Pacific Northwest Coordination Group Steering Committee (PNWCG) March 14, 2012

Pacific Northwest Coordination Group Steering Committee (PNWCG)
150 Harrison St, Portland Oregon
March 14, 2012
Final notes
Attendees: Joe Shramek, WA DNR; David Summer, USDA FS; Bobbie Scopa, BLM; Pam
Ensley, USFWS; Cory Winnie, BIA; Dave LaFave, Washington Fire Chiefs; Doug Grafe,
representing Nancy Hirsch, ODF; Paul Perz, WA State Fire Marshal; Pat Kelly, Executive
Director/Facilitator; Jan Mathis, Recording Secretary; called in: Sue Husari, NPS; ; presenters:
Shelby Gales, BLM, Jim Wolf, Westwide Risk Assessment; Joe Stutler, Cohesive Strategy; Dan
O’Brien, NWCC; guest: Peg Polichio, State and Private Forestry
Leader’s Intent
Joe Shramek
We have an aggressive agenda today with the focus being on the Big 3: Safety, IMT Successional
Planning and Cohesive Strategy.
Today’s agenda
Pat Kelly
(Handout 1 – PNWCG SC Meeting agenda Mar 14, 2012, 1 p)
Current Task Orders / Tracking
Pat Kelly
(Handout 2 – Task Order Tracking, Jan 30, 2012, v.30, 1 p)
(Handout 3 – Tracking Commitments, Feb 29, 2011, v.24, 1 p)
Item number and status:
2. Fuels Treatment Map – move to Apr 18 meeting
3. L581 training – Bobbie Scopa to write task order
4. On hold (to link PNWCG website to EWCG website, EWCG working on their website)
5. Topic for April 18 meeting
6. Briefing today
7. Working
8. Topic on today’s agenda
9. Briefing today
February notes
(Handout 4 – PNWCG SC Meeting Feb 14-15, 2012, draft v.1, 8 pp)
(Handout 5 – PNWCG SC/WT/AC Annual Workshop Feb 14-15, 2012, draft notes, v.1, 12 pp)
There are two sets of notes for February, one for the Feb PNWCG Steering Committee Meeting
and one for the PNWCG Steering Committee/Working Team/Advisory Council Annual
SC Safety Strategy
Shelby Gales
(Handout 6 – Fire Operations Safety Training Action Plan, Mar 13, 2012 2pp)
Decided to hold the sessions the week of June 11, Tues, Wed, Thurs.
The locations have been narrowed down to: Wenatchee, Eugene,Bend, as to the best location to
reach the most folks)
3.14.2012 PNWCG SC Meeting, pg 1
Todd Conklin has committed to be the speaker. His presentation will be on Human Performance
Fundamentals. This will be a great start to the interagency safety journey.
At the April SC meeting, will identify which SC members will attend and which locations.
Shelby Gales will send out information on Todd Conklin to all of the SC members in addition to
the agenda.
FS will be funding the venues.
Development of the PNWCG Safety Vision
Joe Shramek
(Handout 7 – draft PNWCG “Safety Vision,”authored by Joe Shramek, Mar 13, 2012, 1 p)
Discussion on how to move forward and develop our safety vision.
Is the audience only the firefighter? Does it include the other programs? (David Summer)
Find a way to incorporate culture (just culture) in the text. (Dave LaFave)
Include the fire management jobs, ie. prescribed fire, aviation program, rather than firefighters
exclusively. Include recognition other such as line, supervisors. (Sue Husari)
What is our goal, how are we going to use it? (Pam Ensley)
Use as an extension of the PNWCG’s Mission Statement. (Joe Shramek)
Action: to be sent out to the SC members by Mar 16, comments back to Joe by Mar 23.
 Early in the week of Mar 25, to send out the Chairs, ask for their feedback.
 Joe to have something ready for by the next meeting.
(Sue Husari) Viewing it as an evolving vision. Could spend a lot of time getting buyout on this.
It’s PNWCG’s interagency vision.
Westwide Risk Assessment
(Handout 8 – PNWCG Project Overview, 8 pp)
Jim Wolf
There are 2 phases to the Westwide Risk Assessment
Phase 1:
Develop a comprehensive database.
Wildfire Risk Assessment. Currently the assessment is being conducted, hope to have done
Apr/May 2012.
Final report is a very detailed report. Due May 2012
Data transfer. Data to be transferred to each partner with some level of training.
Phase 2:
“Fire in the West” report due in May 2012. (more readable than the final report)
Technology transfer. Some money has been set aside to develop tools so it’s usable to
3.14.2012 PNWCG SC Meeting, pg 2
Final report: methods, findings, lessons learned
Statistical summaries: west wide, state (by county)
Input & output datasets
Training on how to use the data
More information can be found on their website:
What is the linkage to this with FPA? (David Summer)
The only linkage is that FPA and Westwide Risk Assessment are both using Land Fire data.
The Cohesive Strategy
Joe Stutler
(Powerpoint presentation)
(Handout 9 – Cohesive Strategy, Phase III, Description and Steps, 17 pp)
Phase III
 Build scientific analysis tools based on Phase I and Phase II results.
 Validate the new tools and models.
 Identify performance measures that can be used across all regions within a given region.
 Identifying geographic variations in the models to reflect appropriate differences across the
 Explore potential management options across regions with Regional Strategy Committees.
 Iteratively revise and refine regional strategies.
 Analyze and compare risks and trade-offs among alternatives.
 Support policy and decision making, improve collaborative actions, and help target future.
The Phase III report:
 Description of the issues.
 Description of wildland fire risks.
 Alternatives to address the risks.
 Tradeoff revealed – the potential benefits, consequences and outcomes of alternatives and
associated uncertainties.
 Opportunities and potential barriers.
Phase III Outcomes & Consequences:
 A shared understanding of how choices made by many different stakeholders can align
better to reduce wildland fire risks.
 Enhanced collaboration because it is better understood how the actions of all players
influence risks.
 More consistent policies because effects beyond individual jurisdictions are understood.
 Future fire science is better targeted at the most productive problems and opportunities
More information can be for at this website:
3.14.2012 PNWCG SC Meeting, pg 3
Break for lunch at 1130, reconvened at 1215 hrs.
CMAC – Future Vision
Dan O’Brien / Renee Crippen / Steve Arasim
(Powerpoint presentation - Interagency dispatch coordination in the Pacific NW)
(Handout 10 – Computer-aided Dispatch (CAD) Systems, 1 p)
The CMAC has been working out describing a better way of doing business considering the
guidance provided in the PNWCG Steering Committee’s letter of October 24, 2011.
Analysis Goals:
 Emphasize interagency cooperation
 When possible, maintain administrative boundaries
 Organize for more efficient coordination
 Equitable distribution of the workload
 Take advantage of alignment with other Geographic Area (GA) systems systems
 Consider access, transportation, capital investments in determining a relatively Agencyneutral Interagency Dispatch Center location.
Decided to break process down into two phases:
Phase 1:
 Facilitate ongoing consolidation efforts.
 Incorporate into operating Interagency Dispatch Centers.
 Consolidate existing Interagency Dispatch Centers.
Phase 2:
 Let dust settle.
 Consolidate Western Oregon Interagency Dispatch Centers.
Next steps:
 Action: Dan O’Brien and Dave LaFave to draft up a briefing paper and bring back to April
meeting. (will send to Joe as a draft)
 Take a look at the proposed changes, if we were to implement immediately, where would
be the best place to start? By the May meeting.
EW Dispatch Boundary issue
(Handout 11 – EW Dispatch Boundary Map – 1 p)
Bobbie Scopa
We can implement the changes for the area south of the reservation.
The reservations and Hanford are still both dispatching on their own.
No changes will be made in dispatch boundaries in Okanogan County. The overlap will continue
until FS and DNR can come to an agreement. They can make it work. The SC concludes that
while this isn’t the ideal situation, it’s workable for 2012.
3.14.2012 PNWCG SC Meeting, pg 4
 David Summer will track to make sure this issue is discussed with the local AA and FMO
if a spring meeting is held in Wenatchee or Colville with FS and DNR.
