC meeting for review and approval.
 Carl Gossard to work with Dan O’Brien on a letter to further define needs and how to
proceed. The letter will be due by the June 15 meeting.
Vision for PNW Dispatch Coordination System (pg 3)
 Carl Gossard to work with Dan O’Brien on a letter to further define needs and how to
proceed. The letter will be due by the June 15 meeting.
Technology “Adopt a Team” effort (pg4)
 The SC intends that the Adopt a Team effort for 2011 be implemented.
 Incorporate the updated version in the notes. Dale Guenther to coordinate with IC AC
Chair Brian Watts.
 The initial document which established the Adopt a Team Effort will be recirculated for a
refresh. Jan Mathis will attach to these notes.
Facilitated Learning Analysis (pg 4)
 Shelby Gales will write the task order and route to Ken Snell, Carl Gossard & Pat Kelly.
 Task order to be completed by next week. Tentatively due by July 20, 2011 meeting.
June Agenda (pg 5)
 Tasking: Review the draft NW MAC Operations Handbook located on the NWCC
5.18.11 PNWCG SC Meeting , pg 1
 Comments & feedback on the NW MAC Operations Handbook due to Dan O’Brien by
Fri, June 10, 2011.
Capacity to Manage Long Term Incidents (pg 5)
 Dan O’Brien will work with Ken Snell and Carl Gossard on updating the memo from
2002 and bring back to the June 15 meeting. (with a strawman)
Cohesive Strategy (pg 5)
 Carl Gossard will ask Pam Ensley to create a summary on the Cohesive Strategy meeting.
310-1 Currency Rules (pg 5)
 Create a Task Order for the TWT to work with and get input from subject matter experts
in those functions. (310-1 currency rules) Carl Gossard will write the task order. The
product will be due by the August 24 PNWCG SC meeting.
Shake Table Incident Lawsuit (pg 6)
 Paul Bell will ask Tony Chambers to frame up the issue and circulate through the
Federal IBM Guidelines (pg 6)
 The Steering Committee concurs with the IBPWT’s proposal.
Letters of Delegation (pg 6)
 Reminder: Dan O’Brien will collect Letters of Delegation at June’s meeting.
Prioritizing Trainees (pg 6)
 Dan O’Brien will continue to work with the group on the process and bring a document
back to the SC for review.
OWT Task Order (pg 6)
 The SC agrees on the proposal. Ken Snell to send the Task Order to Pat Kelly to finalize
and then route for Carl Gossard’s signature.
Meeting called to order at 0900 hrs.
Leader’s Intent
Carl Gossard
Today’s agenda
Pat Kelly
(Handout 1 – PNWCG SC Meeting Agenda May 18, 2011, 1 p)
5.18.11 PNWCG SC Meeting , pg 2
Current Task Orders / Tracking
Pat Kelly
(Handout 2 – PNWCG SC Task Order Tracking, 1 p)
(Handout 3 – PNWCG SC Tracking Commitments, May 10, 2011 v7, 1 p)
On task order tracking:
1008-08 SHWT – Seat belt usage: pending a new due date from liaison, Ken Snell.
1011-12 OWT – IMT Successional Planning: pending a new due date from liaison,
Ken Snell.
Tracking tasks:
Scratch tasks 5 & 6.
April notes
Jan Mathis
(Handout 4 –PNWCG SC meeting April 13, 2011 initial notes, v.1, 5 pp)
Program of Work – 2011 update
Pat Kelly
(Handout 5 – PNWCG Program of Work, May 2011, 8 pp)
 Carl Gossard, Pam Ensley and Pat Kelly will edit the May 2011 version of the
Program of Work and bring in to the July 20 SC meeting for review and approval.
Vision for PNW Dispatch Coordination System Dan O’Brien / Renee Crippen
(Handout 6 – A Vision for the PNW Dispatch Coordination System, 1 p)
(Handout 7 – Next Steps for a Vision for the PNW Dispatch Coordination System, 1 p)
Two main goals:
 The intent is on customer service for wildland fire and non-wildland fire activities.
 The foundation is based on safety.
There will be many challenges but if we can focus and take small steps toward our goals, we can
move in the right direction.
