PNWCG Aviation Working Team Meeting Minutes 05/29/03 Members Present: Dave Doan WADNR, Jim Ziobro ODF, Jon Rollens USFS, Clay Hillin BLM, Greg Zopetti USFWS, Steve Rossiter BIA, Guests- Shuan Pierce ONG, Tim Kelly ONG, Bruce Noble BCFS, Julie Stewart USFS, Introductions- Welcomed the ONG and BCFS in an ongoing effort to coordinate PNW air resources and iron out issues concerning interagency response to incidences. Clay puts the minutes on the PNWCG website. I want to thank Clay for this duty that he graciously accepts. Clay handed out the revised Matrix and will get it posted on website as well. The chair has accepted the responsibility to forward our charter changes to the PNWCG Steering committee for approval. Discussed briefly the hazardous materials transport issue and the Federal Agency exemption. Steve Rossiter said it was too late for anyone to get on exemption. It must be done 60 days in advance of expiration which is in December. ( Note: subsequently the DNR has found policy dated in 1991 that it abides by and what to do when traveling commercial. We do not need to tag onto the Federal letter. DD-DNR) ATGS program discussed briefly It was agreed that we would continue to work on this program at a regional level and tie in with the national group. We will resurrect the advisory team. Note: The chair had the opportunity to attend the newly established 4 day ATGS re-currency training that was put on in Boise by Federal agencies. I can report that they are on the right track. Some improvements need to be made but overall the concept was excellent. Will report to group at next meeting. Dave Doan brought SMEG training and certification. Wearing two hats, so as Western Area Aviation managers chair he reported that the western states did not feel the BLM training and certification program should be put into 310-1 without further input from states. Indication was that it was a done deal ( same as HELB) yet this AWT has not had the opportunity to discuss. We feel it is important that we be part of negotiation even though the training team apparently is the lead. The issue of how we know what is going on in other teams needs to be addressed. Chair will draft letter to Steering Committee addressing the need for liaisons between working teams so that issues are addressed in appropriate committee and we get the proper team interactions. Discussion on fire traffic area. FTA. Consensus was that we in the PNW should adopt the California FTA as is. Chair will write another letter (where’s the secretary) to PNWCG acknowledging our concurrence to the FTA as published. (NOTE: the Fta and powerpoint are on Julie Stewart’s website) Oregon National Guard presented their program and brought up some issues. 1. There are some cross state border issues. Western states working out. 2. Need to resolve the helo manger issues for guard ships. 3. They will stand down till carding issues get resolved. 4. If incident managers can’t decide what to do with them send them home, don’t make them sit and wait. 5. Last in 1st out. 6. Need to resolve differences in policy between states and USFS on how to handle guard ships. Since mostly and Fed thing USFS will take lead. 7. Need a liaison system for guard. 8. AWT should be more involved in problem solving during incidents. 9. Need to establish procedures for calling out Medivac A short discussion involved access to water for practice. It is becoming more of a problem. Is this something the team or PNWCG should be more deeply involved in. I was recently asked by my supervisors to research this particular subject from an emergency point of view and it seems to come back to the fact that we can pretty much use anything in an emergency but when it came time to cite a basis for it, no-one could come up with definitive policy or regs. My research indicated that when it came to mopup that we could be on thin ice as far as ability to access private for water. The DNR is still looking at this issue. Is there other knowledge out there. Rocky Hull fire actually had some lawsuits over water rights and it appears this is how some water rights have been established in the past. Julie Stewart spoke to the AMICC issue. This is known as Air and Marine Interdiction Coordinating Center. There is still nothing in writing but Julie soon will be meeting face to face with the people to line out what is going on. Biggest question appears to be when we go RED. Based on current understanding the ordering agency will be contacting AMICC. The dispatch center in Northeast Region DNR (Colville) has already worked out the details to do this with phone number and fax. We’ll hopefully tie this all together shortly. Bruce Noble led a discussion of the BC air tanker operations. Bruce recapped their capacities and operations and willingness to support our needs. The following issues were discussed. 1. Reviewed guidelines and it was agreed that Canadian leads still would not lead US tankers but this would be revisited on a case by case basis as necessary. Other statement about Rocky Mts just needed to be deleted. 2. Operation between Canadian and Us Air attack just needs to be sure when one transfers to the other that there is a definite positive handoff with proper definition of goals and use at that time. 3. Reload issue seems to have settled on WADNR shoulders or the States to set this up since it goes through the States Northwest Compact. We seem to have that worked out with customs but will need to revisit this due to AMICC. 100% agreement that our task order (9909-18) from the steering committee to update them monthly on the status of aviation resources is not necessary and definitely should not be in the form of a safety alert! We will continue with spread sheet format and update as definte changes occur. Chair will get back to them on this. Clay Hillin brought up the Master agreement and operating plan and wanted to know if group wanted to discuss. It was agreed this should be done through individual agencies but group agreed to recommend that no change to operating plan at this time and agree to proposed changes in the master agreement. ( I did this for our agency) This will be told to the steering committee. July 8th is the next meeting date. Same place and time. Awtminutes052903