Aviation Working Team Minutes May 30 2006 Gifford Pinchot SO.

Aviation Working Team Minutes
May 30 2006
Gifford Pinchot SO.
Attendees: Brad Bernardy, Steve Smith, Jon Rollens, Karen Wood, John Holcomb, Gary
Sterling, Scott Dewitz.
Last meeting notes read by Brad.
Brad discussed web pages that Clay had been updating. The particulars are being worked
out with Brad, Scott Dewitz and Clay. Brad explained that the BLM is taking a
centralized approach to aviation assets. Aircraft will be dispatched to areas of greatest
need. The State FMO has been picked but not named at this time. The boundary map is
still being worked on by Scott and Dale Guenther. June 15th is the deadline for
information on the Region 6 Hazard Map. Dale Guenther is working on that project. Brad
will be busy next two weeks on pre- season contracts. A ‘Mini’ ACE class discussed and
Brad will follow up on feasibility. Draft letter was presented by Brad concerning Air to
ground issues. Approximately three thousand 06 NW. Frequency Guides are being
printed and will be available to UAO’s , dispatch centers and ground personnel. 6/28
Update: the frequency guides are done and will be distributed in early July.
Jon discussed last years SEAT incident and said that some confusion occurred on who
had operational control at the time of the incident. Gary Sterling noted that guidelines for
interagency incidents and operational control would be more efficient. The other problem
that transpired was that the pilot had dual cards, one for SEAT and one for AirAttack.
Jon believes that situation is fixed.
Jon was in Boise last week with the leadership Team compiling information on
competitive sourcing. Jon stated that he can only discuss certain aspects of the study. A
finale draft will be presented to Mary Wagner by September. The whole thing is very
complicated with no clear idea of the outcome. Jon will be very busy until fall on this
project. Jon also mentioned a news letter about competitive sourcing will be coming out
to keep folks informed.
Rag is down one pilot “Craig Irvine” who transferred to Alaska Fire Service BLM. Plan
is to fly the position sometime in December. The ATGS program Manager position
should be filled in July. Three King Airs have been contracted from Dynamic Aviation
for Region 6 Lead Planes. Rappel Academy starts June 6th in John Day. 60 new rappellers
will attend. Gary mentioned that a team from outside R6 reviewed the Rappel Bases and
a Corrective Action Plan has been submitted to Dave Glouse and Ken Ross. Gary
Sterling reviewed Region 6 tanker bases with Ron Vail last week. Gary said bases are in
good shape and ready for the season. Troutdale tanker Base has a situation with some
trees that may need removal due to location near runway. Gary had some concerns
about SEAT loading at Tanker Bases and performance charts. Later discussion with Scott
Dewitz about SEAT SOP’s gave Gary less concern on those issues.
Steve Smith stated that the UH1 703 helicopter engines are good to go for WDNR.
Region 1 and NDNR have not complied. Steve mentioned performance data on 500 S
Commanders 104 degree flight limitations. Steve is working with Mark Bickham on the
carding of SEAT pilots. Steve is also working on a solution for multiple carded SEAT
pilots working for different venders. Steve discussed the findings of a STAT Team that
found many contractors not up to speed on the “wide/narrow band” radio programming.
Steve mentioned that they are trying to standardize location of “emergency dump” switch
on SEAT’s. Locations differ on many of the aircraft causing inadvertent releases. Steve
named Ron Hanks as the ICAP representative.
John Holcomb noted they will have a Turbine Thrush SEAT on by June 10th . John
mentioned that they have already responded to many small fires.
Not present
Not present
Interagency Resource Update: Brad will pull together aircraft information (who, what
where, etc.) for each agency and draft a letter for the PNWCG and others for
disbursement. This will be done by early July.
Next Meeting: July 11, Gifford Pinchot National Forest Supervisor’s Office (Mt. Adams