TYPE III CATERER VALUE SCHEDULE Vendors must complete this bid schedule and submit as part of the bid packet. BASE YEAR 000 I Mileage 1.00 Mile $ 15.00 Extended Description Mileage: Initial mobilization, final demobilization, and relocation outside base camp. Relocation Fee outside of camp area: $250.00 plus mileage Mileage rate takes into account all motorized catering equipment traveling as one unit. 0002 Rate Per Meal - Breakfast 1.00 EA $ 14.00 1.00 EA $ 23.00 1.00 EA $ Extended Description 0003 Rate Per Meal - Dinner Extended Description 0004 Rate Per Sack Lunch 18.00 Extended Description RENTAL OPTION: Refrigeration Unit available to store sack lunches Up to 448 cubic feet available $ 1.00 per cubic foot, per day TYPE III CATERER VALUE SCHEDULE Vendors must complete this bid schedule and submit as part of the bid packet. OPTION YEAR ONE 0001 Mileage 1.00 Mile $ 16.00 Extended Description Mileage: Initial mobilization, final demobilization, and relocation outside base camp. Relocation Fee outside of camp area: $250.00 plus mileage Mileage rate takes into account all motorized catering equipment traveling as one unit. 0002 Rate Per Meal - Breakfast 1.00 EA $ 15.00 1.00 EA $ 24.00 1.00 EA $ 19.00 Extended Description 0003 Rate Per Meal - Dinner Extended Description 0004 Rate Per Sack Lunch Extended Description RENTAL OPTION: Refrigeration Unit available to store sack lunches Up to 448 cubic feet available $ 1.25 per cubic foot per day TYPE III CATERER VALUE SCHEDULE Vendors must complete this bid schedule and submit as part of the bid packet. OPTION YEAR TWO 0001 Mileage 1.00 Mile $ 17.00 Extended Description Mileage: Initial mobilization, final demobilization, and relocation outside base camp. Relocation Fee outside of camp area: $250.00 plus mileage Mileage rate takes into account all motorized catering equipment traveling as one unit. 0002 Rate Per Meal - Breakfast 1.00 EA $16.00 LOO EA $ 25.00 l .00 EA $ 20.00 Extended Description 0003 Rate Per Meal - Dinner Extended Description 0004 Rate Per Sack Lunch Extended Description RENTAL OPTION: Refrigeration Unit available to store sack lunches Up to 448 cubic feet available $ 1.50 per cubic foot per day 0005 Vendor Information Extended Description Business Name: _Park Catering,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ OBA (if a p p l i c a b l e ) : - - - - - - - - - - - - Address: _237 Bear Trail,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Whitefish, MT 59937_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __