PNWCG AVIATION WORKING TEAM MEETING MINUTES JULY 8,2003 Members Present: Dave Doan WADNR, Jim Ziobro ODF, Jon Rollens USFS, Clay Hillin BLM, Steve Rossiter BIA, Steve Smith OAS, Greg Hagerdorn (For Greg Zopetti) USFWS, Greg Loper (For Bill Bulger USFS), Bill Lafferty Liaison, ODF, Susie Bates NPS Reviewed minutes of previous meeting- no corrections. Clay and Jon agreed, after a discussion on the status of air assets chart we have been asked to produce by steering committee, that they would add the column for previous year assets so that the difference can be seen. Since that meeting Jon has sent out an advisory notice on the status of aviation resource and its comparison to previous year. We are in better shape than we thought we would be. Discussion on Type III helo exceptions was held and Jim and Jon agreed to draft a memo to other members of AWT to better explain how the exceptions will work. ( Note this has gone out as a general message from Jon) Report back from steering committee that our charter changes were acceptable except they did not agree with the change of the PNWCG title, which after discussion was not our business to change in the first place. Charter changes need to be entered into website. After a request to steering committee we had Bill Lafferty at our meeting as a liaison . Welcome Bill. Felt it was important that agency reps know what other agency reps are doing. Good step in right direction. Our meeting date formula was faulted. We have revised it again. It now is the 3rd Tuesday of the 1st month of the quarter. Next meeting (I think) is October 21st. We agreed that this information should go into the heading of our website and be added to the charter. FTA issue as addressed to steering committee issue of safety. Julie Stewart will work on updating FAA as to what an FTA is. Bill Lafferty agreed to explain our answers to the steering committee. Discussion of ATGS position. National Group seems to have a handle on this issue now and is working toward a revision of 310-1. Team agreed at this time to monitor national group and not reconvene our advisory group. Canadian Air tanker issues left deal with federal only . Need to have Boise address them. A letter is supposed to come from group to Boise to work out details of payments nad ordering. Jon will draft letter to group recommending NWCG work on the issues. Clay led a discussion on Master Agreement changes. Only real issue was the military section needed some revisions. ODF wants to bring in their own air tanker from Alaska. This was an issue for the Aair Tanker Board. STAT teams were discussed. They can be ordered direct or through the AWT. Preferable when single incident to order direct where-as on multiple order through the AWT. There needs to be an ability to select the appropriate team members. STAT teams need to identify who they report to on the delegation letter. They report to the chair of the AWT and the IC or multiple IC’s. Before STAT team goes into ooperation they must be briefed by the RAO and the Chair of AWT. Discussed Interagency Mishap Response Plan. There really isn’t one. It was in discussion stage and group felt it is an issue worth pursuing. Need to think about it and put together some thoughts on a formal plan. We agreed that the Matrix was overly long and tedious to follow. Clay agreed to shorten up and only address differences and get out to members. ( Clay has already done this and it was a great job. It has been reviewed and will be in website shortly if not already) Steve Smith mentioned NG issues and the fact they should attend our meetings and we explained they have started Jon Rollens mention how the ERC’s were getting. Well guess what, their higher than that now and the fires so far are are certainly indicating that. Susie Bates talked about getting agency people ( at least one per region to attend helicopter accident investigation. They are also looking at contracting SAR aircraft. We agreed to focus on training at the next meeting as there are issues all over the board on this. (Maybe we can get a training team person to our next meeting. Same place and same time on OCT 21, 2003. BE SAAAAFE. Please hold a place in your hearts for our lost comrades!!