RISK ASSESSMENT FORM USE OF SEALED SOURCES DEPARTMENT / UNIT BUILDING PERSONS INVOLVED PROCEDURE(S) COVERED BY THIS ASSESSMENT The purpose of this risk assessment is to restrict exposure to Users of ionising radiations and those who by association may be exposed, e.g. co-workers, students, maintenance and cleaning staff. radionuclide max activity MBq radionuclide max activity MBq Is it necessary to use a radioactive source? no yes Could a sealed source of lesser energy/activity be used? no yes The assessment of risks to personnel arising from ionising radiations should be based on the potential for dose before Controls are put in place. state the nature of the risks below e.g. finger dose: Make an assessment of the risks: high medium low Consider, in turn, each component of the radioactive work and the Controls applicable to it, ticking any relevant Control box. Where necessary please indicate other measures you have implemented to control the risks arising from the work, in the space provided. The higher the risk the more stringent the Control Measure must be. CONTROL MEASURES Will any aspect of the work be carried out in a Controlled Area? Will any aspect of the work be carried out in a Supervised Area? no no Local Rules I have read and will adhere to Local Rules and UCL Policy no yes yes room no room no yes to minimise exposure, the work area will make use of: Work Area delineated area / segregated from other work shielding incorporated in the equipment other control: indicate which of the following will be used to minimise exposure: The Radionuclide perspex shielding (beta emitters) lead shielding (gamma emitters) PPE, i.e. disposable gloves, labcoat, glasses (delete those not used) remote handling e.g. tongs, tweezers, tube holders other control: Monitoring and Personal as a means of detecting exposure leakage or contamination the following are used: Dosimetry a suitable and calibrated contamination monitor, used before, during and after the work procedure wipe tests film badges TLDs all monitoring is recorded other control: Sealed Sources 1 May 2010 This Section should be completed by the RPS to ensure compliance with The Radioactive Substances Act and The Ionising Radiations Regulations the department/unit has registered the source with the UCL Co-ordinator for Ionising Radiations the department/unit has the permission of the UCL Co-ordinator for Ionising Radiations to use this source the RPS / Authorised Signatory has signed the order/transfer note the source has a unique identification no. or distinguishing mark other control: Permission as a means of minimising damage and dose the following are implemented: The Package the Supplier is reputable, e.g. has a quality standard the delivery point for the sealed source is secure the delivery point for the sealed source is adequately shielded staff at the delivery point have received information and training in handling radionuclide packages the package will be inspected for damage before opening other control: with regard to the people who may come into contact with the sealed source: Personnel those undertaking the work are registered radiation workers those undertaking the work are sufficiently trained the work poses no risk to those who may be/are pregnant the work poses no risk to maintenance workers the work poses no risk to non radiation workers or other members of the public other control: the source is stored: Storage in a segregated store in a shielded store in a locked room incorporated in the equipment (shielded) in an area not accessible by members of the public, e.g. maintenance personnel other control: which is marked with a trefoil which is marked with a trefoil which is marked with a trefoil which is marked with a trefoil which is marked with a trefoil indicate which of the following disposal routes will be used Disposal via the UCL Hazardous Waste Services via an Authorised Contractor state Contractors contact details below: other control: Sealed Sources May 2010 2 DECLARATION I the undersigned have assessed the activity and the associated risks and (delete as applicable) declare that there is no significant risk/the risk will be controlled by the method(s) listed above. Those participating in the work have read the assessment. The work will be reassessed whenever there is significant change and at least annually. NAME(S) OF USER(S) SIGNATURE(S) OF USER(S) DATE REVIEW DATE NAME OF RPS DATE SIGNATURE OF RPS REVIEW DATE