Suggestions on how to proceed:
o Perhaps develop a pilot project: where is the first place to begin: Lakeview, SW Oregon,
NW Washington? (Dan O’Brien)
o Share with a larger audience: take the initial draft of vision statement, share broadly with
user groups and community at large. (Pat Kelly)
o Frame-up the vision statement as strategies, tactics and goals. Structure in some type of
strategy so it becomes a Program of Work for the group, so it makes sense. (Gerry Day)
o Ordinate the vision statement so we have something to work from, could be another task
order. (Ken Snell)
 Carl Gossard to work with Dan O’Brien on a letter to further define needs and how
to proceed. The letter will be due by the June 15 meeting.
5.18.11 PNWCG SC Meeting , pg 3
Technology “Adopt a Team” effort
Dale Guenther
(Handout 8 – Original PNWCG Adopt an IMT doc from January 2010 SC meeting, 1 p)
(Handout 9 – PNWCG Update Adopt A Team Project – 2 pp)
There was a delay on acquiring items for the BLM due to a contract protest, however that’s been
resolved. Now the IT order can be finished for the teams for this round.
Obligating 2011 funds for FS, just got our budget in. In a week or two, Dale Guenther will have
a better understanding when he hears back from the budget shop.
Plans to continue with PC purchases and will bring in the funds from 2011 budget when he has
more information in about a week or two.
 The SC intends that the Adopt a Team effort for 2011 be implemented.
 Incorporate the updated version in the notes. Dale Guenther to coordinate with
IC AC Chair Brian Watts.
 The initial document which established the Adopt a Team Effort will be recirculated
for a refresh. Jan Mathis will attach to these notes.
Facilitated Learning Analysis
Shelby Gales
(Handout 10 – Organizational Learning “Lessons Learned” Analysis Options, 7 pp)
(Handout 11 – Incident Reviews and Organizational Learning printout of powerpoint
presentation, 5 pp)
Basic principles of a Lessons Learned Review (LLR) and Facilitated Learning Analysis (FLA)
are the same. Ultimately it’s about the learning and how to prevent another accident. How to get
there across the different agencies?
FLA is very dynamic, it’s more of a story – holistic.
LLR is more specific, indentifying facts.
Task order to the team – have the SHWT to gather information on what the agencies do and use
that as a baseline. Then summarize agency requirements, processes, and opportunities on how to
work together better.
 Shelby Gales will write the task order and route to Ken Snell, Carl Gossard & Pat
 Task order to be completed by next week. Tentatively due by July 20, 2011
Hope that this presentation has heightened awareness and learning across the agencies.
Shelby can assist agencies various lessons learned and serious accident investigation process.
Break for lunch at noon, reconvened at 1245 hrs.
5.18.11 PNWCG SC Meeting , pg 4
June Agenda
Carl Gossard / Dan O’Brien
(Handout 12 – NW MAC Preparedness Review Proposed Agenda, 1 p)
 Tasking: Review the draft NW MAC Operations Handbook located on the NWCC
 Comments & feedback on the NW MAC Operations Handbook due to Dan O’Brien
by Fri, June 10, 2011.
Capacity to Manage Long Term Incidents
Ken Snell
How many incidents are too many to manage? There’s no formal process in place to address
this issue.
There is some reference in a 2002 Memo from the PNWCG to Agency Administrators, located
on the NWCC website, in Publications, Addendums.
The document could be revised and updated for 2011 to bring it into conformance with the new
 Dan O’Brien will work with Ken Snell and Carl Gossard on updating the memo
from 2002 and bring back to the June 15 meeting. (with a strawman)
Cohesive Strategy
Pat Kelly
Reviewed rough notes from the Cohesive Strategy meeting.
o In summary: the one firm item to come from the meeting is the decision not to sub-divide
the Western Region (17 States plus Territories) at this time. Also, they elected Deschutes
County Forester Joe Stutler as the Chair and Tom Quigley as the science lead.
 Carl Gossard will ask Pam Ensley to create a summary on the Cohesive Strategy
310-1 Currency Rules
Carl Gossard
Recommendations on changes for 310-1 have been distributed for comment.
Deadline for comments on the changes for 310-1 has been extended to September 2011.
Comments will be made be through the Training Working Team (TWT).
Agency responses can also be effective in addition to the response from PNWCG TWT.
 Create a Task Order for the TWT to work with and get input from subject matter
experts in those functions. (310-1 currency rules) Carl Gossard will write the task
order. The product will be due by the August 24 PNWCG SC meeting.
Note: Joel Rogaskis has done some ground work on this subject.
5.18.11 PNWCG SC Meeting , pg 5
Shake Table Incident Lawsuit
Paul Bell
Paul provided an update and discussed implications.