Task Order 1109-04
Dave Lentz
(Handout 11 – Task Order 1109-04 PNW and AK IMT sharing opportunities, 4 pp)
This task order is still being worked. A conference call will be held on Mar 15 with AK partners
for discussion and get feedback.
The logical next step is to get a process in place. (Joe Shramek)
If we try to put a process in place this year, need to make sure it’s scaleable and clear text. (David
 Action: David Summer or the OWT will report back to the committee next month on this
Task Order 1011-12
Dave Lentz
(Handout 12 – Task Order 1011-12, Develop a Succession Plan for both T1 & T2 teams, 1 p)
A plan is in place to take us through 2013 for T1 ICs.
One of the barriers to participation by some folks as ICs are travel caps and reduced budgets.
We should find out the numbers, scope and scale for T2 teams after meetings in June.
Larry Nickey has taken on the task to staff out the tracking of this information.
 Action: David Summer or the OWT will bring a draft to the June SC meeting.
Agenda item for April: Equivalency between Complex Incident Management Course (CIMC)
S520 for T1 National Qualifications (Bobbie Scopa / Dave LaFave)
2012 AOP process
(Handout 13 – 2012 PNW AOP, March 8, 2012, 1 p)
Cory Winnie / Joe Shramek
Alan McGuire-Dale requested to set up a process to get the right language in the AOP by Mar 23.
The terminology is currently outdated in the document.
 Action: David Summer to take back to FAM for staff work and will provide the answer to
Alans working group by March 23.
Hot Topics
SORO Reorganization
Bobbie Scopa
Met with BLM today on proposed reorganization of Fire and Aviation Management. There’s
support to have a single leader for the FAM. A meeting is scheduled on Mar 27 with BLM and
FS. Process is moving forward.
3.14.2012 PNWCG SC Meeting, pg 5
Interest in AA Executive Briefing 6/30/12 at 11am
David Summer
Put on July agenda. Fall may be a better time to hold an executive briefing.
Update from NWSA Meeting
Bobbie Scopa
NWSA to meet with Bobbie in Salem, suggesting to have a third party entity doing contractor
personnel qualifications reviews. Date for the meeting to be decided.
In the interim, Bobbie’s staff will plan to go out this fire season to check records to see if there’s
consistency between the master list and what they find at the Incident Command Post (ICP).
Inventory of sub-geographic coordinating groups
Put on the agenda for April.
Thinking on CA IMTs
The State of California (CDF) has reduced its IMTs from 11 to 6. David has more information on
this topic if interested.
Smoke Management Fees Increasing in Washington
Fees were increased through legislation. Discussions took place over a year, rules took effect
Feb 1, 2012.
Time management+
Staff work+
Keep focus+
Meeting adjourned at 1500 hrs.
Handout 1 – PNWCG SC Meeting agenda Mar 14, 2012, 1 p
Handout 2 – Task Order Tracking, Jan 30, 2012 v.30, 1 p
Handout 3 – Tracking Commitments, Feb 29, 2012, v.24, 1 p
Handout 4 – PNWCG SC Meeting Feb 14-15, 2012, draft v.1, 8 pp
Handout 5 – PNWCG SC/WT/AC Annual Workshop Feb 14-15, 2012, draft notes, v.1, 12 pp
Handout 6 – Fire Operations Safety Training Action Plan, Mar 13, 2012 2pp
Handout 7 – Draft PNWCG “Safety Vision,”authored by Joe Shramek, Mar 13, 2012, 1 p
Handout 8 – PNWCG Project Overview, 8 pp
Handout 9 – Cohesive Strategy, Phase III, Description and Steps, 17 pp
Handout 10 – Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) Systems, 1 p
Handout 11 – Task Order 1109-04 PNW and AK IMT sharing opportunities, 4 pp
Handout 12 – Task Order 1011-12, Develop a Succession Plan for both T1 & T2 teams, 1 p)
Handout 13 – 2012 PNW AOP, Mar 8, 2012 draft, 1 p
3.14.2012 PNWCG SC Meeting, pg 6