 Paul Bell will ask Tony Chambers to frame up the issue and circulate through the
Hot Topics / Emerging Issues
Federal IBM Guidelines
Pat Kelly
(Handout 13 – PNW Incident Business Management Guidelines – Federal Agencies 2011
Summary, 1 p)
 The Steering Committee concurs with the IBPWT’s proposal.
Liability issues in coop agreements
Carl Gossard / Ken Snell
The language in the new national coop agreement template includes two different authorities
which has raised concerns. The National Office is working to resolve the issue.
MAC OPS Handbook
Dan O’Brien
Clarification on process: the signature page for the MAC OPS Handbook will be signed each
Letters of Delegation
Dan O’Brien
 Reminder: Dan O’Brien will collect Letters of Delegation at June’s meeting.
Dan O’Brien
Prioritizing Trainees
National Accelerated Training Program (NATP). Currently working from two lists, one from
NATP and one from the Training Center. For a clean mobilization, Dan needs to work from one
list. Dan is working with Nick Giannettino (Portland NIMO Team) & Renee Beams and Mike
Gomez (Redmond Training Center) to develop short term prioritization for individuals and the
procedures for mobilizing them.
 Dan O’Brien will continue to work with the group on the process and bring a
document back to the SC for review.
OWT Task Order
Ken Snell
A proposal was made to share IMT members between (Alaska) AWCG and PNWCG. A task
order has been drafted up to the OWT and includes the following 3 tasks:
1. Formalize a process.
2. Create a formal agreement.
3. Coordinate this with the geo-boards.
 The SC agrees on the proposal. Ken Snell to send the Task Order to Pat Kelly to
finalize and then route for Carl Gossard’s signature.
5.18.11 PNWCG SC Meeting , pg 6
Fire Retardant EIS
Paul Bell
This applies to the Forest Service only.
Louisa Evers is reviewing the document and will give Ken an executive summary.
Ken will bring back to the PNWCG for review and discussion.
Running Agenda items
Pat Kelly
(Handout 14 – PNWCG SC Running agenda items/carryover topics/future agenda items: 2 p)
Review and update:
o Issues related to Fire Marshal IMT’s leaving in middle of shifts (keep)
o Draw down processes for resources on fires being managed for resource benefits
o Aerial extraction capability, where to from here? (keep)
o EMAC update (carry over from July 2009) (July 2011)
o Linkage between Master Operating Agreement and Local Operating Plans (scratch)
o Budget brief/resource summary (July 2011)
o Need for Fall AA meeting (keep)
o Coop Aviation inspections (keep)
o Fed/State billing changes (keep)
o IMT successional planning (1011-12) (keep)
o Seat belt usage (1008-08) (keep)
o Full discussion of IFPLs and their administration (Carl/Paul)
o Clarifying intent of PCIWT in addressing Public Use Restrictions (scratch)
o Opportunities for non-NWCG individuals on NW IMT’s (July 2011)
o AWT topics from their response to TO 1010-05 (keep)
+Lunch at 1130 hrs
+Materials ahead of time
+Tracking tools & TO’s
Meeting adjourned at 1500 hrs.
Handout 1 – PNWCG SC Meeting Agenda May 18, 2011, 1 p
Handout 2 – PNWCG SC Task Order Tracking, 1 p
Handout 3 – PNWCG SC Tracking Commitments, May 10, 2011 v7, 1 p
Handout 4 –PNWCG SC meeting April 13, 2011 initial notes, v.1, 5 pp
Handout 5 – PNWCG Program of Work, May 2011, 8 pp
Handout 6 – A Vision for the PNW Dispatch Coordination System, 1 p
Handout 7 – Next Steps for a Vision for the PNW Dispatch Coordination System, 1 p
Handout 8 – Original PNWCG Adopt an IMT doc from January 2010 SC meeting, 1 p
Handout 9 – PNWCG Update Adopt A Team Project – 2 pp
5.18.11 PNWCG SC Meeting , pg 7
Handout 10 – Organizational Learning “Lessons Learned” Analysis Options, 7 pp
Handout 11 – Incident Reviews and Organizational Learning printout of powerpoint
presentation, 5 pp
Handout 12 – NW MAC Preparedness Review Proposed Agenda, 1 p
Handout 13 – PNW Incident Business Management Guidelines – Federal Agencies 2011
Summary, 1 p
Handout 14 – PNWCG SC Running agenda items/carryover topics/future agenda items: 2 p
5.18.11 PNWCG SC Meeting , pg 8